Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
45500:45:49,813 --> 00:45:55,308were a few spoonfuls of sand containingthe strange single-celled creatures45600:45:55,419 --> 00:45:57,785the scientists are studying here.45700:45:59,056 --> 00:46:04,426They are known as tree foraminifera,primordiaI single-celled organisms.45800:46:05,863 --> 00:46:08,991They branch out in the shape of trees.45900:46:09,099 --> 00:46:13,627The branches give off pseudopodia,microscopic false feet46000:46:13,737 --> 00:46:19,471that gather and assemble grains of sandinto a protective shell around the twigs.46100:46:21,879 --> 00:46:25,474BOWSER: These are the pseudopodiathat are secreted by foraminifera.46200:46:25,582 --> 00:46:28,983They're long, thin, tendril-like projections.46300:46:30,521 --> 00:46:32,148What the foram does is it wakes up,46400:46:32,256 --> 00:46:36,022sends out the pseudopods and then justgrabs every particle in its environment46500:46:36,126 --> 00:46:38,526and pulls them in toward its body.46600:46:39,930 --> 00:46:43,422There's a certain pattern to the waythat they sort the particles.46700:46:43,567 --> 00:46:46,661They can select particular grainsout of everything in the environment46800:46:46,770 --> 00:46:50,331and just end up with them.They're beautiful masons.46900:46:51,041 --> 00:46:54,568HERZOG: Could that bea very early appearance of intelligence?47000:46:54,711 --> 00:46:58,374-Aku mengatakannya dengan hati-hati.-Ya, saya harus mengatakan bahwa itu dengan hati-hati, juga,47100:46:58, 482--> 00:47:01, 815karena ada cerita tentang47200:47:01, 919--> 00:47:05, 446Bagaimana organisme tertentutelah masuk ke dalam perdebatan itu.47300:47:05, 589--> 00:47:07, 716Pergantian abad terakhir, misalnya,47400:47:07, 825--> 00:47:11, 454ada seorang ilmuwan,seorang ilmuwan Inggris bernama Heron-Allen47500:47:11, 562--> 00:47:14, 998yang, tampaknya, dalam salah satu perdebatan47600:47:15, 098--> 00:47:17, 828dalam salah satu masyarakat Inggris47700:47:17, 935--> 00:47:21, 268menunjuk fakta bahwasetiap definisi intelijen47800:47:21, 371--> 00:47:26, 399itu sedang dirumuskan bisadigenapi oleh makhluk bersel tunggal.47900:47:28, 478--> 00:47:32, 175Batas intelijen,Ya, di leveI bersel tunggal.48000:47:32, 382--> 00:47:35, 943Maksudku, itu adalah manifestasiyang terbaik dari kemampuan kita, benar-benar,48100:47:36, 119--> 00:47:39, 953cara bahwa mereka membangun popularitas.Hal ini hampir seni.48200:47:52, 336--> 00:47:54, 463(PENGEBORAN)48300:49:26, 830--> 00:49:31, 529HERZOG: saya melihat bahwa penyelam,dalam rutinitas mereka, tidak berbicara sama sekali.48400:49:35, 172--> 00:49:38, 767Ke sayamereka adalah seperti imam-imam yang mempersiapkan untuk massa.48500:50:03, 266--> 00:50:08, 397Di bawah es, penyelam menemukan diri merekadalam kenyataan yang terpisah,48600:50:08, 772--> 00:50:13, 607mana ruang dan waktumemperoleh dimensi baru aneh.48700:50:13, 744--> 00:50:18, 010Beberapa anak yang mengalami duniadi bawah langit beku48800:50:18, 515--> 00:50:22, 076sering berbicara tentang hal itu sebagaiturun ke cathedraI.48900:54:45, 649--> 00:54:50, 916HERZOG: kembali dari dunia anehUnderwater, para ilmuwan mempelajari sampel.49000:54:52, 289--> 00:54:57, 158Salah satu sarjana terkemuka di duniadalam bidangnya, Dr: Pawlowski,49100:54:57, 260 00:55:01, 094-->Studi sekuensi DNA foraminifera.49200:55:01, 197--> 00:55:07, 329Apa yang tampak Esoterik adalah satu fakta darifundamentaI pertanyaan tentang kehidupan di bumi.49300:55:09, 205--> 00:55:13, 835Dengan cara yang sama yang ahli kosmologi Cariasal-usul alam semesta,49400:55:14, 177--> 00:55:20, 446Para ilmuwan di sini menelusuri kembalievolusi kehidupan untuk tahap awal.49500:55:23, 953--> 00:55:28, 447Kadang-kadang blok bangunanurutan semua tampaknya cocok.49600:55:31, 127--> 00:55:35, 154Jan, apa yang telah Anda menemukan hari ini begitu jauhpada sampel yang kami temukan?49700:55:35, 265--> 00:55:37, 130-Tiga spesies baru.-Tiga spesies baru.49800:55:37, 233--> 00:55:39, 724Tiga spesies baru pada hidangan.Itu fantastis.49900:55:39, 836--> 00:55:43, 795-Ini adalah dari situs ROMEO.-Ya, dari situs ROMEO.50000:55:43, 907--> 00:55:49, 368Ianya perak kecil satu dan dua memanjang yang.Aku tidak tahu apa artinya.50100:55:49,479 --> 00:55:51,413We have to do the DNA, too.We don't know:.50200:55:51,514 --> 00:55:53,675HERZOG: Is this a great moment?50300:55:54,451 --> 00:55:57,443- Yeah, yeah, this is.- Yeah, any time you increase50400:55:57,554 --> 00:56:01,012the known diversity of these typesof creatures, it's pretty exciting.50500:56:01,124 --> 00:56:04,093Yeah. That is very special.50600:56:04,594 --> 00:56:06,255(BOWSER PLAYING GUITAR)50700:56:13,069 --> 00:56:15,731Apologies to rock musicians everywhere.50800:56:15,839 --> 00:56:17,136(LAUGHING)50900:56:18,975 --> 00:56:22,433HERZOG: Once the importanceof the discovery has sunk in,51000:56:22,545 --> 00:56:27,744Sam Bowser and his group plan to celebratethe event in their own way.51100:56:27,851 --> 00:56:29,944(GUITARS PLAYING)51200:56:30,920 --> 00:56:34,720They are rehearsing fora late-night outdoor concert.51300:56:46,169 --> 00:56:48,364(PLAYING ROCK MUSIC)51400:57:31,915 --> 00:57:36,716After the helicopter had dropped us offback at McMurdo,51500:57:37,187 --> 00:57:43,786nobody was around: The sundiaI showedthat it was close to 1:00 a:m.51600:57:58,708 --> 00:58:03,839It did not feeI like night,so we had a look around.51700:58:03,947 --> 00:58:09,749This unobtrusive buildinghad raised my curiosity for quite a while.51800:58:46,823 --> 00:58:51,817Here amongst unripe tomatoes,we ran into this young man.51900:58:52,562 --> 00:58:54,860How did he end up in this place?52000:58:55,164 --> 00:58:58,497Oh, yeah, well, you know, I like to say,52100:58:58,601 --> 00:59:01,365if you take everybody who's not tied down,they all sort of52200:59:01,471 --> 00:59:03,598fall down to the bottom of the planet, so,52300:59:03,706 --> 00:59:06,675you know, I haven't been:.That's how we got here, you know.52400:59:06,776 --> 00:59:09,006We're all at loose endsand here we are together.52500:59:09,112 --> 00:59:11,603I rememberwhen I first got down here I sort of52600:59:11,714 --> 00:59:14,877enjoyed the sensation of recognizing peoplewith my tribal markings.52700:59:14,984 --> 00:59:18,078You know, I was like,"Hey, these are my people:"52800:59:18,187 --> 00:59:23,819PhDs washing dishes and, you know,linguists on a continent with no languages52900:59:23,927 --> 00:59:25,952and that sort of thing, yeah. It's great.53000:59:26,062 --> 00:59:29,589Yeah, specifically I was ina graduate program, and we had lined up53100:59:29,699 --> 00:59:34,193to do some work withone of the people who was53200:59:34,304 --> 00:59:38,536identified as a native speakerand a competent native speaker of53300:59:38,641 --> 00:59:41,610one of the languagesof the Winnebago people, the Ho-Chunk,53400:59:41,711 --> 00:59:43,702I think is how they pronounced it, and:.53500:59:44,147 --> 00:59:46,707HERZOG: To make a complicated story short,53600:59:46,816 --> 00:59:52,812he ran into New Age ideologues who madeinsipid claims about black and white magic53700:59:52,922 --> 00:59:55,288embedded in the grammar of this language.53800:59:55,391 --> 00:59:57,586Some of the oral traditionthat had been passed along:.53900:59:57,694 --> 01:00:00,788Hence, in this stupid trend of academia,54001:00:00,897 --> 01:00:04,128it would be better to let the language diethan preserve it.54101:00:04,233 --> 01:00:05,860:.you know, I could document a language:.54201:00:05,969 --> 01:00:09,268He had to destroy his entire PhD research.54301:00:09,772 --> 01:00:13,139So just imagine, you know, 90%54401:00:13,242 --> 01:00:16,541of languages will be extinctprobably in my lifetime.54501:00:16,713 --> 01:00:18,578It's a catastrophic impact54601:00:18,948 --> 01:00:22,247to an ecosystem to talkabout that kind of extinction.54701:00:22,352 --> 01:00:25,515Culturally, we're talkingabout the same thing. I mean,54801:00:25,622 --> 01:00:28,785you know, what if you lost all of54901:00:29,025 --> 01:00:32,586Russian literature, or something like that,or Russian, you know? If you took all of the55001:00:32,695 --> 01:00:37,064Slavic languages and just they wentaway, you know, and no more Tolstoy.55101:00:38,134 --> 01:00:42,332It occurred to me that in the timewe spent with him in the greenhouse,
01:00:42,438 --> 01:00:45,703
possibly three or four languages had died.
01:00:46,976 --> 01:00:50,434
In our efforts to preserve
endangered species,
01:00:50,546 --> 01:00:53,538
we seem to overlook something
equally important.
01:00:55,318 --> 01:00:59,584
To me,
it is a sign of a deeply disturbed civilization
01:00:59,689 --> 01:01:04,649
where tree huggers and whale huggers
in their weirdness are acceptable,
01:01:04,761 --> 01:01:08,527
while no one embraces
the last speakers of a language.
01:01:17,540 --> 01:01:21,533
McMurdo is full of characters
like our linguist.
01:01:22,111 --> 01:01:26
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