Many people crowded in their direction. Usually, a newcomer would only terjemahan - Many people crowded in their direction. Usually, a newcomer would only Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Many people crowded in their direct

Many people crowded in their direction. Usually, a newcomer would only receive an extremely low allowance upon joining a large force; ten spiritual stones a month was already pretty good. But Gu Bei and Lu Piao were offering several times that amount, per month!

However, many people were still hesitant. Before these newcomers joined a force, they’d make sure that their potential boss had prospects. After all, once the contract was signed, its effects would always be in place, unless special circumstances occurred. If they broke their league contracts, it’d be hard for them to gain a foothold within the Divine Feathers Sect. They’d become objects of disdain.

The newcomers stood in groups, discussing it amongst themselves.

“Where are these two from?”

“Don’t you know? That youth is Gu Bei! It’s confirmed that he had integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level demon spirit and promoted to the first-in-line successor’s seat of the Gu Clan!”

When the newcomers heard that, their eyes lit up. The first-in-line successor of the Gu Clan. Who knows, he might become the Gu Clan’s Patriarch in the future! Furthermore, Gu Bei had yet to establish any forces of his own in the outside world. If they joined now, once Gu Bei became the Patriarch of the Gu Clan, they’d become honorable subordinates who helped raise the dragon!

This was definitely a great temptation!

Furthermore, Gu Bei was also giving such shocking and tempting conditions.

Soon, one after another, the newcomers started signing the league contract with Gu Bei.

However, these newcomers quickly realised that the boss of the Demon League wasn’t Gu Bei, but actually someone else. Curiosity arouse within them for this mysterious person. Just who was this person? To make someone like Gu Bei serve him willingly?

The other recruiters all dumbfoundedly watched the flood of newcomers moving towards Gu Bei and Lu Piao. Only a few headed in their own direction.

After all, the difference in salary was too much!

They looked at the salary that they themselves were offering and looked at the salary that Gu Bei was offering. No one spoke a word. Even some of the recruiters felt the urge to join the Demon League.

“Take it easy, take it easy!” Lu Piao immediately shouted after he realised that too many people were crowding over. However, his face still betrayed his excitement.

He never thought that so many people would be willing to join Demon League, especially since they’d just formed it. As Lu Piao looked down on the crowd, he couldn’t help imagining them conquering the world. With just a wave of his hand, thousands or tens of thousands of experts would flood the sky and ground. He became even more excited at the thought of it.

Gu Bei proudly announced what Nie Li had told him. “As long as you spare no effort for the Demon League, we’ll definitely treat you fairly. As long as you come to our Demon League, we’ll give each of you a suitable cultivation technique that could help you reach the Martial Ancestor Realm. If you reach the Heavenly Star Realm, we’ll give you a Grade 3 Artifact. If you reach the Heavenly Axis Realm, we’ll give you a Dragon Bloodline demon spirit with an Excellent or even Extraordinary Level growth rate! Mark my words, the words of Gu Bei!”

When everyone heard Gu Bei’s announcement, the excitement bubbled up to another level.

This kind of treatment was simply too shocking! Not to mention one Martial Ancestor Realm cultivation technique for everyone! He was actually giving artifacts and distributing Dragon Bloodline Excellent and Extraordinary Level growth rate demon spirits?! Great heavens!

Everyone felt their blood boiling. Finally, some of the hesitating geniuses made up their minds to follow Gu Bei!

The recruiters from other factions gloomily looked at their empty areas. The boiling voices of the Demon League recruiters depressed them even further. Just what was going on? This was simply defying the rules! Wasn’t Gu Bei afraid of plunging the Gu Clan
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Banyak orang ramai di arah mereka. Biasanya, pendatang baru hanya akan menerima uang saku sangat rendah setelah bergabung kekuatan besar; batu rohani sepuluh bulan sudah cukup bagus. Tapi Gu Bei dan Lu Piao menawarkan beberapa kali jumlah itu, per bulan!Namun, banyak orang yang masih ragu-ragu. Sebelum pendatang-baru ini bergabung dengan pasukan, mereka akan memastikan bahwa bos potensi mereka memiliki prospek. Setelah semua, setelah kontrak ditandatangani, dampaknya akan selalu di tempat, kecuali jika terjadi keadaan khusus. Jika mereka melanggar kontrak Liga mereka, itu akan sulit bagi mereka untuk memperoleh pijakan dalam mazhab bulu ilahi. Mereka akan menjadi obyek dari penghinaan.Pendatang baru berdiri dalam kelompok, membahas hal itu antara mereka sendiri."Mana yang dua ini dari?""Jangan Anda tahu? Bahwa pemuda adalah Gu Bei! Hal ini menegaskan bahwa ia telah terintegrasi dengan Dragon garis keturunan Allah tingkat setan semangat dan dipromosikan ke kursi pengganti pertama baris klan Gu!"Ketika para pendatang baru mendengar bahwa, matanya menyala. Penerus pertama baris klan Gu. Siapa tahu, ia mungkin menjadi patriark klan Gu di masa depan! Selain itu, Gu Bei belum menetapkan setiap kekuatan sendiri di luar dunia. Jika mereka bergabung sekarang, setelah Gu Bei menjadi patriark dari klan Gu, mereka akan menjadi bawahan terhormat yang membantu meningkatkan naga!Ini adalah pasti merupakan godaan besar!Selain itu, Gu Bei juga memberikan kondisi seperti itu mengejutkan dan menggoda.Soon, one after another, the newcomers started signing the league contract with Gu Bei.However, these newcomers quickly realised that the boss of the Demon League wasn’t Gu Bei, but actually someone else. Curiosity arouse within them for this mysterious person. Just who was this person? To make someone like Gu Bei serve him willingly?The other recruiters all dumbfoundedly watched the flood of newcomers moving towards Gu Bei and Lu Piao. Only a few headed in their own direction.After all, the difference in salary was too much!They looked at the salary that they themselves were offering and looked at the salary that Gu Bei was offering. No one spoke a word. Even some of the recruiters felt the urge to join the Demon League.“Take it easy, take it easy!” Lu Piao immediately shouted after he realised that too many people were crowding over. However, his face still betrayed his excitement.He never thought that so many people would be willing to join Demon League, especially since they’d just formed it. As Lu Piao looked down on the crowd, he couldn’t help imagining them conquering the world. With just a wave of his hand, thousands or tens of thousands of experts would flood the sky and ground. He became even more excited at the thought of it.Gu Bei proudly announced what Nie Li had told him. “As long as you spare no effort for the Demon League, we’ll definitely treat you fairly. As long as you come to our Demon League, we’ll give each of you a suitable cultivation technique that could help you reach the Martial Ancestor Realm. If you reach the Heavenly Star Realm, we’ll give you a Grade 3 Artifact. If you reach the Heavenly Axis Realm, we’ll give you a Dragon Bloodline demon spirit with an Excellent or even Extraordinary Level growth rate! Mark my words, the words of Gu Bei!”When everyone heard Gu Bei’s announcement, the excitement bubbled up to another level.This kind of treatment was simply too shocking! Not to mention one Martial Ancestor Realm cultivation technique for everyone! He was actually giving artifacts and distributing Dragon Bloodline Excellent and Extraordinary Level growth rate demon spirits?! Great heavens!Everyone felt their blood boiling. Finally, some of the hesitating geniuses made up their minds to follow Gu Bei!The recruiters from other factions gloomily looked at their empty areas. The boiling voices of the Demon League recruiters depressed them even further. Just what was going on? This was simply defying the rules! Wasn’t Gu Bei afraid of plunging the Gu Clan
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Banyak orang ramai ke arah mereka. Biasanya, pendatang baru hanya akan menerima uang saku yang sangat rendah setelah bergabung kekuatan besar; sepuluh batu spiritual bulan sudah cukup baik. Tapi Gu Bei dan Lu Piao yang menawarkan beberapa kali jumlah itu, per bulan! Namun, banyak orang yang masih ragu-ragu. Sebelum pendatang baru ini bergabung dengan pasukan, mereka akan memastikan bahwa bos potensi mereka memiliki prospek. Setelah semua, setelah kontrak ditandatangani, efeknya akan selalu berada di tempat, kecuali keadaan khusus terjadi. Jika mereka melanggar kontrak liga mereka, itu akan sulit bagi mereka untuk mendapatkan pijakan dalam Ilahi Feathers Sect. Mereka akan menjadi objek penghinaan. Para pendatang baru berdiri dalam kelompok, mendiskusikannya di antara mereka sendiri. "Di mana dua ini dari?" "Apa kau tidak tahu? Pemuda yang Gu Bei! Ini menegaskan bahwa ia telah terintegrasi dengan semangat Tingkat setan Naga Bloodline Allah dan dipromosikan ke kursi pertama-in-line penerus ini dari Gu Clan! " Ketika pendatang baru mendengar bahwa, mata mereka menyala. Pertama-in-line penerus dari Gu Clan. Siapa tahu, dia mungkin menjadi Gu Clan Patriarch di masa depan! Selanjutnya, Gu Bei belum menetapkan setiap kekuatan sendiri di dunia luar. Jika mereka bergabung sekarang, setelah Gu Bei menjadi Patriark Gu Clan, mereka akan menjadi bawahan terhormat yang membantu meningkatkan naga! Ini pasti godaan besar! Selanjutnya, Gu Bei juga memberikan kondisi mengejutkan dan menggoda tersebut. Segera, satu demi satu, para pendatang baru mulai menandatangani kontrak liga dengan Gu Bei. namun, pendatang baru ini dengan cepat menyadari bahwa bos Liga Setan tidak Gu Bei, tapi benar-benar orang lain. Curiosity membangkitkan dalam diri mereka untuk orang misterius ini. Hanya yang orang ini? Untuk membuat seseorang seperti Gu Bei melayani dia rela? Para perekrut lainnya semua dumbfoundedly menyaksikan banjir pendatang baru bergerak menuju Gu Bei dan Lu Piao. Hanya beberapa menuju ke arah mereka sendiri. Setelah semua, perbedaan gaji terlalu banyak! Mereka memandang gaji yang mereka sendiri yang menawarkan dan melihat gaji yang Gu Bei menawarkan. Tidak ada yang berbicara sepatah kata pun. Bahkan beberapa perekrut merasakan dorongan untuk bergabung dengan Liga Iblis. "Tenang, tenang saja!" Lu Piao langsung berteriak setelah dia menyadari bahwa terlalu banyak orang yang berkerumun di atas. Namun, wajahnya masih mengkhianati kegembiraannya. Dia tidak pernah berpikir bahwa begitu banyak orang akan bersedia untuk bergabung Liga Siluman, terutama karena mereka baru saja terbentuk itu. Sebagai Lu Piao memandang rendah orang banyak, dia tidak bisa membantu membayangkan mereka menaklukkan dunia. Dengan hanya gelombang tangannya, ribuan atau puluhan ribu ahli akan membanjiri langit dan tanah. Dia bahkan menjadi lebih bersemangat memikirkan itu. Gu Bei bangga mengumumkan apa Nie Li kepadanya. "Selama Anda cadang tidak ada upaya untuk Liga Iblis, kita pasti akan memperlakukan Anda cukup. Selama Anda datang ke Liga Siluman kami, kami akan memberikan kalian masing-masing teknik budidaya yang cocok yang bisa membantu Anda mencapai Realm Martial Leluhur. Jika Anda mencapai Realm Surgawi Bintang, kami akan memberikan kelas 3 Artifact. Jika Anda mencapai Realm Surgawi Axis, kami akan memberikan Naga Bloodline semangat setan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan yang sangat baik atau bahkan Tingkat Luar Biasa! Camkan kata-kataku, kata-kata Gu Bei! " Ketika semua orang mendengar pengumuman Gu Bei, kegembiraan menggelegak ke tingkat lain. Jenis perawatan itu terlalu mengejutkan! Belum lagi salah satu teknik budidaya Martial Leluhur Realm untuk semua orang! Dia benar-benar memberikan artefak dan mendistribusikan Naga Bloodline sangat baik dan Luar Biasa pertumbuhan Tingkat roh tingkat setan ?! Langit besar! Semua orang merasa didih darah mereka. Akhirnya, beberapa jenius ragu-ragu membuat pikiran mereka untuk mengikuti Gu Bei! The perekrut dari fraksi lain murung memandang daerah kosong mereka. Suara-suara mendidih dari perekrut Liga Iblis depresi mereka lebih jauh. Hanya apa yang sedang terjadi? Ini hanya menentang aturan! Tidak Gu Bei takut terjun Gu Clan

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