ANAIYSIS.pany (A)]. In 1969 Business Systems (including OR) was shifte terjemahan - ANAIYSIS.pany (A)]. In 1969 Business Systems (including OR) was shifte Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ANAIYSIS.pany (A)]. In 1969 Busines

pany (A)]. In 1969 Business Systems (including OR) was shifted under the Vice President of Administration. Meanwhile, corporate planning activi¬ties were located in the office of the Senior Vice President for Corporate Growth, in the form of an Investment Evaluation Depautment. IED was responsible for financial planning, evaluation of capital appropriation requests, and coordination of corporate planning. In early 1970, a new Vice President of Financeand Plar,ning was appointed with responsibility for Market and Economic Research, IED, and OR, in addition to the Tax, Treasurer, and Controller functions.
Before the change the manager of Business Systems had expressed the following views:
My current position is that I can see sorne valid arguments for raising the issue about where OR's home should be, l it I continue to feel strongly that the best home is in the Business Systems func¬tion.
My reasons:
1. Because we are a process corporation, the types of ques¬tions and problems that OR can be used to solve are of a re,..urring nature. (Log allocation, plant expansion, fore¬casting, etc.) Thus, there is great advantage for us to de¬velop systems that allow us to use OR techniques and models on a continuing basis. Alse because of a need for compatibility and a use of con-imon data, the OR-oriented systems must be integrated with other systerns in the businesses.
2. Once the MIS functions have essentially completed the basic data acquisition systems, sucli as order entry, in¬ventory, etc., then the next level of systems is OR oriented (decision strategies, planning, forecasting, etc.). So in general, the system designer of the future is going to look more and more like the current OR practitioner, in my opinion.
3 The current Business Systems manager used to manage the Weyerhaeuser OR function.
4. I firmly believe that the future direction of the systems effort must be business decision anci management sci¬ence oriented, rather than accounting, computer, or any other orientation. (I would classiry the orientation of our systems effort to date as being computer oriented—in other companies it is typically either computer oriented or accounting oriented.) With top-rnanagement prodding, we have started moving in the direction of making ours business decision and management science oriented, and I think this should continue.
5. The general trend in a number of advanced corporations with large systems efforts is to integrate ooerations re¬search with its system effor. t.

achieved. Responsibility on this dimension seemed to be diffused in a number of directions; namely, more fornialized planning activities, an investment evaluation department, management information systems endeavors, and others. In each of these cases, there was emphasis on the developrnent of a flow of appropriate information for planning and decision making—both strate¬gic (including mergers and acquisitions) and operational.
Internal Organizational Changes
I n 1966 the OR Department changed its organization from a homogeneous corporate project -type organization tn a decentralized section format with manpower dedicated to the service of particular uperating groups. This was done with the explicit purpose of creating a close identification of professionals with operating managers—a key factor in the successful application of OR in a decision systems framework. The following sec¬tions were identified: (1) Timberland/Wood Products Decision Systems, (2) Pulp Based Products Decision Systems, (3) Corporate Decision Svs¬tems, (4) MS/OR Development Section, and (5) math analysis and pro¬gramming group (Scientific Computing Services). -
Over a period of time, OR-trained professionals were absorbed in operating groups, often in planning positions which called for direct and continuing contact with an operating manager. These developments usually follo•ed the successful implementation of an OR research proj¬ect's findings. ln some cases the "consultants" worked themselves into a job by demonstrating the usefulness of a particular application in mana¬gerial decision making. More often, however, the individual analysts were hired into such jobs because of their personal skills. According to the manager of OR, the most effective analysts seemed to be able to "blend into the woodwork." Since the inception of the Operations Research De¬partment, approximately twenty-four professionals had been "spun out" into the operating organization.
Place of OR in the Company Organization
Initially the OP, function was part of the Controller's Department. Then,
after severai years, it became a part of Business Systerns which reported
to the Executive Vice President of Operations isee Weyerhaeuser Com-

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ANAIYSIS.pany (A)]. In 1969 Business Systems (including OR) was shifted under the Vice President of Administration. Meanwhile, corporate planning activi¬ties were located in the office of the Senior Vice President for Corporate Growth, in the form of an Investment Evaluation Depautment. IED was responsible for financial planning, evaluation of capital appropriation requests, and coordination of corporate planning. In early 1970, a new Vice President of Financeand Plar,ning was appointed with responsibility for Market and Economic Research, IED, and OR, in addition to the Tax, Treasurer, and Controller functions.Before the change the manager of Business Systems had expressed the following views:My current position is that I can see sorne valid arguments for raising the issue about where OR's home should be, l it I continue to feel strongly that the best home is in the Business Systems func¬tion.My reasons:1. Because we are a process corporation, the types of ques¬tions and problems that OR can be used to solve are of a re,..urring nature. (Log allocation, plant expansion, fore¬casting, etc.) Thus, there is great advantage for us to de¬velop systems that allow us to use OR techniques and models on a continuing basis. Alse because of a need for compatibility and a use of con-imon data, the OR-oriented systems must be integrated with other systerns in the businesses.2. Once the MIS functions have essentially completed the basic data acquisition systems, sucli as order entry, in¬ventory, etc., then the next level of systems is OR oriented (decision strategies, planning, forecasting, etc.). So in general, the system designer of the future is going to look more and more like the current OR practitioner, in my opinion.3 The current Business Systems manager used to manage the Weyerhaeuser OR function.4. I firmly believe that the future direction of the systems effort must be business decision anci management sci¬ence oriented, rather than accounting, computer, or any other orientation. (I would classiry the orientation of our systems effort to date as being computer oriented—in other companies it is typically either computer oriented or accounting oriented.) With top-rnanagement prodding, we have started moving in the direction of making ours business decision and management science oriented, and I think this should continue.5. The general trend in a number of advanced corporations with large systems efforts is to integrate ooerations re¬search with its system effor. t. achieved. Responsibility on this dimension seemed to be diffused in a number of directions; namely, more fornialized planning activities, an investment evaluation department, management information systems endeavors, and others. In each of these cases, there was emphasis on the developrnent of a flow of appropriate information for planning and decision making—both strate¬gic (including mergers and acquisitions) and operational.Internal Organizational ChangesI n 1966 the OR Department changed its organization from a homogeneous corporate project -type organization tn a decentralized section format with manpower dedicated to the service of particular uperating groups. This was done with the explicit purpose of creating a close identification of professionals with operating managers—a key factor in the successful application of OR in a decision systems framework. The following sec¬tions were identified: (1) Timberland/Wood Products Decision Systems, (2) Pulp Based Products Decision Systems, (3) Corporate Decision Svs¬tems, (4) MS/OR Development Section, and (5) math analysis and pro¬gramming group (Scientific Computing Services). -Over a period of time, OR-trained professionals were absorbed in operating groups, often in planning positions which called for direct and continuing contact with an operating manager. These developments usually follo•ed the successful implementation of an OR research proj¬ect's findings. ln some cases the "consultants" worked themselves into a job by demonstrating the usefulness of a particular application in mana¬gerial decision making. More often, however, the individual analysts were hired into such jobs because of their personal skills. According to the manager of OR, the most effective analysts seemed to be able to "blend into the woodwork." Since the inception of the Operations Research De¬partment, approximately twenty-four professionals had been "spun out" into the operating organization.Place of OR in the Company OrganizationInitially the OP, function was part of the Controller's Department. Then, after severai years, it became a part of Business Systerns which reported to the Executive Vice President of Operations isee Weyerhaeuser Com-
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
haan (A)]. Pada tahun 1969 Sistem Bisnis (termasuk OR) dialihkan di bawah Wakil Presiden Administrasi. Sementara itu, activi¬ties perencanaan perusahaan yang terletak di kantor Wakil Presiden Senior untuk Pertumbuhan Perusahaan, dalam bentuk Investasi Evaluasi Depautment. IED bertanggung jawab atas perencanaan keuangan, evaluasi permintaan apropriasi modal, dan koordinasi perencanaan perusahaan. Pada awal 1970, seorang Wakil Presiden baru Financeand PLAR, ning diangkat dengan tanggung jawab untuk Pasar dan Riset Ekonomi, IED, dan OR, di samping Pajak, Bendahara, dan fungsi Controller.
Sebelum perubahan manajer Sistem Bisnis telah menyatakan tampilan berikut:
Posisi saya saat ini adalah bahwa saya bisa melihat Sorne argumen yang valid untuk mengangkat isu tentang di mana rumah OR seharusnya, l itu saya terus merasa kuat bahwa rumah terbaik adalah di Sistem Bisnis func¬tion.
Alasan saya:
1 . Karena kami adalah perusahaan proses, jenis ques¬tions dan masalah yang OR dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan adalah re, .. urring alam. (Log alokasi, perluasan pabrik, fore¬casting, dll) Dengan demikian, ada keuntungan besar bagi kita untuk de¬velop sistem yang memungkinkan kita untuk menggunakan OR teknik dan model secara berkelanjutan. ALSE karena kebutuhan untuk kompatibilitas dan penggunaan data con-imon, sistem OR berorientasi harus terintegrasi dengan systerns lain dalam bisnis.
2. Setelah fungsi MIS telah dasarnya menyelesaikan sistem akuisisi data dasar, sucli sebagai order entry, in¬ventory, dll, maka tingkat berikutnya dari sistem berorientasi OR (strategi keputusan, perencanaan, peramalan, dll). Jadi secara umum, perancang sistem masa depan akan terlihat lebih dan lebih seperti arus ATAU praktisi, menurut pendapat saya.
3 Arus Manajer Sistem Bisnis digunakan untuk mengelola Weyerhaeuser ATAU fungsi.
4. Saya sangat percaya bahwa arah masa depan usaha sistem harus keputusan bisnis manajemen anci sci¬ence berorientasi, daripada akuntansi, komputer, atau orientasi lainnya. (Saya akan classiry orientasi usaha sistem kami sampai saat ini sebagai komputer berorientasi pada perusahaan lain itu biasanya baik oriented atau berorientasi akuntansi. Komputer) Dengan top-rnanagement dorongan, kami sudah mulai bergerak ke arah membuat keputusan bisnis kita dan ilmu manajemen yang berorientasi, dan saya pikir ini harus terus.
5. Kecenderungan umum di sejumlah perusahaan maju dengan upaya sistem yang besar adalah untuk mengintegrasikan ooerations re¬search dengan sistem effor nya. t. dicapai. Tanggung jawab pada dimensi ini tampaknya disebarkan di sejumlah arah; yaitu, lebih fornialized kegiatan perencanaan, departemen evaluasi investasi, sistem informasi manajemen usaha, dan lain-lain. Dalam setiap kasus ini, ada penekanan pada developrnent dari aliran informasi yang tepat untuk perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan-baik strate¬gic (termasuk merger dan akuisisi) dan operasional. Perubahan Organisasi internal saya n 1966 Departemen OR berubah organisasinya dari sebuah -jenis organisasi proyek perusahaan homogen tn format bagian terdesentralisasi dengan tenaga kerja yang didedikasikan untuk melayani kelompok uperating tertentu. Hal ini dilakukan dengan tujuan eksplisit menciptakan identifikasi dekat profesional dengan-manajer faktor kunci operasi dalam keberhasilan penerapan OR dalam kerangka sistem keputusan. Para sec¬tions berikut telah diidentifikasi: (1) Sistem Keputusan Timberland / Produk Kayu, (2) Sistem Produk Pulp Berdasarkan Keputusan, (3) Keputusan Perusahaan Svs¬tems, (4) MS / OR Bagian Pembangunan, dan (5) matematika analisis dan kelompok pro¬gramming (Scientific Computing Services). - Selama periode waktu, profesional ATAU terlatih diserap dalam kelompok operasi, sering dalam posisi perencanaan yang menyerukan kontak langsung dilanjutkan dengan manajer operasi. Perkembangan ini biasanya follo • ed keberhasilan pelaksanaan temuan penelitian proj¬ect ini OR. Dalam beberapa kasus, "konsultan" bekerja diri ke pekerjaan dengan menunjukkan kegunaan aplikasi tertentu dalam pengambilan keputusan mana¬gerial. Lebih sering, bagaimanapun, analis individu dipekerjakan dalam pekerjaan tersebut karena kemampuan pribadi mereka. Menurut manajer OR, para analis yang paling efektif tampaknya dapat "menyatu dengan kayu." Sejak dimulainya Riset Operasi De¬partment, sekitar dua puluh empat profesional telah "berputar keluar" ke dalam organisasi operasi. Tempat OR dalam Organisasi Perusahaan Awalnya OP, fungsi adalah bagian dari Departemen Controller. Kemudian, setelah bertahun-tahun severaI, itu menjadi bagian dari Systerns Bisnis yang dilaporkan kepada Wakil Presiden Eksekutif Operasional ISEE Weyerhaeuser Communication

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