Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
I decided to wear jeans and a long-sleeve shirt to dinner. I wasn’t sure where he wanted to go, but I hoped it wasn’t somewhere fancy. I didn’t care for overpriced restaurants with small portions. When I ate, I ate like a bear.When the knock sounded on the door, I almost jumped. Ethan was there. I looked at the clock and realized it was seven o’clock sharp. The man was punctual. I took a deep breath before I opened the door. I wasn’t ready to see his beautiful smile and his square jaw. I wasn’t ready to see that muscular ass either.When I opened the door, he was holding a book.I smiled at him. “What’s this?”“A gift for my beautiful date.” He handed it to me.I looked at the cover and felt the edges. “The Odyssey?”He smiled. “It’s my favorite book of all time. I wanted to share something with you. Now you know me a little better than you did before.”I was touched by the gesture. It was so sweet and so romantic. I loved books more than anything. While people interpreted different meanings from the same story, you still experienced the same adventure. It was an easy way to relate to one another. “That’s really sweet. Thank you,” I said as I held the book to my chest.“You’re very welcome.”Without thinking, I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. When I pulled away, his smile was even wider. I felt a rush when I touched him. Even though the kiss was innocent, I still felt the fire ignite. I couldn’t believe this gorgeous man was so thoughtful."Dan terima kasih untuk itu," katanya. "Apakah Anda siap untuk pergi?"Koku berlari ke arahnya dan menjejak di kakinya.Ethan bersandar ke bawah. "Tentu saja aku tidak lupa tentang Anda, laki-laki kecil." Dia menarik tulang kecil dari kantongnya dan menyerahkannya kepada anjing. "Saya tidak tahu apakah ibu Anda akan membiarkan Anda memiliki ini, tetapi tidak menceritakan saya memberikannya kepada Anda."Koku mengambil tulang dari tangannya dan mulai mengunyah di atasnya. Ethan menggores telinganya sebelum dia berdiri.Sekarang kepala saya berputar bahkan lebih. Makanan adalah cara untuk hati seorang pria, tapi cara untuk hatiku adalah melalui anjing saya. Dan aku tahu Koku menyukainya sama banyaknya."Jadi Apakah Anda siap untuk pergi?"Aku mengangguk sebagai aku menatapnya. Dia memakai gelap jeans dan kemeja abu-abu. Itu biasa, tapi aku bisa melihat garis tubuhnya melalui kemejanya. Ia sangat cocok dan ototnya yang menonjol. Aku berkhayal tentang dia tanpa kemejanya pada sejenak, tapi berhenti sendiri. Aku tidak bisa pergi ke sana sekarang.Dia membuka pintu. "Setelah Anda, m'lady."Aku tersenyum padanya ketika saya berjalan keluar pintu. Ketika kami berjalan menuju Lift, Dia menyambar tangan saya."Kau tampak benar-benar indah malam ini."Saya melihat ke bawah pada diriku sendiri. Saya memakai jeans dan kemeja polos. Saya tidak melihat khusus atau terutama dolled up. "Oh, terima kasih.""Mengapa itu begitu sulit bagi Anda untuk mengambil pujian?" Dia bertanya saat kami berjalan di dalamnya."Saya mengatakan terima kasih.""Tetapi Anda memiliki ekspresi ini terkejut di wajah Anda."I shrugged. “I don’t know.”“Well, get used to it because I think you’re damn fine.”He caressed my fingers with his as we stood in the elevator. I liked feeling him touch me. It was innocent, but it drove me insane with longing. I didn’t know if I could kiss him on the cheek again without moving to his mouth. I wondered what he tasted like.He released my hand and turned around. “Do you want to get a good look while we wait?”I blushed. “I wasn’t looking.” Well, I was looking now. It looked quite nice.He turned around and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Just admit it. You were caught in the act.”“I was not. I was making sure you didn’t get lost.”“Who? Me or my ass?”I laughed. “Both of you.”He pressed his face close to mine as we rode the elevator down to the bottom floor. I didn’t want the ride to end. I inhaled the scent of his skin. He smelled like a fresh shower. I wanted to lean in and kiss him but I stopped myself. He stared at my lips. I waited for him to kiss me but he never did. I was growing more disappointed by the second. Finally, when the doors opened, he pulled away and grabbed my hand. I felt my heart fall. Why didn’t I just kiss him?He waved down a cab and we got inside. He said the name of a restaurant and the driver sped away. Ethan still held my hand while he rested it on his thigh. I could feel the muscles in his leg just from resting on the surface. He was strong and powerful. I kept imagining him naked but I pushed those thoughts away. Just yesterday I didn’t want to sleep with him, but now that’s all I can think about.Ethan leaned close to my ear. “How was your day?”“Good.”“What did you do?”“I went out to breakfast with my brother.”He nodded. “You two are close?”“Really close.”“That’s great. I’m close with my family as well.”“Don’t get me wrong. He can be really annoying.”He laughed. “Yeah, my family can be too. But you gotta love em’.”“Unfortunately.”“So, did you tell your girlfriends the scoop?”I laughed. “Maybe.”“And how did I come off?”I shrugged. “Good.”“Did you tell them about my ass?”My cheeks were blood red. “It may have come up.”“Well, I hope both me and my ass were heroes.”“I think so.”He rubbed my knuckles with his thumb. “Did I mention how beautiful you are?”I blushed again.“You really should get used to it. You’re going to be hearing it a lot from me. I’m sure you’ve heard it your whole life.”“I’m just wearing jeans and a shirt.”“And you still look amazing. What does that say about you?”I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say.He shook his head. “You’ll realize it eventually, Sadie.”“Realize what?”“That you are really exceptional.”The cab driver pulled over and parked. Ethan paid the driver then we left the car. Ethan held my hand again as we walked to the small café on the strip. There were tables outside covered in white table cloths and it looked peaceful, serene. I was just glad it wasn’t a crazy fancy restaurant. I hated it when guys took me to those. I couldn’t care less how much they had to spend on one meal.“How does this look?”“It’s perfect.”“Good.”We walked inside then took a seat outside. The sun had set and it was slightly chilly, but it wasn’t too bad. When Ethan looked away, I stared at his face and chest. My thoughts always turned lustful when I looked at him. I shook the thoughts away because I was starting to feel guilty about it. I was just as bad as the womanizers in the bar.
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