Hi, Imron!How are you? Probably, if you have guessed, this is Ekaterin terjemahan - Hi, Imron!How are you? Probably, if you have guessed, this is Ekaterin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hi, Imron!How are you? Probably, if

Hi, Imron!

How are you? Probably, if you have guessed, this is Ekaterina :) 

I'm very glad to get your answer, Imron!

First of all, please let me apologize for the delay in my response to

you, Imron, but I was busy in last time. I'm happy so much that you have written me, believe me, Imron!

Also, I'm hoping that my e-mail was so big surprise for you too, really? 

For First, If you want that i can tell you about me more.

I was born in Russia, Novosibirsk and now  I live at my own flat. 

I'm planning to visit the USA in few weeks. I'm 31 year old. 

Pls not be too strict to my mistakes in words,the English language-not my native language.And i

hope will improve the poor level of my language during communication with you. 

My birthday - on 11-th of September. I was born in 1984. 

My weight makes 54 kgs at growth of 172 centimeter, i don't smoke. 

I live in science town Novosibirsk. I have finished medical university. 

My formation will consist of 3 levels: school, college, university. 

I Studied within 18 years. All 18 years I have studied the English language also. 

Imron I worked as the second surgeon in small clinic within 4 years. I was happy to give

health of people, to help them. Many things depend on me during

actions. I think in The future I will be capable the surgeon to become

independent. Since the last 2 years I spend in the research laboratory of our medical university!

These studies are associated with prosthetic joints, for people with disabilities! 

Imron what do you think, it's - good dream?

Thanks to my efforts and my good education, I received an international grant for training in the USA! 

This grant provides an international association of doctors! Under the terms of the contract and the sponsorship agreement, 

I will be paid for flights, accommodation and salary. I can choose any city and any clinic in your country! 

As well as the possibility of employment and permanent residence in the United States!

I am very happy this perspective in my life. I am very natural vision, my studies and my work has been finally assessed at this level!

I have long dream to live and work in the USA! This is a great country that offers great career opportunities for young researchers!

Despite all the political differences between our countries, I have been able to receive this grant. 

This proves once again that your country is highly developed democracy and not just the bureaucracy that hinders the development of a science!

Maybe, you will ask: "Why have you written me Why are you talking about it ????" =)))

Now I will try to explain. During my internship, 

I hope to find a decent and honest man in the United States and to build strong relationships based on love and trust. 

Since I want to stay and live in the USA! I have 31 years and now I'm looking for a real and sincere relationship. 

I'm not interested frivolous intrigue. I hope that our views coincide.

I think I would be hard to first get acquainted with the men in your country, because of the difference of cultures, worldview and my modesty!

And why I chose this way to explore. I hope that thereby these letters we can learn more about each other.

And it will help us to feel more comfortable during our first personal acquaintance!

I hope you were not too bored to read this letter. I ask, tell me as much as possible about you, about your work and your lifestyle!

  P.S. Finally I've finished this letter- yes, it seems to be rather

big and probably hard to read but I wrote it with great inspiration

and tried to say as more as possible about me..))) Wishing you very

good day and hope to hear from you soon, Ekaterina!

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hi, Imron!How are you? Probably, if you have guessed, this is Ekaterina :) I'm very glad to get your answer, Imron!First of all, please let me apologize for the delay in my response toyou, Imron, but I was busy in last time. I'm happy so much that you have written me, believe me, Imron!Also, I'm hoping that my e-mail was so big surprise for you too, really? For First, If you want that i can tell you about me more.I was born in Russia, Novosibirsk and now I live at my own flat. I'm planning to visit the USA in few weeks. I'm 31 year old. Pls not be too strict to my mistakes in words,the English language-not my native language.And ihope will improve the poor level of my language during communication with you. My birthday - on 11-th of September. I was born in 1984. My weight makes 54 kgs at growth of 172 centimeter, i don't smoke. I live in science town Novosibirsk. I have finished medical university. My formation will consist of 3 levels: school, college, university. I Studied within 18 years. All 18 years I have studied the English language also. Imron I worked as the second surgeon in small clinic within 4 years. I was happy to givehealth of people, to help them. Many things depend on me duringactions. I think in The future I will be capable the surgeon to becomeindependent. Since the last 2 years I spend in the research laboratory of our medical university!These studies are associated with prosthetic joints, for people with disabilities! Imron what do you think, it's - good dream?Thanks to my efforts and my good education, I received an international grant for training in the USA! This grant provides an international association of doctors! Under the terms of the contract and the sponsorship agreement, I will be paid for flights, accommodation and salary. I can choose any city and any clinic in your country! As well as the possibility of employment and permanent residence in the United States!I am very happy this perspective in my life. I am very natural vision, my studies and my work has been finally assessed at this level!I have long dream to live and work in the USA! This is a great country that offers great career opportunities for young researchers!Despite all the political differences between our countries, I have been able to receive this grant. This proves once again that your country is highly developed democracy and not just the bureaucracy that hinders the development of a science!Maybe, you will ask: "Why have you written me Why are you talking about it ????" =)))Now I will try to explain. During my internship, I hope to find a decent and honest man in the United States and to build strong relationships based on love and trust. Since I want to stay and live in the USA! I have 31 years and now I'm looking for a real and sincere relationship. I'm not interested frivolous intrigue. I hope that our views coincide.
I think I would be hard to first get acquainted with the men in your country, because of the difference of cultures, worldview and my modesty!

And why I chose this way to explore. I hope that thereby these letters we can learn more about each other.

And it will help us to feel more comfortable during our first personal acquaintance!

I hope you were not too bored to read this letter. I ask, tell me as much as possible about you, about your work and your lifestyle!

  P.S. Finally I've finished this letter- yes, it seems to be rather

big and probably hard to read but I wrote it with great inspiration

and tried to say as more as possible about me..))) Wishing you very

good day and hope to hear from you soon, Ekaterina!

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Hi, Imron!

Bagaimana kabarmu? Mungkin, jika Anda menduga, ini adalah Ekaterina :) 

Saya sangat senang untuk mendapatkan jawaban Anda, Imron!

Pertama-tama, tolong beritahu saya minta maaf atas keterlambatan dalam menanggapi saya untuk

Anda, Imron, tapi aku sibuk di waktu terakhir . Saya senang begitu banyak yang telah Anda tulis saya, percayalah, Imron!

Juga, saya berharap bahwa e-mail saya adalah kejutan begitu besar untuk Anda juga, benar-benar? 

Untuk Pertama, Jika Anda ingin bahwa saya dapat memberitahu Anda tentang saya lebih.

saya lahir di Rusia, Novosibirsk dan sekarang saya tinggal di apartemenku sendiri. 

saya berencana untuk mengunjungi Amerika Serikat pada beberapa minggu. Aku berusia 31 tahun. 

Pls tidak terlalu ketat untuk kesalahan saya dalam kata-kata, bahasa Inggris-tidak language.And ibu saya saya

berharap akan meningkatkan tingkat miskin bahasa saya selama komunikasi dengan Anda. 

Ulang tahun saya - pada 11-th September. Saya lahir pada tahun 1984. 

Berat badan saya membuat 54 kg pada pertumbuhan 172 sentimeter, saya tidak merokok. 

Aku tinggal di ilmu kota Novosibirsk. Saya telah selesai universitas kedokteran. 

Formasi saya akan terdiri dari 3 tingkat:. Sekolah, perguruan tinggi, universitas 

Aku Belajar dalam waktu 18 tahun. Semua 18 tahun saya telah mempelajari bahasa Inggris juga. 

Imron Saya bekerja sebagai ahli bedah kedua di klinik kecil dalam waktu 4 tahun. Saya sangat senang untuk memberikan

kesehatan orang, untuk membantu mereka. Banyak hal tergantung pada saya selama

tindakan. Saya pikir di masa depan I akan mampu ahli bedah untuk menjadi

mandiri. ! Sejak 2 tahun terakhir saya habiskan di laboratorium penelitian dari universitas medis kami

! Studi ini berkaitan dengan sendi buatan, untuk orang-orang cacat 

Imron apa yang Anda pikirkan, itu -? Mimpi yang baik

Berkat usaha dan pendidikan yang baik, saya menerima hibah internasional untuk pelatihan di Amerika Serikat! 

hibah ini menyediakan sebuah asosiasi internasional dokter! Menurut ketentuan kontrak dan perjanjian sponsor, 

saya akan dibayar penerbangan, akomodasi dan gaji. Aku bisa memilih setiap kota dan setiap klinik di negara Anda! 

Serta kemungkinan kerja dan tinggal permanen di Amerika Serikat!

Saya sangat senang perspektif ini dalam hidup saya. Saya visi yang sangat alami, studi saya dan pekerjaan saya telah akhirnya dinilai pada tingkat ini!

Saya punya mimpi panjang untuk tinggal dan bekerja di Amerika Serikat! Ini adalah negara besar yang menawarkan peluang karir yang besar bagi para peneliti muda!

Meskipun semua perbedaan politik antara negara kita, saya telah dapat menerima hibah ini. 

Ini membuktikan sekali lagi bahwa negara Anda sangat berkembang demokrasi dan bukan hanya birokrasi yang merintangi ! perkembangan ilmu

Mungkin, Anda akan bertanya: "Mengapa Anda menulis saya Mengapa Anda berbicara tentang hal itu ????" =)))

Sekarang saya akan mencoba menjelaskan. Selama magang saya, 

saya berharap untuk menemukan seorang pria yang layak dan jujur ​​di Amerika Serikat dan untuk membangun hubungan yang kuat berdasarkan cinta dan kepercayaan. 

Karena saya ingin tinggal dan hidup di Amerika Serikat! Saya memiliki 31 tahun dan sekarang saya sedang mencari hubungan yang nyata dan tulus. 

Aku tidak tertarik intrik sembrono. Saya berharap bahwa pandangan kami bertepatan.

Saya pikir saya akan sulit untuk pertama berkenalan dengan orang-orang di negara Anda, karena perbedaan budaya, pandangan dunia dan kerendahan hati saya!

Dan mengapa saya memilih cara ini untuk mengeksplorasi. Saya berharap bahwa dengan demikian surat-surat ini kita dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang satu sama lain.

Dan itu akan membantu kita untuk merasa lebih nyaman selama kenalan pribadi pertama kami!

Saya harap Anda tidak terlalu bosan untuk membaca surat ini. Aku bertanya, katakan padaku sebanyak mungkin tentang Anda, tentang pekerjaan Anda dan gaya hidup Anda!

  PS Akhirnya saya sudah selesai ini letter ya, tampaknya menjadi agak

besar dan mungkin sulit untuk dibaca tapi aku menulisnya dengan inspirasi besar

dan mencoba mengatakan sebagai lebih mungkin tentang saya ..))) berharap Anda sangat

baik hari dan berharap untuk mendengar dari Anda segera, Ekaterina!

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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