CHAPTER 1 – BUSINESS COMBINATION1. A business combination is a union o terjemahan - CHAPTER 1 – BUSINESS COMBINATION1. A business combination is a union o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


1. A business combination is a union of business entities in which two or more previously separate and independent companies are brought under the control of a single management team. Three situations establish the control necessary for a business combination, namely, when one or more corporations become subsidiaries, when one company transfers its net assets to another,and when each combining company transfers its net assets to a newly formed corporation.
2. The dissolution of all but one of the separate legal entities is not necessary for a business combination. An example of one form of business combination in which the separate legal entities are not dissolved is when one corporation becomes a subsidiary of another. In the case of a parent-subsidiary relationship, each combining company continues to exist as a separate legal entity even though both companies are under the control of a single management team.
3. A business combination occurs when two or more previously separate and independent companies are brought under the control of a single management team. Merger and consolidation in a generic sense are frequently used as synonyms for the term business combination. In a technical sense, however, a mergeris a type of business combination in which all but one of the combining entities are dissolved and a consolidationis a type of business combination in which a new corporation is formed to take over the assets of two or more previously separate companies and all of the combining companies are dissolved.
4. Goodwill arises in a business combination accounted for under the acquisition method when the cost of the investment (fair value of the consideration transferred) exceeds the fairvalue of identifiable net assets acquired. Under GAAP, goodwill is not amortized for financial reporting purposes and will have no effect on net income, unless the goodwill is deemed to beimpaired. If goodwill is impaired, a loss will be recognized.
5. A bargain purchase occurs when the acquisition price is less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. The acquirer records the gain from a bargain purchase as an ordinary gain during the period of the acquisition. The gain equals the difference between the investment cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired.
1. Only the investor’s accounts are affected when outstanding stock is acquired from existing stockholders. The investor records the investment atits cost. Since the investee company is not a party to the transaction, its accounts are not affected. Both investor and investee accounts are affected when unissued stock is acquired directly from the investee. The investor records the investment at its cost and the investee adjusts its asset and owners’ equity accounts to reflect the issuance of previously unissued stock.
2. Goodwill arising from an equity investment of 20 percent or more is not recorded separately from the investment account. Under the equity method, the investment is presented on one line of the balance sheet in accordance with the one-line consolidation concept.
3. Dividends received from earnings accumulated before an investment is acquired are treated as decreases in the investment account balance under the fair value/cost method. Such dividends are considered a return of a part of the original investment.
4. The equity method of accounting for investments increases the investmentaccount for the investor’s share of the investee’s income and decreases it for the investor’s share of the investee’s losses and for dividends received from the investee. In addition, the investment and investment income accounts are adjusted for amortization of any investment cost-book value differentials related to the interest acquired. Adjustments to the investment and investment income accounts are also needed for unrealized profits and losses from transactions between the investor and investee companies. A fair value adjustment is optional under SFAS No. 159.
5. The equity method is referred to as a one-line consolidation because the investment account is reported on one line of the investor’s balance sheet and investment income is reported on one line of the investor’s income statement (except when the investee has extraordinary gains/losses or gains/losses from discontinued operations). In addition, the investment income is computed such that the parent company’s income and stockholders’ equity are equal to the consolidated net income and consolidated stockholders’ equity that would result if the statements of the investor and investee were consolidated.
6. If the equity method of accounting is applied correctly, the income of the parent company will generally equal the controlling interest share of consolidated net income. If the subsidiary is 100% owned by the parent, the parent’s net income under the equity method will equal the consolidated net income of the parent and it’s subsidiary.
7. The difference in the equity method and consolidation lies in the detail reported, but not in the amount of income reported. The equity method reports investment income on one line of the income statement whereas the details of revenues and expenses are reported in the consolidated income statement.
8. The investment account balance of the investor will equal underlying book value of the investee if (a) the equity method is correctly applied, (b) the investment was acquired at book value which was equal to fair value, the pooling method was used, or the cost-book value differentials have all been amortized or written off as impairment losses, and (c) there have been no intercompany transactions between the affiliated companies that have created investment account-book value differences.
9. The investment account balance mustbe converted from the cost to the equity method when acquisitions increase the interest held to 20 percent or more. The amount of the adjustment is the difference between the investment income reported under the cost method in prior years and the income that would have been reported if the equity method of accounting had been used. The offsetting account in the journal entry isRetained Earnings. Changes from the cost to the equity method of accounting for equity investments are changes in the reporting entity that require restatement of prior years’ financial statements when the effect is material.
10. The one-line consolidation is adjusted when the investee’s income includes extraordinary items or gains or losses from discontinued operations. In this case, the investor’s share of the investee’s ordinary income is reported as investment income under a one-line consolidation, but the investor’s share of extraordinary items, and gains and losses from discontinued operations is combined with similar items of the investor.
11. The remaining 15 percent interest in the investee is accounted for under the fair value/cost method, and the investment account balance immediately after the sale becomes the new cost basis.
12. Yes. When an investee has preferred stock in its capital structure, the investor has to allocate the investee’s income to preferred and common stockholders. Then, the investor takes up its share of the investee’s income allocated to common stockholders in applying the equity method.The allocation is not necessary when the investee has only common stock outstanding.
13. Goodwill impairment losses are calculated by business reporting units. For each reporting unit, the company must first determine the fair values of net assets. The fair value of the reporting unit is the amount at which it could be purchased in a current market transaction. This may be based on market prices, discounted cash flow analyses, or similar current transactions. This is done in the same manner as is done to originally record a combination. Any excess measured fair value over identifiable assets and liabilities is the implied fair value of goodwill. The company then compares the implied goodwill fair value to the carrying value of goodwill to determine if there has been an impairment loss during the period. If the carrying value exceeds the implied fairvalue, an impairment loss equal to the difference is recognized.
14. Yes. Goodwill impairment losses for subsidiaries are computed as outlined in the solution to question 13. Companies compare fair values to book values for equity method investments as a whole. Firms may recognize impairment losses for equity method investments as a whole, but perform no separate impairment tests for goodwill associated with an equity method investment.
1. A corporation becomes a subsidiary when another corporation either directly or indirectly acquires a controlling financial interest (generally over 50 percent) of its outstanding voting stock.
2. Amounts assigned to identifiable assets and liabilities in excess of recorded amounts on the books of the subsidiary are not recorded separately by the parent. Instead, the parent records the fair value/purchaseprice of the interest acquired in an investment account. The assignment to identifiable asset and liability accounts is made through working paper entries when the parent and subsidiary financial statements are consolidated.
3. The land would be shown in the consolidated balance sheet at $100,000, its fair value, assuming that the purchase price of the subsidiary is greater than the book value of the subsidiary’s net assets. If the parent had acquired an 80 percent interest and the implied fair value of the subsidiary was greater than the book value of the subsidiary’s net assets, the land would still appear in the consolidated balance sheet at $100,000. Under GAAP, the noncontrolling interest is also reported based on fair values at the acquisition date.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CHAPTER 1 – BUSINESS COMBINATION1. A business combination is a union of business entities in which two or more previously separate and independent companies are brought under the control of a single management team. Three situations establish the control necessary for a business combination, namely, when one or more corporations become subsidiaries, when one company transfers its net assets to another,and when each combining company transfers its net assets to a newly formed corporation.2. The dissolution of all but one of the separate legal entities is not necessary for a business combination. An example of one form of business combination in which the separate legal entities are not dissolved is when one corporation becomes a subsidiary of another. In the case of a parent-subsidiary relationship, each combining company continues to exist as a separate legal entity even though both companies are under the control of a single management team. 3. A business combination occurs when two or more previously separate and independent companies are brought under the control of a single management team. Merger and consolidation in a generic sense are frequently used as synonyms for the term business combination. In a technical sense, however, a mergeris a type of business combination in which all but one of the combining entities are dissolved and a consolidationis a type of business combination in which a new corporation is formed to take over the assets of two or more previously separate companies and all of the combining companies are dissolved. 4. Goodwill arises in a business combination accounted for under the acquisition method when the cost of the investment (fair value of the consideration transferred) exceeds the fairvalue of identifiable net assets acquired. Under GAAP, goodwill is not amortized for financial reporting purposes and will have no effect on net income, unless the goodwill is deemed to beimpaired. If goodwill is impaired, a loss will be recognized. 5. A bargain purchase occurs when the acquisition price is less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. The acquirer records the gain from a bargain purchase as an ordinary gain during the period of the acquisition. The gain equals the difference between the investment cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired.CHAPTER 2 – STOCK INVESTMENT – INVESTOR ACCOUNTING & REPORTING1. Only the investor’s accounts are affected when outstanding stock is acquired from existing stockholders. The investor records the investment atits cost. Since the investee company is not a party to the transaction, its accounts are not affected. Both investor and investee accounts are affected when unissued stock is acquired directly from the investee. The investor records the investment at its cost and the investee adjusts its asset and owners’ equity accounts to reflect the issuance of previously unissued stock.2. Goodwill arising from an equity investment of 20 percent or more is not recorded separately from the investment account. Under the equity method, the investment is presented on one line of the balance sheet in accordance with the one-line consolidation concept. 3. Dividends received from earnings accumulated before an investment is acquired are treated as decreases in the investment account balance under the fair value/cost method. Such dividends are considered a return of a part of the original investment. 4. The equity method of accounting for investments increases the investmentaccount for the investor’s share of the investee’s income and decreases it for the investor’s share of the investee’s losses and for dividends received from the investee. In addition, the investment and investment income accounts are adjusted for amortization of any investment cost-book value differentials related to the interest acquired. Adjustments to the investment and investment income accounts are also needed for unrealized profits and losses from transactions between the investor and investee companies. A fair value adjustment is optional under SFAS No. 159. 5. The equity method is referred to as a one-line consolidation because the investment account is reported on one line of the investor’s balance sheet and investment income is reported on one line of the investor’s income statement (except when the investee has extraordinary gains/losses or gains/losses from discontinued operations). In addition, the investment income is computed such that the parent company’s income and stockholders’ equity are equal to the consolidated net income and consolidated stockholders’ equity that would result if the statements of the investor and investee were consolidated. 6. If the equity method of accounting is applied correctly, the income of the parent company will generally equal the controlling interest share of consolidated net income. If the subsidiary is 100% owned by the parent, the parent’s net income under the equity method will equal the consolidated net income of the parent and it’s subsidiary. 7. The difference in the equity method and consolidation lies in the detail reported, but not in the amount of income reported. The equity method reports investment income on one line of the income statement whereas the details of revenues and expenses are reported in the consolidated income statement. 8. The investment account balance of the investor will equal underlying book value of the investee if (a) the equity method is correctly applied, (b) the investment was acquired at book value which was equal to fair value, the pooling method was used, or the cost-book value differentials have all been amortized or written off as impairment losses, and (c) there have been no intercompany transactions between the affiliated companies that have created investment account-book value differences. 9. The investment account balance mustbe converted from the cost to the equity method when acquisitions increase the interest held to 20 percent or more. The amount of the adjustment is the difference between the investment income reported under the cost method in prior years and the income that would have been reported if the equity method of accounting had been used. The offsetting account in the journal entry isRetained Earnings. Changes from the cost to the equity method of accounting for equity investments are changes in the reporting entity that require restatement of prior years’ financial statements when the effect is material.10. The one-line consolidation is adjusted when the investee’s income includes extraordinary items or gains or losses from discontinued operations. In this case, the investor’s share of the investee’s ordinary income is reported as investment income under a one-line consolidation, but the investor’s share of extraordinary items, and gains and losses from discontinued operations is combined with similar items of the investor. 11. The remaining 15 percent interest in the investee is accounted for under the fair value/cost method, and the investment account balance immediately after the sale becomes the new cost basis.
12. Yes. When an investee has preferred stock in its capital structure, the investor has to allocate the investee’s income to preferred and common stockholders. Then, the investor takes up its share of the investee’s income allocated to common stockholders in applying the equity method.The allocation is not necessary when the investee has only common stock outstanding.
13. Goodwill impairment losses are calculated by business reporting units. For each reporting unit, the company must first determine the fair values of net assets. The fair value of the reporting unit is the amount at which it could be purchased in a current market transaction. This may be based on market prices, discounted cash flow analyses, or similar current transactions. This is done in the same manner as is done to originally record a combination. Any excess measured fair value over identifiable assets and liabilities is the implied fair value of goodwill. The company then compares the implied goodwill fair value to the carrying value of goodwill to determine if there has been an impairment loss during the period. If the carrying value exceeds the implied fairvalue, an impairment loss equal to the difference is recognized.
14. Yes. Goodwill impairment losses for subsidiaries are computed as outlined in the solution to question 13. Companies compare fair values to book values for equity method investments as a whole. Firms may recognize impairment losses for equity method investments as a whole, but perform no separate impairment tests for goodwill associated with an equity method investment.
1. A corporation becomes a subsidiary when another corporation either directly or indirectly acquires a controlling financial interest (generally over 50 percent) of its outstanding voting stock.
2. Amounts assigned to identifiable assets and liabilities in excess of recorded amounts on the books of the subsidiary are not recorded separately by the parent. Instead, the parent records the fair value/purchaseprice of the interest acquired in an investment account. The assignment to identifiable asset and liability accounts is made through working paper entries when the parent and subsidiary financial statements are consolidated.
3. The land would be shown in the consolidated balance sheet at $100,000, its fair value, assuming that the purchase price of the subsidiary is greater than the book value of the subsidiary’s net assets. If the parent had acquired an 80 percent interest and the implied fair value of the subsidiary was greater than the book value of the subsidiary’s net assets, the land would still appear in the consolidated balance sheet at $100,000. Under GAAP, the noncontrolling interest is also reported based on fair values at the acquisition date.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1. Kombinasi usaha adalah penyatuan badan usaha di mana dua atau lebih yang sebelumnya perusahaan yang terpisah dan independen dibawa di bawah kendali tim manajemen tunggal. Tiga situasi membangun kontrol yang diperlukan untuk kombinasi bisnis, yaitu, ketika satu atau lebih perusahaan menjadi anak perusahaan, ketika salah satu perusahaan mentransfer aktiva bersihnya ke yang lain, dan ketika masing-masing perusahaan menggabungkan mentransfer aktiva bersihnya kepada sebuah perusahaan yang baru dibentuk.
2. Pembubaran semua kecuali satu dari badan hukum yang terpisah tidak diperlukan untuk kombinasi bisnis. Contoh salah satu bentuk penggabungan usaha di mana badan hukum yang terpisah tidak terlarut adalah ketika salah satu perusahaan menjadi anak perusahaan dari yang lain. Dalam kasus hubungan orangtua-anak, masing-masing perusahaan menggabungkan terus eksis sebagai badan hukum yang terpisah meskipun kedua perusahaan berada di bawah kendali tim manajemen tunggal.
3. Kombinasi bisnis terjadi ketika dua atau lebih yang sebelumnya terpisah dan perusahaan independen yang dibawa di bawah kendali tim manajemen tunggal. Merger dan konsolidasi dalam arti umum sering digunakan sebagai sinonim untuk kombinasi bisnis jangka. Dalam arti teknis, bagaimanapun, mergeris sebuah jenis penggabungan usaha di mana semua kecuali satu dari perusahaan yang bergabung dilarutkan dan consolidationis sebuah jenis penggabungan usaha di mana perusahaan baru dibentuk untuk mengambil alih aset dari dua atau lebih sebelumnya perusahaan yang terpisah dan semua perusahaan menggabungkan dilarutkan.
4. Goodwill timbul dari kombinasi bisnis dicatat dengan metode akuisisi ketika biaya (nilai wajar imbalan yang dialihkan) investasi melebihi fairvalue aset bersih teridentifikasi yang diperoleh. Berdasarkan GAAP, goodwill tidak diamortisasi untuk tujuan pelaporan keuangan dan tidak akan berpengaruh pada laba bersih, kecuali goodwill dianggap beimpaired. Jika goodwill terganggu, kerugian akan diakui.
5. Sebuah tawar-menawar pembelian terjadi ketika harga perolehan lebih rendah dari nilai wajar aset bersih teridentifikasi yang diperoleh. Pengakuisisi mencatat keuntungan dari tawar-menawar pembelian sebagai gain biasa selama periode akuisisi. Gain sama dengan selisih antara biaya investasi dan nilai wajar aset bersih yang dapat diidentifikasi yang diakuisisi.
1. Account hanya investor terpengaruh ketika saham luar biasa diperoleh dari pemegang saham yang ada. Investor mencatat investasi atits biaya. Sejak perusahaan investee bukan merupakan pihak untuk transaksi, rekening yang tidak terpengaruh. Kedua account investor dan investee terpengaruh ketika saham portepel diperoleh langsung dari investee. Investor mencatat investasi pada biaya dan investee menyesuaikan aset dan akun ekuitas pemilik 'untuk mencerminkan penerbitan saham portepel sebelumnya.
2. Goodwill yang timbul dari investasi ekuitas 20 persen atau lebih tidak dicatat secara terpisah dari rekening investasi. Berdasarkan metode ekuitas, investasi disajikan pada satu baris neraca sesuai dengan konsep konsolidasi satu baris.
3. Dividen yang diterima dari laba sebelum akumulasi investasi diperoleh diperlakukan sebagai penurunan saldo rekening investasi dengan metode nilai / biaya wajar. Dividen tersebut dianggap sebagai kembalinya bagian dari investasi awal.
4. Metode ekuitas akuntansi untuk investasi meningkatkan investmentaccount untuk pangsa investor dari pendapatan investee dan menurun untuk bagian investor dari kerugian investee dan dividen yang diterima dari investee. Selain itu, pos pendapatan investasi dan investasi disesuaikan dengan amortisasi investasi perbedaan nilai biaya-buku yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan diperoleh. Penyesuaian terhadap akun investasi dan pendapatan investasi juga diperlukan untuk keuntungan dan kerugian yang belum direalisasi dari transaksi antara investor dan investee perusahaan. Sebuah penyesuaian nilai wajar adalah opsional PSAK No. 159.
5. Metode ekuitas disebut sebagai konsolidasi satu baris karena rekening investasi dilaporkan dalam satu baris dari neraca dan investasi pendapatan investor dilaporkan dalam satu baris dari laporan laba rugi investor (kecuali ketika investee memiliki luar biasa keuntungan / kerugian atau Keuntungan / kerugian dari operasi yang dihentikan). Selain itu, pendapatan investasi dihitung sehingga pendapatan perusahaan induk dan ekuitas sama dengan laba bersih konsolidasi dan pemegang saham konsolidasi 'ekuitas yang akan terjadi jika laporan dari investor dan investee dikonsolidasi.
6. Jika metode ekuitas diterapkan dengan benar, pendapatan perusahaan induk umumnya akan sama dengan pangsa bunga pengendali dari laba bersih konsolidasian. Jika anak perusahaan adalah 100% dimiliki oleh orang tua, laba bersih induk dengan metode ekuitas akan sama dengan laba bersih konsolidasi induk dan anak perusahaan itu.
7. Perbedaan dalam metode ekuitas dan konsolidasi terletak pada detail dilaporkan, tapi tidak dalam jumlah pendapatan yang dilaporkan. Laporan metode ekuitas pendapatan investasi pada satu baris dari laporan laba rugi sedangkan rincian pendapatan dan beban dilaporkan dalam laporan laba rugi konsolidasi.
8. Saldo rekening investasi investor akan sama nilai buku yang mendasari investee jika (a) metode ekuitas diterapkan dengan benar, (b) investasi diakuisisi pada nilai buku yang sama dengan nilai wajar, metode penyatuan digunakan, atau selisih nilai biaya-buku semuanya telah diamortisasi atau dihapuskan sebagai kerugian penurunan nilai, dan (c) tidak ada transaksi antar antara perusahaan afiliasi yang telah menciptakan perbedaan nilai akun-buku investasi.
9. Saldo rekening investasi mustbe dikonversi dari biaya dengan metode ekuitas saat akuisisi meningkatkan minat diadakan untuk 20 persen atau lebih. Jumlah penyesuaian adalah perbedaan antara pendapatan investasi dilaporkan dengan metode biaya di tahun sebelumnya dan pendapatan yang akan dilaporkan jika metode ekuitas telah digunakan. The mengimbangi akun di jurnal isRetained Laba. Perubahan dari biaya dengan metode ekuitas akuntansi untuk investasi ekuitas adalah perubahan dalam entitas pelaporan yang memerlukan penyajian kembali laporan keuangan tahun sebelumnya ketika efeknya material.
10. Konsolidasi satu baris disesuaikan ketika pendapatan investee meliputi pos luar biasa atau keuntungan atau kerugian dari operasi dihentikan. Dalam hal ini, bagian investor dari pendapatan biasa yang investee dilaporkan sebagai pendapatan investasi di bawah konsolidasi satu baris, tetapi bagian investor dari pos luar biasa, dan keuntungan dan kerugian dari operasi yang dihentikan dikombinasikan dengan barang serupa dari investor.
11. Sisanya bunga 15 persen dalam investee dicatat dengan metode nilai / biaya wajar, dan saldo rekening investasi segera setelah penjualan menjadi dasar biaya baru.
12. Iya nih. Ketika sebuah asosiasi telah disukai saham di struktur modal, investor harus mengalokasikan pendapatan investee untuk pemegang saham disukai dan umum. Kemudian, investor mengambil pangsa pendapatan investee dialokasikan untuk pemegang saham biasa dalam menerapkan alokasi method.The ekuitas tidak diperlukan bila investee hanya memiliki saham biasa yang beredar.
13. Kerugian penurunan nilai goodwill dihitung oleh unit pelaporan bisnis. Untuk setiap unit pelaporan, perusahaan harus terlebih dahulu menentukan nilai wajar aktiva bersih. Nilai wajar dari unit pelaporan adalah jumlah di mana itu bisa dibeli dalam transaksi pasar saat ini. Ini mungkin didasarkan pada harga pasar, arus kas diskonto analisis, atau transaksi saat yang sama. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara yang sama seperti yang dilakukan untuk awalnya merekam kombinasi. Apa nilai wajar kelebihan diukur selama aktiva dan kewajiban yang dapat diidentifikasi adalah nilai wajar tersirat dari goodwill. Perusahaan kemudian membandingkan nilai goodwill tersirat wajar dengan nilai tercatat goodwill untuk menentukan apakah telah terjadi penurunan nilai selama periode tersebut. Jika nilai tercatat melebihi fairvalue tersirat, rugi penurunan nilai sama dengan selisih tersebut diakui.
14. Iya nih. Kerugian penurunan nilai goodwill untuk anak dihitung seperti diuraikan dalam larutan mempertanyakan 13. Perusahaan membandingkan nilai wajar untuk memesan nilai untuk metode ekuitas investasi secara keseluruhan. Perusahaan mungkin mengenali kerugian penurunan nilai untuk metode ekuitas investasi secara keseluruhan, namun tidak melakukan tes penurunan terpisah untuk goodwill terkait dengan ekuitas metode investasi.
1. Sebuah perusahaan menjadi anak perusahaan saat perusahaan lain baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mengakuisisi kepentingan keuangan pengendali (umumnya lebih dari 50 persen) dari saham voting yang luar biasa.
2. Jumlah yang ditentukan untuk aset dan kewajiban yang dapat diidentifikasi lebih dari jumlah yang tercatat pada buku-buku anak perusahaan tersebut tidak dicatat secara terpisah oleh orang tua. Sebaliknya, orang tua mencatat adil nilai / purchaseprice dari kepentingan yang diperoleh di akun investasi. Tugas untuk akun aktiva dan kewajiban yang dapat diidentifikasi dilakukan melalui entri kertas kerja ketika laporan keuangan induk dan anak perusahaan dikonsolidasi.
3. Tanah akan ditampilkan dalam neraca konsolidasi pada $ 100.000, nilai wajarnya, dengan asumsi bahwa harga pembelian anak perusahaan lebih besar dari nilai buku aktiva bersih anak perusahaan. Jika orangtua telah mengakuisisi 80 persen dan nilai wajar tersirat dari anak itu lebih besar dari nilai buku aktiva bersih anak perusahaan, tanah masih akan muncul dalam neraca konsolidasi pada $ 100.000. Berdasarkan GAAP, kepentingan nonpengendali juga dilaporkan berdasarkan nilai wajar pada tanggal akuisisi.
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