Effect of feeding calciumsoaps of fatty acids onproduction and reprodu terjemahan - Effect of feeding calciumsoaps of fatty acids onproduction and reprodu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Effect of feeding calciumsoaps of f

Effect of feeding calciumsoaps of fatty acids on
production and reproductive responses in high
producing lactating cows.
Impact Factor: 2.55 · DOI: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(91)78198-8 · Source: PubMed
Uzi Moallem
Agricultural Research Organization ARO
Available from: Uzi Moallem
Retrieved on: 22 June 2015Effect of Feeding Calcium Soaps of Fatty Acids
on Production and Reproductive Responses
in High Producing Lactating Cows
Faculty of Agriculture
Hebrew University
Rehovot 76-100, Israel
Agricultural Research Organization
PO Box 6
Bet Dagan, Israel
The effect of feeding Ca soaps of fatty
acids for 120 d from parturition on pro-
ductive and reproductive performance of
dairy cows was examined, together with
changes in blood lipids and progesterone.
Cows fed Ca soaps received 1.5 Mcal
d more than controls fed iscmitmgen-
ous and qui-forage rations.
Cows fed Ca soaps produced more
milk and fat for 60 d, and more FCM for
90 d after calving. In these cows, BW
decreased more, and reached a minimum
later than controls. Plasma fiee fatty acids
were higher until 50 d postpartum, when
phospholipid, and later triglyceride, con-
centrations were elevated.
Cows fed soaps commenced ovarian
cyclicity later than controls as shown by
frequency distribution of the time re-
quired to reach cyclic plasma progester-
one concentrations, 2 ng/ml progesterone
in plasma, or behavioral estrus. However,
once cyclicity commenced, more fat-fed
cows had normal cycle length (18 to 26
d) than controls. Progesterone concentra-
tions were higher in Ca soap-fed cows in
the luteal phase before AI and were
higher 9 and 24 d after AI in percent that
conceived. Conception rate was higher in
cows fed Ca soaps for 2nd to 4th AI, a
higher proportion of cows were pregnant
Received Janumy 2, 1990.
Accepted August 16, 1990.
'Please send correspondence IO: Dr. D. SWan, Faculty
of Agriculh~rc. PO Box 12. Rchovot, 76-100. 1-1.
at 150 d after calving and number of open
days was reduced.
Feeding Ca soaps of fatty acids
resulted in higher production at the ex-
pense of body reserves close to calving,
and subsequently enhanced lipid concen-
trations in plasma. Higher progesterone
production was accompanied by in-
creased pregnancy rate and reduced open
(Key words: calcium soaps, milk produc-
tion, reproduction)
Abbreviation key: CSFA = calcium soaps of
fatty acids, PL = phospholipids, TG = triglyc-
The inclusion of fat in dairy cattle rations
can increase caloric density without reducing
fiber content, thus increasing energy intake and
efficiency of energy utilization, especially dur-
ing early lactation when cows fail to consume
sufficient feed (5,6). Addition of 3 to 5% fat of
the total ration DM has resulted in increased
milk production (5, 6), whereas decreases in
production occur when fat levels exceed 6% of
the ration DM (4,5). The depressed production
probably results from effects of fat, especially
unesterified fatty acids, on rumen cellulolytic
microbial activity (5, 6).
Feeding Ca soaps of fatty acids (CSFA),
which are inert in the rumen, to high producing,
lactating cows can enhance energy density of
the ration, and energy intake without compro-
mising rumen cellulolytic bacterial activity (4,
5, 6). Addition of CSFA has been shown re-
cently to result in increases in FCM production
when fed Grom parturition (11, 13). Changes in
some plasma lipid compents accompanying
feeding of CSFA were examined at some points
in lactation (11, 13), but patterns appeared to
change as lactation progressed (13). In these
reports, feeding CSFA caused improvements in
conception rate (11, 13) and decreased open
days (13), but a detailed study of changes in
reproductive performance was not performed.
The aim of the present study was to describe in
detail the effects of feeding CSFA on reproduc-
tive performance and to determine the changes
occurring in some plasma metabolites.
The study was conducted with 126 multi-
parous Israeli-Friesian cows housed in group
pens. Cows were blocked according to parity,
date of petion, and previous lactation daily
FCM yield One group was fed a diet contain-
ing CSFA while the other was fed a control
diet. Diets were fed from calving to 120 d
postpartum, after which all cows were trans-
ferred to the control diet. Composition and
analysis of diets are presented in Table 1. Diets
contained equal amounts of forage and cotton-
seeds. The CSFA diet contained 1.5 McaI NEj
more than the control diet. Percentage fatty acid
composition of the CSFA was: palmitic acid,
48.1; stearic acid, 4.4; oleic acid, 40.2; and
linoleic acid, 7.4; Ca comprised 8.2%.
TABLE 1. Composition of the diets.
Item control CSFA'
- (% of DM) -
Barley 13.4 13.4
Soybean mcal 5.3 5.3
Cottonseed meal 7.5 7.5
cottonseed 13.0 13.0
Vetch hay 11.3 11.3
Corn silage 13.7 13.7
Vitamins and minerals 2.2 2.2
Citrus 5.3 5.3
wheat bran 10.5 13.2
COrn 17.8 125
CSFA~ 0 2.6
Analysis of the control diets
CP 17.0 17.0
ADF 18.4 185
Ca 1.1 1.2
P .55 "55
NEi. Mcavkn 1.75 1.82
'CddUm 9 s of fatty acids (H. Nagel, Hamburg).
AU feeds were mixed and fed twice daily
from a mixing wagon. Weighbacks were less
than 5% of feed and were determined on 1 d/
wk from each group throughout the expen-
mental period and were removed before the
morning feeding.
Milk yield and composition was recorded
for each cow every 2 wk until 135 d in milk
and then monthly through d 310 of lactation.
Cows were weighed on d 3 following parturi-
tion and then as 12- to 14d intervals until 140
Blood plasma was sampled from 25 cows in
each treatment at 0700 h, at 2- to 3-6 intervals
from 10 d postpartum until the first insemina-
tion, and two additional samples were taken 9
and 24 d after the first insemination.
Cows were observed for 30-min period, by
the same technician, three times daily (0700,
1600,2100 h) for signs of estrus, and insemi-
nated accordingly after 58 d postpartum. Ap-
proximately 45 d after AI, pregnancy diagnosis
was carried out by rectal palpation of the uter-
us. Conception rate was defined as the number
of cows pregnant per 100 inseminations and
pregnancy rate as the number of cows pregnant
per 100 cows in the group.
Only estrous cycles occuRing prior to the
first postpartum AI were included in the analy-
sis of the intrastral intervals. The occurrence
of an estrous cycle was deduced from plasma
progesterone concentrations; whenever plasma
progesterone concentration decreased to .5 ng/
ml or less, and remained at this level for 4 to 7
d and then increased, termhation of an old
cycle and beginning of a new cycle was as-
Blood glucose was analyzed with a glucose
analyzer (Beckman Instruments, Palo Alto,
CA). Lipids were extracted and triglycerides
(TG), FFA, and phospholipids (PL) were deter-
mined as previously described (12). Total cho-
lesterol was determined by the method of
Searcy and Bergqist (10). Progesterone was
determined in duplicate samples by solid-phase
radioimmunoassay using a "Count-A-Count"
kit from Diagnostic Products Corp. (Los Ange-
ls, CA). Coefficient of variation was 12.2%.
Milk and fat output were calculated as 3.5%
FCM using the formula: FCM = Milk yield x
(.432 + .163 x fat%). Continuous variables
were analyzed by the method of least squares
ANOVA using general linear model procedures
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 74, No. 2, 1991 5 12 SKLAN ET AL.
of SAS (9). Milk production, fat production and
percentage, ptem production and percentage,
and FCM were examined using a repeated mea-
sures design in which covariates were daily
FCM production (normalized to 305 d) in the
previous lactation and days in milk Plasma
metabolite concentrations were compared using
ANOVA. Frequency data were examined by
chi-square and the CATMOD procedure of
SAS. Significance was Pc.05 unless otherwise
Group feed consumption was 20.3 f .9 kg
(mean DM consumption for 20 wk f SD) for
control cows and 20.2 f 1.0 kg/d/cow in
CSFA-fed cows. Milk volume, fat percentage,
and FCM production are shown in Figure 1.
Milk yield in CSFA-fed cows was higher at 30
I 1
'30 0, "'I
20 1 0
and 60 d after calving, whereas fat percentage
was enhanced at 30 to 90 d postpartum. Pro-
duction of FCM was higher until 90 d in milk
and was higher in CSFA-fed cows over 120 d
in milk by 204.2 kg. No significant changes in
milk protein percentage or production were ob-
Body weight decrease was more rapid in
CSFA cows and reached a minimum after 32 d
(Figure 2) as opposed to 12 d in control cows.
The BW loss of CSFA-fed cows was greater
than for controls from 25 to 95 d after calving.
Cows returned to the 3-d postpartum weight
later (after 99 d) in CSFA-fed cows than in
controls (75 d). The CSFA-fed cows attained
the weight of control cows after 130 d in milk.
Plasma glucose was 59.8 f 3.1 and 59.4 f
3.8 mg/dl in control and CSFA cows, respec-
tively, and no temporal differences were ob-
served. Plasma cholesterol concentration in-
I *--
25J. : : Iyl .el 2.7
50 100 150 200 250 0 5 i loo lb 260
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Effect of feeding calciumsoaps of fatty acids onproduction and reproductive responses in highproducing lactating cows.ARTICLE in JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE · MARCH 1991Impact Factor: 2.55 · DOI: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(91)78198-8 · Source: PubMedCITATIONS58DOWNLOADS28VIEWS713 AUTHORS, INCLUDING:Uzi MoallemAgricultural Research Organization ARO54 PUBLICATIONS 664 CITATIONSSEE PROFILEAvailable from: Uzi MoallemRetrieved on: 22 June 2015Effect of Feeding Calcium Soaps of Fatty Acids on Production and Reproductive Responses in High Producing Lactating Cows D. SKLANl and U. MOALLEM Faculty of Agriculture Hebrew University Rehovot 76-100, Israel Y. FOLMAN Agricultural Research Organization PO Box 6 Bet Dagan, Israel ABSTRACT The effect of feeding Ca soaps of fatty acids for 120 d from parturition on pro- ductive and reproductive performance of dairy cows was examined, together with changes in blood lipids and progesterone. Cows fed Ca soaps received 1.5 Mcal d more than controls fed iscmitmgen- ous and qui-forage rations. Cows fed Ca soaps produced more milk and fat for 60 d, and more FCM for 90 d after calving. In these cows, BW decreased more, and reached a minimum later than controls. Plasma fiee fatty acids were higher until 50 d postpartum, when phospholipid, and later triglyceride, con- centrations were elevated. Cows fed soaps commenced ovarian cyclicity later than controls as shown by frequency distribution of the time re-
quired to reach cyclic plasma progester-
one concentrations, 2 ng/ml progesterone
in plasma, or behavioral estrus. However,
once cyclicity commenced, more fat-fed
cows had normal cycle length (18 to 26
d) than controls. Progesterone concentra-
tions were higher in Ca soap-fed cows in
the luteal phase before AI and were
higher 9 and 24 d after AI in percent that
conceived. Conception rate was higher in
cows fed Ca soaps for 2nd to 4th AI, a
higher proportion of cows were pregnant
Received Janumy 2, 1990.
Accepted August 16, 1990.
'Please send correspondence IO: Dr. D. SWan, Faculty
of Agriculh~rc. PO Box 12. Rchovot, 76-100. 1-1.
at 150 d after calving and number of open
days was reduced.
Feeding Ca soaps of fatty acids
resulted in higher production at the ex-
pense of body reserves close to calving,
and subsequently enhanced lipid concen-
trations in plasma. Higher progesterone
production was accompanied by in-
creased pregnancy rate and reduced open
(Key words: calcium soaps, milk produc-
tion, reproduction)
Abbreviation key: CSFA = calcium soaps of
fatty acids, PL = phospholipids, TG = triglyc-
The inclusion of fat in dairy cattle rations
can increase caloric density without reducing
fiber content, thus increasing energy intake and
efficiency of energy utilization, especially dur-
ing early lactation when cows fail to consume
sufficient feed (5,6). Addition of 3 to 5% fat of
the total ration DM has resulted in increased
milk production (5, 6), whereas decreases in
production occur when fat levels exceed 6% of
the ration DM (4,5). The depressed production
probably results from effects of fat, especially
unesterified fatty acids, on rumen cellulolytic
microbial activity (5, 6).
Feeding Ca soaps of fatty acids (CSFA),
which are inert in the rumen, to high producing,
lactating cows can enhance energy density of
the ration, and energy intake without compro-
mising rumen cellulolytic bacterial activity (4,
5, 6). Addition of CSFA has been shown re-
cently to result in increases in FCM production
when fed Grom parturition (11, 13). Changes in
some plasma lipid compents accompanying
feeding of CSFA were examined at some points
in lactation (11, 13), but patterns appeared to
change as lactation progressed (13). In these
reports, feeding CSFA caused improvements in
conception rate (11, 13) and decreased open
days (13), but a detailed study of changes in
reproductive performance was not performed.
The aim of the present study was to describe in
detail the effects of feeding CSFA on reproduc-
tive performance and to determine the changes
occurring in some plasma metabolites.
The study was conducted with 126 multi-
parous Israeli-Friesian cows housed in group
pens. Cows were blocked according to parity,
date of petion, and previous lactation daily
FCM yield One group was fed a diet contain-
ing CSFA while the other was fed a control
diet. Diets were fed from calving to 120 d
postpartum, after which all cows were trans-
ferred to the control diet. Composition and
analysis of diets are presented in Table 1. Diets
contained equal amounts of forage and cotton-
seeds. The CSFA diet contained 1.5 McaI NEj
more than the control diet. Percentage fatty acid
composition of the CSFA was: palmitic acid,
48.1; stearic acid, 4.4; oleic acid, 40.2; and
linoleic acid, 7.4; Ca comprised 8.2%.
TABLE 1. Composition of the diets.
Item control CSFA'
- (% of DM) -
Barley 13.4 13.4
Soybean mcal 5.3 5.3
Cottonseed meal 7.5 7.5
cottonseed 13.0 13.0
Vetch hay 11.3 11.3
Corn silage 13.7 13.7
Vitamins and minerals 2.2 2.2
Citrus 5.3 5.3
wheat bran 10.5 13.2
COrn 17.8 125
CSFA~ 0 2.6
Analysis of the control diets
CP 17.0 17.0
ADF 18.4 185
Ca 1.1 1.2
P .55 "55
NEi. Mcavkn 1.75 1.82
'CddUm 9 s of fatty acids (H. Nagel, Hamburg).
AU feeds were mixed and fed twice daily
from a mixing wagon. Weighbacks were less
than 5% of feed and were determined on 1 d/
wk from each group throughout the expen-
mental period and were removed before the
morning feeding.
Milk yield and composition was recorded
for each cow every 2 wk until 135 d in milk
and then monthly through d 310 of lactation.
Cows were weighed on d 3 following parturi-
tion and then as 12- to 14d intervals until 140
Blood plasma was sampled from 25 cows in
each treatment at 0700 h, at 2- to 3-6 intervals
from 10 d postpartum until the first insemina-
tion, and two additional samples were taken 9
and 24 d after the first insemination.
Cows were observed for 30-min period, by
the same technician, three times daily (0700,
1600,2100 h) for signs of estrus, and insemi-
nated accordingly after 58 d postpartum. Ap-
proximately 45 d after AI, pregnancy diagnosis
was carried out by rectal palpation of the uter-
us. Conception rate was defined as the number
of cows pregnant per 100 inseminations and
pregnancy rate as the number of cows pregnant
per 100 cows in the group.
Only estrous cycles occuRing prior to the
first postpartum AI were included in the analy-
sis of the intrastral intervals. The occurrence
of an estrous cycle was deduced from plasma
progesterone concentrations; whenever plasma
progesterone concentration decreased to .5 ng/
ml or less, and remained at this level for 4 to 7
d and then increased, termhation of an old
cycle and beginning of a new cycle was as-
Blood glucose was analyzed with a glucose
analyzer (Beckman Instruments, Palo Alto,
CA). Lipids were extracted and triglycerides
(TG), FFA, and phospholipids (PL) were deter-
mined as previously described (12). Total cho-
lesterol was determined by the method of
Searcy and Bergqist (10). Progesterone was
determined in duplicate samples by solid-phase
radioimmunoassay using a "Count-A-Count"
kit from Diagnostic Products Corp. (Los Ange-
ls, CA). Coefficient of variation was 12.2%.
Milk and fat output were calculated as 3.5%
FCM using the formula: FCM = Milk yield x
(.432 + .163 x fat%). Continuous variables
were analyzed by the method of least squares
ANOVA using general linear model procedures
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 74, No. 2, 1991 5 12 SKLAN ET AL.
of SAS (9). Milk production, fat production and
percentage, ptem production and percentage,
and FCM were examined using a repeated mea-
sures design in which covariates were daily
FCM production (normalized to 305 d) in the
previous lactation and days in milk Plasma
metabolite concentrations were compared using
ANOVA. Frequency data were examined by
chi-square and the CATMOD procedure of
SAS. Significance was Pc.05 unless otherwise
Group feed consumption was 20.3 f .9 kg
(mean DM consumption for 20 wk f SD) for
control cows and 20.2 f 1.0 kg/d/cow in
CSFA-fed cows. Milk volume, fat percentage,
and FCM production are shown in Figure 1.
Milk yield in CSFA-fed cows was higher at 30
I 1
'30 0, "'I
20 1 0
and 60 d after calving, whereas fat percentage
was enhanced at 30 to 90 d postpartum. Pro-
duction of FCM was higher until 90 d in milk
and was higher in CSFA-fed cows over 120 d
in milk by 204.2 kg. No significant changes in
milk protein percentage or production were ob-
Body weight decrease was more rapid in
CSFA cows and reached a minimum after 32 d
(Figure 2) as opposed to 12 d in control cows.
The BW loss of CSFA-fed cows was greater
than for controls from 25 to 95 d after calving.
Cows returned to the 3-d postpartum weight
later (after 99 d) in CSFA-fed cows than in
controls (75 d). The CSFA-fed cows attained
the weight of control cows after 130 d in milk.
Plasma glucose was 59.8 f 3.1 and 59.4 f
3.8 mg/dl in control and CSFA cows, respec-
tively, and no temporal differences were ob-
served. Plasma cholesterol concentration in-
I *--
25J. : : Iyl .el 2.7
50 100 150 200 250 0 5 i loo lb 260
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pengaruh makan calciumsoaps asam lemak pada
produksi dan respon reproduksi pada tinggi
memproduksi menyusui sapi.
Faktor Dampak: 2,55 · DOI: 10,3168 / jds.S0022-0302 (91) 78198-8 · Sumber: PubMed
Uzi Moallem
Pertanian Organisasi Penelitian ARO
54 PUBLIKASI 664 kutipan
Tersedia dari: Uzi Moallem
Diakses pada: 22 Juni 2015Effect dari Feeding Kalsium Sabun Asam Lemak
pada Responses Produksi dan Reproduksi
di High Memproduksi Sapi menyusui
D. SKLANl dan U. Moallem
Fakultas Pertanian
Universitas Ibrani
Rehovot 76-100, Israel
Agricultural Research Organization
PO Box 6
Bet Dagan, Israel
Pengaruh makan Ca sabun dari lemak
asam untuk 120 d dari partus pada pro
ductive dan kinerja reproduksi
sapi perah diperiksa, bersama dengan
perubahan lipid darah dan progesteron.
Sapi makan Ca sabun menerima 1,5 Mcal
d lebih dari kontrol makan iscmitmgen-
jatah ous dan qui-hijauan.
Sapi makan sabun Ca menghasilkan lebih
susu dan lemak selama 60 d, dan lebih FCM untuk
90 hari setelah melahirkan. Pada sapi ini, BW
menurun lebih, dan mencapai minimum
lambat kontrol. Asam lemak Fiee plasma
yang lebih tinggi sampai 50 d postpartum, ketika
fosfolipid, dan kemudian trigliserida, con-
centrations terangkat.
Sapi makan sabun dimulai ovarium
cyclicity lambat kontrol seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh
distribusi frekuensi dari waktu re-
quired untuk mencapai siklik progester- plasma
satu konsentrasi, 2 ng / ml progesteron
dalam plasma, atau estrus perilaku. Namun,
sekali cyclicity dimulai, lebih banyak lemak-makan
sapi memiliki panjang siklus normal (18-26
d) dari kontrol. Progesteron konsentrasi
tions lebih tinggi di Ca sabun-makan sapi di
fase luteal sebelum AI dan
tinggi 9 dan 24 hari setelah AI dalam persen yang
dikandung. Tingkat konsepsi lebih tinggi pada
sapi yang diberi Ca sabun untuk 2 hingga 4 AI, sebuah
proporsi yang lebih tinggi dari sapi hamil
Diterima Janumy 2, 1990.
Diterima 16 Agustus 1990.
'Silakan kirim surat IO: Dr. D. Swan, Fakultas
dari Agriculh ~ rc. PO Box 12. Rchovot, 76-100. 1-1.
150 d setelah melahirkan dan jumlah terbuka
hari berkurang.
Feeding Ca sabun asam lemak
menghasilkan produksi yang lebih tinggi pada mantan
pense cadangan tubuh dekat dengan calving,
dan kemudian ditingkatkan lipid konsentrasi
trations dalam plasma. Progesteron yang lebih tinggi
produksi didampingi di-
tingkat kehamilan berkerut dan mengurangi terbuka
(Kata kunci: sabun kalsium, susu produksi
tion, reproduksi)
kunci Singkatan: CSFA = sabun kalsium dari
asam lemak, PL = fosfolipid, TG = triglyc-
erides .
Masuknya lemak dalam susu sapi ransum
dapat meningkatkan kepadatan kalori tanpa mengurangi
kandungan serat, sehingga meningkatkan asupan energi dan
efisiensi pemanfaatan energi, terutama dur-
ing laktasi awal ketika sapi gagal mengkonsumsi
pakan yang cukup (5,6). Selain dari 3 sampai 5% lemak dari
total ransum DM telah mengakibatkan peningkatan
produksi susu (5, 6), sedangkan penurunan
produksi terjadi ketika kadar lemak melebihi 6% dari
DM ransum (4,5). The tertekan produksi
mungkin hasil dari efek lemak, terutama
asam lemak unesterified, pada rumen selulolitik
aktivitas mikroba (5, 6).
Feeding Ca sabun asam lemak (CSFA),
yang inert dalam rumen, untuk memproduksi tinggi,
menyusui sapi bisa meningkatkan kepadatan energi dari
ransum, dan asupan energi tanpa membahayakan
mising rumen selulolitik aktivitas bakteri (4,
5, 6). Penambahan CSFA telah terbukti kembali
cently menghasilkan peningkatan produksi FCM
ketika makan Grom nifas (11, 13). Perubahan
1991 J Dairy Sci 74510-517 510 sabun KALSIUM, PRODUKSI, DAN REPRODUKSI 511
beberapa compents lipid plasma yang menyertai
makan dari CSFA diperiksa di beberapa titik
di laktasi (11, 13), tetapi pola tampaknya
berubah karena menyusui berkembang (13) . Dalam
laporan, makan CSFA menyebabkan perbaikan dalam
tingkat konsepsi (11, 13) dan penurunan terbuka
hari (13), namun studi rinci perubahan
kinerja reproduksi tidak dilakukan.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan secara
detail efek dari makan CSFA di reproduksi-
kinerja tive dan untuk menentukan perubahan
yang terjadi di beberapa metabolit plasma.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan 126 multi
parous sapi Israel-Friesian bertempat di kelompok
pena. Sapi diblokir menurut paritas,
tanggal Petion, dan menyusui sebelumnya harian
FCM menghasilkan Satu kelompok diberi diet yang mengandung
ing CSFA sementara yang lain diberi makan kontrol
diet. Diet diberi makan dari melahirkan hingga 120 d
postpartum, setelah semua sapi trans
ferred untuk diet kontrol. Komposisi dan
analisis diet disajikan pada Tabel 1. Diet
yang terkandung dalam jumlah yang sama hijauan dan cotton-
biji. The CSFA diet yang terkandung 1,5 McaI nej
lebih dari diet kontrol. Asam lemak persentase
komposisi CSFA adalah: asam palmitat,
48,1; asam stearat, 4,4; asam oleat, 40,2; dan
asam linoleat, 7,4; Ca terdiri 8,2%.
Tabel 1. Komposisi diet.
Barang control CSFA '
- (% DM) -
Barley 13,4 13,4
Kedelai mcal 5.3 5.3
kapas makan 7,5 7,5
13,0 13,0 kapas
Vetch hay 11,3 11,3
Jagung silase 13,7 13,7
Vitamin dan mineral 2,2 2.2
Citrus 5.3 5.3
dedak gandum 10,5 13,2
jagung 17,8 125
CSFA ~ 0 2.6
Analisis diet kontrol
CP 17,0 17,0
18,4 185 ADF
Ca 1.1 1.2
P .55 "55
Nei. Mcavkn 1,75 1,82
'CddUm 9 s asam lemak (H. Nagel Hamburg).
feed AU dicampur dan makan dua kali sehari
dari gerobak pencampuran. Weighbacks kurang
dari 5% dari pakan dan ditentukan pada 1 d /
wk dari masing-masing kelompok di seluruh expen-
periode mental dan dihilangkan sebelum
makan pagi.
produksi susu dan komposisi tercatat
untuk setiap sapi setiap 2 minggu sampai 135 d dalam susu
dan kemudian bulanan melalui d 310 laktasi.
Sapi yang membebani d 3 berikut parturi-
tion dan kemudian sebagai 12 hingga 14d interval sampai 140
plasma darah adalah sampel dari 25 sapi di
setiap perawatan di 0700 h, di 2 sampai 3-6 interval
dari 10 d postpartum sampai insemina- pertama
tion, dan dua sampel tambahan diambil 9
dan 24 d setelah inseminasi pertama.
Sapi yang diamati untuk periode 30-min, oleh
teknisi yang sama, tiga kali sehari (0700,
1600,2100 h) tanda-tanda estrus, dan insemi-
terkontaminasi sesuai setelah 58 d postpartum. Ap
-kira 45 hari setelah AI, diagnosis kehamilan
dilakukan dengan palpasi rektal dari uter-
kami. Tingkat konsepsi didefinisikan sebagai jumlah
sapi hamil per 100 inseminasi dan
tingkat kehamilan sebagai jumlah sapi hamil
per 100 sapi dalam kelompok.
Hanya siklus estrus yang terjadi sebelum
postpartum pertama AI termasuk dalam analisi
sis interval intrastral . Terjadinya
suatu siklus estrus itu disimpulkan dari plasma
konsentrasi progesteron; setiap kali plasma
konsentrasi progesteron menurun menjadi 0,5 ng /
ml atau kurang, dan tetap pada tingkat ini untuk 4 sampai 7
d dan kemudian meningkat, termhation dari tua
siklus dan awal dari siklus baru-asumsi
glukosa darah dianalisis dengan glukosa
analyzer (Beckman Instruments, Palo Alto,
CA). Lipid diekstraksi dan trigliserida
(TG), FFA, dan fosfolipid (PL) yang menghalangi-
ditambang seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya (12). Jumlah cho-
lesterol ditentukan dengan metode
Searcy dan Bergqist (10). Progesteron yang
ditentukan dalam rangkap sampel oleh fase padat
radioimmunoassay menggunakan "Hitung-A-Count"
kit dari Diagnostik Produk Corp (Los Ange-
ls, CA). Koefisien variasi adalah 12,2%.
Susu dan lemak keluaran dihitung sebagai 3,5%
FCM menggunakan rumus: FCM = Susu hasil x
(0,432 + 0,163 x lemak%). Variabel kontinu
dianalisis dengan metode kuadrat terkecil
ANOVA menggunakan prosedur model linier umum
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 74, No. 2, 1991 5 12 SKLAN ET AL.
SAS (9). Produksi susu, produksi lemak dan
persentase, produksi ptem dan persentase,
dan FCM diperiksa menggunakan berulang-langkah
desain di mana langkah-kovariat yang setiap hari
produksi FCM (dinormalisasi untuk 305 d) dalam
menyusui sebelumnya dan hari dalam susu Plasma
konsentrasi metabolit dibandingkan menggunakan
ANOVA. Frekuensi Data diperiksa oleh
chi-square dan prosedur CATMOD dari
SAS. Signifikansi adalah Pc.05 kecuali dinyatakan
konsumsi pakan Group 20,3 f 0,9 kg
(rata-rata konsumsi DM selama 20 minggu f SD) untuk
sapi kontrol dan 20,2 f 1.0 kg / d / sapi di
sapi CSFA-makan. Volume susu, persentase lemak,
dan produksi FCM ditunjukkan pada Gambar 1.
Hasil Susu sapi CSFA-makan lebih tinggi pada 30
I 1
'30 0, "'I
20 1 0
dan 60 hari setelah melahirkan, sedangkan lemak Persentase
ditingkatkan pada 30 sampai 90 d postpartum. Pro
duksi dari FCM lebih tinggi sampai 90 d dalam susu
dan lebih tinggi pada sapi CSFA-makan lebih dari 120 d
dalam susu oleh 204,2 kg. Tidak ada perubahan signifikan dalam
persentase protein susu atau produksi yang diamati
penurunan Berat badan lebih cepat dalam
CSFA sapi dan mencapai minimum setelah 32 d
(Gambar 2) sebagai lawan 12 d pada sapi kontrol.
BW hilangnya CSFA-makan sapi lebih besar
daripada kontrol 25-95 hari setelah melahirkan.
Sapi kembali ke 3-d berat postpartum
kemudian (setelah 99 d) pada sapi CSFA-makan dibandingkan
kontrol (75 d). Sapi-sapi CSFA-makan mencapai
berat sapi kontrol setelah 130 d dalam susu.
glukosa plasma adalah 59,8 f 3.1 dan 59.4 f
3,8 mg / dl dalam kontrol dan CSFA sapi, masing
-masing, dan tidak ada perbedaan temporal yang diamati
disajikan. Konsentrasi kolesterol plasma di-
I * -
25J. :: Iyl .el 2,7
50 100 150 200 250 0 5 i loo lb 260
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