1961 JEEP UTILITY PICKUPBy the time the ’60s debuted, the Jeep truck a terjemahan - 1961 JEEP UTILITY PICKUPBy the time the ’60s debuted, the Jeep truck a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



By the time the ’60s debuted, the Jeep truck and station wagon lines were nearing 15 years old and were very dated in the market. Just about all the truck manufacturers had moved past Jeep in the styling and technology departments, though that didn’t make them bad trucks. By the time 1961 rolled around, Willys Motors (a division of Kaiser) was working on replacements,and had been since 1958. Jeep’s development budgets were a fraction of the big guys, so it always took longer to field new models.

Originally designed in the mid-’40s, when Willys-Overland owned Jeep, what had started off as a stylish Brooks-Stevens design, though was pretty dated, still had a lot of fans. There had been a few styling upgrades since the May 1947 introduction of the truck. Among the relatively new ones were the new bright trim on the ’60 models and a one-piece windshield for the ’61s. Originally introduced in both two and four-wheel-drive models, by this time four-wheel drive was offered in pickups, except for special fleet orders. They were offered in four body styles: pickup, cab and chassis, stake bed, or cab-and-windshield. Each had a separate five-digit serial number prefix starting with “55.” Digit 3 indicated the body: 1 for cab and chassis, 2 for pickup, 3 for stake bed, 4 for cab and windshield. Digit 4 indicated the engine, with 4 for a four-cylinder and 6 for the six. The final digit for all was “8.”

You had a choice of two engines: the F-head F-134 four-cylinder engine that made between 70 and 75 hp (depending on the optional compression ratio) or the 6-226 L-Head Six that was rated for 105 hp. On next model year, the 140hp OHC 230 Six was an option. A high-altitude head was a no-cost option if you lived at high elevation or had a friendly dealer. The engine gave the truck adequate power, but it was still no hotrod.

The drivetrain consisted of a T-90 three-speed floor shift, Spicer Model 18 transfer case, a Spicer 53 semi-float rear axle and a closed-knuckle Spicer 25 front axle. Standard axle ratios were 5.38:1 for four-cylinder trucks and 4.88:1 for the Sixes. A 6.17:1 ratio is sometimes listed as an option for four-cylinder trucks, and you could order 5.38:1 for the six-cylinder trucks. The trucks were ostensibly called a 1-ton and had a 6,000-pound GVW. With a curb weight at a touch over 3,000 pounds, a six-cylinder truck could be called a 1-ton.

By the time Howard Thomson’s ’61 was built, the new Gladiator was on the horizon, due for a late ’62 models. The Gladiators would trump the old Willys-designed trucks in every way, but Willys Motors would keep the old truck in production into the ’64 models and sell the remainder until the ’65 models. Today, the Willys wagons and trucks are a stylish Jeep collectable. In the declining years of the model, they were a bit anachronistic but still popular with the tight-pocket crowd who were always a few years behind the styling curve anyway. The general body style would go on to be produced under license in India and a few other places into the ’70s.

Resplendent in a Mallard Blue/Plantation White two-tone, Howard Thomson’s restored ’61 had a base price of $2,490 with the six-cylinder engine. An anomalous feature on this rig is the split windshield. With Jeep, the credo for historians is “never say never, never say always,” but it remains to be discovered how this one ended up this way. The driving lights and bumper guards are period bling that adds to the retro flair.

A 6,000-pound GVW almost yielded a 3,000-pound payload if you looked at it optimistically. The nominal bed dimensions were 6 1/2 by 4 1/2 feet. The receiver hitch was added later. Unlike many early pickups, the fuel tank (15 gallons) was mounted in back with the filler on the passenger side. By this time, the famous and artistic “W-O” stamping was gone from the tailgate.

Not many frills were available for the Jeep Utility Truck line, but the plain interior has a simple beauty all its own. Thompson added some embellishments in the form of improved upholstery, with the embossed W-O emblem being one element. Back in these days, a radio and a heater was about all the luxury a truck guy could expect. This truck is also equipped with an overdrive for improved high-speed cruising. High speed was considered anything above 60 mph.

The Spicer 53 semi-float has more or less fallen through the cracks of time, fading from the scene not long after this truck was built. It was between a Spicer 44 and Spicer 60 in strength and could be called an early ancestor to the Dana 60. It began life as a big-car axle used in Lincolns. The ring gear was 9 1/4 inches, and it commonly used 20 spline tapered ’shafts and had a weight rating of 4-4, 800 pounds. A Powr-Lok limited slip was optional. Parts are tough to find for these oddballs today.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1961 JEEP UTILITY PICKUPBy the time the ’60s debuted, the Jeep truck and station wagon lines were nearing 15 years old and were very dated in the market. Just about all the truck manufacturers had moved past Jeep in the styling and technology departments, though that didn’t make them bad trucks. By the time 1961 rolled around, Willys Motors (a division of Kaiser) was working on replacements,and had been since 1958. Jeep’s development budgets were a fraction of the big guys, so it always took longer to field new models.Originally designed in the mid-’40s, when Willys-Overland owned Jeep, what had started off as a stylish Brooks-Stevens design, though was pretty dated, still had a lot of fans. There had been a few styling upgrades since the May 1947 introduction of the truck. Among the relatively new ones were the new bright trim on the ’60 models and a one-piece windshield for the ’61s. Originally introduced in both two and four-wheel-drive models, by this time four-wheel drive was offered in pickups, except for special fleet orders. They were offered in four body styles: pickup, cab and chassis, stake bed, or cab-and-windshield. Each had a separate five-digit serial number prefix starting with “55.” Digit 3 indicated the body: 1 for cab and chassis, 2 for pickup, 3 for stake bed, 4 for cab and windshield. Digit 4 indicated the engine, with 4 for a four-cylinder and 6 for the six. The final digit for all was “8.”
You had a choice of two engines: the F-head F-134 four-cylinder engine that made between 70 and 75 hp (depending on the optional compression ratio) or the 6-226 L-Head Six that was rated for 105 hp. On next model year, the 140hp OHC 230 Six was an option. A high-altitude head was a no-cost option if you lived at high elevation or had a friendly dealer. The engine gave the truck adequate power, but it was still no hotrod.

The drivetrain consisted of a T-90 three-speed floor shift, Spicer Model 18 transfer case, a Spicer 53 semi-float rear axle and a closed-knuckle Spicer 25 front axle. Standard axle ratios were 5.38:1 for four-cylinder trucks and 4.88:1 for the Sixes. A 6.17:1 ratio is sometimes listed as an option for four-cylinder trucks, and you could order 5.38:1 for the six-cylinder trucks. The trucks were ostensibly called a 1-ton and had a 6,000-pound GVW. With a curb weight at a touch over 3,000 pounds, a six-cylinder truck could be called a 1-ton.

By the time Howard Thomson’s ’61 was built, the new Gladiator was on the horizon, due for a late ’62 models. The Gladiators would trump the old Willys-designed trucks in every way, but Willys Motors would keep the old truck in production into the ’64 models and sell the remainder until the ’65 models. Today, the Willys wagons and trucks are a stylish Jeep collectable. In the declining years of the model, they were a bit anachronistic but still popular with the tight-pocket crowd who were always a few years behind the styling curve anyway. The general body style would go on to be produced under license in India and a few other places into the ’70s.

Resplendent in a Mallard Blue/Plantation White two-tone, Howard Thomson’s restored ’61 had a base price of $2,490 with the six-cylinder engine. An anomalous feature on this rig is the split windshield. With Jeep, the credo for historians is “never say never, never say always,” but it remains to be discovered how this one ended up this way. The driving lights and bumper guards are period bling that adds to the retro flair.

A 6,000-pound GVW almost yielded a 3,000-pound payload if you looked at it optimistically. The nominal bed dimensions were 6 1/2 by 4 1/2 feet. The receiver hitch was added later. Unlike many early pickups, the fuel tank (15 gallons) was mounted in back with the filler on the passenger side. By this time, the famous and artistic “W-O” stamping was gone from the tailgate.

Not many frills were available for the Jeep Utility Truck line, but the plain interior has a simple beauty all its own. Thompson added some embellishments in the form of improved upholstery, with the embossed W-O emblem being one element. Back in these days, a radio and a heater was about all the luxury a truck guy could expect. This truck is also equipped with an overdrive for improved high-speed cruising. High speed was considered anything above 60 mph.

The Spicer 53 semi-float has more or less fallen through the cracks of time, fading from the scene not long after this truck was built. It was between a Spicer 44 and Spicer 60 in strength and could be called an early ancestor to the Dana 60. It began life as a big-car axle used in Lincolns. The ring gear was 9 1/4 inches, and it commonly used 20 spline tapered ’shafts and had a weight rating of 4-4, 800 pounds. A Powr-Lok limited slip was optional. Parts are tough to find for these oddballs today.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1961 JEEP UTILITY PICKUP Pada saat tahun 60-an debutnya, truk Jeep dan garis station wagon sudah mendekati 15 tahun dan yang sangat tanggal di pasar. Hampir semua produsen truk telah bergerak melewati Jeep di styling dan teknologi departemen, meskipun itu tidak membuat mereka truk yang buruk. Pada saat 1961 berguling-guling, Willys Motors (sebuah divisi dari Kaiser) adalah bekerja pada pengganti, dan sudah sejak 1958. anggaran pembangunan Jeep adalah sebagian kecil dari orang-orang besar, sehingga selalu membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk bidang model-model baru. Awalnya dirancang di pertengahan '40s, ketika Willys Overland-dimiliki Jeep, apa yang dimulai sebagai desain Brooks-Stevens stylish, meskipun itu cukup tanggal, masih memiliki banyak penggemar. Telah ada beberapa upgrade styling sejak Mei 1947 pengenalan truk. Di antara orang-orang yang relatif baru yang trim terang baru pada model '60 dan kaca one-piece untuk '61s. Awalnya diperkenalkan di kedua dua dan empat-wheel-drive model, saat ini empat-wheel drive ditawarkan di pickup, kecuali untuk pesanan armada khusus. Mereka ditawarkan dalam empat gaya tubuh: pickup, taksi dan chassis, saham tidur, atau taksi-dan-kaca. Masing-masing memiliki terpisah lima digit nomor seri awalan dimulai dengan "55." Digit 3 menunjukkan tubuh: 1 untuk taksi dan chassis, 2 untuk pickup, 3 untuk saham tidur, 4 untuk taksi dan kaca depan. Digit 4 ditunjukkan mesin, dengan 4 untuk empat silinder dan 6 untuk enam. Digit akhir untuk semua itu "8." Anda memiliki dua pilihan mesin: F-kepala F-134 mesin empat silinder yang dibuat antara 70 dan 75 hp (tergantung pada rasio kompresi opsional) atau 6-226 L -Kepala Enam yang dinilai untuk 105 hp. Pada model tahun depan, 140hp OHC 230 Enam adalah pilihan. Seorang kepala ketinggian tinggi adalah pilihan tanpa biaya jika Anda tinggal di elevasi tinggi atau memiliki dealer ramah. Mesin memberi truk daya yang memadai, tapi itu masih ada hotrod. Drivetrain yang terdiri dari T-90 tiga kecepatan lantai shift, Spicer Model 18 transfer case, sebuah Spicer 53 semi-mengambang rear axle dan-buku jari tertutup Spicer 25 as roda depan. Rasio poros standar yang 5.38: 1 untuk truk empat silinder dan 4.88: 1 untuk berenam. A 6.17: 1 rasio kadang-kadang terdaftar sebagai pilihan untuk truk empat silinder, dan Anda bisa memesan 5.38: 1 untuk truk enam silinder. Truk-truk itu seolah-olah disebut 1-ton dan memiliki GVW 6.000-pon. Dengan berat mengekang di sentuhan lebih dari 3.000 pound, truk enam silinder bisa disebut 1-ton. Pada saat Howard Thomson '61 dibangun, Gladiator baru adalah di cakrawala, karena untuk akhir '62 model. The Gladiator akan truf truk tua Willys-dirancang dalam segala hal, tapi Willys Motors akan menjaga truk tua di produksi ke dalam model '64 dan menjual sisanya sampai '65 model. Saat ini, kereta Willys dan truk adalah Jeep gaya ditagih. Pada tahun-tahun menurun dari model, mereka sedikit ketinggalan zaman tapi masih populer dengan kerumunan ketat-saku yang selalu beberapa tahun belakang kurva styling pula. Gaya tubuh secara umum akan pergi untuk diproduksi di bawah lisensi di India dan beberapa tempat lain ke dalam 70-an. Gemerlap di Mallard Biru / Perkebunan Putih dua-nada, Howard Thomson dikembalikan '61 memiliki harga dasar $ 2490 dengan enam mesin -cylinder. Sebuah fitur anomali di rig ini adalah kaca depan split. Dengan Jeep, kredo bagi sejarawan adalah "tidak pernah mengatakan tidak pernah, tidak pernah mengatakan selalu," tapi masih harus menemukan bagaimana satu ini berakhir dengan cara ini. Lampu mengemudi dan penjaga bumper yang bling periode yang menambah bakat retro. Sebuah 6.000 pound GVW hampir menghasilkan muatan 3.000 pon jika Anda melihat itu optimis. Dimensi tidur nominal yang 6 1/2 oleh 4 1/2 kaki. Halangan penerima ditambahkan kemudian. Tidak seperti banyak pickup awal, tangki bahan bakar (15 galon) dipasang di belakang dengan filler di sisi penumpang. Pada saat ini, yang terkenal dan artistik "WO" stamping pergi dari pintu belakang. Tidak banyak embel-embel yang tersedia untuk garis Jeep Utilitas Truck, tetapi interior polos memiliki keindahan yang sederhana tersendiri. Thompson menambahkan beberapa hiasan berupa peningkatan jok, dengan timbul WO emblem menjadi salah satu elemen. Kembali di hari-hari ini, radio dan pemanas adalah tentang semua kemewahan seorang pria truk bisa berharap. Truk ini juga dilengkapi dengan overdrive untuk meningkatkan daya jelajah berkecepatan tinggi. Kecepatan tinggi dianggap apa pun di atas 60 mph. The Spicer 53 semi-apung telah lebih atau kurang jatuh melalui celah-celah waktu, memudar dari tempat kejadian tidak lama setelah truk ini dibangun. Itu antara Spicer 44 dan Spicer 60 dalam kekuatan dan bisa disebut nenek moyang awal untuk Dana 60. Ini mulai hidup sebagai poros besar-mobil bekas di Lincoln. Ring gear adalah 9 1/4 inci, dan itu biasanya digunakan 20 spline meruncing 'poros dan memiliki rating berat 4-4, £ 800. Slip powr-Lok terbatas adalah opsional. Bagian yang sulit untuk menemukan untuk oddballs ini hari ini.

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