I con­tinue am main­tain­ing calm, the un­ceas­ing bro­ken line walks  terjemahan - I con­tinue am main­tain­ing calm, the un­ceas­ing bro­ken line walks  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I con­tinue am main­tain­ing calm,

I con­tinue am main­tain­ing calm, the un­ceas­ing bro­ken line walks the flight of po­si­tion to dodge over 80% at­tacks, si­mul­ta­ne­ously but­ter­fly and town Yue Dao seal on the body of op­po­site party Mage.
One of 10 group teams leader not far away, goes on an ex­pe­di­tion the world „hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments”, this places IBN to fight the net 14 th mas­ter to pull open the long bow, „whiz whiz” twice if quickly the arrow arrow of star­tling thun­der­clap falls on my back, took away me to sur­pass 4 W HP, si­mul­ta­ne­ously shouted to clear the way lowly: „His hard hel­met has the ef­fects of 100% prob­a­bil­ity MISS dizzi­ness, do not use the Big Dip­per arrow, changes to at­tacks the fast quick­est ter­tiary arrow and range broad­est by the wind arrow rain, the con­sump­tion mas­sacres him!”
My moral na­ture is one star­tled, this hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments are crys­tal clear to my equip­ment skill sim­ply . More­over the strat­egy is also truly sci­en­tific the rea­son­able, ter­tiary arrow at­tacks fast is quick, the path ve­loc­ity is also fast, is hard to avoid, is the piece kills the at­tack by the wind arrow rain, the strik­ing power is or­di­nary, but is hard to avoid, such came at­tack of one group of archers I only to eat stiffly.
How­ever, under my swift and vi­o­lent chases down, 50 + Mage also only re­main­ing 10 + of op­po­site party in­suf­fi­cient to fear, a ac­tu­ally be­hind troop close com­bat was the per­son who the player pur­sued some­what is in­ca­pable.
The sword blade edge has cut an archer chest, car­ries over 102711 in­jury sec­onds to kill di­rectly, and is not fatal strikes, my pre­sent strik­ing power ap­proached the sit­u­a­tion that the vi­o­lent walks, while cut­ting to mas­sacre this archer, the 2 W + air/Qi that I ab­sorb wiped out rapidly, Mu Yushu 7 sec­onds of CD is also cool­ing, but the dis­tant place, hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments have pulled open the long bow once more, my HP in­suf­fi­cient 3 W has se­lected, this will be killed by the sec­ond!
One does not do, two con­tin­u­ous!
Steels one's heart, starts the body of Holy Ghost sec­ond-or­der skill not ex­tin­guish­ing di­rectly!
The golden light drops from the clouds to­gether, en­tered the in­vin­ci­ble con­di­tion in­stan­ta­neously , to con­tinue for 25 sec­onds, at this mo­ment, at least about hun­dred ride the war is the player ap­pears in my sur­round­ings, was the pre­sent! Roars to start the dance of stunt ghosts and gods lowly once more, treads the bro­ken space mine stunt to fol­low, im­me­di­ately the sur­round­ing player rapidly has be­come the rem­nant blood, comes sword fierce storm again!
The mis­er­able howl­ing sound oc­curred re­peat­edly, the sur­round­ing rid­ing war was died one piece, the per­son but who went on an ex­pe­di­tion the world too wants to kill me, wal­loped as be­fore, does not want to make me have the op­por­tu­nity to es­cape, even many crazy sol­diers jumped the stance bang that dropped from the clouds to kill me di­rectly, this can keep me from fly­ing to as­cend the sky, sub­se­quently per­formed to kill.
The cor­ners of the mouth raise, I waited for them to ap­proach crowded!
Grasps the right hand of but­ter­fly to raise sud­denly, im­me­di­ately Lei Guangcuan moves above the sword blade edge, air­borne sud­denly one dark, the thun­der wreaks havoc , the storm rises from all di­rec­tions, ices the blade edge to wave, the thun­der­ous nine days of skill cen­tered on I erup­tion, the con­tin­ual bang kills to wreak havoc, im­me­di­ately hung a troop per­son, I steeled one's heart, raise the sword to clash, di­rectly soared hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments, solves the group teams leader who this went on an ex­pe­di­tion the world to say again!
Hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments also see me to lock him for the tar­get, im­me­di­ately turns around to walk, but my sword bla
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I con­tinue am main­tain­ing calm, the un­ceas­ing bro­ken line walks the flight of po­si­tion to dodge over 80% at­tacks, si­mul­ta­ne­ously but­ter­fly and town Yue Dao seal on the body of op­po­site party Mage.One of 10 group teams leader not far away, goes on an ex­pe­di­tion the world „hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments”, this places IBN to fight the net 14 th mas­ter to pull open the long bow, „whiz whiz” twice if quickly the arrow arrow of star­tling thun­der­clap falls on my back, took away me to sur­pass 4 W HP, si­mul­ta­ne­ously shouted to clear the way lowly: „His hard hel­met has the ef­fects of 100% prob­a­bil­ity MISS dizzi­ness, do not use the Big Dip­per arrow, changes to at­tacks the fast quick­est ter­tiary arrow and range broad­est by the wind arrow rain, the con­sump­tion mas­sacres him!”My moral na­ture is one star­tled, this hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments are crys­tal clear to my equip­ment skill sim­ply . More­over the strat­egy is also truly sci­en­tific the rea­son­able, ter­tiary arrow at­tacks fast is quick, the path ve­loc­ity is also fast, is hard to avoid, is the piece kills the at­tack by the wind arrow rain, the strik­ing power is or­di­nary, but is hard to avoid, such came at­tack of one group of archers I only to eat stiffly.How­ever, under my swift and vi­o­lent chases down, 50 + Mage also only re­main­ing 10 + of op­po­site party in­suf­fi­cient to fear, a ac­tu­ally be­hind troop close com­bat was the per­son who the player pur­sued some­what is in­ca­pable.„!”The sword blade edge has cut an archer chest, car­ries over 102711 in­jury sec­onds to kill di­rectly, and is not fatal strikes, my pre­sent strik­ing power ap­proached the sit­u­a­tion that the vi­o­lent walks, while cut­ting to mas­sacre this archer, the 2 W + air/Qi that I ab­sorb wiped out rapidly, Mu Yushu 7 sec­onds of CD is also cool­ing, but the dis­tant place, hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments have pulled open the long bow once more, my HP in­suf­fi­cient 3 W has se­lected, this will be killed by the sec­ond!One does not do, two con­tin­u­ous!Steels one's heart, starts the body of Holy Ghost sec­ond-or­der skill not ex­tin­guish­ing di­rectly!The golden light drops from the clouds to­gether, en­tered the in­vin­ci­ble con­di­tion in­stan­ta­neously , to con­tinue for 25 sec­onds, at this mo­ment, at least about hun­dred ride the war is the player ap­pears in my sur­round­ings, was the pre­sent! Roars to start the dance of stunt ghosts and gods lowly once more, treads the bro­ken space mine stunt to fol­low, im­me­di­ately the sur­round­ing player rapidly has be­come the rem­nant blood, comes sword fierce storm again!The mis­er­able howl­ing sound oc­curred re­peat­edly, the sur­round­ing rid­ing war was died one piece, the per­son but who went on an ex­pe­di­tion the world too wants to kill me, wal­loped as be­fore, does not want to make me have the op­por­tu­nity to es­cape, even many crazy sol­diers jumped the stance bang that dropped from the clouds to kill me di­rectly, this can keep me from fly­ing to as­cend the sky, sub­se­quently per­formed to kill.The cor­ners of the mouth raise, I waited for them to ap­proach crowded!Grasps the right hand of but­ter­fly to raise sud­denly, im­me­di­ately Lei Guangcuan moves above the sword blade edge, air­borne sud­denly one dark, the thun­der wreaks havoc , the storm rises from all di­rec­tions, ices the blade edge to wave, the thun­der­ous nine days of skill cen­tered on I erup­tion, the con­tin­ual bang kills to wreak havoc, im­me­di­ately hung a troop per­son, I steeled one's heart, raise the sword to clash, di­rectly soared hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments, solves the group teams leader who this went on an ex­pe­di­tion the world to say again!Hun­dred bow-shaped wooden sur­vey­ing in­stru­ments also see me to lock him for the tar­get, im­me­di­ately turns around to walk, but my sword bla
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku terus saya menjaga tenang, yang tak henti-hentinya rusak garis berjalan penerbangan dari posisi untuk menghindari lebih dari serangan 80%, secara bersamaan kupu-kupu dan kota Yue Dao segel pada tubuh Mage pihak lawan.
Salah satu dari 10 tim kelompok pemimpin tidak jauh, berjalan pada ekspedisi dunia "ratus berbentuk busur kayu instrumen survei", ini tempat IBN untuk melawan master 14 th bersih untuk menarik membuka busur panjang, "jagoan jagoan" dua kali jika cepat panah panah dari petir mengejutkan jatuh di punggung saya, mengambil saya mengungguli 4 W HP, secara bersamaan berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "helm kerasnya memiliki efek 100% probabilitas LEWATKAN pusing, tidak menggunakan Big Dipper panah, perubahan serangan panah tersier tercepat cepat dan berkisar luas oleh angin panah hujan, konsumsi membantai dia! "
sifat moral saya adalah salah satu terkejut, ini seratus instrumen survei kayu berbentuk busur yang jelas untuk keterampilan peralatan saya hanya. Selain itu strategi ini juga benar-benar ilmiah wajar, serangan panah tersier cepat cepat, kecepatan jalan juga cepat, sulit untuk menghindari, adalah potongan membunuh serangan oleh angin panah hujan, kekuatan mencolok adalah biasa, tapi sulit untuk menghindari, seperti datang serangan dari satu kelompok pemanah saya hanya makan kaku.
Namun, di bawah mengejar cepat dan kekerasan saya turun, 50 + Mage juga hanya tersisa 10 + dari pihak lawan cukup untuk takut, sebenarnya di balik pasukan pertempuran jarak dekat adalah orang yang pemain dikejar agak tidak mampu.
ujung pedang pisau telah memotong dada pemanah, membawa lebih dari 102.711 detik cedera untuk membunuh secara langsung, dan tidak pemogokan fatal, kekuatan mencolok saya sekarang mendekati situasi bahwa jalan kekerasan, sementara memotong ke pembantaian pemanah ini, 2 W + udara / Qi yang saya menyerap dihapuskan cepat, Mu Yushu 7 detik dari CD juga pendinginan, tetapi tempat yang jauh, seratus instrumen survei kayu berbentuk busur telah ditarik terbuka busur panjang sekali lagi , saya HP cukup 3 W telah dipilih, ini akan dibunuh oleh kedua!
satu tidak melakukan, dua terus menerus!
Baja hati seseorang, mulai tubuh Roh Kudus keterampilan kedua agar tidak memadamkan langsung!
cahaya emas turun dari awan bersama-sama, memasuki kondisi tak terkalahkan instan, untuk terus selama 25 detik, pada saat ini, setidaknya sekitar seratus perjalanan perang adalah pemain muncul di lingkungan saya, adalah saat ini! Mengaum untuk memulai tarian hantu stunt dan dewa rendahan sekali lagi, tapak rusak aksi tambang ruang untuk mengikuti, segera pemain sekitarnya dengan cepat telah menjadi darah sisa, datang badai ganas pedang lagi!
Suara melolong menyedihkan terjadi berulang kali, berkuda sekitarnya perang mati satu potong, orang tapi yang pergi pada ekspedisi dunia juga ingin membunuh saya, walloped seperti sebelumnya, tidak ingin membuat saya memiliki kesempatan untuk melarikan diri, bahkan banyak tentara gila melompat bang sikap yang dijatuhkan dari awan membunuh saya secara langsung, ini bisa membuat saya untuk penerbangan untuk naik langit, kemudian dilakukan untuk membunuh.
sudut-sudut kenaikan mulut, aku menunggu mereka untuk mendekati ramai!
Menangkap tangan kanan kupu-kupu untuk menaikkan tiba-tiba, segera Lei Guangcuan bergerak di atas tepi pedang pisau, udara tiba-tiba gelap, guntur membuat kekacauan, badai naik dari segala arah, es tepi pisau untuk gelombang, gemuruh sembilan hari keterampilan berpusat pada saya letusan, yang terus-menerus Bang membunuh untuk melampiaskan malapetaka, segera menutup orang pasukan, aku mengeraskan hati seseorang, mengangkat pedang berbenturan, langsung melonjak seratus instrumen survei kayu berbentuk busur, memecahkan pemimpin tim kelompok yang ini berlangsung ekspedisi dunia untuk mengatakan lagi!
seratus survei kayu berbentuk busur instrumen juga melihat saya untuk mengunci dia untuk target, segera berbalik untuk berjalan, tapi saya pedang bla
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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