Parenting style refers to the ways or techniques parents employ in the terjemahan - Parenting style refers to the ways or techniques parents employ in the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Parenting style refers to the ways

Parenting style refers to the ways or techniques parents employ in the upbringing of their children. According the psychologist, Diana Baumrind (1991), there are four parenting styles or dimensions namely, authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved parenting styles. In explaining these dimensions of parenting, two important features are judged to be essential namely, parental responsiveness and parental demandingness (Gurian, ND). While responsiveness implies the willingness and availability of the parents to show care, concern and provide for the children; demandingness connotes the tendency of the parents to control the child and limit his freedom almost in everything. It is how a parent applies either or both of these two features that decides the parenting style such a parent is using.

Authoritative parenting style – this is the parenting style in which the parents direct their children’s activities in a rational, issue oriented manner, exercising control when necessary, but gives the children freedom to act independently and responsibly (Baumrind, 1991). This is a kind of democratic style of parenting, where the parents are attentive and explains the reasons for the rules set for the children to obey. According to Greenwood (2013), authoritative parents set clear expectations and high standards, as well as monitor the children’s behaviour, using discipline based on reasoning. They also encourage their children to make decisions and learn from their mistakes. Authoritative parents are warm and nurturing, and they treat their children with kindness, respect and affection. It was observed (by Kopko, 2007) that adolescents of authoritative parents are more likely to be socially competent, responsible and autonomous because they have learned to employ negotiation.

Authoritarian Parenting Style– Baumrind (1991) saw authoritarian parents as those who attempt to shape, control and evaluate the behaviour of the child without considering the feelings of the child. In this style of parenting, the children are required to follow rules without any explanations from the parents (Cherry, 2013). Parents practicing this style of parenting demand too much from their children while they seem to neglect their responsibility toward their children. According Gurian (ND), such parents are extremely strict and highly controlling; they dictate how their children should behave without giving room for any dissenting opinion or behaviour from their children. There is little communication between parents and children. Kopko (2007) observed that adolescents of this type of parenting may become rebellious, or aggressive or dependent on their parents.

Permissive Parenting Style – permissive parents according to Baumrind are parents who are non-punitive, accepting and affirmative in their relationship towards their children. Such parents make few or no demands for household responsibility and allow the children to behave the way they want. According to Kopko (2007), permissive parents are warm but not demanding; indulgent and passive. Such parents apparently believe that the way to prove their love is to allow their children to have all they desire, not minding the consequences. Greenwood (2013) view permissive parents as being openly affective and loving but setting no limit, even when the children’s safety is at stake. In the words of Baumrind (1991), permissive parents are
‘more responsive than they are demanding’.

Uninvolved Parenting Style – Baumrind (1991) refer to uninvolved parents as disengaged parents who are neither demanding nor responsive. These parents do not monitor their children’s behaviour and also do not support them. An uninvolved parent is characterised by few demands, low responsiveness as well as little communication between parent and child (Cherry, 2013). In extreme cases, uninvolved parenting may entail neglect and rejection of the child from the parents (Greenwood, 2013).

Obviously, Parenting plays a very important role in the transition of children from one stage of life to another: from childhood to adolescence; from adolescence to adulthood (Okorodudu, 2010). According to Utti (2006), parenting is an essential instrument in the socialization of children. Thus parenting style apparently stands out as an important factor that can have significant effect on a child’s behaviour, as opined by Baumrind (1991).

Parenting style, that is the behaviour and attitude of parents, have lasting effect on their children’s overall wellbeing. This goes beyond the family (immediate environment) and touches every aspect of the child’s life: in school, playground, etc. Thus Fielder (2008) believed that for a well-adjusted child, the parents need to have a balanced approach to parenting.

Research indicates that harsh parenting techniques, especially inconsistent punishment, often lead to child aggression (Loeber & Stouthamer-laber, 1989). Hence Georgiou (2008) was of the opinion that bullying starts at home. Children may learn to be aggressive towards others, especially those less powerful, by observing the daily interactions of family members.

Likewise, Perry, Perry & Kennedy (1992) found out that there are evidences showing that children who experience victimization problems are more likely to come from families with histories of child abuse, poor attachment and poorly managed conflict. Also Georgiou (2008) observed that parents tend to encourage or reinforce negative behaviour of their children by attending, laughing or approving of such behaviours, while ignoring positive behaviour when it is exhibited.

Some studies (Hagan & McCarthy 1997) also show that delinquent behaviour, like bullying, is associated with parental rejection, weak parental supervision and inadequate involvement with the child. Thus paying attention to children as well as a close supervision helps in reducing aggressive behaviour in the family and outside – in the school. In the same vein some authors like Perren & Hornung (2005) and Georgiou (2008) also contended that maternal behaviour, like over protection can sometimes be positively related to bullying behaviour and victimization.

Research shows that permissive parental behaviour (high responsiveness and low control) predicts the experience of victimization by the child, while authoritarian parenting style (low responsiveness and high control) best predicts bullying behaviour in children (Balry & Farrington, 2000; Georgiou, 2008).

Likewise it was observed that children who perceive their parents as having positive attitude towards them, settings limits but respecting their children’s independence as well as being responsive to their needs were less likely to engage in bullying. Also children who describe their parents as being less cohesive, more conflictual and less organized tend to indulge in bullying behaviour (Rigby, 2003; Rican, Klicperova & Koucka, 1993; Georgiou, 2008).

According to Georgiou (2008), victimized children view their parents as being overprotective. In the same vein, children who bully their peers are more likely to come from authoritarian parents with harsh and punitive child rearing practices (Espelage, Bosworth & Simon, 2000; Georgiou, 2008).

Thus many researchers seem to agree that parental practices at home (like harsh and inconsistent punishment; too little or too much involvement; responsiveness and permissiveness for aggression) are related to child bullying and victimization experiences at school. This study therefore focuses on examining the relationship between parenting style and tendency to bullying behaviour among adolescents in Awka, Anambra State.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Parenting style refers to the ways or techniques parents employ in the upbringing of their children. According the psychologist, Diana Baumrind (1991), there are four parenting styles or dimensions namely, authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved parenting styles. In explaining these dimensions of parenting, two important features are judged to be essential namely, parental responsiveness and parental demandingness (Gurian, ND). While responsiveness implies the willingness and availability of the parents to show care, concern and provide for the children; demandingness connotes the tendency of the parents to control the child and limit his freedom almost in everything. It is how a parent applies either or both of these two features that decides the parenting style such a parent is using.Authoritative parenting style – this is the parenting style in which the parents direct their children’s activities in a rational, issue oriented manner, exercising control when necessary, but gives the children freedom to act independently and responsibly (Baumrind, 1991). This is a kind of democratic style of parenting, where the parents are attentive and explains the reasons for the rules set for the children to obey. According to Greenwood (2013), authoritative parents set clear expectations and high standards, as well as monitor the children’s behaviour, using discipline based on reasoning. They also encourage their children to make decisions and learn from their mistakes. Authoritative parents are warm and nurturing, and they treat their children with kindness, respect and affection. It was observed (by Kopko, 2007) that adolescents of authoritative parents are more likely to be socially competent, responsible and autonomous because they have learned to employ negotiation.Authoritarian Parenting Style– Baumrind (1991) saw authoritarian parents as those who attempt to shape, control and evaluate the behaviour of the child without considering the feelings of the child. In this style of parenting, the children are required to follow rules without any explanations from the parents (Cherry, 2013). Parents practicing this style of parenting demand too much from their children while they seem to neglect their responsibility toward their children. According Gurian (ND), such parents are extremely strict and highly controlling; they dictate how their children should behave without giving room for any dissenting opinion or behaviour from their children. There is little communication between parents and children. Kopko (2007) observed that adolescents of this type of parenting may become rebellious, or aggressive or dependent on their parents. Permissive Parenting Style – permissive parents according to Baumrind are parents who are non-punitive, accepting and affirmative in their relationship towards their children. Such parents make few or no demands for household responsibility and allow the children to behave the way they want. According to Kopko (2007), permissive parents are warm but not demanding; indulgent and passive. Such parents apparently believe that the way to prove their love is to allow their children to have all they desire, not minding the consequences. Greenwood (2013) view permissive parents as being openly affective and loving but setting no limit, even when the children’s safety is at stake. In the words of Baumrind (1991), permissive parents are‘more responsive than they are demanding’.Uninvolved Parenting Style – Baumrind (1991) refer to uninvolved parents as disengaged parents who are neither demanding nor responsive. These parents do not monitor their children’s behaviour and also do not support them. An uninvolved parent is characterised by few demands, low responsiveness as well as little communication between parent and child (Cherry, 2013). In extreme cases, uninvolved parenting may entail neglect and rejection of the child from the parents (Greenwood, 2013).Obviously, Parenting plays a very important role in the transition of children from one stage of life to another: from childhood to adolescence; from adolescence to adulthood (Okorodudu, 2010). According to Utti (2006), parenting is an essential instrument in the socialization of children. Thus parenting style apparently stands out as an important factor that can have significant effect on a child’s behaviour, as opined by Baumrind (1991).Parenting style, that is the behaviour and attitude of parents, have lasting effect on their children’s overall wellbeing. This goes beyond the family (immediate environment) and touches every aspect of the child’s life: in school, playground, etc. Thus Fielder (2008) believed that for a well-adjusted child, the parents need to have a balanced approach to parenting.Research indicates that harsh parenting techniques, especially inconsistent punishment, often lead to child aggression (Loeber & Stouthamer-laber, 1989). Hence Georgiou (2008) was of the opinion that bullying starts at home. Children may learn to be aggressive towards others, especially those less powerful, by observing the daily interactions of family members. Likewise, Perry, Perry & Kennedy (1992) found out that there are evidences showing that children who experience victimization problems are more likely to come from families with histories of child abuse, poor attachment and poorly managed conflict. Also Georgiou (2008) observed that parents tend to encourage or reinforce negative behaviour of their children by attending, laughing or approving of such behaviours, while ignoring positive behaviour when it is exhibited.

Some studies (Hagan & McCarthy 1997) also show that delinquent behaviour, like bullying, is associated with parental rejection, weak parental supervision and inadequate involvement with the child. Thus paying attention to children as well as a close supervision helps in reducing aggressive behaviour in the family and outside – in the school. In the same vein some authors like Perren & Hornung (2005) and Georgiou (2008) also contended that maternal behaviour, like over protection can sometimes be positively related to bullying behaviour and victimization.

Research shows that permissive parental behaviour (high responsiveness and low control) predicts the experience of victimization by the child, while authoritarian parenting style (low responsiveness and high control) best predicts bullying behaviour in children (Balry & Farrington, 2000; Georgiou, 2008).

Likewise it was observed that children who perceive their parents as having positive attitude towards them, settings limits but respecting their children’s independence as well as being responsive to their needs were less likely to engage in bullying. Also children who describe their parents as being less cohesive, more conflictual and less organized tend to indulge in bullying behaviour (Rigby, 2003; Rican, Klicperova & Koucka, 1993; Georgiou, 2008).

According to Georgiou (2008), victimized children view their parents as being overprotective. In the same vein, children who bully their peers are more likely to come from authoritarian parents with harsh and punitive child rearing practices (Espelage, Bosworth & Simon, 2000; Georgiou, 2008).

Thus many researchers seem to agree that parental practices at home (like harsh and inconsistent punishment; too little or too much involvement; responsiveness and permissiveness for aggression) are related to child bullying and victimization experiences at school. This study therefore focuses on examining the relationship between parenting style and tendency to bullying behaviour among adolescents in Awka, Anambra State.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Gaya pengasuhan mengacu pada cara-cara atau teknik orang tua mempekerjakan dalam membesarkan anak-anak mereka. Menurut psikolog, Diana Baumrind (1991), ada empat gaya pengasuhan atau dimensi yaitu, berwibawa, otoriter, permisif dan gaya pengasuhan tidak terlibat. Dalam menjelaskan dimensi-dimensi orangtua, dua fitur penting yang dinilai tidak penting yaitu, respon orang tua dan demandingness orangtua (Gurian, ND). Sementara respon menyiratkan kemauan dan ketersediaan orang tua untuk menunjukkan kepedulian, perhatian dan memberikan untuk anak-anak; demandingness berkonotasi kecenderungan orang tua untuk mengontrol anak dan membatasi kebebasannya hampir dalam segala hal. Ini adalah bagaimana orangtua berlaku salah satu atau kedua kedua fitur yang menentukan pola asuh orang tua seperti itu menggunakan. gaya pengasuhan Resmi - ini adalah pola asuh dimana orang tua mengarahkan kegiatan anak-anak mereka secara rasional, cara berorientasi masalah, berolahraga mengontrol bila diperlukan, tetapi memberikan kebebasan anak untuk bertindak secara independen dan bertanggung jawab (Baumrind, 1991). Ini adalah semacam gaya demokratis orangtua, di mana orang tua yang penuh perhatian dan menjelaskan alasan aturan yang ditetapkan untuk anak-anak untuk taat. Menurut Greenwood (2013), orang tua otoritatif menetapkan harapan yang jelas dan standar yang tinggi, serta memonitor perilaku anak-anak, menggunakan disiplin berdasarkan penalaran. Mereka juga mendorong anak-anak mereka untuk membuat keputusan dan belajar dari kesalahan mereka. Orang tua otoritatif hangat dan memelihara, dan mereka memperlakukan anak-anak mereka dengan kebaikan, rasa hormat dan kasih sayang. Hal ini diamati (oleh Kopko, 2007) bahwa remaja dari orang tua otoritatif lebih mungkin untuk secara sosial kompeten, bertanggung jawab dan mandiri karena mereka telah belajar untuk menggunakan negosiasi. Otoriter Parenting Style-Baumrind (1991) melihat orang tua yang otoriter sebagai orang-orang yang mencoba untuk membentuk , mengontrol dan mengevaluasi perilaku anak tanpa mempertimbangkan perasaan anak. Dalam gaya ini orangtua, anak-anak diminta untuk mengikuti aturan tanpa penjelasan dari orang tua (Cherry, 2013). Orangtua berlatih gaya ini permintaan orangtua terlalu banyak dari anak-anak mereka sementara mereka tampaknya mengabaikan tanggung jawab mereka terhadap anak-anak mereka. Menurut Gurian (ND), orang tua tersebut sangat ketat dan sangat mengendalikan; mereka mendikte bagaimana anak-anak mereka harus berperilaku tanpa memberikan ruang bagi perbedaan pendapat atau perilaku dari anak-anak mereka. Ada sedikit komunikasi antara orang tua dan anak-anak. Kopko (2007) mengamati bahwa remaja dari jenis pengasuhan bisa menjadi pemberontak, atau agresif atau tergantung pada orang tua mereka. Permisif Parenting Style - orang tua permisif menurut Baumrind adalah orang tua yang non-hukuman, menerima dan afirmatif dalam hubungan mereka terhadap anak-anak mereka . Orang tua seperti membuat sedikit atau tidak ada tuntutan tanggung jawab rumah tangga dan memungkinkan anak-anak untuk berperilaku dengan cara yang mereka inginkan. Menurut Kopko (2007), orang tua permisif hangat tapi tidak menuntut; memanjakan dan pasif. Orang tua seperti rupanya percaya bahwa cara untuk membuktikan cinta mereka adalah untuk memungkinkan anak-anak mereka untuk memiliki semua yang mereka inginkan, tidak mengurus konsekuensi. Greenwood (2013) melihat orang tua permisif sebagai terbuka afektif dan penuh kasih tetapi pengaturan tidak ada batas, bahkan ketika keselamatan anak-anak yang dipertaruhkan. Dalam kata-kata Baumrind (1991), orang tua permisif yang 'lebih responsif daripada mereka menuntut'. Tidak terlibat Parenting Style - Baumrind (1991) menyebut orang tua tidak terlibat dengan orang tua terlepas yang tidak menuntut atau responsif. Orang tua ini tidak memonitor perilaku anak-anak mereka dan juga tidak mendukung mereka. Orangtua tidak terlibat ditandai dengan beberapa tuntutan, responsif rendah serta sedikit komunikasi antara orangtua dan anak (Cherry, 2013). Dalam kasus ekstrim, orangtua tidak terlibat mungkin memerlukan pengabaian dan penolakan anak dari orang tua (Greenwood, 2013). Jelas, Parenting memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam transisi dari anak-anak dari satu tahap kehidupan yang lain: dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa remaja; dari remaja ke dewasa (Okorodudu, 2010). Menurut Utti (2006), orangtua merupakan instrumen penting dalam sosialisasi anak. Jadi gaya pengasuhan tampaknya berdiri sebagai faktor penting yang dapat memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap perilaku anak, seperti yang berpendapat oleh Baumrind (1991). Gaya Parenting, yaitu perilaku dan sikap orang tua, memiliki efek yang berlangsung pada kesejahteraan keseluruhan anak-anak mereka. Ini melampaui keluarga (lingkungan terdekat) dan menyentuh setiap aspek kehidupan anak: di sekolah, taman bermain, dll Jadi Fielder (2008) percaya bahwa untuk anak baik-disesuaikan, orang tua harus memiliki pendekatan yang seimbang untuk orangtua. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik pengasuhan yang keras, hukuman terutama yang tidak konsisten, sering menyebabkan agresi anak (Loeber & Stouthamer-laber, 1989). Oleh karena itu Georgiou (2008) berpendapat bahwa bullying dimulai di rumah. Anak-anak dapat belajar untuk menjadi agresif terhadap orang lain, terutama mereka yang kurang kuat, dengan mengamati interaksi sehari-hari anggota keluarga. Demikian juga, Perry, Perry & Kennedy (1992) menemukan bahwa ada bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak yang mengalami masalah korban lebih mungkin untuk berasal dari keluarga dengan sejarah pelecehan anak, lampiran miskin dan konflik kurang berhasil. Juga Georgiou (2008) mengamati bahwa orang tua cenderung mendorong atau memperkuat perilaku negatif dari anak-anak mereka dengan menghadiri, tertawa atau menyetujui perilaku tersebut, sementara mengabaikan perilaku positif ketika dipamerkan. Beberapa studi (Hagan & McCarthy 1997) juga menunjukkan bahwa perilaku nakal , seperti intimidasi, terkait dengan penolakan orang tua, pengawasan orangtua yang lemah dan keterlibatan yang tidak memadai dengan anak. Jadi memperhatikan anak serta pengawasan yang ketat membantu dalam mengurangi perilaku agresif dalam keluarga dan di luar - di sekolah. Dalam nada yang sama beberapa penulis seperti Perren & Hornung (2005) dan Georgiou (2008) juga berpendapat bahwa perilaku ibu, seperti atas perlindungan kadang-kadang dapat berhubungan positif dengan perilaku dan korban intimidasi. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku orangtua permisif (responsiveness tinggi dan kontrol rendah ) memprediksi pengalaman viktimisasi oleh anak, sementara pola asuh otoriter (responsiveness rendah dan kontrol yang tinggi) terbaik memprediksi perilaku bullying pada anak-anak (Balry & Farrington, 2000;. Georgiou, 2008) Demikian juga diamati bahwa anak-anak yang melihat orang tua mereka sebagai memiliki sikap positif terhadap mereka, batas pengaturan tapi menghormati kemerdekaan anak-anak mereka serta menjadi responsif terhadap kebutuhan mereka kurang mungkin untuk terlibat dalam bullying. Juga anak-anak yang menggambarkan orang tua mereka sebagai kurang kohesif, lebih konflik dan kurang terorganisir cenderung menikmati perilaku bullying (Rigby, 2003; Rika, Klicperova & Koucka, 1993; Georgiou, 2008). Menurut Georgiou (2008), anak-anak korban melihat orang tua mereka sebagai overprotective. Dalam nada yang sama, anak-anak yang menggertak rekan-rekan mereka lebih cenderung datang dari orang tua yang otoriter dengan membesarkan anak praktek yang keras dan hukuman (Espelage, Bosworth & Simon, 2000; Georgiou, 2008). Dengan demikian banyak peneliti tampaknya setuju bahwa praktek orangtua di rumah (seperti hukuman yang keras dan tidak konsisten; terlalu sedikit atau terlalu banyak keterlibatan; tanggap dan permisif untuk agresi) terkait dengan intimidasi anak dan korban pengalaman di sekolah. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini berfokus pada meneliti hubungan antara gaya pengasuhan dan kecenderungan untuk perilaku bullying di kalangan remaja di Awka, Anambra Negara.

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