Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Aku menyelinap di luar apartemen saya karena saya jadi tidak ingin Colin mengetuk pintu kamarku dan pertemuan Owen. Atau lebih buruk lagi, melihat bagian dalam apartemen kami suram. Dimanapun Colin hidup, saya yakin ini menakjubkan. Jika rumah adalah setengah sebagai cantik sebagai Restoran, maka ia harus menjadi luar biasa.Kedua saya turun tangga, dia ada dalam Mercedes hitam yang ramping, Mesin mendengkur, mobil baru itu belum piring. Saya mengambil langkah mundur ketika ia membuka pintu dan naik dari mobil, Tuhan pirang dengan senyum yang menghancurkan dan biru sekejap mata.Ia putaran Mobil, membuka pintu sisi penumpang untuk saya dengan gaya. "Menunggu kereta Anda."Saya ragu-ragu. Ini adalah kesalahan, naik ke mobil dengan dia? Saya tidak takut Colin belum aku takut aku mungkin menempatkan diri dalam situasi. Dia menggoda tapi aku melihat dia menggoda dengan cukup banyak setiap orang yang bekerja untuk dia — dan pelanggan. Dia tidak pernah melintasi sebuah baris, dia selalu sopan dan tahu kapan untuk mundur jika perlu.Tapi aku memberinya dicampur sinyal dengan membiarkan dia untuk menjemput saya untuk bekerja? Dia hanya kebetulan dekat apartemenku sehingga ia dapat mampir dan mendapatkan saya? Aku tidak percaya itu.Tidak untuk kedua."Kau datang di sini khusus untuk menjemput saya?" Aku bertanya kepadanya saat ia naik kembali ke dalam mobil dan membanting pintu.Ia berubah menjadi menatapku, wajah kami sangat dekat. Mobil kecil tapi bagus dan suasana yang akrab. Ia berbau seperti parfum mahal dan kulit dan saya bertanya-tanya sebentar cepat jika aku benar-benar bisa merasakan sesuatu untuk orang ini.I realize just as quickly that I can’t. My heart is still tied up in knots over someone else. Someone unreal.“You’re pretty straightforward, aren’t you?” Colin asks, his eyes gleaming in the dim interior.“It’s better than doling out a bunch of lies, right?” I arch a brow.Laughing, he shakes his head as he puts the car into gear. “Right. I really was in the neighborhood, Fable. And I remembered you lived around here so that’s why I texted you. I know you don’t always have access to a car.”I’ve worked at his restaurant for three shifts and he already knows all this information about me. Is that a sign of a good boss or a creeper? “I had my mom’s car today.”He pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road, his hand draped casually over the steering wheel, his other arm resting on the center console. There’s an easiness to him. No, make that effortlessness. He makes everything appear like he could get whatever he wants out of life and he deserves every bit of it too.I envy him that. It’s a confidence I could never hope for.“Want me to take you back so you can drive it?” There’s amusement lacing his deep voice. He must think I’m a joke.“No.” I sigh. This is stupid. What are we doing? “I won’t have a ride home, though.”“I’ll give you a ride.”I don’t bother answering him.I remain quiet, picking at my cuticles as he drives, both of us silent. My hands are dry, my cuticles bad and I think of the other girls I work with who have perfect manicures and pedicures and I literally look like the still slightly ragged Cinderella who’s been finally pulled out of the basement and set to work among the glittering, beautiful princesses. I might shine but rub me a little bit and the tarnish comes through relatively easy.I feel…less than when I’m at my new job. And I don’t like that.“Nasty habit,” Colin says, breaking the thickening silence. “You should go get your nails done.”Okay, that irritates the crap out of me. His assumptions are rude. “I can’t afford it.”“I’ll pay for it.”“Hell, no,” I practically snarl. His offer irritates me more.Colin ignores me. “And while you’re at it, you should go see a hairstylist. I’ll pay for that too. There’s too much bleach in your hair and it looks damaged.”The nerve. This guy is such an asshole. Why did I agree to work for him again? Oh yeah, the money. Greediness is going to get the best of me, I just know it. It’s led to two really stupid decisions already. “Who are you? The fashion police?”“No, but I’m your boss and at The District we have certain criteria that we need to maintain.”“So why did you hire me? You knew what you were getting.”“I saw your potential,” he said softly. “Do you, Fable? Do you see it?”I couldn’t answer him. Because the truth wasn’t what he wanted to hear.No.
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