What To Buy & What To Sell In FX This Week? - Nordea07 Dec 2014 15:43  terjemahan - What To Buy & What To Sell In FX This Week? - Nordea07 Dec 2014 15:43  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

What To Buy & What To Sell In FX Th

What To Buy & What To Sell In FX This Week? - Nordea
07 Dec 2014 15:43 EDT
By eFXnews.com
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The following is a selection of the weekly insight for the FX market as provided by Aurelija Augulyte, a senior analyst at Nordea Markets.

As the year and approaches, FX volatility should come down. This week - EMU industrial vs US retail sales data, but China will drive the sentiment near term - global growth momentum turning?

... It is very strange to see the volatility increasing toward the year end. Hence the continued USD rise.

...The stock price volatility, however, has fallen in recent weeks, so has the rates volatility, and I would rather bet on the FX fall converging to it, rather than the other way around.

The recent rise in volatility may have been due to the fears of recession, which, I argued last week, is NOT what is likely to happen. On the contrary, betting on recovery is a better risk-reward. Japan and Europe are turning the corner in Q4, and still have a catching up with the US and UK to do in H1 2015. More evidence? Last week: better CEE PMIs, strong German new orders data. This week – likely solid October IP data. Hence the summary of the ECB meeting last week: Buy. More. Time. European currencies should benefit. The EURUSD major trend at 1.2200/50 remains key support.

Keep chasing AUD, NZD, NOK vs USD, I said last few weeks, and still do, think we are up for a lasting turn up in December. Norges Bank meets this week: they, too, must be surprised by NOK weakness (almost 8% than forecast!), balancing the need to cut rate path. The RBNZ meets this week, nothing is expected nor priced in, but they are well known for their word power. Whatever it takes – NZD too strong. Meanwhile, more than a 25bp cut priced in from the RBA within a year. Better news from China will benefit AUD more. The AUDNZD supported at the trend at 1.076, be long, as long as above.

Last but not least, the SNB, not buying gold, but probably thinking how to avoid buying more EUR too... It’s not the baseline they will act pre-emptively, but with the EURCHF stuck on the floor, I wouldn’t be surprised by a rate cut as early as this week. The EURCHF long would perform in the recovery scenario in 2015 anyway, so positioning for upside is a no-brainer. 1.30 coming
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]

What To Buy & What To Sell In FX This Week? - Nordea
07 Dec 2014 15:43 EDT
By eFXnews.com
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The following is a selection of the weekly insight for the FX market as provided by Aurelija Augulyte, a senior analyst at Nordea Markets.

As the year and approaches, FX volatility should come down. This week - EMU industrial vs US retail sales data, but China will drive the sentiment near term - global growth momentum turning?

... It is very strange to see the volatility increasing toward the year end. Hence the continued USD rise.

...The stock price volatility, however, has fallen in recent weeks, so has the rates volatility, and I would rather bet on the FX fall converging to it, rather than the other way around.

The recent rise in volatility may have been due to the fears of recession, which, I argued last week, is NOT what is likely to happen. On the contrary, betting on recovery is a better risk-reward. Japan and Europe are turning the corner in Q4, and still have a catching up with the US and UK to do in H1 2015. More evidence? Last week: better CEE PMIs, strong German new orders data. This week – likely solid October IP data. Hence the summary of the ECB meeting last week: Buy. More. Time. European currencies should benefit. The EURUSD major trend at 1.2200/50 remains key support.

Keep chasing AUD, NZD, NOK vs USD, I said last few weeks, and still do, think we are up for a lasting turn up in December. Norges Bank meets this week: they, too, must be surprised by NOK weakness (almost 8% than forecast!), balancing the need to cut rate path. The RBNZ meets this week, nothing is expected nor priced in, but they are well known for their word power. Whatever it takes – NZD too strong. Meanwhile, more than a 25bp cut priced in from the RBA within a year. Better news from China will benefit AUD more. The AUDNZD supported at the trend at 1.076, be long, as long as above.

Last but not least, the SNB, not buying gold, but probably thinking how to avoid buying more EUR too... It’s not the baseline they will act pre-emptively, but with the EURCHF stuck on the floor, I wouldn’t be surprised by a rate cut as early as this week. The EURCHF long would perform in the recovery scenario in 2015 anyway, so positioning for upside is a no-brainer. 1.30 coming
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Apa Untuk Beli & Apa Untuk Jual Dalam FX Minggu Ini? - Nordea
7 Desember 2014 15:43 EDT
Oleh eFXnews.com
Berbagi di print Print Berbagi di email Email Berikut ini adalah pilihan dari wawasan mingguan untuk pasar FX yang disediakan oleh Aurelija Augulyte, seorang analis senior di Nordea Pasar. Sebagai tahun dan pendekatan, volatilitas FX harus turun. Minggu ini - EMU industri vs data penjualan ritel AS, namun China akan mendorong sentimen waktu dekat -? Momentum pertumbuhan global berubah ... Hal ini sangat aneh untuk melihat volatilitas yang meningkat menjelang akhir tahun. Oleh karena itu USD naik terus. ... Gejolak harga saham, bagaimanapun, telah jatuh dalam beberapa pekan terakhir, sehingga memiliki tingkat volatilitas, dan aku lebih suka bertaruh pada jatuhnya FX konvergen untuk itu, bukan sebaliknya. Baru-baru kenaikan volatilitas mungkin karena kekhawatiran resesi, yang, saya berpendapat pekan lalu, adalah bukan apa yang mungkin terjadi. Sebaliknya, bertaruh pada pemulihan adalah risiko-hadiah yang lebih baik. Jepang dan Eropa yang beralih sudut pada Q4, dan masih merupakan penangkapan dengan Amerika Serikat dan Inggris yang dapat dilakukan di H1 2015. Lebih bukti? Pekan lalu: PMI CEE baik, Jerman perintah baru data yang kuat. Minggu ini - Data IP Oktober cenderung padat. Oleh karena itu ringkasan dari pertemuan ECB minggu lalu: Beli. Lebih. Waktu. Mata uang Eropa harus mendapatkan keuntungan. Kecenderungan utama EURUSD di 1,2200 / 50 tetap support kunci. Terus mengejar AUD, NZD, NOK vs USD, saya katakan beberapa minggu lalu, dan masih melakukan, berpikir kita untuk abadi muncul pada bulan Desember. Norges Bank bertemu minggu ini: mereka juga harus terkejut dengan NOK kelemahan (hampir 8% dari perkiraan!), Menyeimbangkan kebutuhan untuk memotong jalan tingkat. RBNZ bertemu pekan ini, tidak ada yang diharapkan atau harga, tapi mereka terkenal karena kekuatan kata-kata mereka. Apa pun yang diperlukan - NZD terlalu kuat. Sementara itu, lebih dari potongan 25bp dari RBA harga di dalam setahun. Kabar baik dari China akan menguntungkan AUD lagi. The AUDNZD didukung pada tren di 1,076, lama, selama di atas. Last but not least, SNB, tidak membeli emas, tapi mungkin berpikir bagaimana untuk menghindari membeli lebih EUR juga ... Ini bukan awal mereka akan bertindak pre -emptively, tetapi dengan EURCHF terjebak di lantai, saya tidak akan terkejut dengan penurunan suku bunga pada awal pekan ini. EURCHF panjang akan tampil di skenario pemulihan pada tahun 2015, jadi posisi untuk upside adalah no-brainer. 1.30 datang

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