CONNECTION OF IDEAS1. From sentence one, paragraph 2, write down the w terjemahan - CONNECTION OF IDEAS1. From sentence one, paragraph 2, write down the w Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


1. From sentence one, paragraph 2, write down the word or word or words that connect the ideas in this paragraph with those in this paragraph with those in paragraph 1
2. From sentence one, paragraph 3, write down the word or words that connect the ideas in this paragraph with those in this paragraph with those in paragraph 2
Study the groups of sentences below. All the sentence in each group mean the same.
1. The leader was thought of as a person blessed with certain qualities.
it was thought that the leader was a person blessed with certain qualities.
People thought that leader was a person blessed with certain qualities.
2. Furthermore, these traits may be quite different in a different situation.
Besides, these traits may be quaite different in a different situation.
In addition, these traits may be quite different in a different situation.
Now, write or say each sentence below in different ways according to be examples above.
1. People thought that these personality traits were something mystic.
2. Besides, when a leader is being selected, consideration must be given to the type of funtion he is to perform in a given situation.
Join the sentence-beginning under a with appropriate sentence-endings under B using one of the joining words given.
Not very long ago many learned people used to support the trait approach...
One scholar did some reserach on the various studies about personality traits of leaders
It is thought that all leaders must have certain minimal abilities...
A great number of a people accepted the trait approach to leadership...
A person may be a very good leader in one situation...
Many organizations have formal arrangement that give the responsibilitions of leadership to the same person...
... may not be very good at all in a new situation with new demands.
.... are, however also found ... and... among mon leaders.
... no one was sure of exact listof ‘traits that a leader... but... was supposed to have.
.... today few support it because it has been proved .. although .. by research to be untrue.
.... found that these was a very low percentage of agreement.
... which ... the work of the group and the demands upon the leader may change.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
SAMBUNGAN DARI IDE-IDE1. dari kalimat satu, ayat 2, tuliskan kata atau kata atau kata-kata yang menghubungkan ide-ide dalam ayat ini dengan orang-orang dalam ayat ini dengan orang-orang dalam ayat 12. dari kalimat satu, ayat 3, tuliskan kata atau frasa yang menghubungkan ide-ide dalam ayat ini dengan orang-orang dalam ayat ini dengan orang-orang dalam ayat 2CARA LAIN UNTUK MENGATAKAN HAL-HALBelajar kelompok kalimat di bawah ini. Semua kalimat dalam setiap grup berarti sama.1. pemimpin adalah dianggap sebagai orang yang diberkati dengan kualitas tertentu.Diperkirakan bahwa pemimpin adalah orang yang diberkati dengan kualitas tertentu.Orang berpikir bahwa pemimpin adalah orang yang diberkati dengan kualitas tertentu.2. selanjutnya, sifat-sifat ini mungkin sangat berbeda dalam situasi yang berbeda.Selain itu, sifat-sifat ini mungkin quaite berbeda dalam situasi yang berbeda.Selain itu, sifat-sifat ini mungkin sangat berbeda dalam situasi yang berbeda.Sekarang, menulis atau berkata setiap kalimat di bawah ini dengan cara yang berbeda menurut menjadi contoh di atas.1. orang pikir bahwa ciri-ciri kepribadian ini sesuatu mistik.2. Selain itu, ketika seorang pemimpin yang dipilih, pertimbangan harus diberikan untuk jenis funtion dia akan melakukan dalam situasi tertentu.Bergabung dengan permulaan kalimat di bawah dengan kalimat-akhiran tepat di bawah B menggunakan salah satu dari kata-kata bergabung yang diberikan.ATidak terlalu lama yang lalu banyak belajar orang-orang yang digunakan untuk mendukung pendekatan sifat...Satu sarjana melakukan riset di berbagai studi tentang ciri-ciri kepribadian pemimpinDiperkirakan bahwa semua pemimpin harus memiliki kemampuan minimal tertentu...Sejumlah besar orang-orang menerima pendekatan sifat kepemimpinan...Seseorang mungkin seorang pemimpin yang sangat baik dalam satu situasi...Banyak organisasi memiliki pengaturan formal yang memberikan responsibilitions kepemimpinan dengan orang yang sama...B... mungkin tidak akan sangat baik sekali dalam situasi baru dengan tuntutan baru.... adalah, namun juga ditemukan... dan... antara pemimpin mon.... tidak ada seorang pun yakin persis listof ' ciri-ciri yang pemimpin... tapi... seharusnya memiliki.... hari ini sedikit mendukungnya karena telah terbukti. Meskipun... oleh penelitian tidak benar.... menemukan bahwa ini adalah yang sangat rendah persentase perjanjian.... yang... kerja kelompok dan tuntutan kepada pemimpin dapat berubah.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1. From sentence one, paragraph 2, write down the word or word or words that connect the ideas in this paragraph with those in this paragraph with those in paragraph 1
2. From sentence one, paragraph 3, write down the word or words that connect the ideas in this paragraph with those in this paragraph with those in paragraph 2
Study the groups of sentences below. All the sentence in each group mean the same.
1. The leader was thought of as a person blessed with certain qualities.
it was thought that the leader was a person blessed with certain qualities.
People thought that leader was a person blessed with certain qualities.
2. Furthermore, these traits may be quite different in a different situation.
Besides, these traits may be quaite different in a different situation.
In addition, these traits may be quite different in a different situation.
Now, write or say each sentence below in different ways according to be examples above.
1. People thought that these personality traits were something mystic.
2. Besides, when a leader is being selected, consideration must be given to the type of funtion he is to perform in a given situation.
Join the sentence-beginning under a with appropriate sentence-endings under B using one of the joining words given.
Not very long ago many learned people used to support the trait approach...
One scholar did some reserach on the various studies about personality traits of leaders
It is thought that all leaders must have certain minimal abilities...
A great number of a people accepted the trait approach to leadership...
A person may be a very good leader in one situation...
Many organizations have formal arrangement that give the responsibilitions of leadership to the same person...
... may not be very good at all in a new situation with new demands.
.... are, however also found ... and... among mon leaders.
... no one was sure of exact listof ‘traits that a leader... but... was supposed to have.
.... today few support it because it has been proved .. although .. by research to be untrue.
.... found that these was a very low percentage of agreement.
... which ... the work of the group and the demands upon the leader may change.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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