Almost in instant, Men in Black coldly snorted of that Ancient Realm i terjemahan - Almost in instant, Men in Black coldly snorted of that Ancient Realm i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Almost in instant, Men in Black col

Almost in instant, Men in Black coldly snorted of that Ancient Realm intermediate stage they run away, takes a step to walk, pursues toward two people rapidly, when are not many, two pitiful yells transmit from the distant place distantly, quick, the Men in Black return of that Ancient Realm intermediate stage, in his hand is raising two heads, threw on the boat ship.
At this moment most place above battle of Ancient Realm of the great circle, arrived at the critical moment, Meng De's Dao Protector roars.
„You have killed enough many, the time has also compared to be long, the belongings there, is it possible that really must murder!!” Almost in this old man to open mouth instant, these Men in Black also lift off suddenly unexpectedly, each other among waves hand, that transforms immediately loudly the tomahawk.
Meng De's Dao Protector old man facial color big change, does not hesitate to put together injury, forcefully when retreats, blood blowout, his whole person changes to a rainbow, his duty is to protect Meng De, but if to the moment of oneself life and death, oneself is the key.
But withdraws in him instant, his behind, suddenly presented a form, extreme towering that this person presents, even if Meng Hao, before he presents flickers, realizes.
As for the Dao Protector old man, absolutely does not have under any detection, this form direct figure, silent, fell on the cerebellum of this old man, that bumped, old man body reacted, the head exploded directly, Nascent Divinity, by this collapse smashing, on his body, was presented the black fire at this moment, suddenly burning down, was several time of breath, burnt this old man the flying ash.
That nine Men in Black stop, in the item reveals respectfully, holds the fist in the other hand toward this person does obeisance.
This is a big form, fully more than one zhang (3.33 m) high, wears a spacious black robe, on the face is bringing a mask, this face is the white, above has portrayed the innumerable eyes, looks like is very the terrifying.
He looked at that nine Men in Black indifferently, has not spoken, one step took, treads on the boat ship.
Meng Hao in the cabin, looks at that black robe person, his look instantaneous grim, this black robe person gives his feeling to be very strange, particularly the law of hiding, Meng Hao is unprecedented, if to war, Meng Hao having confidence direct crush.
„It seems like this time, does not seek the wealth ...” When Meng Hao looking pensive, looks at that nine Men in Black, item of dew fine glow.
But Meng De at this moment, the body shivers, dull looks at this, when his body slowly retreats, breath shortness, suddenly, that Cultivation Ancient Realm of the great circle Men in Black, a robe will take off slowly, has revealed a face, this face, unexpectedly ... With Dao Protector old man of dying, exactly the same!
Other people also one after another take off a robe, impressively before these Meng Clan clansmen who died, exactly the same!
„You ...” Meng De facial color is instant pale, he is stupid, at this moment also saw the clue, shivering retreats, the look fear to peak, he also attempts to contact with the family, may actually be disturbed, is unable to succeed.( To be continued..)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Almost in instant, Men in Black coldly snorted of that Ancient Realm intermediate stage they run away, takes a step to walk, pursues toward two people rapidly, when are not many, two pitiful yells transmit from the distant place distantly, quick, the Men in Black return of that Ancient Realm intermediate stage, in his hand is raising two heads, threw on the boat ship.At this moment most place above battle of Ancient Realm of the great circle, arrived at the critical moment, Meng De's Dao Protector roars.„You have killed enough many, the time has also compared to be long, the belongings there, is it possible that really must murder!!” Almost in this old man to open mouth instant, these Men in Black also lift off suddenly unexpectedly, each other among waves hand, that transforms immediately loudly the tomahawk.Meng De's Dao Protector old man facial color big change, does not hesitate to put together injury, forcefully when retreats, blood blowout, his whole person changes to a rainbow, his duty is to protect Meng De, but if to the moment of oneself life and death, oneself is the key.But withdraws in him instant, his behind, suddenly presented a form, extreme towering that this person presents, even if Meng Hao, before he presents flickers, realizes.As for the Dao Protector old man, absolutely does not have under any detection, this form direct figure, silent, fell on the cerebellum of this old man, that bumped, old man body reacted, the head exploded directly, Nascent Divinity, by this collapse smashing, on his body, was presented the black fire at this moment, suddenly burning down, was several time of breath, burnt this old man the flying ash.That nine Men in Black stop, in the item reveals respectfully, holds the fist in the other hand toward this person does obeisance.This is a big form, fully more than one zhang (3.33 m) high, wears a spacious black robe, on the face is bringing a mask, this face is the white, above has portrayed the innumerable eyes, looks like is very the terrifying.He looked at that nine Men in Black indifferently, has not spoken, one step took, treads on the boat ship.Meng Hao in the cabin, looks at that black robe person, his look instantaneous grim, this black robe person gives his feeling to be very strange, particularly the law of hiding, Meng Hao is unprecedented, if to war, Meng Hao having confidence direct crush.„It seems like this time, does not seek the wealth ...” When Meng Hao looking pensive, looks at that nine Men in Black, item of dew fine glow.But Meng De at this moment, the body shivers, dull looks at this, when his body slowly retreats, breath shortness, suddenly, that Cultivation Ancient Realm of the great circle Men in Black, a robe will take off slowly, has revealed a face, this face, unexpectedly ... With Dao Protector old man of dying, exactly the same!Other people also one after another take off a robe, impressively before these Meng Clan clansmen who died, exactly the same!„You ...” Meng De facial color is instant pale, he is stupid, at this moment also saw the clue, shivering retreats, the look fear to peak, he also attempts to contact with the family, may actually be disturbed, is unable to succeed.( To be continued..)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hampir di instan, Men in Black dingin mendengus itu Lanta tahap peralihan mereka melarikan diri, mengambil langkah untuk berjalan, mengejar ke arah dua orang dengan cepat, ketika tidak banyak, dua yel-yel menyedihkan mengirimkan dari tempat yang jauh dari jauh, cepat, Men di Black kembalinya yang Lanta tahap peralihan, di tangannya adalah meningkatkan dua kepala, melemparkan di kapal boat.
pada saat ini sebagian besar tempat di atas pertempuran Realm Kuno dari lingkaran besar, tiba di saat kritis, mengaum Meng De Dao Protector .
"Anda telah membunuh cukup banyak, waktu juga telah dibandingkan dengan lama, barang-barang di sana, apakah mungkin yang benar-benar harus membunuh !!" Hampir di orang tua ini untuk membuka mulut instan, pria ini di Hitam juga mengangkat off tiba-tiba tak terduga , saling antara gelombang tangan, yang mengubah segera keras tomahawk itu.
Dao Protector orang tua warna wajah perubahan besar Meng De ini, tidak ragu-ragu untuk menempatkan bersama-sama cedera, tegas ketika retret, ledakan darah, seluruh badannya perubahan pelangi, tugasnya adalah untuk melindungi Meng De, tetapi jika pada saat dirinya hidup dan mati, diri sendiri adalah kuncinya.
tapi menarik diri dalam dirinya instan, di belakang, tiba-tiba disajikan formulir, ekstrim menjulang bahwa orang ini menyajikan, bahkan jika Meng Hao, sebelum ia menyajikan film, menyadari.
Adapun orang tua Dao Protector, benar-benar tidak memiliki di bawah deteksi apapun, bentuk angka ini langsung, diam, jatuh pada otak kecil dari orang tua ini, yang bertemu, tubuh pria tua bereaksi, kepala meledak langsung, baru lahir Divinity, dengan runtuhnya ini smashing, di tubuhnya, disajikan api hitam pada saat ini, tiba-tiba terbakar, adalah beberapa waktu napas, dibakar orang tua ini abu terbang.
Itu sembilan Men in Black berhenti, di item mengungkapkan hormat, memegang tangan di sisi lain kepada orang ini tidak hormat.
ini adalah bentuk besar, sepenuhnya lebih dari satu zhang (3,33 m) tinggi, memakai jubah hitam yang luas, di wajah adalah membawa masker, wajah ini adalah putih, di atas telah digambarkan mata yang tak terhitung, sepertinya sangat menakutkan itu.
Dia memandang bahwa sembilan Men in Black acuh tak acuh, tidak berbicara, satu langkah mengambil, melangkah di atas kapal boat.
Meng Hao di kabin, melihat hitam yang jubah orang, tampilan nya seketika muram, jubah orang hitam ini memberikan perasaan untuk menjadi sangat aneh, terutama hukum bersembunyi, Meng Hao adalah belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, jika perang, Meng Hao memiliki keyakinan naksir langsung.
"sepertinya saat ini, tidak tidak mencari kekayaan ... "ketika Meng Hao mencari termenung, melihat bahwa sembilan Men in Black, item embun cahaya baik.
Tapi Meng De saat ini, menggigil tubuh, terlihat membosankan di ini, ketika tubuhnya perlahan-lahan mundur, napas sesak, tiba-tiba, yang Budidaya Realm Kuno dari Men lingkaran besar di Hitam, jubah akan perlahan-lahan, telah mengungkapkan wajah, wajah ini, tiba-tiba ... dengan orang tua Dao Protector mati, persis sama!
orang lain juga satu demi satu melepas jubah, mengesankan sebelum ini klan Meng Clan yang meninggal, persis sama!
"Kamu ..." Meng De warna wajah pucat instan, dia bodoh, pada saat ini juga melihat petunjuk itu, menggigil retret , tampilan takut untuk puncak, ia juga mencoba untuk kontak dengan keluarga, sebenarnya bisa terganggu, tidak dapat berhasil. (Bersambung ..)
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