it's a holiday. yuda and his mother intend to clean their house. yuda  terjemahan - it's a holiday. yuda and his mother intend to clean their house. yuda  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

it's a holiday. yuda and his mother

it's a holiday. yuda and his mother intend to clean their house. yuda is going to clean carpets with a vacuum cleaner.
"yuda, let's start to work. I will sweep and mop the floor, "says Mrs.Artika.
O.K.,Mom. what can i do for you? asks Yuda.
"You had better clean the carpets using the vacuum cleaner which i bought three days ago, "Mrs.Artika replies.
"Um...I don't know how to use it, Mom, "says yuda.
"It's very easy, you no. I'll teach you how to use it, "Mrs. Artika answer.
"Thank you Mom, "says yuda.
"First, check the container of the vacuum cleaner which retains dust or dirt. If the container is full, empty and clean it. Look at this indikator! This indicator shows whether it is full or empty, "Mrs.Yuda explains.
"I know, Mom. The indicator shows that there is not dust in the vacuum cleaner,so i don't need to empty it,right? "says yuda.
"You're right, "Mrs.Artika replies.
"what should i do then? "asks yuda.
"After the container is ready to use, check the heigt of the vacuum cleaner and set it to the proper grid for your carpet, "Mrs.Yuda explains.
"After the container is ready
"After the container is ready to use, check the height of the vacuum cleaner and set it to the proper grid for you carpet, "Mrs.Yuda explains. "I see , I have set the vacuum cleaner. may I use it now?" ask yuda.
"um... wait. before the claening the carpets, you should move little items such as toys,shoes,ect.out on the way," says Mrs. Artika."then,switch vacuum cleaner and move it backwards and forwards."
"Alright,mom. I should move it like this, right?" yuda replies.
"yes but don't move it too fast. you should move it slowly. remember! you will not have a good result, meaning that you will leave dust and dirt in your carpet, if you move in too fast, "says Mrs. Artika. I know, mom", yuda answer.
"one more thing, if tou intend to clean crevices, utilize the vacuum cleaner attachment," Mrs. Artika adds.
"o.k.,mom.i'll start working." says yuda enthusiastically.
"that;s good. if you have difficulty using the vacuum cleaner, you can read the will help you use the vacuum cleaner," Mrs. Artika explains.
"you're right, Mom. thank you," yuda replies.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
it's a holiday. yuda and his mother intend to clean their house. yuda is going to clean carpets with a vacuum cleaner."yuda, let's start to work. I will sweep and mop the floor, "says Mrs.Artika.O.K.,Mom. what can i do for you? asks Yuda."You had better clean the carpets using the vacuum cleaner which i bought three days ago, "Mrs.Artika replies."Um...I don't know how to use it, Mom, "says yuda."It's very easy, you no. I'll teach you how to use it, "Mrs. Artika answer."Thank you Mom, "says yuda."First, check the container of the vacuum cleaner which retains dust or dirt. If the container is full, empty and clean it. Look at this indikator! This indicator shows whether it is full or empty, "Mrs.Yuda explains."I know, Mom. The indicator shows that there is not dust in the vacuum cleaner,so i don't need to empty it,right? "says yuda."You're right, "Mrs.Artika replies."what should i do then? "asks yuda."After the container is ready to use, check the heigt of the vacuum cleaner and set it to the proper grid for your carpet, "Mrs.Yuda explains."After the container is ready "After the container is ready to use, check the height of the vacuum cleaner and set it to the proper grid for you carpet, "Mrs.Yuda explains. "I see , I have set the vacuum cleaner. may I use it now?" ask yuda."um... wait. before the claening the carpets, you should move little items such as toys,shoes,ect.out on the way," says Mrs. Artika."then,switch vacuum cleaner and move it backwards and forwards.""Alright,mom. I should move it like this, right?" yuda replies.
"yes but don't move it too fast. you should move it slowly. remember! you will not have a good result, meaning that you will leave dust and dirt in your carpet, if you move in too fast, "says Mrs. Artika. I know, mom", yuda answer.
"one more thing, if tou intend to clean crevices, utilize the vacuum cleaner attachment," Mrs. Artika adds.
"o.k.,mom.i'll start working." says yuda enthusiastically.
"that;s good. if you have difficulty using the vacuum cleaner, you can read the will help you use the vacuum cleaner," Mrs. Artika explains.
"you're right, Mom. thank you," yuda replies.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
itu hari libur. yuda dan ibunya berniat untuk membersihkan rumah mereka. yuda akan membersihkan karpet dengan vacuum cleaner.
"yuda, mari kita mulai bekerja. Saya akan menyapu dan mengepel lantai," kata Mrs.Artika.
OK, Mom. apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda? bertanya Yuda.
"Anda sebaiknya membersihkan karpet menggunakan vacuum cleaner yang saya membeli tiga hari yang lalu," Mrs.Artika balasan.
"Um ... Aku tidak tahu bagaimana menggunakannya, Mom," kata yuda.
"Ini sangat mudah, Anda tidak. aku akan mengajarkan Anda bagaimana untuk menggunakannya, "Mrs. Artika jawaban.
"Terima kasih Bu," kata yuda.
"Pertama, periksa wadah dari vacuum cleaner yang mempertahankan debu atau kotoran. Jika wadah sudah penuh, kosong dan membersihkannya. Lihatlah Indikator ini! Indikator ini menunjukkan apakah itu penuh atau kosong, "Mrs.Yuda menjelaskan.
" aku tahu, Mom. indikator ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada debu di vacuum cleaner, jadi saya tidak perlu mengosongkan itu, kan? "kata yuda.
" Kau benar , "Mrs.Artika balasan.
" apa yang harus saya lakukan? "tanya yuda.
" Setelah wadah siap digunakan, memeriksa heigt dari penyedot debu dan set ke grid yang tepat untuk karpet Anda, "Mrs.Yuda menjelaskan .
"Setelah wadah siap
" Setelah wadah siap digunakan, memeriksa ketinggian vacuum cleaner dan set ke grid yang tepat untuk karpet Anda, "Mrs.Yuda menjelaskan." saya lihat, saya telah menetapkan vacuum cleaner . mungkin saya gunakan sekarang? "tanya yuda.
" um ... tunggu. sebelum claening karpet, Anda harus memindahkan barang-barang kecil seperti mainan, sepatu, ect.out di jalan, "kata Mrs. Artika." Kemudian, beralih vacuum cleaner dan memindahkannya ke belakang dan ke depan. "
" Baiklah, ibu. Aku harus bergerak seperti ini, kan? "Yuda menjawab.
" Ya tapi tidak bergerak terlalu cepat. Anda harus bergerak perlahan-lahan. ingat! Anda tidak akan memiliki hasil yang baik, yang berarti bahwa Anda akan meninggalkan debu dan kotoran di karpet Anda, jika Anda bergerak terlalu cepat, "kata Mrs. Artika. Aku tahu, ibu", jawabannya yuda.
"satu hal lagi, jika tou berniat untuk membersihkan celah-celah, memanfaatkan attachment vacuum cleaner, "Mrs. Artika menambahkan.
" ok, mom.i'll mulai bekerja. " kata yuda antusias.
"itu; s baik jika Anda memiliki kesulitan menggunakan vacuum cleaner, Anda dapat membaca akan membantu Anda menggunakan vacuum cleaner,." Mrs. Artika menjelaskan.
"kau benar, Ibu terima kasih. , "yuda balasan.
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