I went to college with a smile that spread across my lips. Somehow I f terjemahan - I went to college with a smile that spread across my lips. Somehow I f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I went to college with a smile that

I went to college with a smile that spread across my lips. Somehow I felt that my life would be more interesting. Well, Tiffany Hwang... She really has changed my life.
After finding out that Tiffany was actually Stephi, that’s becomes changed my life completely. I started saw her on the other way. In my mind, Tiffany was curious about thing like me.
Apparently there were also fortunately because I made blog. And I talking about Tiffany. A person who can’t be regarded as an ordinary woman. She has a beautiful face and y body certainly.
Actually, I still did not understand why her fiance was cheating on her. ! Moreover, why she must already engaged?
"Taeyeon!" Tiffany ran toward me.
"Wow..." I muttered when I saw Tiffany from a distance. She uses a very y cheerleader skirt.
Her thighs look very smooth and white. Moreover, her thighs look a bit shiny because the sweat that soaked her body. I did not know if I like women like this. Tiffany just looks y with her body that looks tired having practicing with her cheerleader team.
"Hey..." I called her after Tiffany was standing right in front of me.
"Have you finished your practice, Tae?" she asked with a little breathless.
"Ne. How about you?"
"I've finished too. Hhmm... Well, I'll be waiting in the parking lot later."
"Okay. I will clean my body first." I smiled at her, neither with her. Then we split up to clean our bodies.
Finally we had a deal yesterday. I will teach her a few things that she might need. While I certainly can have the advantage all of them. Hahaha... Who did not want to close with a woman as beautiful and y as she is?
I immediately cleanse my body quickly. I saw Yul who just got out of the shower. He looked in a hurry. Surely, he did not want to lose someone.
"You're going to go now?" I asked.
"Ne. I want to meet with Jessica as soon as possible." he said while wearing clothes.
"Still do not give up?" I chuckled. This feels like a record for Yul. Usually he could conquer the hearts of women in less than 3 days. But he did not get Jessica’s heart until this time. Yul like felt challenged.
"I'm sure she likes me. Just watch! She will accept my feelings someday." Yul looks very confident.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I went to college with a smile that spread across my lips. Somehow I felt that my life would be more interesting. Well, Tiffany Hwang... She really has changed my life.After finding out that Tiffany was actually Stephi, that’s becomes changed my life completely. I started saw her on the other way. In my mind, Tiffany was curious about thing like me.Apparently there were also fortunately because I made blog. And I talking about Tiffany. A person who can’t be regarded as an ordinary woman. She has a beautiful face and y body certainly.Actually, I still did not understand why her fiance was cheating on her. ! Moreover, why she must already engaged?"Taeyeon!" Tiffany ran toward me."Wow..." I muttered when I saw Tiffany from a distance. She uses a very y cheerleader skirt.Her thighs look very smooth and white. Moreover, her thighs look a bit shiny because the sweat that soaked her body. I did not know if I like women like this. Tiffany just looks y with her body that looks tired having practicing with her cheerleader team."Hey..." I called her after Tiffany was standing right in front of me."Have you finished your practice, Tae?" she asked with a little breathless."Ne. How about you?""I've finished too. Hhmm... Well, I'll be waiting in the parking lot later.""Okay. I will clean my body first." I smiled at her, neither with her. Then we split up to clean our bodies.Finally we had a deal yesterday. I will teach her a few things that she might need. While I certainly can have the advantage all of them. Hahaha... Who did not want to close with a woman as beautiful and y as she is?I immediately cleanse my body quickly. I saw Yul who just got out of the shower. He looked in a hurry. Surely, he did not want to lose someone.
"You're going to go now?" I asked.
"Ne. I want to meet with Jessica as soon as possible." he said while wearing clothes.
"Still do not give up?" I chuckled. This feels like a record for Yul. Usually he could conquer the hearts of women in less than 3 days. But he did not get Jessica’s heart until this time. Yul like felt challenged.
"I'm sure she likes me. Just watch! She will accept my feelings someday." Yul looks very confident.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku pergi ke perguruan tinggi dengan senyum yang tersebar di bibirku. Entah bagaimana saya merasa bahwa hidup saya akan lebih menarik. Nah, Tiffany Hwang ... Dia benar-benar telah mengubah hidup saya.
Setelah mengetahui bahwa Tiffany sebenarnya Stephi, yang menjadi mengubah hidup saya sepenuhnya. Aku mulai melihatnya dalam perjalanan lainnya. Dalam pikiran saya, Tiffany ingin tahu tentang hal seperti saya.
Ternyata ada juga untungnya karena saya membuat blog. Dan saya berbicara tentang Tiffany. Seseorang yang tidak dapat dianggap sebagai wanita biasa. Dia memiliki wajah dan tubuh yang indah y pasti.
Sebenarnya, saya masih tidak mengerti mengapa tunangannya itu berselingkuh. ! Selain itu, mengapa ia sudah harus terlibat?
"Taeyeon!" Tiffany berlari ke arah saya.
"Wow ..." gumamku saat melihat Tiffany dari kejauhan. Dia menggunakan rok cheerleader sangat y.
Pahanya terlihat sangat halus dan putih. Selain itu, pahanya terlihat sedikit mengkilap karena keringat yang membasahi tubuhnya. Aku tidak tahu apakah aku suka wanita seperti ini. Tiffany hanya tampak y dengan tubuhnya yang terlihat lelah memiliki berlatih dengan tim cheerleader nya.
"Hei ..." Aku meneleponnya setelah Tiffany berdiri tepat di depan saya.
"Apakah Anda selesai latihan, Tae?" tanyanya dengan sedikit terengah-engah.
"Ne. Bagaimana dengan Anda?"
"Aku sudah selesai juga. Hhmm ... Yah, aku akan menunggu di tempat parkir nanti."
"Oke. Aku akan membersihkan tubuh saya pertama. " Aku tersenyum padanya, tidak dengan dia. Kemudian kami berpisah untuk membersihkan tubuh kita.
Akhirnya kami memiliki kesepakatan kemarin. Aku akan mengajarinya beberapa hal yang dia butuhkan. Sementara saya pasti bisa memiliki keuntungan mereka semua. Hahaha ... Siapa yang tidak ingin menutup dengan wanita secantik dan y seperti dia?
Aku segera membersihkan tubuh saya dengan cepat. Saya melihat Yul yang baru saja keluar dari kamar mandi. Dia tampak terburu-buru. Tentunya, dia tidak ingin kehilangan seseorang.
"Kau akan pergi sekarang?" Tanyaku.
"Ne. Aku ingin bertemu dengan Jessica sesegera mungkin." katanya sambil mengenakan pakaian.
"Masih tidak menyerah?" Aku tertawa. Ini terasa seperti rekor Yul. Biasanya ia bisa menaklukkan hati wanita dalam waktu kurang dari 3 hari. Tapi dia tidak mendapatkan hati Jessica sampai saat ini. Yul seperti merasa tertantang.
"Aku yakin dia menyukaiku. Hanya menonton! Dia akan menerima perasaan saya suatu hari nanti." Yul terlihat sangat percaya diri.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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