After one hour, the enor­mous and pow­er­ful bright camp dif­fer­ent d terjemahan - After one hour, the enor­mous and pow­er­ful bright camp dif­fer­ent d Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After one hour, the enor­mous and p

After one hour, the enor­mous and pow­er­ful bright camp dif­fer­ent demon army crossed the ice cold moun­tain ridge to enter the cal­cin­ing pelvis place, wore leads per­son­ally, rides a hair snow white warhorse, one crowd of five-star BOSS dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, the dev­ils visit us gen­er­ally, al­though these dif­fer­ent evil spir­its achieved the co­op­er­a­tion with the human army, but after all a side was a liv­ing, a side was the soul, there­fore being hos­tile to this races was im­pos­si­ble to aban­don com­pletely, was wears strength of forc­ing a one­self to get down makes these dif­fer­ent evil spir­its not have the sword to add to­gether, this was also the place that I most was wor­ried about, if. Wears which day not to be in­ef­fec­tive, these dif­fer­ent evil spir­its surely will be­come the en­e­mies of hu­man­ity.
This time army strong, pos­si­bly in the fu­ture our match strong!
„Saw the pur­ga­tory crack!”
Raises the dif­fer­ent demon mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of tom­a­hawk to in­sti­gate to fight the wolf to dash about wildly to go for­ward, in the eye is bring­ing fran­ti­cally, al­though his eye al­ready blind, above is cov­er­ing black cloth.
„It is not right.” The dif­fer­ent demon mil­i­tary of­fi­cer who an­other wears the black mail-ar­mor and hel­met clenches teeth say­ing: „Sup­ports pur­ga­tory crack dark quartz to be dam­aged se­ri­ously, what's all this about? In this case, pur­ga­tory crack basic on sup­port how long!”
At this time wore also stares, be­fore rais­ing the long sword was leap­ing im­me­di­ately, in the eye is bring­ing as­ton­ished: „How why could be this?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool raises long blade to say in side re­spect­fully: „Wears your high­ness, be­fore Sif just be­fore leav­ing, wants to ruin the pur­ga­tory crack, I and oth­ers stopped luck­ily vig­or­ously, per­haps oth­er­wise this space crack van­ished.”
„Is Li Xiao Yao, re­ally this?” Wears the ques­tion asked me.
I coughed, shows nei­ther ap­proval nor dis­ap­proval.
Wears to dig the small mouth: „You come with me!”
She rushes to Tienchu that the pur­ga­tory chan­nel has formed rapidly, I also opened the god shape to pur­sue, quick, two peo­ple si­mul­ta­ne­ously were built on air­borne, the strong winds bone-chill­ing cold were sway­ing our bat­tle dress, wore is nar­row­ing a pair of beau­ti­ful eye, looks at the flame space crack, el­e­ment raised sud­denly, the strength surged, im­me­di­ately the bot­tom heard one to shake greatly, a blood red arm ripped open the rock magma to drill from the pur­ga­tory, was a rush of blood to the head red stone giant, 9 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, roared an en­tire stature to climb up the ground, to was wear­ing re­spect­ful low­er­ing the head, with sad sound. Said: „Does my mas­ter, have what in­struc­tion?”
Wore any­thing not say­ing that waved, this stone giant stepped the se­ri­ous step to go to the place that one crowd of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its were at im­me­di­ately, looked like the army builds up gen­eral.
„Saw?” Wears asked.
„What saw?”
„An army of de­struc­tion en­tire hu­man­ity space, is ready to make trou­ble in the below of this crack suf­fi­ciently, they need Cooldown, so long as to Cooldown, they can de­stroy the world fully.”
In beau­ti­ful eye that „” wears is pass­ing grat­i­fied, said: „Ram­ble, has ru­ined 7 in 10 dark quartz thank you, thank you helps the road that I chose me to take.”
I trem­ble slightly: „Your high­ness”
She as if had com­pletely un­der­stood my thoughts, said: „I know that you and shal­low for­est are guard­ing against me, after all I once was a dif­fer­ent demon king, in your eyes I had been framed as an evil soul, but ram­bled, did you have to think that I now am hu­man­ity, I was the daugh­ter of Locker Great, I was a hu­man­ity, will my how being cruel enough let the human de­struc­tion?”
„Why do you want to thank me?”
„Be­cause of your loy­alty to em­pire.” She said spook­ily: „This stretch of world be­longed
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After one hour, the enor­mous and pow­er­ful bright camp dif­fer­ent demon army crossed the ice cold moun­tain ridge to enter the cal­cin­ing pelvis place, wore leads per­son­ally, rides a hair snow white warhorse, one crowd of five-star BOSS dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, the dev­ils visit us gen­er­ally, al­though these dif­fer­ent evil spir­its achieved the co­op­er­a­tion with the human army, but after all a side was a liv­ing, a side was the soul, there­fore being hos­tile to this races was im­pos­si­ble to aban­don com­pletely, was wears strength of forc­ing a one­self to get down makes these dif­fer­ent evil spir­its not have the sword to add to­gether, this was also the place that I most was wor­ried about, if. Wears which day not to be in­ef­fec­tive, these dif­fer­ent evil spir­its surely will be­come the en­e­mies of hu­man­ity.This time army strong, pos­si­bly in the fu­ture our match strong!„Saw the pur­ga­tory crack!”Raises the dif­fer­ent demon mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of tom­a­hawk to in­sti­gate to fight the wolf to dash about wildly to go for­ward, in the eye is bring­ing fran­ti­cally, al­though his eye al­ready blind, above is cov­er­ing black cloth.„It is not right.” The dif­fer­ent demon mil­i­tary of­fi­cer who an­other wears the black mail-ar­mor and hel­met clenches teeth say­ing: „Sup­ports pur­ga­tory crack dark quartz to be dam­aged se­ri­ously, what's all this about? In this case, pur­ga­tory crack basic on sup­port how long!”At this time wore also stares, be­fore rais­ing the long sword was leap­ing im­me­di­ately, in the eye is bring­ing as­ton­ished: „How why could be this?”The South Ko­rean deep pool raises long blade to say in side re­spect­fully: „Wears your high­ness, be­fore Sif just be­fore leav­ing, wants to ruin the pur­ga­tory crack, I and oth­ers stopped luck­ily vig­or­ously, per­haps oth­er­wise this space crack van­ished.”„Is Li Xiao Yao, re­ally this?” Wears the ques­tion asked me.I coughed, shows nei­ther ap­proval nor dis­ap­proval.Wears to dig the small mouth: „You come with me!”She rushes to Tienchu that the pur­ga­tory chan­nel has formed rapidly, I also opened the god shape to pur­sue, quick, two peo­ple si­mul­ta­ne­ously were built on air­borne, the strong winds bone-chill­ing cold were sway­ing our bat­tle dress, wore is nar­row­ing a pair of beau­ti­ful eye, looks at the flame space crack, el­e­ment raised sud­denly, the strength surged, im­me­di­ately the bot­tom heard one to shake greatly, a blood red arm ripped open the rock magma to drill from the pur­ga­tory, was a rush of blood to the head red stone giant, 9 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, roared an en­tire stature to climb up the ground, to was wear­ing re­spect­ful low­er­ing the head, with sad sound. Said: „Does my mas­ter, have what in­struc­tion?”Wore any­thing not say­ing that waved, this stone giant stepped the se­ri­ous step to go to the place that one crowd of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its were at im­me­di­ately, looked like the army builds up gen­eral.„Saw?” Wears asked.„Saw.”„What saw?”„An army of de­struc­tion en­tire hu­man­ity space, is ready to make trou­ble in the below of this crack suf­fi­ciently, they need Cooldown, so long as to Cooldown, they can de­stroy the world fully.”In beau­ti­ful eye that „” wears is pass­ing grat­i­fied, said: „Ram­ble, has ru­ined 7 in 10 dark quartz thank you, thank you helps the road that I chose me to take.”I trem­ble slightly: „Your high­ness”She as if had com­pletely un­der­stood my thoughts, said: „I know that you and shal­low for­est are guard­ing against me, after all I once was a dif­fer­ent demon king, in your eyes I had been framed as an evil soul, but ram­bled, did you have to think that I now am hu­man­ity, I was the daugh­ter of Locker Great, I was a hu­man­ity, will my how being cruel enough let the human de­struc­tion?”„Why do you want to thank me?”„Be­cause of your loy­alty to em­pire.” She said spook­ily: „This stretch of world be­longed
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setelah satu jam, kamp cerah yang berbeda tentara setan besar dan kuat melintasi punggungan gunung es dingin untuk memasuki tempat panggul kalsinasi, mengenakan mengarah pribadi, naik rambut salju kuda perang putih, satu kerumunan BOSS bintang lima roh jahat yang berbeda, setan kunjungi kami secara umum, meskipun roh-roh jahat yang berbeda dicapai kerjasama dengan tentara manusia, tapi setelah semua sisi adalah hidup, sisi adalah jiwa, karena memusuhi ras ini tidak mungkin untuk meninggalkan sepenuhnya, adalah memakai kekuatan memaksa diri untuk turun membuat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda tidak memiliki pedang untuk menambahkan bersama-sama, ini juga merupakan tempat yang saya paling khawatir tentang, jika. Memakai hari yang tidak tidak efektif, roh-roh jahat yang berbeda pasti akan menjadi musuh kemanusiaan.
Tentara Kali ini kuat, mungkin dalam waktu pertandingan kami yang kuat!
"Melihat celah api penyucian!"
Meningkatkan petugas militer setan yang berbeda dari tomahawk untuk menghasut untuk melawan serigala lari sekitar liar untuk maju, di mata adalah membawa panik, meskipun matanya sudah buta, di atas meliputi kain hitam.
"ini tidak benar." perwira militer iblis berbeda yang lain memakai mail- hitam armor dan helm mengepalkan gigi mengatakan: "Mendukung api penyucian retak kuarsa gelap akan rusak parah, apa semua ini? ! Dalam hal ini, api penyucian retak dasar tentang dukungan berapa lama "
Pada saat ini mengenakan juga menatap, sebelum menaikkan pedang panjang itu melompat segera, di mata adalah membawa heran:" Bagaimana mengapa bisa ini "?
The Korea Selatan dalam kolam kenaikan gaji panjang blade untuk mengatakan di sisi hormat: ". Wears Mulia, sebelum Sif sebelum meninggalkan, ingin merusak retak api penyucian, saya dan orang lain berhenti untungnya penuh semangat, mungkin jika ruang retak ini menghilang"
"Apakah Li Xiao Yao, benar-benar ini? ". Wears pertanyaan meminta saya
. saya batuk, menunjukkan tidak persetujuan atau ketidaksetujuan
Wears menggali mulut kecil:"! Kamu ikut saya "
Dia bergegas ke Tienchu ​​bahwa saluran api penyucian telah terbentuk dengan cepat, saya juga membuka bentuk dewa untuk mengejar , cepat, dua orang secara bersamaan dibangun di udara, angin kencang menusuk tulang dingin yang bergoyang gaun pertempuran kita, mengenakan adalah penyempitan sepasang mata yang indah, tampak di celah ruang api, elemen mengangkat tiba-tiba, kekuatan melonjak, segera bottom mendengar satu mengguncang sangat, lengan merah darah merobek magma batu untuk mengebor dari api penyucian, adalah aliran darah ke kepala raksasa batu merah, 9 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda, meraung seluruh bertubuh memanjat tanah , untuk mengenakan hormat menurunkan kepala, dengan suara sedih. Mengatakan: "? Apakah tuanku, memiliki apa instruksi"
Mengenakan apa pun tidak mengatakan bahwa melambai, raksasa batu ini melangkah langkah serius untuk pergi ke tempat yang satu kerumunan roh-roh jahat yang berbeda berada di segera, tampak seperti tentara membangun umum.
"Saw?" wears bertanya.
"Apa yang melihat?"
"tentara kehancuran seluruh ruang kemanusiaan, siap untuk membuat masalah di bawah retak ini cukup, mereka perlu cooldown, asalkan untuk cooldown, mereka bisa . menghancurkan dunia penuh "
dalam mata indah yang" "memakai lewat bersyukur, mengatakan:" mengoceh, telah merusak 7 di 10 kuarsa gelap terima kasih, terima kasih membantu jalan yang saya memilih saya untuk mengambil. "
saya gemetar sedikit:" Mulia "
Dia seakan telah benar-benar mengerti pikiranku, mengatakan:" saya tahu bahwa Anda dan hutan dangkal menjaga terhadap saya, setelah semua aku dulu setan raja yang berbeda, di mata Anda, saya telah dijebak sebagai jiwa yang jahat, tapi Rambled, kau harus berpikir bahwa saya sekarang saya manusia, saya adalah putri Locker besar, aku manusia yang, akan saya bagaimana menjadi kejam cukup membiarkan kehancuran manusia? "
" Mengapa Anda ingin berterima kasih padaku? "
" Karena . kesetiaan Anda untuk kerajaan "Dia berkata spookily:" stretch ini dunia milik
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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