legislature of a higher level that encroach on its area of competence, terjemahan - legislature of a higher level that encroach on its area of competence, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

legislature of a higher level that

legislature of a higher level that encroach on its area of competence,
13 or is given a power to force the higher body to reconsider
its action.14
 The executive possesses a veto over the acts produced by the
legislature.15 In a variant of this power, the head of state can compel
the legislature to reconsider the constitutionality of a proposed
measure or remit the question to a constitutional court.16
 The executive is given a power to dissolve the legislature and call
fresh elections.17
 The executive (sometimes with the agreement of the legislature) can
pack the court with new judges.18
 The courts possess a power to strike down executive or legislative
actions that interfere with access to the courts.19
In addition to these powers, institutions may possess the capacity
to behave in ways that run counter to some of the rules of the constitution.
20 Both the courts and the executive may enjoy powers that
are outside, or are contrary to, rules of the constitution. Courts can
decline to accept as legally valid instruments that are recognised as
valid by the rules of the legal system. So, even if the law accords the
legislature the power to make a statute, the judges could still refuse
to uphold it.21 Or sometimes judges can be asked to validate actions
that lack a legal basis – as when judges are asked to rule on the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
legislature of a higher level that encroach on its area of competence,13 or is given a power to force the higher body to reconsiderits action.14 The executive possesses a veto over the acts produced by thelegislature.15 In a variant of this power, the head of state can compelthe legislature to reconsider the constitutionality of a proposedmeasure or remit the question to a constitutional court.16 The executive is given a power to dissolve the legislature and callfresh elections.17 The executive (sometimes with the agreement of the legislature) canpack the court with new judges.18 The courts possess a power to strike down executive or legislativeactions that interfere with access to the courts.19In addition to these powers, institutions may possess the capacityto behave in ways that run counter to some of the rules of the constitution.20 Both the courts and the executive may enjoy powers thatare outside, or are contrary to, rules of the constitution. Courts candecline to accept as legally valid instruments that are recognised asvalid by the rules of the legal system. So, even if the law accords thelegislature the power to make a statute, the judges could still refuseto uphold it.21 Or sometimes judges can be asked to validate actionsthat lack a legal basis – as when judges are asked to rule on the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
legislatif dari tingkat yang lebih tinggi yang melanggar batas wilayah kompetensinya,
13 atau diberi kuasa untuk memaksa tubuh yang lebih tinggi untuk mempertimbangkan kembali
action.14 nya
? Eksekutif memiliki hak veto atas tindakan yang dihasilkan oleh
legislature.15 Dalam varian kekuatan ini, kepala negara dapat memaksa
legislatif mempertimbangkan kembali konstitusionalitas diusulkan
ukuran atau mengirimkan pertanyaan ke court.16 konstitusional
? Eksekutif diberi kekuasaan untuk membubarkan parlemen dan memanggil
elections.17 segar
? Eksekutif (kadang-kadang dengan persetujuan legislatif) dapat
pak pengadilan dengan judges.18 baru
? Pengadilan memiliki kekuatan untuk menjatuhkan eksekutif atau legislatif
tindakan yang mengganggu akses ke courts.19
Selain kekuatan ini, lembaga dapat memiliki kapasitas
untuk berperilaku dengan cara yang bertentangan dengan beberapa aturan konstitusi.
20 Kedua pengadilan dan eksekutif dapat menikmati kekuatan yang
berada di luar, atau bertentangan dengan, aturan konstitusi. Pengadilan dapat
menolak untuk menerima instrumen yang sah menurut hukum yang diakui sebagai
benar dengan aturan sistem hukum. Jadi, bahkan jika hukum tersebut sesuai dengan
legislatif kekuatan untuk membuat undang-undang, hakim masih bisa menolak
untuk menegakkan it.21 Atau kadang-kadang hakim dapat diminta untuk memvalidasi tindakan
yang tidak memiliki dasar hukum - seperti ketika hakim diminta untuk memerintah di
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