the66MAGIC, SCIENCE, and RELIGIONeffects of witchcraft much more compl terjemahan - the66MAGIC, SCIENCE, and RELIGIONeffects of witchcraft much more compl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


effects of witchcraft much more completely eradicated by counter-
witchcraft than is possible in any practical art or craft. Thus
both magic and science show certain similarities, and, with Sir
James Frazer, we can appropriately call magic a pseudo-science.
And the spurious character of this pseudo-science is not hard
to detect. Science, even as represented by the primitive knowledge
of savage man, is based on the normal universal experience
of everyday life, experience won in man's struggle with nature
for his subsistence and safety, founded on observation, fixed by
reason. Magic is based on specific experience of emotional states
in which man observes not nature but himself, in which the
truth is revealed not by reason but by the play of emotions upon
the human organism. Science is founded on the conviction that
experience, effort, and reason are valid; magic on the belief
that hope cannot fail nor desire deceive. The theories of knowledge
are dictated by logic, those of magic by the association of
ideas under the influence of desire. As a matter of empirical fact
the body of rational knowledge and the body of magical lore are
incorporated each in a different tradition, in a different social
setting and in a different type of activity, and all these differences
are clearly recognized by the savages. The one constitutes
the domain of the profane; the other, hedged round by observances,
mysteries, and taboos, makes up half of the domain of
the sacred.
6. Magic and Religion
Both magic and religion arise and function in situations of
emotional stress: crises of life, lacunae in important pursuits,
death and initiation into tribal mysteries, unhappy love and unsatisfied
hate. Both magic and religion open up escapes from
such situations and such impasses as offer no empirical way out
except by ritual and belief into the domain of the supernatural.
This domain embraces, in religion, beliefs in ghosts, spirits, the
primitive forebodings of providence, the guardians of tribal
mysteries; in magic, the primeval force and virtue of magic.
Both magic and religion are based strictly on mythological tradition,
and they also both exist in the atmosphere of the miracu-
lous, in a constant revelation of their wonder-working power.
They both are surrounded by taboos and observances which
mark off their acts from those of the profane world.
Now what distinguishes magic from religion? We have taken
for our starting-point a most definite and tangible distinction: we
have defined, within the domain of the sacred, magic as a practical
art consisting of acts which are only means to a definite end
expected to follow later on; religion as a body of self-contained
acts being themselves the fulfillment of their purpose. We can
now follow up this difference into its deeper layers. The practical
art of magic has its limited, circumscribed technique: spell,
rite, and the condition of the performer form always its trite
trinity. Religion, with its complex aspects and purposes, has no
such simple technique, and its unity can be seen neither in the
form of its acts nor even in the uniformity of its subject-matter,
but rather in the function which it fulfils and in the value of its
belief and ritual. Again, the belief in magic, corresponding to its
plain practical nature, is extremely simple. It is always the
affirmation of man's power to cause certain definite effects by
a definite spell and rite. In religion, on the other hand, we
have a whole supernatural world of faith: the pantheon of
spirits and demons, the benevolent powers of totem, guardian
spirit, tribal all-father, the vision of the future life, create a
second supernatural reality for primitive man. The mythology
of religion is also more varied and complex as well as more
creative. It usually centers round the various tenets of belief,
and it develops them into cosmogonies, tales of culture-heroes,
accounts of the doings of gods and demigods. In magic, important
as it is, mythology is an ever-recurrent boasting about
man's primeval achievements.
Magic, the specific art for specific ends, has in every one of
its forms come once into the possession of man, and it had to be
handed over in direct filiation from generation to generation.
Hence it remains from the earliest times in the hands of specialists,
and the first profession of mankind is that of a wizard or
witch. Religion, on the other hand, in primitive conditions is
an affair of all, in which everyone takes an active and equiva-
lent part. Every member of the tribe has to go through initiation,
and then himself initiates others. Everyone wails, mourns,
digs the grave and commemorates, and in due time everyone
has his turn in being mourned and commemorated. Spirits are
for all, and everyone becomes a spirit. The only specialization
in religion—that is, early spiritualistic mediumism—is not a
profession but a personal gift. One more difference between
magic and religion is the play of black and white in witchcraft,
while religion in its primitive stages has but little of the contrast
between good and evil, between the beneficent and malevolent
powers. This is due also to the practical character of magic,
which aims at direct quantitative results, while early religion,
though essentially moral, has to deal with fateful, irremediable
happenings and supernatural forces and beings, so that the
undoing of things done by man does not enter into it. The
maxim that fear first made gods in the universe is certainly not
true in the light of anthropology.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]

SIHIR, ilmu pengetahuan dan agama
efek sihir lebih sepenuhnya diberantas oleh counter-
sihir daripada mungkin dalam seni praktis atau kerajinan. Dengan demikian
sihir dan ilmu menunjukkan kesamaan tertentu, dan, dengan Sir
James Frazer, kita dapat tepat memanggil sihir pseudo-sains.
dan karakter palsu pseudo-Science ini tidak sulit
untuk mendeteksi. Ilmu pengetahuan, bahkan sebagai diwakili oleh pengetahuan primitif
buas manusia, didasarkan pada pengalaman universal normal
kehidupan sehari-hari, pengalaman memenangkan dalam perjuangan manusia dengan alam
subsisten dan keselamatan, didirikan pada pengamatan, ditetapkan oleh
alasan. Sihir didasarkan pada pengalaman khusus emosi
di mana manusia mengamati tidak alam tetapi sendiri, di mana
kebenaran dinyatakan tidak dengan alasan tetapi dengan bermain emosi berdasarkan
organisme manusia. Ilmu pengetahuan didasarkan pada keyakinan bahwa
pengalaman, upaya, dan alasan yang berlaku; sihir pada keyakinan
bahwa harapan tidak bisa gagal atau keinginan menipu. Teori-teori pengetahuan
ditentukan oleh logika, mereka sihir oleh Asosiasi
ide-ide di bawah pengaruh keinginan. Sebagai soal fakta empiris
pengetahuan yang rasional dan tubuh magis lore
dimasukkan masing-masing dengan tradisi yang berbeda, dalam sosial yang berbeda
pengaturan dan di berbagai jenis kegiatan, dan perbedaan-perbedaan ini
jelas diakui oleh liar. Yang merupakan
domain yang profan; yang lain, yang dipagari bulat oleh peringatan,
misteri, dan tabu, membuat setengah dari domain dari
6. Sihir dan agama
kedua sihir dan agama timbul dan fungsi dalam situasi
stres emosional: krisis kehidupan, kekosongan dalam kegiatan penting,
kematian dan inisiasi ke dalam misteri-misteri suku, tidak bahagia mencintai dan tidak puas
benci. Sihir dan agama membuka lolos dari
situasi seperti itu dan seperti impasses sebagai menawarkan empiris tidak ada jalan keluar
kecuali dengan ritual dan keyakinan ke domain supernatural.
Ini mencakup domain, dalam agama, kepercayaan pada hantu, Roh,
primitif forebodings dari providence, penjaga suku
misteri; di magic, purba kekuatan dan kebaikan sihir.
kedua sihir dan agama ketat didasarkan pada mitologi,
dan mereka juga keduanya ada dalam suasana miracu-
SIHIR, ilmu pengetahuan dan agama
lous, dalam Wahyu konstan tenaga kerja heran mereka.
mereka berdua dikelilingi oleh tabu dan peringatan yang
menandai dari tindakan mereka dari orang-orang dunia profan.
sekarang apa yang membedakan sihir dari agama? Kami telah mengambil
untuk kami titik tolak perbedaan yang paling jelas dan nyata: kita
telah didefinisikan, dalam domain yang Kudus, magic sebagai praktis
seni terdiri dari kisah yang hanya sarana untuk pengakhiran
diharapkan untuk mengikuti kemudian hari; agama sebagai tubuh diri yang terkandung
bertindak menjadi diri sendiri pemenuhan tujuan mereka. Kita bisa
sekarang menindaklanjuti perbedaan ini ke dalam lapisan lebih dalam. Praktis
seni sulap memiliki teknik yang terbatas, dibatasi: mantra,
Ritus, dan kondisi performer membentuk selalu usang
Trinitas. Agama dengan aspek-aspek yang kompleks dan tujuan, tidak memiliki
teknik sederhana seperti itu, dan kesatuan dapat dilihat baik dalam
bentuk tindakan-tindakan yang tidak bahkan di keseragaman subjek-materi,
tapi agak dalam fungsi yang memenuhi dan nilai yang
kepercayaan dan ritual. Sekali lagi, kepercayaan dalam sihir, sesuai dengan yang
polos alam praktis, ini sangat sederhana. Selalu
penegasan kekuasaan laki-laki menyebabkan efek tertentu pasti oleh
pasti mantra dan Ritus. Dalam agama, di sisi lain, kita
memiliki dunia keseluruhan supranatural iman: panteon
Roh dan setan-setan, kebajikan kekuasaan totem, wali
Roh, suku Bapa segalanya, visi masa depan, membuat
kedua supranatural kenyataan bagi laki-laki primitif. Mitologi
agama ini juga lebih bervariasi dan kompleks serta lebih
kreatif. Ini biasanya pusat putaran berbagai ajaran kepercayaan,
dan berkembang mereka menjadi kosmogoni, cerita budaya-pahlawan,
rekening polah dewa dan demigods. Dalam sihir, penting
seperti itu, mitologi yang pernah berulang membual tentang
manusia purba prestasi.
sihir, seni tertentu untuk tujuan tertentu, di setiap salah satu
bentuknya datang sekali menjadi milik manusia, dan itu harus
diserahkan langsung keturunan dari generasi ke generasi.
karena itulah yang tetap dari zaman awal lagi di tangan spesialis,
dan profesi yang pertama manusia adalah bahwa Wizard atau
penyihir. Agama, di sisi lain, dalam kondisi yang primitif adalah
affair, di mana setiap orang mengambil aktif dan equiva-
SIHIR, ilmu pengetahuan dan agama
dipinjamkan bagian. Setiap anggota suku yang telah melalui inisiasi,
dan kemudian dirinya inisiat lain. Setiap orang wails, berduka cita,
penggalian kubur dan memperingati, dan pada waktunya waktu semua orang
memiliki gilirannya menjadi berkabung dan diperingati. Roh yang
untuk semua, dan semua orang menjadi satu Roh. Spesialisasi hanya
dalam agama — yaitu awal mediumism spiritualistic — bukan
profesi tapi hadiah pribadi. Satu lagi perbedaan antara
sihir dan agama adalah hitam dan putih dalam ilmu sihir,
sementara agama dalam tahap primitif memiliki sedikit kontras
antara baik dan jahat, antara dermawan dan jahat
kekuasaan. Hal ini disebabkan juga karakter praktis magic,
yang bertujuan untuk langsung hasil kuantitatif, sementara agama awal,
meskipun pada dasarnya moral, harus berurusan dengan menentukan, irremediable
kejadian dan kekuatan supranatural dan makhluk, sehingga
melepas hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh manusia tidak masuk ke dalamnya.
Maxim yang dewa-dewa ketakutan yang pertama kali dibuat di alam semesta ini jelas tidak
benar dalam antropologi.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
effects of witchcraft much more completely eradicated by counter-
witchcraft than is possible in any practical art or craft. Thus
both magic and science show certain similarities, and, with Sir
James Frazer, we can appropriately call magic a pseudo-science.
And the spurious character of this pseudo-science is not hard
to detect. Science, even as represented by the primitive knowledge
of savage man, is based on the normal universal experience
of everyday life, experience won in man's struggle with nature
for his subsistence and safety, founded on observation, fixed by
reason. Magic is based on specific experience of emotional states
in which man observes not nature but himself, in which the
truth is revealed not by reason but by the play of emotions upon
the human organism. Science is founded on the conviction that
experience, effort, and reason are valid; magic on the belief
that hope cannot fail nor desire deceive. The theories of knowledge
are dictated by logic, those of magic by the association of
ideas under the influence of desire. As a matter of empirical fact
the body of rational knowledge and the body of magical lore are
incorporated each in a different tradition, in a different social
setting and in a different type of activity, and all these differences
are clearly recognized by the savages. The one constitutes
the domain of the profane; the other, hedged round by observances,
mysteries, and taboos, makes up half of the domain of
the sacred.
6. Magic and Religion
Both magic and religion arise and function in situations of
emotional stress: crises of life, lacunae in important pursuits,
death and initiation into tribal mysteries, unhappy love and unsatisfied
hate. Both magic and religion open up escapes from
such situations and such impasses as offer no empirical way out
except by ritual and belief into the domain of the supernatural.
This domain embraces, in religion, beliefs in ghosts, spirits, the
primitive forebodings of providence, the guardians of tribal
mysteries; in magic, the primeval force and virtue of magic.
Both magic and religion are based strictly on mythological tradition,
and they also both exist in the atmosphere of the miracu-
lous, in a constant revelation of their wonder-working power.
They both are surrounded by taboos and observances which
mark off their acts from those of the profane world.
Now what distinguishes magic from religion? We have taken
for our starting-point a most definite and tangible distinction: we
have defined, within the domain of the sacred, magic as a practical
art consisting of acts which are only means to a definite end
expected to follow later on; religion as a body of self-contained
acts being themselves the fulfillment of their purpose. We can
now follow up this difference into its deeper layers. The practical
art of magic has its limited, circumscribed technique: spell,
rite, and the condition of the performer form always its trite
trinity. Religion, with its complex aspects and purposes, has no
such simple technique, and its unity can be seen neither in the
form of its acts nor even in the uniformity of its subject-matter,
but rather in the function which it fulfils and in the value of its
belief and ritual. Again, the belief in magic, corresponding to its
plain practical nature, is extremely simple. It is always the
affirmation of man's power to cause certain definite effects by
a definite spell and rite. In religion, on the other hand, we
have a whole supernatural world of faith: the pantheon of
spirits and demons, the benevolent powers of totem, guardian
spirit, tribal all-father, the vision of the future life, create a
second supernatural reality for primitive man. The mythology
of religion is also more varied and complex as well as more
creative. It usually centers round the various tenets of belief,
and it develops them into cosmogonies, tales of culture-heroes,
accounts of the doings of gods and demigods. In magic, important
as it is, mythology is an ever-recurrent boasting about
man's primeval achievements.
Magic, the specific art for specific ends, has in every one of
its forms come once into the possession of man, and it had to be
handed over in direct filiation from generation to generation.
Hence it remains from the earliest times in the hands of specialists,
and the first profession of mankind is that of a wizard or
witch. Religion, on the other hand, in primitive conditions is
an affair of all, in which everyone takes an active and equiva-
lent part. Every member of the tribe has to go through initiation,
and then himself initiates others. Everyone wails, mourns,
digs the grave and commemorates, and in due time everyone
has his turn in being mourned and commemorated. Spirits are
for all, and everyone becomes a spirit. The only specialization
in religion—that is, early spiritualistic mediumism—is not a
profession but a personal gift. One more difference between
magic and religion is the play of black and white in witchcraft,
while religion in its primitive stages has but little of the contrast
between good and evil, between the beneficent and malevolent
powers. This is due also to the practical character of magic,
which aims at direct quantitative results, while early religion,
though essentially moral, has to deal with fateful, irremediable
happenings and supernatural forces and beings, so that the
undoing of things done by man does not enter into it. The
maxim that fear first made gods in the universe is certainly not
true in the light of anthropology.
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