I walk to the refrigerator and grab a soda. 

I walk to the refrigerator and grab

I walk to the refrigerator and grab a soda.
"What’s anabited?" Kel asks.
"Inhabited," I correct him. "It means to occupy, dwell, reside, populate, squat, live." My SAT prep courses are paying off.
"Oh, kinda like how we anabited Ypsilanti?" he says.
"Inhabited," I correct him again. I finish my slice of pizza and take another sip of the soda. "I'm beat, guys. I'm going to bed."
"You mean you’re going to inhabit your bedroom?" Kel says.
"You're a quick learner, young grasshopper." I bend and kiss the top of his head and retreat to my room.
It feels so good to crawl under the covers. At least my bed is familiar. I close my eyes and try to imagine that I'm in my old bedroom. My old,warm bedroom. My sheets and pillow are ice cold, so I pull the covers over my head to generate some heat. Note to self: locate the thermostat first thing in the morning.
And that's exactly what I set out to do as soon as I crawl out of bed and my bare feet meet the ice cold floor beneath them. I grab a sweater out of my closet and throw it on over my sweats and tank top while I search for socks. It’s a futile attempt. I quietly tiptoe down the hallway, trying not to wake anyone while at the same time attempting to expose the least amount of foot as possible to the coldness of the hard wood. As I pass Kel's room, I spot his Darth Vader house shoes on the floor. I sneak in and slip them on, finally finding some relief as I head into the kitchen.
I look around for the coffee pot, but don't find it. I remember packing it in the jeep, which is unfortunate since the jeep is parked outside. Outside in this absurdly cold weather.
The jackets are nowhere to be found. Septembers in Texas rarely call for jackets. I grab the keys and decide I'll just have to make a mad dash to the jeep. I open the front door and some sort of white substance is all over the yard. It takes me a second to realize what it is. Snow? In September? I bend down and scoop some up in my hands and examine it. It doesn't snow that often in Texas, but when it does it isn't this kind of snow. Texas snow is more like miniscule pieces of rock-hard hail. Michigan snow is just how I imagined real snow would be: fluffy, soft, and cold! I quickly drop the snow and dry my hands on my sweatshirt as I head toward the jeep.
I don't make it far. The second my Darth Vader house shoes meet the snow dusted concrete, I'm no longer looking at the jeep in front of me. I'm flat on my back, staring up at the clear blue sky. I immediately feel the pain in my right shoulder and realize I've landed on something hard. I reach around and pull a concrete garden gnome out from beneath me, half of his red hat broken off and shattered into pieces. He's smirking at me. I groan and raise the gnome with my good arm and pull it back, preparing to chuck the thing, when someone stops me.
"That's not a good idea!"
I immediately recognize Will’s voice. His voice is smooth and soothing like my father’s was, but at the same time had an authoritative edge to it. I sit upright and see Will walking up the driveway toward me.
"Are you okay?" he laughs.
Oh, no. I haven't even looked in the mirror this morning. I'm immediately embarrassed, but do my best to appear anything but.
"I'll feel a lot better after I bust this damn thing," I say, trying to pull myself up with no success.
"You don't want to do that, gnomes are good luck," he says as he reaches me. He takes the gnome out of my hands and gently places it on the snow covered grass.
"Yeah," I reply sarcastically as I take in the gash on my shoulder that has now formed a bright red circle on my sweater sleeve. "Real good luck."
Will stops laughing when he sees the blood on my shirt. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have laughed if I knew you were hurt." He bends over and takes my uninjured arm and pulls me up. "You need to get a bandage on that."
"I wouldn't have a clue where to find one at this point," I reply, referring to the mounds of unopened boxes we have yet to unpack.
"You'll have to walk with me. There’s some in our kitchen."
He removes his jacket and wraps it around my shoulders, holding onto my arm as he walks me across the street. I feel a little pathetic with him assisting me-I can walk on my own. I don't object though, and I feel hypocritical to the entire feminist movement. I've regressed to the damsel in distress.
I remove his jacket and lay it across the back of the couch as I follow him into the kitchen. It's still dark inside so I assume everyone is still asleep. His house is more spacious than ours. The open floor plans are similar but the living room seems to be a few feet larger. There's a bay window to the left of the living room with a sitting bench and large pillows.
Several family pictures hang along the wall opposite the kitchen. Most of them are of Will and his little brother with a few pictures that include his parents.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I walk to the refrigerator and grab a soda. "What’s anabited?" Kel asks. "Inhabited," I correct him. "It means to occupy, dwell, reside, populate, squat, live." My SAT prep courses are paying off. "Oh, kinda like how we anabited Ypsilanti?" he says. "Inhabited," I correct him again. I finish my slice of pizza and take another sip of the soda. "I'm beat, guys. I'm going to bed." "You mean you’re going to inhabit your bedroom?" Kel says. "You're a quick learner, young grasshopper." I bend and kiss the top of his head and retreat to my room. It feels so good to crawl under the covers. At least my bed is familiar. I close my eyes and try to imagine that I'm in my old bedroom. My old,warm bedroom. My sheets and pillow are ice cold, so I pull the covers over my head to generate some heat. Note to self: locate the thermostat first thing in the morning. *** And that's exactly what I set out to do as soon as I crawl out of bed and my bare feet meet the ice cold floor beneath them. I grab a sweater out of my closet and throw it on over my sweats and tank top while I search for socks. It’s a futile attempt. I quietly tiptoe down the hallway, trying not to wake anyone while at the same time attempting to expose the least amount of foot as possible to the coldness of the hard wood. As I pass Kel's room, I spot his Darth Vader house shoes on the floor. I sneak in and slip them on, finally finding some relief as I head into the kitchen. I look around for the coffee pot, but don't find it. I remember packing it in the jeep, which is unfortunate since the jeep is parked outside. Outside in this absurdly cold weather. The jackets are nowhere to be found. Septembers in Texas rarely call for jackets. I grab the keys and decide I'll just have to make a mad dash to the jeep. I open the front door and some sort of white substance is all over the yard. It takes me a second to realize what it is. Snow? In September? I bend down and scoop some up in my hands and examine it. It doesn't snow that often in Texas, but when it does it isn't this kind of snow. Texas snow is more like miniscule pieces of rock-hard hail. Michigan snow is just how I imagined real snow would be: fluffy, soft, and cold! I quickly drop the snow and dry my hands on my sweatshirt as I head toward the jeep. I don't make it far. The second my Darth Vader house shoes meet the snow dusted concrete, I'm no longer looking at the jeep in front of me. I'm flat on my back, staring up at the clear blue sky. I immediately feel the pain in my right shoulder and realize I've landed on something hard. I reach around and pull a concrete garden gnome out from beneath me, half of his red hat broken off and shattered into pieces. He's smirking at me. I groan and raise the gnome with my good arm and pull it back, preparing to chuck the thing, when someone stops me. "That's not a good idea!" I immediately recognize Will’s voice. His voice is smooth and soothing like my father’s was, but at the same time had an authoritative edge to it. I sit upright and see Will walking up the driveway toward me. "Are you okay?" he laughs. Oh, no. I haven't even looked in the mirror this morning. I'm immediately embarrassed, but do my best to appear anything but. "I'll feel a lot better after I bust this damn thing," I say, trying to pull myself up with no success. "You don't want to do that, gnomes are good luck," he says as he reaches me. He takes the gnome out of my hands and gently places it on the snow covered grass. "Yeah," I reply sarcastically as I take in the gash on my shoulder that has now formed a bright red circle on my sweater sleeve. "Real good luck." Will stops laughing when he sees the blood on my shirt. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have laughed if I knew you were hurt." He bends over and takes my uninjured arm and pulls me up. "You need to get a bandage on that." "I wouldn't have a clue where to find one at this point," I reply, referring to the mounds of unopened boxes we have yet to unpack. "You'll have to walk with me. There’s some in our kitchen." He removes his jacket and wraps it around my shoulders, holding onto my arm as he walks me across the street. I feel a little pathetic with him assisting me-I can walk on my own. I don't object though, and I feel hypocritical to the entire feminist movement. I've regressed to the damsel in distress. I remove his jacket and lay it across the back of the couch as I follow him into the kitchen. It's still dark inside so I assume everyone is still asleep. His house is more spacious than ours. The open floor plans are similar but the living room seems to be a few feet larger. There's a bay window to the left of the living room with a sitting bench and large pillows. Several family pictures hang along the wall opposite the kitchen. Most of them are of Will and his little brother with a few pictures that include his parents.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku berjalan ke kulkas dan ambil soda. "Apa yang anabited?" Kel bertanya. "Dihuni," aku mengoreksinya. "Ini berarti untuk menempati, diam, berada, mengisi, jongkok, hidup." Saya kursus persiapan SAT membayar off. "Oh, agak seperti bagaimana kita anabited Ypsilanti?" katanya. "Dihuni," aku benar dia lagi. Saya menyelesaikan saya sepotong pizza dan menyesap soda. "Aku beat, guys. Aku akan tidur." "Maksudmu kau akan menghuni kamar tidur Anda?" Kel mengatakan. "Kau cepat belajar, belalang muda." Aku membungkuk dan mencium bagian atas kepalanya dan mundur ke kamarku. Rasanya begitu baik untuk merangkak di bawah selimut. Setidaknya tempat tidur saya akrab. Aku memejamkan mata dan mencoba membayangkan bahwa aku di kamar tidur lamaku. Saya berusia, hangat kamar tidur. Saya seprai dan bantal es dingin, jadi aku menarik selimut di atas kepala saya untuk menghasilkan beberapa panas. Catatan untuk diri sendiri: mencari hal pertama thermostat di pagi hari. *** Dan itulah apa yang saya mulai lakukan segera setelah saya merangkak keluar dari tempat tidur dan kaki telanjang saya bertemu es lantai yang dingin di bawah mereka. Saya ambil sweater keluar dari lemari saya dan membuangnya di lebih berkeringat dan tank top sementara aku mencari kaus kaki. Ini adalah upaya sia-sia. Aku diam-diam berjinjit menyusuri lorong, berusaha tidak membangunkan orang sementara pada saat yang sama berusaha untuk mengekspos paling sedikit kaki mungkin dengan dinginnya kayu keras. Ketika melewati kamar Kel ini, aku melihat nya Darth Vader rumah sepatu di lantai. Aku menyelinap masuk dan menyelinap mereka pada, akhirnya menemukan beberapa bantuan seperti yang saya kepala ke dapur. Aku mencari-teko kopi, tapi tidak menemukannya. Aku ingat kemasan dalam jip, yang sangat disayangkan karena jip yang diparkir di luar. Luar dalam cuaca kepalang dingin ini. Jaket yang tak bisa ditemukan. Septembers di Texas jarang menelepon untuk jaket. Saya ambil kunci dan memutuskan saya hanya harus membuat dash gila untuk jip. Aku membuka pintu depan dan semacam zat putih di seluruh halaman. Dibutuhkan waktu satu detik untuk menyadari apa itu. Salju? Di bulan september? Aku membungkuk dan meraup beberapa di tangan saya dan memeriksanya. Itu tidak salju yang sering di Texas, tetapi ketika itu terjadi itu tidak semacam ini salju. Texas salju lebih seperti potongan-potongan kecil dari hujan es sekeras batu. Michigan salju hanya bagaimana saya membayangkan salju nyata akan: halus, lembut, dan dingin! Aku segera menjatuhkan salju dan mengeringkan tangan saya di kaus saya karena saya kepala ke arah jip. Saya tidak membuatnya jauh. Kedua saya sepatu rumah Darth Vader memenuhi salju membersihkan beton, aku tidak lagi melihat jip di depan saya. Aku telentang, menatap langit biru jernih. Aku segera merasakan sakit di bahu kanan saya dan menyadari aku sudah mendarat di sesuatu yang keras. Aku mencapai sekitar dan tarik gnome taman beton keluar dari bawah saya, setengah dari topi merah patah dan hancur berkeping-keping. Dia menyeringai padaku. Aku mengerang dan meningkatkan gnome dengan lengan yang baik saya dan menariknya kembali, mempersiapkan untuk membuang hal itu, ketika seseorang berhenti saya. "Itu bukan ide yang baik!" Saya langsung mengenali suara Will. Suaranya halus dan menenangkan seperti ayahku, tapi pada saat yang sama memiliki keunggulan otoritatif untuk itu. Aku duduk tegak dan melihat Will berjalan sampai jalan masuk ke arahku. "Apakah kamu baik-baik saja?" dia tertawa. Oh, tidak. Aku bahkan belum melihat ke cermin pagi ini. Aku segera malu, tapi melakukan yang terbaik untuk tampil apa-apa tapi. "Saya akan merasa jauh lebih baik setelah saya bust hal ini sialan," kataku, berusaha untuk menarik diri tanpa hasil. "Anda tidak ingin melakukan itu, gnome adalah keberuntungan, "katanya sambil mencapai saya. Dia mengambil gnome keluar dari tangan saya dan dengan lembut menempatkannya di rumput tertutup salju. "Yeah," jawabku sinis karena saya mengambil dalam luka di bahu saya yang kini telah membentuk lingkaran merah terang pada lengan sweater saya. "Nyata keberuntungan." Akan berhenti tertawa ketika ia melihat darah di baju saya. "Oh my god, aku sangat menyesal. Saya tidak akan tertawa jika aku tahu kau terluka." Dia membungkuk dan mengambil lengan terluka dan menarikku ke atas. "Anda perlu untuk mendapatkan perban itu." "Aku tidak akan memiliki petunjuk di mana untuk menemukan satu pada titik ini," jawabku, mengacu pada gundukan kotak yang belum dibuka kami belum membongkar. "Anda harus berjalan dengan saya. Ada beberapa di dapur kami. " dia menghapus jaketnya dan membungkus di bahu saya, memegang tangan saya sambil berjalan saya di seberang jalan. Saya merasa sedikit menyedihkan dengan dia membantu saya-saya bisa berjalan sendiri. Saya tidak keberatan meskipun, dan saya merasa munafik untuk gerakan feminis seluruh. Saya sudah mundur ke gadis dalam kesulitan. Saya menghapus jaketnya dan berbaring di belakang sofa saat aku mengikutinya ke dapur. Ini masih gelap dalam jadi saya berasumsi semua orang masih tertidur. Rumahnya lebih luas daripada kami. Rencana lantai terbuka yang serupa tetapi ruang tamu tampaknya menjadi beberapa kaki yang lebih besar. Ada sebuah jendela di sebelah kiri ruang tamu dengan bangku duduk dan bantal besar. Beberapa foto keluarga menggantung di sepanjang dinding seberang dapur. Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah dari Will dan adiknya dengan beberapa gambar yang mencakup orang tuanya.
























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