At first I wasn’t too concerned by what they were talking about. Some  terjemahan - At first I wasn’t too concerned by what they were talking about. Some  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At first I wasn’t too concerned by

At first I wasn’t too concerned by what they were talking about. Some mother-daughter quips about dating the boss, I supposed, which seemed like a legitimate thing for a mother to worry about. Especially considering the fact that she knew I was making a financial investment in this relationship, it was only natural for her to feel concerned for her daughter. Therefore, I did not press too hard in my attempts to listen in on the talks.

But as their voices started getting louder, something caught my attention. They were speaking of South National Bank – which could very well mean they were discussing Aria’s job – but then I heard something about five hundred thousand dollars and that piqued my curiosity, so I leaned closer to the door of the room.

When I finally heard what was going on, a rush of annoyance spread through my whole body as I remembered the very case they were now discussing. A couple of years ago a man named Mike Roberts – Roberts, of course! Why hadn’t I tried to make the connection sooner? It was a fairly common last name, so I couldn’t exactly blame myself here.

He had owed the bank a lot of money when he declared bankruptcy, resulting in a huge loss for us! At the time the bank was not doing as splendidly as it was now and those five hundred thousand dollars that he owed us had caused us considerable difficulties in making some investments. We got out of that tight spot easy enough and now in the grand scheme of things that amount seemed rather too small to worry about.

But I could not shake off the feeling that I was currently spending tens of thousands of dollars to help out the very same family that had already cost me quite a lot. I didn’t want to be irked by it, but when Aria and her mother reappeared from the room I felt another flash of annoyance and decided that before I did something I would regret I needed to get out of there.

“I’m sorry for taking so much of Aria’s time.” Molly smiled at me politely. “But dinner can resume now. Would you like another glass of—”

“Actually,” I said, looking at my watch as though it would indicate some sort of honesty in my story. “I have to get going. Unfortunately, something has come up at the bank and I need to rush right away.”

“But Zayden,” Aria started protesting, looking rather disappointed. “What could have possibly come up at this hour? Surely you could postpone it until the morning without any consequences?”

“And lose more money? No thank you, I think I better get ahead,” I snapped and regretted immediately as I watched Aria’s face fall.

“Did you hear us talking?” Aria asked beginning to tear up.

“I really have to go, Aria,” I said, trying to sound slightly kinder. “Ned will come pick you up after he drops me off at the bank. It won’t be very long.”

“That’s not necessary,” she said, still looking sad. “I can manage on my own.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Aria.” I frowned. “It’s too late at night for you to be…whatever… Ned will be here and he will take you home safely and I really, really have to go. Thanks a lot for dinner, Molly,” I said, trying to be polite despite the circumstances. “See you, Aria.”

I turned around and walked out without thinking twice. Had I not gotten out of there, I would have suffocated with the knowledge. To Aria’s defense, it did sound like she planned on telling me everything, so she had no poor intention. Yet, it hardly changed the facts. Whether or not Aria had been directly involved in the situation, what had happened had happened.


The next day, I sat in my office playing with my stress ball, still unable to shake off the feelings of betrayal from everything I had heard the past day. No matter what way I looked at it, I couldn’t help but feel like this family had scammed me. I knew that Aria didn’t know of her dad’s connection to the bank and how he had caused me such a loss before signing the contract. However, the fact remained that the Roberts owed me a lot and instead of me getting paid back, I was spending even more on their behalf. Did intentions even matter in situations such as these? I thought not, as I bitterly thought back yet again to the conversation I had overheard.

I thought of Aria and how much I cared about her. It was true. I cared for her almost more than was acceptable, which is why I hated feeling like she was some kind of a manipulative scammer. She wasn’t and I knew that, but I still could not shake off this feeling. I wondered, had she known about her dad and my bank beforehand, would it have changed how receptive she was to the contract? Would she have still agreed to take so much money from me?

She had been desperate in the situation. There was no doubt about that. The fact that she had agreed to the contract to begin with meant that she was willing to go through some lengths for her mom’s hospital bills. But would this have made things different? Changed her mind? There really was no way of knowing as it was already too late now. I had already made half the payments.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pada awalnya saya tidak terlalu peduli dengan apa yang mereka bicarakan. Beberapa anak-ibu gurauan tentang kencan bos, saya seharusnya, yang tampak seperti hal yang sah seorang ibu khawatir. Terutama mengingat kenyataan bahwa dia tahu saya sedang membuat investasi keuangan dalam hubungan ini, itu hanya wajar untuk merasa prihatin untuk putrinya. Oleh karena itu, Apakah tidak tekan terlalu keras dalam upaya saya untuk mendengarkan pada pembicaraan.Tetapi sebagai suara mereka mulai keras, sesuatu yang tertangkap perhatian saya. Mereka berbicara dari South Bank Nasional – yang sangat baik bisa berarti mereka membicarakan pekerjaan dariirawan- tapi kemudian aku mendengar sesuatu sekitar lima ratus ribu dolar dan yang terusik rasa ingin tahu saya, jadi aku mendekat ke pintu kamar.Ketika aku akhirnya mendengar apa yang sedang terjadi, terburu-buru jengkel menyebar melalui seluruh tubuh saya karena saya ingat kasus sangat mereka sekarang sedang mendiskusikan. Beberapa tahun yang lalu seorang pria bernama Mike Roberts – Roberts, tentu saja! Mengapa saya tidak mencoba untuk membuat sambungan cepat? Itu adalah nama terakhir cukup umum, jadi saya benar-benar tidak bisa menyalahkan diri di sini.Ia memiliki utang bank banyak uang ketika ia menyatakan kebangkrutan, mengakibatkan kerugian besar bagi kita! Pada saat bank tidak melakukan sebagai baik sekali seperti yang sekarang dan mereka lima ratus ribu dolar yang dia berutang budi kita telah menyebabkan kesulitan dalam membuat beberapa investasi. Kami keluar dari tempat itu ketat cukup mudah dan sekarang dalam skema hal jumlah itu tampak agak terlalu kecil untuk khawatir.But I could not shake off the feeling that I was currently spending tens of thousands of dollars to help out the very same family that had already cost me quite a lot. I didn’t want to be irked by it, but when Aria and her mother reappeared from the room I felt another flash of annoyance and decided that before I did something I would regret I needed to get out of there.“I’m sorry for taking so much of Aria’s time.” Molly smiled at me politely. “But dinner can resume now. Would you like another glass of—”“Actually,” I said, looking at my watch as though it would indicate some sort of honesty in my story. “I have to get going. Unfortunately, something has come up at the bank and I need to rush right away.”“But Zayden,” Aria started protesting, looking rather disappointed. “What could have possibly come up at this hour? Surely you could postpone it until the morning without any consequences?”“And lose more money? No thank you, I think I better get ahead,” I snapped and regretted immediately as I watched Aria’s face fall.“Did you hear us talking?” Aria asked beginning to tear up.“I really have to go, Aria,” I said, trying to sound slightly kinder. “Ned will come pick you up after he drops me off at the bank. It won’t be very long.”“That’s not necessary,” she said, still looking sad. “I can manage on my own.”“Don’t be ridiculous, Aria.” I frowned. “It’s too late at night for you to be…whatever… Ned will be here and he will take you home safely and I really, really have to go. Thanks a lot for dinner, Molly,” I said, trying to be polite despite the circumstances. “See you, Aria.”I turned around and walked out without thinking twice. Had I not gotten out of there, I would have suffocated with the knowledge. To Aria’s defense, it did sound like she planned on telling me everything, so she had no poor intention. Yet, it hardly changed the facts. Whether or not Aria had been directly involved in the situation, what had happened had happened.---The next day, I sat in my office playing with my stress ball, still unable to shake off the feelings of betrayal from everything I had heard the past day. No matter what way I looked at it, I couldn’t help but feel like this family had scammed me. I knew that Aria didn’t know of her dad’s connection to the bank and how he had caused me such a loss before signing the contract. However, the fact remained that the Roberts owed me a lot and instead of me getting paid back, I was spending even more on their behalf. Did intentions even matter in situations such as these? I thought not, as I bitterly thought back yet again to the conversation I had overheard.I thought of Aria and how much I cared about her. It was true. I cared for her almost more than was acceptable, which is why I hated feeling like she was some kind of a manipulative scammer. She wasn’t and I knew that, but I still could not shake off this feeling. I wondered, had she known about her dad and my bank beforehand, would it have changed how receptive she was to the contract? Would she have still agreed to take so much money from me?She had been desperate in the situation. There was no doubt about that. The fact that she had agreed to the contract to begin with meant that she was willing to go through some lengths for her mom’s hospital bills. But would this have made things different? Changed her mind? There really was no way of knowing as it was already too late now. I had already made half the payments.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada awalnya saya tidak terlalu peduli dengan apa yang mereka bicarakan. Beberapa ibu-anak menyindir tentang kencan bos, saya seharusnya, yang tampak seperti hal yang sah bagi seorang ibu perlu khawatir. Terutama mengingat kenyataan bahwa dia tahu aku sedang membuat investasi keuangan dalam hubungan ini, itu hanya wajar baginya untuk merasa khawatir untuk putrinya. Oleh karena itu, saya tidak menekan terlalu keras dalam upaya saya untuk mendengarkan pada pembicaraan. Tapi suara mereka mulai mendapatkan lebih keras, sesuatu yang menarik perhatian saya. Mereka berbicara dari South National Bank - yang bisa sangat baik berarti mereka sedang mendiskusikan pekerjaan Aria - tapi kemudian aku mendengar sesuatu tentang lima ratus ribu dolar dan yang terusik rasa ingin tahu saya, jadi saya mendekat ke pintu kamar. Ketika aku akhirnya mendengar apa yang sedang terjadi, terburu-buru jengkel menyebar melalui seluruh tubuh saya seperti yang saya ingat sangat kasus mereka sekarang mendiskusikan. Beberapa tahun yang lalu seorang pria bernama Mike Roberts - Roberts, tentu saja! Mengapa aku tidak mencoba untuk membuat sambungan cepat? Itu adalah nama terakhir yang cukup umum, jadi saya tidak bisa persis menyalahkan diriku di sini. Dia telah berutang bank banyak uang ketika ia mengumumkan kebangkrutan, mengakibatkan kerugian besar bagi kita! Pada saat bank tidak melakukan seperti yang baik sekali seperti itu sekarang dan lima ratus ribu dolar bahwa ia berutang kita telah menyebabkan kita kesulitan yang cukup besar dalam membuat beberapa investasi. Kami keluar dari tempat itu ketat cukup mudah dan sekarang dalam skema besar hal-hal yang jumlah tampak agak terlalu kecil untuk khawatir. Tapi aku tidak bisa mengusir perasaan bahwa aku sedang menghabiskan puluhan ribu dolar untuk membantu keluar sangat keluarga yang sama yang sudah saya biaya cukup banyak. Saya tidak ingin kesal dengan hal itu, tetapi ketika Aria dan ibunya muncul dari ruangan saya merasa lampu kilat lain jengkel dan memutuskan bahwa sebelum saya melakukan sesuatu yang saya akan menyesal saya harus keluar dari sana. "Saya minta maaf untuk mengambil begitu banyak waktu Aria. "Molly tersenyum padaku sopan. "Tapi makan malam dapat melanjutkan sekarang. Apakah Anda ingin lain dari- kaca " " Sebenarnya, "kataku, melihat jam saya seolah-olah itu akan menunjukkan semacam kejujuran dalam cerita saya. "Aku harus pergi. Sayangnya, sesuatu yang telah datang di bank dan saya harus buru-buru segera. " " Tapi Zayden, "Aria mulai protes, tampak agak kecewa. "Apa yang bisa mungkin datang pada jam ini? Tentunya Anda bisa menundanya sampai pagi tanpa konsekuensi apapun? " " Dan kehilangan lebih banyak uang? Tidak terima kasih, saya pikir saya lebih baik maju, "aku tersentak dan menyesal segera saat aku melihat wajah Aria jatuh. " Apakah Anda mendengar kami berbicara? "Aria tanya mulai merobek. " Saya benar-benar harus pergi, Aria, "Saya kata, berusaha terdengar sedikit lebih ramah. "Ned akan datang menjemput Anda setelah dia menjatuhkan saya di bank. Ini tidak akan lama. " " Itu tidak perlu, "katanya, masih tampak sedih. "Saya dapat mengelola sendiri." "Jangan konyol, Aria." Aku mengerutkan kening. "Ini terlalu larut malam bagi Anda untuk menjadi ... apa pun ... Ned akan berada di sini dan dia akan membawa Anda pulang dengan selamat dan saya benar-benar, benar-benar harus pergi. Terima kasih banyak untuk makan malam, Molly, "kataku, berusaha untuk bersikap sopan meskipun keadaan. "Sampai jumpa, Aria." Aku berbalik dan berjalan keluar tanpa berpikir dua kali. Saya tidak sudah keluar dari sana, aku akan tercekik dengan pengetahuan. Untuk pertahanan Aria, itu terdengar seperti dia berencana mengatakan semuanya, jadi dia tidak punya niat buruk. Namun, hal ini hampir tidak mengubah fakta-fakta. Apakah Aria telah terlibat langsung dalam situasi, apa yang telah terjadi telah terjadi. --- Hari berikutnya, saya duduk di kantor saya bermain dengan bola stres saya, masih tidak dapat menyingkirkan perasaan pengkhianatan dari semua yang saya telah mendengar hari terakhir. Tidak peduli apa cara saya melihat itu, saya tidak bisa membantu tapi merasa seperti keluarga ini telah scammed saya. Saya tahu bahwa Aria tidak tahu hubungan ayahnya ke bank dan bagaimana ia telah menyebabkan saya kehilangan seperti sebelum menandatangani kontrak. Namun, kenyataannya tetap bahwa Roberts berutang saya banyak dan bukan aku dibayar kembali, saya menghabiskan lebih atas nama mereka. Apakah niat bahkan peduli dalam situasi seperti ini? Saya pikir tidak, karena saya pahit pikir kembali lagi ke percakapan saya telah mendengar. Saya pikir Aria dan betapa aku peduli tentang dia. Itu benar. Aku menyayanginya hampir lebih dari yang diterima, itulah sebabnya aku benci merasa seperti dia adalah semacam scammer manipulatif. Dia tidak dan aku tahu itu, tapi aku masih tidak bisa mengusir perasaan ini. Aku bertanya-tanya, apakah dia tahu tentang ayahnya dan bank saya sebelumnya, akan itu telah mengubah cara menerima dia dengan kontrak? Apakah ia akan tetap setuju untuk mengambil begitu banyak uang dari saya? Dia sudah putus asa dalam situasi tersebut. Tidak ada keraguan tentang itu. Fakta bahwa ia telah setuju untuk kontrak untuk memulai dengan berarti bahwa dia bersedia untuk pergi melalui beberapa panjang untuk tagihan rumah sakit ibunya. Tapi akan ini telah membuat hal yang berbeda? Berubah pikiran? Ada benar-benar tidak ada cara untuk mengetahui seperti itu sudah terlambat sekarang. Saya sudah membuat setengah pembayaran.

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