Freud postulated three early stages of development that often bringpeo terjemahan - Freud postulated three early stages of development that often bringpeo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Freud postulated three early stages

Freud postulated three early stages of development that often bring
people to counseling when not appropriately resolved. First is the oral stage,
which deals with the inability to trust oneself and others, resulting in the
fear of loving and forming close relationships and low self-esteem. Next, is
the anal stage, which deals with the inability to recognize and express anger,
leading to the denial of one’s own power as a person and the lack of a sense
of autonomy. Third, is the phallic stage, which deals with the inability to fully
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Freud postulated three early stages of development that often bring
people to counseling when not appropriately resolved. First is the oral stage,
which deals with the inability to trust oneself and others, resulting in the
fear of loving and forming close relationships and low self-esteem. Next, is
the anal stage, which deals with the inability to recognize and express anger,
leading to the denial of one’s own power as a person and the lack of a sense
of autonomy. Third, is the phallic stage, which deals with the inability to fully
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Freud mendalilkan tiga tahap awal pengembangan yang sering membawa
orang untuk konseling bila tidak tepat diselesaikan. Pertama adalah tahap lisan,
yang berkaitan dengan ketidakmampuan untuk mempercayai diri sendiri dan orang lain, sehingga dalam
takut mencintai dan membentuk hubungan dekat dan rendah diri. Berikutnya, adalah
tahap anal, yang berkaitan dengan ketidakmampuan untuk mengenali dan mengekspresikan kemarahan,
yang mengarah ke penolakan kekuatan sendiri sebagai pribadi dan kurangnya rasa
otonomi. Ketiga, adalah tahap phallic, yang berkaitan dengan ketidakmampuan untuk sepenuhnya
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