„Um, un­der­stand­ing! In the af­ter­noon di­vides the pledge to start terjemahan - „Um, un­der­stand­ing! In the af­ter­noon di­vides the pledge to start Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Um, un­der­stand­ing! In the af­te

„Um, un­der­stand­ing! In the af­ter­noon di­vides the pledge to start the hir­ing, relax, wants to join the [Zhan Long] per­son in a big way one, so long as we want, com­pletes to sur­pass the trade union of 20 W per­son [Zhan Long] is not the issue.”
„That was good, was right, did the guild wind and cloud list ren­o­vate?”
„5 : 00 pm ren­o­vated, gets on­line too for a long time was un­able to see.”
„Um, gets on­line, you go busily, I have a look at the re­con­struc­tion of every book city.”
Chat­ted the most chap­ter of day later, gets on­line!
Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, di­rect trans­mis­sion every book city, im­me­di­ately at pre­sent one bright, a sil­ver main city reap­pears at pre­sent, com­pared with yes­ter­day every book city as if by fine and dig­ni­fied, the gal­va­nized iron stands many palace guards in de­fend­ing im­pe­r­ial the city like the city wall that in the sil­ver casts, and an all trades brightly bur­nished Long Jing ar­tillery and hot crag ar­tillery were also pushed on the city, pre­pares to bomb the enemy in dis­tant place at any time.
Air­borne, in Long Chao, hawk nests are hang­ing white tar­gets, troop Flame Hawk Archers is train­ing the archery, the cry of flame hawk is un­ceas­ing, added the in­te­gral Xiao Sha at­mos­phere to every book city.
The South Ko­rean deep pool raises the long blade to progress to come, to stand up from fail­ure by far to dis­con­tinue to say with a smile: „Gen­eral you come fi­nally, today pre­vi­ous noon­time, your majesty has come to every book city, but after pa­trolling, saw you not to re­turn to Tian Ling Em­pire to go, I made the dragon whet­stone gen­eral lead 5000 im­pe­r­ial Lin Tie to ride along with the royal cart go to Tian Ling Em­pire to pro­tect, looks the mer­ce­nary sol­dier and ban­dits and thieves who the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate fre­quently sent out the small stock re­cently rolls to us makes a ha­rass­ing at­tack, end to en­sure your majesty se­cu­rity so.”
I nod smile: „Does re­ally well, truly needs to con­sider your majesty safety, can­not make Great be grabbed this mat­ter to occur again, oth­er­wise is our dere­lic­tions of duty, was right, is who ac­com­pa­nies your majesty to come to every book city?”
„On Luo child the gen­eral, in Luis the gen­eral, hun­dred and Qin Ye two gen­er­als, the team of pro­tect guard was the 1 W im­pe­r­ial guard cav­alry who Situ Xin led, above has not en­coun­tered any dan­ger.”
Nearby, Xiao Li walks slowly, said: „Strength of im­pe­r­ial guard under the drill of Situ fire­wood gen­eral was get­ting stronger and stronger, the Sir com­pletely may feel re­lieved that has the im­pe­r­ial guard ac­com­pa­ny­ing pro­tect guard, your majesty is the ab­solute safety.”
I nod say­ing: „Um, is the sit­u­a­tion of fire Shen­shan di­rec­tion what kind of?”
Xiao Lidao: „Long Jing min­eral lode and gold ore in min­ing, we have as­sem­bled many min­ers from nine Licheng, Ba Huang City and Tian Ling Em­pire, be­lieves that the speed of min­ing will cer­tainly sat­isfy the Sir.”
„Has made a ha­rass­ing at­tack again?” I asked.
The South Ko­rean deep pool raises the long blade to laugh: „Gen­eral felt re­lieved that makes a ha­rass­ing at­tack our sev­eral com­mis­sion army corps to be cut the head of reg­i­men­tal com­man­der to dis­play a sev­ered head by us has ex­posed to the pub­lic, be­lieves that this crowd ate the mer­ce­nary sol­dier of leop­ard balls also to un­der­stand every book city was not the truth that they can bribe, words that came again, same brought death, the palace guard guarded fire Shen­shan per­son­ally, every book city was the im­preg­nable bas­tion.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Um, un­der­stand­ing! In the af­ter­noon di­vides the pledge to start the hir­ing, relax, wants to join the [Zhan Long] per­son in a big way one, so long as we want, com­pletes to sur­pass the trade union of 20 W per­son [Zhan Long] is not the issue.”„That was good, was right, did the guild wind and cloud list ren­o­vate?”„5 : 00 pm ren­o­vated, gets on­line too for a long time was un­able to see.”„Um, gets on­line, you go busily, I have a look at the re­con­struc­tion of every book city.”„Good!”Chat­ted the most chap­ter of day later, gets on­line!„Brushes!”Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, di­rect trans­mis­sion every book city, im­me­di­ately at pre­sent one bright, a sil­ver main city reap­pears at pre­sent, com­pared with yes­ter­day every book city as if by fine and dig­ni­fied, the gal­va­nized iron stands many palace guards in de­fend­ing im­pe­r­ial the city like the city wall that in the sil­ver casts, and an all trades brightly bur­nished Long Jing ar­tillery and hot crag ar­tillery were also pushed on the city, pre­pares to bomb the enemy in dis­tant place at any time.Air­borne, in Long Chao, hawk nests are hang­ing white tar­gets, troop Flame Hawk Archers is train­ing the archery, the cry of flame hawk is un­ceas­ing, added the in­te­gral Xiao Sha at­mos­phere to every book city.„Gen­eral!”The South Ko­rean deep pool raises the long blade to progress to come, to stand up from fail­ure by far to dis­con­tinue to say with a smile: „Gen­eral you come fi­nally, today pre­vi­ous noon­time, your majesty has come to every book city, but after pa­trolling, saw you not to re­turn to Tian Ling Em­pire to go, I made the dragon whet­stone gen­eral lead 5000 im­pe­r­ial Lin Tie to ride along with the royal cart go to Tian Ling Em­pire to pro­tect, looks the mer­ce­nary sol­dier and ban­dits and thieves who the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate fre­quently sent out the small stock re­cently rolls to us makes a ha­rass­ing at­tack, end to en­sure your majesty se­cu­rity so.”
I nod smile: „Does re­ally well, truly needs to con­sider your majesty safety, can­not make Great be grabbed this mat­ter to occur again, oth­er­wise is our dere­lic­tions of duty, was right, is who ac­com­pa­nies your majesty to come to every book city?”
„On Luo child the gen­eral, in Luis the gen­eral, hun­dred and Qin Ye two gen­er­als, the team of pro­tect guard was the 1 W im­pe­r­ial guard cav­alry who Situ Xin led, above has not en­coun­tered any dan­ger.”
Nearby, Xiao Li walks slowly, said: „Strength of im­pe­r­ial guard under the drill of Situ fire­wood gen­eral was get­ting stronger and stronger, the Sir com­pletely may feel re­lieved that has the im­pe­r­ial guard ac­com­pa­ny­ing pro­tect guard, your majesty is the ab­solute safety.”
I nod say­ing: „Um, is the sit­u­a­tion of fire Shen­shan di­rec­tion what kind of?”
Xiao Lidao: „Long Jing min­eral lode and gold ore in min­ing, we have as­sem­bled many min­ers from nine Licheng, Ba Huang City and Tian Ling Em­pire, be­lieves that the speed of min­ing will cer­tainly sat­isfy the Sir.”
„Has made a ha­rass­ing at­tack again?” I asked.
The South Ko­rean deep pool raises the long blade to laugh: „Gen­eral felt re­lieved that makes a ha­rass­ing at­tack our sev­eral com­mis­sion army corps to be cut the head of reg­i­men­tal com­man­der to dis­play a sev­ered head by us has ex­posed to the pub­lic, be­lieves that this crowd ate the mer­ce­nary sol­dier of leop­ard balls also to un­der­stand every book city was not the truth that they can bribe, words that came again, same brought death, the palace guard guarded fire Shen­shan per­son­ally, every book city was the im­preg­nable bas­tion.”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Um, pemahaman! Pada sore hari membagi janji untuk memulai perekrutan, bersantai, ingin bergabung dengan [Zhan Panjang] orang di jalan besar satu, selama kita inginkan, melengkapi mengungguli serikat buruh dari 20 W orang [Zhan Panjang] tidak . isu "
" Itu bagus, benar, melakukan serikat angin dan daftar awan merenovasi? "
" 5: 12:00 direnovasi, mendapat online juga untuk waktu yang lama tidak bisa melihat ".
" Um, mendapat online, Anda pergi sibuk, saya lihat di rekonstruksi setiap kota buku. "
" Baik! "
Mengobrol bab sebagian besar hari kemudian, mendapat secara online!
" brushes! "
Muncul di Tian Ling Empire, transmisi langsung setiap kota buku, segera di satu ini cerah, kota utama perak muncul kembali saat ini, dibandingkan dengan kemarin setiap kota buku seolah-olah dengan baik dan bermartabat, besi galvanis berdiri banyak penjaga istana dalam membela kekaisaran kota seperti tembok kota yang di perak gips, dan semua perdagangan cerah mengilap Long Jing artileri dan karang artileri panas juga mendorong di kota, mempersiapkan untuk mengebom musuh di tempat yang jauh setiap saat.
Airborne, di Long Chao, sarang elang yang tergantung target putih, pasukan api elang Archers melatih panahan, yang jeritan api hawk adalah terus-menerus, menambahkan suasana Xiao Sha integral setiap kota buku.
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan menimbulkan pisau panjang untuk kemajuan untuk datang, untuk berdiri dari kegagalan jauh untuk menghentikan mengatakan dengan senyum : "General Anda datang akhirnya, hari ini siang sebelumnya, paduka telah datang ke setiap kota buku, tapi setelah berpatroli, melihat Anda tidak kembali ke Tian Ling Empire untuk pergi, saya membuat naga batu asah memimpin umum 5000 kekaisaran Lin Tie untuk naik sepanjang dengan gerobak royal pergi ke Tian Ling Empire untuk melindungi, terlihat tentara bayaran dan bandit dan pencuri yang dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama sering mengirimkan stok kecil baru-baru gulungan untuk kita membuat serangan melecehkan, akhir untuk memastikan . keamanan paduka jadi "
aku mengangguk sambil tersenyum:" Apakah benar-benar baik, benar-benar perlu mempertimbangkan keselamatan paduka, tidak dapat membuat besar akan meraih hal ini terjadi lagi, sebaliknya adalah derelictions kami tugas, benar, adalah yang menyertai paduka untuk datang ke setiap kota buku? "
" pada anak Luo umum, di Luis umum, seratus Qin Ye dua jenderal, tim penjaga melindungi adalah 1 W kekaisaran penjaga kavaleri yang Situ Xin memimpin, di atas belum ditemui bahaya. "
Terdekat, Xiao Li berjalan perlahan-lahan, mengatakan:" Kekuatan penjaga kekaisaran di bawah bor dari Situ kayu bakar umum semakin kuat dan kuat, Sir benar-benar mungkin merasa lega bahwa memiliki penjaga kekaisaran menyertai melindungi penjaga, paduka adalah keamanan mutlak. "
aku mengangguk mengatakan:" Um, adalah situasi kebakaran arah Shenshan apa? "
Xiao Lidao:" Long Jing lapisan mineral dan bijih emas di tambang, kami telah mengumpulkan banyak penambang dari sembilan Licheng, Ba Huang Kota dan Tian Ling Empire , percaya bahwa kecepatan pertambangan pasti akan memuaskan Sir ".
" telah membuat serangan melecehkan lagi? "saya bertanya.
kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan menimbulkan pisau panjang tertawa:" General merasa lega yang membuat melecehkan menyerang beberapa komisi kami tentara korps harus dipotong kepala komandan resimen untuk menampilkan kepala dipenggal oleh kami telah terkena publik, percaya bahwa orang-orang ini makan tentara bayaran bola macan tutul juga untuk memahami setiap kota buku bukanlah kebenaran bahwa mereka dapat menyuap, kata yang datang lagi, membawa kematian yang sama, pengawal istana dijaga api Shenshan pribadi, setiap kota buku adalah benteng ditembus. "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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