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Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot '

Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot 'wanted to destroy plane'

6 minutes ago
From the section Europe

Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz - pictured here on his social media profile - is not known to have any links to terrorism
Alps plane crash

Alps plane crash: Search Day Two
Germanwings: What are the main lines of inquiry?
Alps plane crash: What we know
The victims of the Germanwings plane crash

The co-pilot of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps, named as Andreas Lubitz, appeared to want to "destroy the plane", officials said.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin, citing information from the "black box" voice recorder, said the co-pilot was alone in the cockpit.

He intentionally started a descent while the pilot was locked out.

Mr Robin said there was "absolute silence in the cockpit" as the pilot fought to re-enter it.

Meanwhile, the head of Lufthansa, the German carrier that owns Germanwings, said the pilot had undergone intensive training and "was 100% fit to fly without any caveats".

"We have no findings at all about what motivated the pilot to do this terrible deed," Carsten Spohr said.

Mr Spohr said Mr Lubitz's training had been interrupted briefly six years ago but was resumed after "the suitability of the candidate was re-established".

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Mr Robin said air traffic controllers made repeated attempts to contact the aircraft, but to no avail.

Passengers could be heard screaming just before the crash, he added.
A view of the cockpit of the Germanwings aircraft, photographed a few days before the crash

Mr Lubitz, 28, was alive until the final impact, the prosecutor said.

The Airbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain, killing all 144 passengers and six crew, after an eight-minute descent.

"We hear the pilot ask the co-pilot to take control of the plane and we hear at the same time the sound of a seat moving backwards and the sound of a door closing," Mr Robin told reporters.

He said the pilot had probably gone to the toilet.

"At that moment, the co-pilot is controlling the plane by himself. While he is alone, the co-pilot presses the buttons of the flight monitoring system to put into action the descent of the aeroplane.

"This action on the altitude controls can only be deliberate."

He added: "The most plausible interpretation is that the co-pilot through a voluntary act had refused to open the cabin door to let the captain in. He pushed the button to trigger the aircraft to lose altitude. He operated this button for a reason we don't know yet, but it appears that the reason was to destroy this plane."

He said the co-pilot was "not known by us" to have any links to extremism or terrorism.

But he said German authorities were expected to give further information on his background and private life later.
Analysis: Richard Westcott, BBC Transport correspondent

The focus now moves from the mechanics to the man flying the plane. An accident expert has told me the investigators will pore over the co-pilot's background and that of his family too.

Did he owe money? Was there a grudge? They'll look at his religion, whether he was in trouble with the law, whether he had a stable love life. This kind of event is rare but it has happened before, although the reasons vary widely.

After 9/11, they made cockpits impregnable. It keeps the terrorists out, but in the end it also allows someone to keep their colleagues out too. Airlines have to make a call. Which is the bigger threat - terrorism or suicide?

Passengers were not aware of the impending crash "until the very last moment" when screams could be heard, Mr Robin said, adding that they died instantly.

Meanwhile, relatives and friends of the victims are due to visit the area of the crash.

Lufthansa, which owns Germanwings, arranged two special flights for families and friends on Thursday - one from Barcelona and one from Duesseldorf - to Marseille, and both groups will travel on by road. Separately, some relatives who did not want to fly are travelling by bus from Barcelona.

The second "black box" - that records flight data - has still not been found.
Other incidents thought to be caused by deliberate pilot action

29 November 2013: A flight between Mozambique and Angola crashed in Namibia, killing 33 people. Initial investigation results suggested the accident was deliberately carried out by the captain shortly after the first officer (also known as the co-pilot) had left the flight deck.
31 October 1999: An EgyptAir Boeing 767 went into a rapid descent 30 minutes after taking off from New York, killing 217 people. An investigation suggested that the crash was caused deliberately by the relief first officer but the evidence was not conclusive.
19 December 1997: More than 100 people were killed when a Boeing 737 travelling from Indonesia to Singapore crashed. The pilot - suffering from "multiple work-related difficulties" - was suspected of switching off the flight recorders and intentionally putting the plane into a dive.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot 'wanted to destroy plane' 6 minutes ago From the section EuropeCo-pilot Andreas Lubitz - pictured here on his social media profile - is not known to have any links to terrorismAlps plane crash Alps plane crash: Search Day Two Germanwings: What are the main lines of inquiry? Alps plane crash: What we know The victims of the Germanwings plane crashThe co-pilot of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps, named as Andreas Lubitz, appeared to want to "destroy the plane", officials said.Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin, citing information from the "black box" voice recorder, said the co-pilot was alone in the cockpit.He intentionally started a descent while the pilot was locked out.Mr Robin said there was "absolute silence in the cockpit" as the pilot fought to re-enter it.Meanwhile, the head of Lufthansa, the German carrier that owns Germanwings, said the pilot had undergone intensive training and "was 100% fit to fly without any caveats"."We have no findings at all about what motivated the pilot to do this terrible deed," Carsten Spohr said.Mr Spohr said Mr Lubitz's training had been interrupted briefly six years ago but was resumed after "the suitability of the candidate was re-established".Follow the latest developments on our live pageMr Robin said air traffic controllers made repeated attempts to contact the aircraft, but to no avail.Passengers could be heard screaming just before the crash, he added.A view of the cockpit of the Germanwings aircraft, photographed a few days before the crashMr Lubitz, 28, was alive until the final impact, the prosecutor said.The Airbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain, killing all 144 passengers and six crew, after an eight-minute descent."We hear the pilot ask the co-pilot to take control of the plane and we hear at the same time the sound of a seat moving backwards and the sound of a door closing," Mr Robin told reporters.He said the pilot had probably gone to the toilet."At that moment, the co-pilot is controlling the plane by himself. While he is alone, the co-pilot presses the buttons of the flight monitoring system to put into action the descent of the aeroplane."This action on the altitude controls can only be deliberate."He added: "The most plausible interpretation is that the co-pilot through a voluntary act had refused to open the cabin door to let the captain in. He pushed the button to trigger the aircraft to lose altitude. He operated this button for a reason we don't know yet, but it appears that the reason was to destroy this plane."He said the co-pilot was "not known by us" to have any links to extremism or terrorism.But he said German authorities were expected to give further information on his background and private life later.Analysis: Richard Westcott, BBC Transport correspondentThe focus now moves from the mechanics to the man flying the plane. An accident expert has told me the investigators will pore over the co-pilot's background and that of his family too.Did he owe money? Was there a grudge? They'll look at his religion, whether he was in trouble with the law, whether he had a stable love life. This kind of event is rare but it has happened before, although the reasons vary widely.After 9/11, they made cockpits impregnable. It keeps the terrorists out, but in the end it also allows someone to keep their colleagues out too. Airlines have to make a call. Which is the bigger threat - terrorism or suicide?Passengers were not aware of the impending crash "until the very last moment" when screams could be heard, Mr Robin said, adding that they died instantly.Meanwhile, relatives and friends of the victims are due to visit the area of the crash.Lufthansa, which owns Germanwings, arranged two special flights for families and friends on Thursday - one from Barcelona and one from Duesseldorf - to Marseille, and both groups will travel on by road. Separately, some relatives who did not want to fly are travelling by bus from Barcelona.The second "black box" - that records flight data - has still not been found.Other incidents thought to be caused by deliberate pilot action 29 November 2013: A flight between Mozambique and Angola crashed in Namibia, killing 33 people. Initial investigation results suggested the accident was deliberately carried out by the captain shortly after the first officer (also known as the co-pilot) had left the flight deck. 31 October 1999: An EgyptAir Boeing 767 went into a rapid descent 30 minutes after taking off from New York, killing 217 people. An investigation suggested that the crash was caused deliberately by the relief first officer but the evidence was not conclusive. 19 December 1997: More than 100 people were killed when a Boeing 737 travelling from Indonesia to Singapore crashed. The pilot - suffering from "multiple work-related difficulties" - was suspected of switching off the flight recorders and intentionally putting the plane into a dive.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Germanwings kecelakaan pesawat: Co-pilot 'ingin menghancurkan pesawat' 6 menit yang lalu Dari bagian Eropa Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz - digambarkan di sini pada profil media sosial nya - tidak diketahui memiliki hubungan dengan terorisme pesawat Alpen kecelakaan pesawat Alpen kecelakaan: Cari Hari Kedua Germanwings: Apa jalur utama penyelidikan? Pesawat Alpen kecelakaan: Apa yang kita tahu Korban pesawat Germanwings kecelakaan The co-pilot penerbangan Germanwings yang jatuh di Pegunungan Alpen Prancis, bernama Andreas Lubitz, tampaknya ingin untuk "menghancurkan pesawat", kata para pejabat. Marseille jaksa Brice Robin, mengutip informasi dari "kotak hitam" perekam suara, kata co-pilot sendirian di kokpit. Dia sengaja memulai keturunan sementara pilot terkunci keluar. Mr robin mengatakan ada "keheningan mutlak di kokpit" sebagai pilot berjuang untuk memasukkan kembali itu. Sementara itu, Kepala Lufthansa, maskapai Jerman yang memiliki Germanwings, mengatakan pilot telah menjalani pelatihan intensif dan "100% fit untuk terbang tanpa peringatan ". "Kami tidak memiliki temuan sama sekali tentang apa yang memotivasi pilot untuk melakukan perbuatan yang mengerikan ini," kata Carsten Spohr. Mr Spohr mengatakan pelatihan Mr Lubitz itu telah terputus sebentar enam tahun lalu tapi kembali setelah "kesesuaian calon dibentuk kembali ". Ikuti perkembangan terbaru pada halaman hidup kami Mr Robin mengatakan pengendali lalu lintas udara berkali-kali melakukan upaya untuk menghubungi pesawat, tetapi tidak berhasil. Penumpang bisa mendengar teriakan sebelum kecelakaan itu, ia menambahkan. Sebuah pandangan kokpit pesawat Germanwings, difoto beberapa hari sebelum kecelakaan Mr Lubitz, 28, masih hidup sampai dampak akhir, kata jaksa. Airbus 320 dari Barcelona ke Dusseldorf memukul gunung, menewaskan semua 144 penumpang dan enam awak, setelah sebuah keturunan delapan menit. "Kami mendengar pilot meminta co-pilot untuk mengendalikan pesawat dan kami mendengar pada saat yang sama suara kursi bergerak mundur dan suara menutup pintu," kata Mr Robin wartawan. Dia mengatakan pilot mungkin telah pergi ke toilet. "Pada saat itu, co-pilot mengendalikan pesawat sendiri. Sementara dia sendiri, co-pilot menekan tombol dari sistem pemantauan penerbangan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam tindakan keturunan dari pesawat. "Tindakan ini pada kontrol ketinggian hanya bisa disengaja." Dia menambahkan: "Penafsiran yang paling masuk akal adalah bahwa co-pilot melalui tindakan sukarela menolak untuk membuka pintu kabin untuk membiarkan kapten. Dia menekan tombol untuk memicu pesawat kehilangan ketinggian. Dia dioperasikan tombol ini untuk alasan kita belum tahu, tapi tampaknya bahwa alasannya adalah untuk menghancurkan pesawat ini. " Dia mengatakan co-pilot "tidak diketahui oleh kami" untuk memiliki link ke ekstremisme atau terorisme. Namun dia mengatakan pemerintah Jerman diharapkan untuk memberikan informasi lebih lanjut tentang latar belakang dan kehidupan pribadi kemudian . Analisis: Richard Westcott, BBC Transportasi koresponden Fokus sekarang bergerak dari mekanik untuk pria menerbangkan pesawat. Seorang ahli kecelakaan telah mengatakan kepada saya para peneliti akan meneliti latar belakang co-pilot dan keluarganya juga. Apakah dia berutang uang? Apakah ada dendam? Mereka akan melihat agamanya, apakah dia bermasalah dengan hukum, apakah ia memiliki kehidupan cinta yang stabil. Acara semacam ini jarang terjadi tetapi telah terjadi sebelumnya, meskipun alasan bervariasi. Setelah 9/11, mereka membuat cockpits ditembus. Ini membuat para teroris, tapi pada akhirnya itu juga memungkinkan seseorang untuk menjaga rekan-rekan mereka keluar juga. Maskapai harus membuat panggilan. Yang lebih besar ancaman -? Terorisme atau bunuh diri Penumpang tidak menyadari kecelakaan yang akan datang "sampai saat-saat terakhir" ketika jeritan terdengar, Mr Robin mengatakan, menambahkan bahwa mereka tewas seketika. Sementara itu, kerabat dan teman-teman korban yang . karena untuk mengunjungi daerah kecelakaan Lufthansa, yang memiliki Germanwings, mengatur dua penerbangan khusus untuk keluarga dan teman-teman pada hari Kamis - satu dari Barcelona dan satu dari Dusseldorf - ke Marseille, dan kedua kelompok akan melakukan perjalanan melalui jalan darat. Secara terpisah, beberapa kerabat yang tidak ingin terbang bepergian dengan bus dari Barcelona. Kedua "kotak hitam" - bahwa data catatan penerbangan - masih belum ditemukan. insiden lain diduga disebabkan oleh aksi percontohan disengaja 29 November 2013: A penerbangan antara Mozambik dan Angola jatuh di Namibia, menewaskan 33 orang. Hasil penyelidikan awal menunjukkan kecelakaan itu sengaja dilakukan oleh kapten lama setelah petugas pertama (juga dikenal sebagai co-pilot) telah meninggalkan dek penerbangan. 31 Oktober 1999: Sebuah EgyptAir Boeing 767 masuk ke keturunan cepat 30 menit setelah minum off dari New York, menewaskan 217 orang. Sebuah penyelidikan menunjukkan bahwa kecelakaan itu disebabkan sengaja oleh petugas pertama bantuan tapi bukti itu tidak konklusif. 19 Desember 1997: Lebih dari 100 orang tewas ketika sebuah pesawat Boeing 737 perjalanan dari Indonesia ke Singapura jatuh. Pilot - menderita "beberapa kesulitan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan" - diduga mematikan perekam penerbangan dan sengaja menempatkan pesawat ke menyelam.

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