ConclusionIf protecting the biological health of athletes was a critic terjemahan - ConclusionIf protecting the biological health of athletes was a critic Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ConclusionIf protecting the biologi


If protecting the biological health of athletes was a critical concern of sporting bodies and anti-doping authorities, then it would seem that the range of risks that athletes encounter on a regular basis would be dealt with in a more concerted and comprehensive manner. Given George Orwell’s equation of sport and war, however, it would appear that bodies are little more than ‘cannon fodder’ on the sports field and may be largely expend-able in the pursuit of national and international prestige. Understanding health, therefore, as a broader social and cultural construct emphasises the multiple ideologies upon which this notion rests, and reveals it to be reflective of issues of national vitality and standing as well as personal morality and collective integrity. Within the context of sport, protecting the ‘health’ of athletes is equated with protecting national interests, and for thisreason, individual boundaries and national borders are synonymous. The expulsion of foreign bodies from the athlete and the recovery of its purity are mirrored in efforts to rid the national body of similar undesirable con-tamination to preserve social order and stability. In essence, then, anti-doping strategies must be interrogated as part of a medico-moral discourse that is not primarily focused on biological welfare, but which is aligned more closely to issues of ‘fairness’ and morality than might first be expected.

Despite the fact that ‘health’ may be a broader social construct, there is nevertheless evidence that doping, as well as other sporting practices, can cause harm to the body. Whilst prohibiting illicit drugs and methods on the basis of health may be unsustainable in theory, and in practice may provoke more damage to athletes’ bodies, ensuring the well-being of their

90 The nature of health

charges should be, at least in part, a responsibility of those who benefit directly from their labour. Like any employer, international sporting bodies and national governments have an implied duty of care towards those in their service. Anti-doping strategies are, however, limited and ineffective when it comes to safeguarding physical well-being, and for this reason, Savulescu and his colleagues (2004) suggest that ‘health’ rather than ‘bodily corruption’ should be the primary concern. Rather than testing athletes for evidence of illicit substances in their bodies, they should be examined to ensure they are physically prepared for the rigours of sporting training and com-petition. For example, if, in the case of blood doping, rEPO, altitude train-ing or hypoxic chambers, haematocrit levels in the blood stream above 50 per cent is considered to be the point at which the well-being of an athlete is jeopardised, then all athletes should have their blood tested for haema-tocrit levels. If they have more than a 50 per cent concentration, then they should be prevented from competing, regardless whether their blood was thickened through ‘natural’ or ‘artificial’ means, or was simply a result of genetics.

Safeguarding the health of athletes may lie at the heart of anti-doping policies; however, it is clear that ‘health’ is an elusive concept, which is inextricably linked to broader moral and national discourses. In essence, these strategies are based on controlling and regulating athletes’ bodies to conform to normative standards, which is particularly evident in claims that anabolic steroids corrupt gendered bodies by feminising men and masculi-nising women. In the following chapter, fears about the monstrous femi-nine, the apparent consequence of substantial drug abuse, are explored to examine how the enhanced female body unsettles normative, heterosexual expectations. An ‘unhealthy’, or, more specifically, ‘unfeminine’, appear-ance is acknowledged as evidence of the body’s essential corruption by illi-cit substances, whilst an appropriately attractive body, regardless of what chemicals may be swimming therein, is thought to ‘look’ healthy and so must ‘be’ healthy. This chapter suggests, then, that the body’s own surfaces become visible markers of the guilt or innocence of doping.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ConclusionIf protecting the biological health of athletes was a critical concern of sporting bodies and anti-doping authorities, then it would seem that the range of risks that athletes encounter on a regular basis would be dealt with in a more concerted and comprehensive manner. Given George Orwell’s equation of sport and war, however, it would appear that bodies are little more than ‘cannon fodder’ on the sports field and may be largely expend-able in the pursuit of national and international prestige. Understanding health, therefore, as a broader social and cultural construct emphasises the multiple ideologies upon which this notion rests, and reveals it to be reflective of issues of national vitality and standing as well as personal morality and collective integrity. Within the context of sport, protecting the ‘health’ of athletes is equated with protecting national interests, and for thisreason, individual boundaries and national borders are synonymous. The expulsion of foreign bodies from the athlete and the recovery of its purity are mirrored in efforts to rid the national body of similar undesirable con-tamination to preserve social order and stability. In essence, then, anti-doping strategies must be interrogated as part of a medico-moral discourse that is not primarily focused on biological welfare, but which is aligned more closely to issues of ‘fairness’ and morality than might first be expected.Despite the fact that ‘health’ may be a broader social construct, there is nevertheless evidence that doping, as well as other sporting practices, can cause harm to the body. Whilst prohibiting illicit drugs and methods on the basis of health may be unsustainable in theory, and in practice may provoke more damage to athletes’ bodies, ensuring the well-being of their 90 The nature of healthcharges should be, at least in part, a responsibility of those who benefit directly from their labour. Like any employer, international sporting bodies and national governments have an implied duty of care towards those in their service. Anti-doping strategies are, however, limited and ineffective when it comes to safeguarding physical well-being, and for this reason, Savulescu and his colleagues (2004) suggest that ‘health’ rather than ‘bodily corruption’ should be the primary concern. Rather than testing athletes for evidence of illicit substances in their bodies, they should be examined to ensure they are physically prepared for the rigours of sporting training and com-petition. For example, if, in the case of blood doping, rEPO, altitude train-ing or hypoxic chambers, haematocrit levels in the blood stream above 50 per cent is considered to be the point at which the well-being of an athlete is jeopardised, then all athletes should have their blood tested for haema-tocrit levels. If they have more than a 50 per cent concentration, then they should be prevented from competing, regardless whether their blood was thickened through ‘natural’ or ‘artificial’ means, or was simply a result of genetics.Safeguarding the health of athletes may lie at the heart of anti-doping policies; however, it is clear that ‘health’ is an elusive concept, which is inextricably linked to broader moral and national discourses. In essence, these strategies are based on controlling and regulating athletes’ bodies to conform to normative standards, which is particularly evident in claims that anabolic steroids corrupt gendered bodies by feminising men and masculi-nising women. In the following chapter, fears about the monstrous femi-nine, the apparent consequence of substantial drug abuse, are explored to examine how the enhanced female body unsettles normative, heterosexual expectations. An ‘unhealthy’, or, more specifically, ‘unfeminine’, appear-ance is acknowledged as evidence of the body’s essential corruption by illi-cit substances, whilst an appropriately attractive body, regardless of what chemicals may be swimming therein, is thought to ‘look’ healthy and so must ‘be’ healthy. This chapter suggests, then, that the body’s own surfaces become visible markers of the guilt or innocence of doping.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kesimpulan Jika melindungi kesehatan biologis atlet adalah perhatian penting dari badan olahraga dan otoritas anti-doping, maka akan tampak bahwa berbagai resiko yang atlet menghadapi secara teratur akan ditangani dengan cara yang lebih terpadu dan komprehensif. Mengingat persamaan George Orwell olahraga dan perang, namun, itu akan muncul bahwa tubuh yang sedikit lebih dari 'umpan meriam' di lapangan olahraga dan mungkin sebagian besar mengeluarkan-bisa dalam mengejar prestise nasional dan internasional. Memahami kesehatan, oleh karena itu, sebagai konstruksi sosial dan budaya yang lebih luas menekankan beberapa ideologi di mana gagasan ini bersandar, dan mengungkapkan untuk menjadi reflektif dari masalah vitalitas nasional dan berdiri serta moralitas pribadi dan integritas kolektif. Dalam konteks olahraga, melindungi 'kesehatan' atlet disamakan dengan melindungi kepentingan nasional, dan untuk thisreason, batas individu dan batas-batas negara adalah sama. Pengusiran benda asing dari atlet dan pemulihan kemurniannya yang tercermin dalam e ff orts untuk membersihkan tubuh nasional serupa tidak diinginkan con-tamination untuk melestarikan tatanan sosial dan stabilitas. Pada intinya, kemudian, strategi anti-doping harus diinterogasi sebagai bagian dari wacana medis-moral yang tidak terutama difokuskan pada kesejahteraan biologis, tetapi yang lebih diselaraskan dengan isu 'keadilan' dan moralitas daripada yang mungkin pertama diharapkan. Meskipun fakta bahwa 'kesehatan' mungkin konstruksi sosial yang lebih luas, ada namun bukti bahwa doping, serta praktek olahraga lainnya, dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada tubuh. Sementara melarang obat-obatan terlarang dan metode atas dasar kesehatan mungkin tidak berkelanjutan dalam teori, dan dalam prakteknya dapat menimbulkan lebih banyak kerusakan pada tubuh atlet, menjamin kesejahteraan mereka 90 Sifat kesehatan biaya seharusnya, setidaknya sebagian, tanggung jawab dari orang-orang yang mendapatkan manfaat langsung dari tenaga kerja mereka. Seperti majikan apapun, badan olahraga internasional dan pemerintah nasional memiliki kewajiban tersirat perawatan terhadap mereka dalam pelayanan mereka. Strategi anti-doping, bagaimanapun, terbatas dan ine ff efektif ketika datang untuk menjaga kesejahteraan fisik, dan untuk alasan ini, Savulescu dan rekan-rekannya (2004) menyatakan bahwa 'kesehatan' daripada 'korupsi tubuh' harus menjadi perhatian utama. Daripada pengujian atlet untuk bukti zat terlarang di tubuh mereka, mereka harus diperiksa untuk memastikan mereka secara fisik siap untuk kerasnya pelatihan olahraga dan com-petisi. Sebagai contoh, jika, dalam kasus doping darah, repo, ketinggian kereta-ing atau ruang hipoksia, kadar hematokrit dalam aliran darah di atas 50 persen dianggap titik di mana kesejahteraan atlet yang membahayakan, maka semua atlet harus memiliki darah mereka diuji untuk tingkat haema-tocrit. Jika mereka memiliki lebih dari konsentrasi sen 50 per, maka mereka harus dicegah dari bersaing, terlepas apakah darah mereka menebal melalui 'alami' atau 'buatan' berarti, atau hanya hasil genetika. Menjaga kesehatan atlet mungkin berbohong di jantung kebijakan anti-doping; Namun, jelas bahwa 'kesehatan' merupakan konsep yang sulit dipahami, yang terkait erat dengan wacana moral dan nasional yang lebih luas. Pada intinya, strategi ini didasarkan pada pengendalian dan mengatur tubuh atlet untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan standar normatif, yang sangat jelas dalam klaim bahwa steroid anabolik korup tubuh gender oleh laki-laki feminising dan masculi-nising wanita. Dalam bab berikut, kekhawatiran tentang mengerikan femi-sembilan, konsekuensi yang jelas dari penyalahgunaan narkoba besar, dieksplorasi untuk memeriksa bagaimana tubuh wanita ditingkatkan meresahkan normatif, harapan heteroseksual. Sebuah 'tidak sehat', atau, lebih khusus, 'feminin', muncul-Ance diakui sebagai bukti korupsi penting tubuh dengan zat Illi-cit, sementara tubuh tepat menarik, terlepas dari apa bahan kimia dapat berenang di dalamnya, diduga 'terlihat' sehat dan harus 'menjadi' sehat. Bab ini menunjukkan, bahwa permukaan tubuh sendiri menjadi penanda terlihat dari bersalah atau tidak dari doping.

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