100:00:52,600 --> 00:00:54,682[CRICKETS CHIRPING]200:01:22,920 --> 00: terjemahan - 100:00:52,600 --> 00:00:54,682[CRICKETS CHIRPING]200:01:22,920 --> 00: Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

100:00:52,600 --> 00:00:54,682[CRIC

00:00:52,600 --> 00:00:54,682

00:01:22,920 --> 00:01:24,843

00:01:35,560 --> 00:01:37,050

00:01:48,040 --> 00:01:49,451

00:01:51,560 --> 00:01:54,211
MAN: Yes, I am happy
for this opportunity.

00:01:54,280 --> 00:01:56,806
PRIME MINISTER: And though some
of my people may not understand

00:01:56,880 --> 00:01:59,008
the benefit of this,
I'm sure they will in Cardiff.

00:01:59,760 --> 00:02:02,331
MAN: They are fortunate
to have a leader with such resolve.

00:02:02,400 --> 00:02:06,610
And now, let us stop
talking business, Mr. Prime Minister,

00:02:06,680 --> 00:02:09,047
and drink the first water
from the plant.

00:02:12,840 --> 00:02:14,401
- PRIME MINISTER: Thank you.
- MAN: Yes.

00:02:14,960 --> 00:02:15,961
Thank you.

00:02:18,760 --> 00:02:22,526
I hope this is the first
of many projects we can build.

00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:25,490
We say the dragon of fortune
has a long tail.

00:02:28,840 --> 00:02:30,683
- To Cardiff.
- To your new waterworks.

00:02:35,320 --> 00:02:37,891
- It is our great honor.
- And ours.

00:02:37,960 --> 00:02:39,291

00:02:40,400 --> 00:02:44,291
All of us at Cardiff are so fortunate
to be doing business with you.

00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:45,964
Yes. Thank you.

00:02:47,280 --> 00:02:48,691

00:02:48,760 --> 00:02:51,161
Mr. Prime Minister, thank you.

00:03:09,520 --> 00:03:11,602

00:03:11,680 --> 00:03:12,806

00:03:23,440 --> 00:03:26,410

00:04:35,640 --> 00:04:36,721
[WHISPERING] You sleeping?

00:04:39,000 --> 00:04:40,206
Sweetie, what's going on?

00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:41,645

00:04:41,720 --> 00:04:43,961
Would you look at this?

00:04:45,240 --> 00:04:46,571
I mean...

00:04:46,680 --> 00:04:50,127
where did the energy
come from suddenly?

00:04:50,200 --> 00:04:51,850
Please. Oh, my God.

00:04:54,960 --> 00:04:56,291
Are we there yet?

00:04:57,840 --> 00:05:02,880
According to this, we only have
eleven more soul-crushing hours.

00:05:02,960 --> 00:05:04,291
Oh, shit.

00:05:04,360 --> 00:05:06,249
You know you have to put
a dollar in the swear pot.

00:05:06,320 --> 00:05:10,689
Uh-oh, guys.
I left the swear pot back in Texas.

00:05:10,760 --> 00:05:13,081
- Shit! How could I have been so stupid.
- Dad. Dad!

00:05:13,160 --> 00:05:14,082

00:05:16,360 --> 00:05:18,806
- Where's Bob?
- Hey, what are you looking for?

00:05:19,520 --> 00:05:21,727
- I can't find Bob.
- Did you look underneath?

00:05:21,840 --> 00:05:24,684
You're not supposed to say
the S-H-I-T word.

00:05:24,800 --> 00:05:26,165
The what?

00:05:26,240 --> 00:05:28,083
- Did you just spell that?
- Yes.

00:05:28,160 --> 00:05:29,650
No, you're not supposed to say it.

00:05:29,720 --> 00:05:32,644
I'm allowed to say it under
special emergency circumstances.

00:05:32,720 --> 00:05:34,609
- Well, actually...
- According to the rules...

00:05:34,680 --> 00:05:38,127
- And it wasn't an emergency.
- ...which I make up as I go along.

00:05:38,200 --> 00:05:41,170
- Where did he go?
- Sweetie, don't bother that woman.

00:05:42,160 --> 00:05:44,128
- I still don't see him.
- Okay.

00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:48,445

00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:52,367
- There you go.
- Hello, Bob. Thank you.

00:05:53,600 --> 00:05:54,681
- How are you?
- Good.

00:05:55,520 --> 00:05:57,363
- What happened to your hand?
- Mmm.

00:05:58,760 --> 00:06:00,205
Got in a fight with a tiger.

00:06:01,680 --> 00:06:03,330
- Really?
- Really.

00:06:03,400 --> 00:06:04,447
Don't worry, though.

00:06:05,600 --> 00:06:07,364
He got it worse than I did.

00:06:07,440 --> 00:06:09,090
What happened to your head?

00:06:10,320 --> 00:06:13,642
Oh... fell down a flight of stairs
in Hong Kong.

00:06:13,720 --> 00:06:16,929
Okay, honey, come on, sit down.
Don't bother him. Okay?

00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:20,128
- Sorry. Thank you.
- Pleasure.

00:06:21,440 --> 00:06:23,010
What if we don't like it here?

00:06:23,080 --> 00:06:25,765
Where we're going? I think we will.

00:06:25,840 --> 00:06:28,650
What if this company
goes belly-up too?

00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:32,521
That's not gonna happen,

00:06:32,600 --> 00:06:36,764
because this company is a lot bigger
than Daddy's company was.

00:06:36,840 --> 00:06:38,729
And that's better, huh?

00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:39,801

00:06:45,200 --> 00:06:48,488

00:06:48,560 --> 00:06:50,608
They promised us a car, right, babe?

00:06:50,720 --> 00:06:52,961
Yeah, they did. But I don't...

00:06:53,040 --> 00:06:55,008
So can you call someone?

00:06:55,080 --> 00:06:58,289
Well, this phone's supposed to work
internationally, but it's not.

00:06:58,360 --> 00:07:01,762
I don't see anything. I think
we're really starting strong here.

00:07:03,720 --> 00:07:05,688
- Let's just grab one of these guys.
- Yeah, yeah.

00:07:05,760 --> 00:07:07,330
Okay, thank you. Yep.

00:07:07,400 --> 00:07:09,801
Wait. A word to the wise here.

00:07:09,880 --> 00:07:12,008
These guys are a bunch
of scam artists.

00:07:12,080 --> 00:07:14,447
They just wear uniforms
to look official,

00:07:14,520 --> 00:07:16,522
but they're all rob you blind,
I promise you.

00:07:16,600 --> 00:07:18,250
There's an official taxi line outside.

00:07:18,320 --> 00:07:19,810
I'll show you where if you like.
Come on.

00:07:19,880 --> 00:07:21,848
- Great. Thank you.
- Or you'll get ripped off.

00:07:21,960 --> 00:07:25,248
Don't worry, big boy. Don't worry.
Come over here. I'll show you.

00:07:26,920 --> 00:07:27,921
Here you go.

00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:31,083
- You forgot your bags.
- No, this is it, kiddo.

00:07:31,160 --> 00:07:33,322
I like to travel light.
You know what I mean?

00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:34,890
Well, that's convenient.

00:07:34,960 --> 00:07:38,089
- Where are you from?
- Austin, Texas.

00:07:38,160 --> 00:07:41,130
- Expats? Who do you work for?
- Cardiff.

00:07:41,200 --> 00:07:44,807
I'm one of the engineers they brought
in to revamp the waterworks.

00:07:44,880 --> 00:07:47,121
You Cardiff boys,
you go everywhere, don't you?

00:07:47,840 --> 00:07:49,604
Where are you staying?
The Imperial Lotus?

00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:52,365
- Yeah, how'd you know?
- Well, everyone does. I'm there.

00:07:52,440 --> 00:07:54,602
I'll give you a lift, if you'd like.
I'm meeting someone.

00:07:54,680 --> 00:07:56,364
- Would you like that?
- Yeah, that'd be great.

00:07:56,440 --> 00:07:58,204
Be my pleasure. Be my pleasure.

00:07:58,280 --> 00:07:59,520
- Hammond's the name.
- Jack.

00:07:59,600 --> 00:08:01,011
- Nice to meet you, Jack.
- Nice to see you.

00:08:01,080 --> 00:08:03,401
- Hi, I'm Annie. How are you?
- Hello, Annie, how are you?

00:08:03,480 --> 00:08:04,925
This is Lucy, Briegel.

00:08:05,000 --> 00:08:07,287
- But you can call her Beeze.
- Hello, Beeze.

00:08:07,360 --> 00:08:09,931
- Do you like it here?
- I love it.

00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:11,809
I've been here 15 times.

00:08:11,880 --> 00:08:14,167
- Wow!
- That's a lot of times.

00:08:14,240 --> 00:08:16,402
Yeah, it is a lot of times.
Well, I just love it.

00:08:16,480 --> 00:08:17,720
I love the women.

00:08:17,800 --> 00:08:19,928
They're always so eager to please,
you know what I mean?

00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:21,809
Okay. It's interesting,

00:08:21,880 --> 00:08:24,645
I'm looking at our bags
and I'm thinking that we're too many...

00:08:24,720 --> 00:08:26,440
- No are you kidding?
- ...pieces of luggage.

00:08:26,480 --> 00:08:28,289
I think that we could maybe
just get a taxi...

00:08:28,400 --> 00:08:31,165
No, don't worry about these guys.
They can fit everything on a moped.

00:08:31,840 --> 00:08:32,887
It'll be great.

00:08:32,960 --> 00:08:34,803

00:08:34,880 --> 00:08:36,848
Okay, everybody, here's your ride,
right here.

00:08:38,040 --> 00:08:39,166
This is the man!

00:08:39,240 --> 00:08:40,446

00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:42,807
- Come on.
- You're in safe hands here.

00:08:42,880 --> 00:08:44,530
- I missed you.
- Look at you!

00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:45,681

00:08:45,760 --> 00:08:47,361
There you go.
Mind the leg. Mind the leg.

00:08:48,120 --> 00:08:50,964
Good to see you.
These good folks here, they need a lift.

00:08:51,040 --> 00:08:53,168
Their ride didn't show up.

00:08:53,240 --> 00:08:54,366
- Yes, okay.
- Thanks.

00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:56,841
But I need to ask you
very important question.

00:08:56,920 --> 00:08:58,160

00:08:58,240 --> 00:09:01,449
- Do you like Kenny Roger?
- Kenny Rogers?

00:09:04,400 --> 00:09:05,765
- Yes, of course.
- Yes.

00:09:05,840 --> 00:09:07,888
- Yes?
- Yes. Yeah.

00:09:07,960 --> 00:09:10,247
Because this is the Kenny Roger cab.

00:09:11,480 --> 00:09:14,086
Oh, my God! I had no idea.

00:09:14,160 --> 00:09:18,290
My name is
Samnang Pichairongkramgiskerong.

00:09:18,360 --> 00:09:19,850
- Jack.
- Wow! I like your name.

00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:23,322
Yeah? But all my friends call me...
Kenny Roger.

00:09:23,400 --> 00:09:25,050
- Oh, Kenny.
- That's a little easier.

00:09:25,120 --> 00:09:27,009
Because we look alike.

00:09:27,080 --> 00:09:28,206
You do?

00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:33,846
- Uncanny.
- Whoa! Separated at birth!

00:09:33,920 --> 00:09:35,331
- Let's go.
- Here we go.

00:09:36,320 --> 00:09:37,446
- Let's go. Come on.
- Here we go.

00:09:37,520 --> 00:09:38,362
I've g
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
100:00:52,600 --> 00:00:54,682[CRICKETS CHIRPING]200:01:22,920 --> 00:01:24,843[ORIENTAL MUSIC PLAYING]300:01:35,560 --> 00:01:37,050[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]400:01:48,040 --> 00:01:49,451[INDISTINCT CHATTER]500:01:51,560 --> 00:01:54,211MAN: Yes, I am happyfor this opportunity.600:01:54,280 --> 00:01:56,806PRIME MINISTER: And though someof my people may not understand700:01:56,880 --> 00:01:59,008the benefit of this,I'm sure they will in Cardiff.800:01:59,760 --> 00:02:02,331MAN: They are fortunateto have a leader with such resolve.900:02:02,400 --> 00:02:06,610And now, let us stoptalking business, Mr. Prime Minister,1000:02:06,680 --> 00:02:09,047and drink the first waterfrom the plant.1100:02:12,840 --> 00:02:14,401- PRIME MINISTER: Thank you.- MAN: Yes.1200:02:14,960 --> 00:02:15,961Thank you.1300:02:18,760 --> 00:02:22,526I hope this is the firstof many projects we can build.1400:02:22,600 --> 00:02:25,490We say the dragon of fortunehas a long tail.1500:02:28,840 --> 00:02:30,683- To Cardiff.- To your new waterworks.1600:02:35,320 --> 00:02:37,891- It is our great honor.- And ours.1700:02:37,960 --> 00:02:39,291[RINGS BELL]1800:02:40,400 --> 00:02:44,291All of us at Cardiff are so fortunateto be doing business with you.1900:02:44,360 --> 00:02:45,964Yes. Thank you.2000:02:47,280 --> 00:02:48,691[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]2100:02:48,760 --> 00:02:51,161Mr. Prime Minister, thank you.2200:03:09,520 --> 00:03:11,602- [GUNSHOTS]- [PEOPLE SCREAMING]2300:03:11,680 --> 00:03:12,806[GUNSHOTS]2400:03:23,440 --> 00:03:26,410[PEOPLE SHOUTING]2500:04:35,640 --> 00:04:36,721[WHISPERING] You sleeping?2600:04:39,000 --> 00:04:40,206Sweetie, what's going on?2700:04:40,280 --> 00:04:41,645Beeze.2800:04:41,720 --> 00:04:43,961[LAUGHING]Would you look at this?2900:04:45,240 --> 00:04:46,571I mean...3000:04:46,680 --> 00:04:50,127where did the energycome from suddenly?3100:04:50,200 --> 00:04:51,850Please. Oh, my God.3200:04:54,960 --> 00:04:56,291Are we there yet?3300:04:57,840 --> 00:05:02,880According to this, we only haveeleven more soul-crushing hours.3400:05:02,960 --> 00:05:04,291Oh, shit.3500:05:04,360 --> 00:05:06,249You know you have to puta dollar in the swear pot.3600:05:06,320 --> 00:05:10,689Uh-oh, guys.I left the swear pot back in Texas.3700:05:10,760 --> 00:05:13,081- Shit! How could I have been so stupid.- Dad. Dad!3800:05:13,160 --> 00:05:14,082Jack.3900:05:16,360 --> 00:05:18,806- Where's Bob?- Hey, what are you looking for?4000:05:19,520 --> 00:05:21,727- I can't find Bob.- Did you look underneath?4100:05:21,840 --> 00:05:24,684You're not supposed to saythe S-H-I-T word.4200:05:24,800 --> 00:05:26,165The what?4300:05:26,240 --> 00:05:28,083- Did you just spell that?- Yes.4400:05:28,160 --> 00:05:29,650No, you're not supposed to say it.4500:05:29,720 --> 00:05:32,644I'm allowed to say it underspecial emergency circumstances.4600:05:32,720 --> 00:05:34,609- Well, actually...- According to the rules...4700:05:34,680 --> 00:05:38,127- And it wasn't an emergency.- ...which I make up as I go along.4800:05:38,200 --> 00:05:41,170- Where did he go?- Sweetie, don't bother that woman.4900:05:42,160 --> 00:05:44,128- I still don't see him.- Okay.5000:05:47,000 --> 00:05:48,445[CHUCKLING] Uh-oh.5100:05:50,000 --> 00:05:52,367- There you go.- Hello, Bob. Thank you.5200:05:53,600 --> 00:05:54,681- How are you?- Good.5300:05:55,520 --> 00:05:57,363- What happened to your hand?- Mmm.5400:05:58,760 --> 00:06:00,205Got in a fight with a tiger.5500:06:01,680 --> 00:06:03,330- Really?- Really.5600:06:03,400 --> 00:06:04,447Don't worry, though.5700:06:05,600 --> 00:06:07,364He got it worse than I did.5800:06:07,440 --> 00:06:09,090What happened to your head?5900:06:10,320 --> 00:06:13,642Oh... fell down a flight of stairsin Hong Kong.6000:06:13,720 --> 00:06:16,929Okay, honey, come on, sit down.Don't bother him. Okay?6100:06:18,000 --> 00:06:20,128- Sorry. Thank you.- Pleasure.6200:06:21,440 --> 00:06:23,010What if we don't like it here?6300:06:23,080 --> 00:06:25,765Where we're going? I think we will.6400:06:25,840 --> 00:06:28,650What if this companygoes belly-up too?6500:06:31,520 --> 00:06:32,521That's not gonna happen,6600:06:32,600 --> 00:06:36,764because this company is a lot biggerthan Daddy's company was.6700:06:36,840 --> 00:06:38,729And that's better, huh?6800:06:38,800 --> 00:06:39,801Mm-hmm.6900:06:45,200 --> 00:06:48,488[OVERLAPPING CHATTER]7000:06:48,560 --> 00:06:50,608They promised us a car, right, babe?7100:06:50,720 --> 00:06:52,961Yeah, they did. But I don't...7200:06:53,040 --> 00:06:55,008So can you call someone?7300:06:55,080 --> 00:06:58,289Well, this phone's supposed to workinternationally, but it's not.7400:06:58,360 --> 00:07:01,762I don't see anything. I thinkwe're really starting strong here.7500:07:03,720 --> 00:07:05,688- Let's just grab one of these guys.- Yeah, yeah.7600:07:05,760 --> 00:07:07,330Okay, thank you. Yep.7700:07:07,400 --> 00:07:09,801Wait. A word to the wise here.7800:07:09,880 --> 00:07:12,008These guys are a bunchof scam artists.7900:07:12,080 --> 00:07:14,447They just wear uniformsto look official,8000:07:14,520 --> 00:07:16,522but they're all rob you blind,I promise you.8100:07:16,600 --> 00:07:18,250There's an official taxi line outside.

00:07:18,320 --> 00:07:19,810
I'll show you where if you like.
Come on.

00:07:19,880 --> 00:07:21,848
- Great. Thank you.
- Or you'll get ripped off.

00:07:21,960 --> 00:07:25,248
Don't worry, big boy. Don't worry.
Come over here. I'll show you.

00:07:26,920 --> 00:07:27,921
Here you go.

00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:31,083
- You forgot your bags.
- No, this is it, kiddo.

00:07:31,160 --> 00:07:33,322
I like to travel light.
You know what I mean?

00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:34,890
Well, that's convenient.

00:07:34,960 --> 00:07:38,089
- Where are you from?
- Austin, Texas.

00:07:38,160 --> 00:07:41,130
- Expats? Who do you work for?
- Cardiff.

00:07:41,200 --> 00:07:44,807
I'm one of the engineers they brought
in to revamp the waterworks.

00:07:44,880 --> 00:07:47,121
You Cardiff boys,
you go everywhere, don't you?

00:07:47,840 --> 00:07:49,604
Where are you staying?
The Imperial Lotus?

00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:52,365
- Yeah, how'd you know?
- Well, everyone does. I'm there.

00:07:52,440 --> 00:07:54,602
I'll give you a lift, if you'd like.
I'm meeting someone.

00:07:54,680 --> 00:07:56,364
- Would you like that?
- Yeah, that'd be great.

00:07:56,440 --> 00:07:58,204
Be my pleasure. Be my pleasure.

00:07:58,280 --> 00:07:59,520
- Hammond's the name.
- Jack.

00:07:59,600 --> 00:08:01,011
- Nice to meet you, Jack.
- Nice to see you.

00:08:01,080 --> 00:08:03,401
- Hi, I'm Annie. How are you?
- Hello, Annie, how are you?

00:08:03,480 --> 00:08:04,925
This is Lucy, Briegel.

00:08:05,000 --> 00:08:07,287
- But you can call her Beeze.
- Hello, Beeze.

00:08:07,360 --> 00:08:09,931
- Do you like it here?
- I love it.

00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:11,809
I've been here 15 times.

00:08:11,880 --> 00:08:14,167
- Wow!
- That's a lot of times.

00:08:14,240 --> 00:08:16,402
Yeah, it is a lot of times.
Well, I just love it.

00:08:16,480 --> 00:08:17,720
I love the women.

00:08:17,800 --> 00:08:19,928
They're always so eager to please,
you know what I mean?

00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:21,809
Okay. It's interesting,

00:08:21,880 --> 00:08:24,645
I'm looking at our bags
and I'm thinking that we're too many...

00:08:24,720 --> 00:08:26,440
- No are you kidding?
- ...pieces of luggage.

00:08:26,480 --> 00:08:28,289
I think that we could maybe
just get a taxi...

00:08:28,400 --> 00:08:31,165
No, don't worry about these guys.
They can fit everything on a moped.

00:08:31,840 --> 00:08:32,887
It'll be great.

00:08:32,960 --> 00:08:34,803

00:08:34,880 --> 00:08:36,848
Okay, everybody, here's your ride,
right here.

00:08:38,040 --> 00:08:39,166
This is the man!

00:08:39,240 --> 00:08:40,446

00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:42,807
- Come on.
- You're in safe hands here.

00:08:42,880 --> 00:08:44,530
- I missed you.
- Look at you!

00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:45,681

00:08:45,760 --> 00:08:47,361
There you go.
Mind the leg. Mind the leg.

00:08:48,120 --> 00:08:50,964
Good to see you.
These good folks here, they need a lift.

00:08:51,040 --> 00:08:53,168
Their ride didn't show up.

00:08:53,240 --> 00:08:54,366
- Yes, okay.
- Thanks.

00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:56,841
But I need to ask you
very important question.

00:08:56,920 --> 00:08:58,160

00:08:58,240 --> 00:09:01,449
- Do you like Kenny Roger?
- Kenny Rogers?

00:09:04,400 --> 00:09:05,765
- Yes, of course.
- Yes.

00:09:05,840 --> 00:09:07,888
- Yes?
- Yes. Yeah.

00:09:07,960 --> 00:09:10,247
Because this is the Kenny Roger cab.

00:09:11,480 --> 00:09:14,086
Oh, my God! I had no idea.

00:09:14,160 --> 00:09:18,290
My name is
Samnang Pichairongkramgiskerong.

00:09:18,360 --> 00:09:19,850
- Jack.
- Wow! I like your name.

00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:23,322
Yeah? But all my friends call me...
Kenny Roger.

00:09:23,400 --> 00:09:25,050
- Oh, Kenny.
- That's a little easier.

00:09:25,120 --> 00:09:27,009
Because we look alike.

00:09:27,080 --> 00:09:28,206
You do?

00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:33,846
- Uncanny.
- Whoa! Separated at birth!

00:09:33,920 --> 00:09:35,331
- Let's go.
- Here we go.

00:09:36,320 --> 00:09:37,446
- Let's go. Come on.
- Here we go.

00:09:37,520 --> 00:09:38,362
I've g
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
00: 00: 52,600 -> 00: 00: 54.682
[jangkrik mengerik] 2 00: 01: 22.920 -> 00: 01: 24.843 [MUSIK ORIENTAL PLAYING] 3 00: 01: 35.560 -> 00:01: 37.050 [BERBICARA BAHASA ASING] 4 00: 01: 48.040 -> 00: 01: 49.451 [tidak jelas CHATTER] 5 00: 01: 51.560 -> 00: 01: 54.211 MAN: Ya, saya senang. untuk kesempatan ini 6 00: 01: 54.280 -> 00: 01: 56.806 PERDANA MENTERI: Dan meskipun beberapa orang saya mungkin tidak mengerti 7 00: 01: 56.880 -> 00: 01: 59.008 manfaat dari ini, saya yakin mereka akan di Cardiff. 8 00: 01: 59.760 -> 00: 02: 02.331 MAN: Mereka beruntung memiliki pemimpin dengan tekad tersebut. 9 00: 02: 02.400 -> 00: 02: 06.610 Dan sekarang, mari kita berhenti berbicara bisnis, Mr. Perdana Menteri, 10 00: 02: 06.680 -> 00: 02: 09.047 dan minum air pertama. dari tanaman 11 00: 02: 12.840 -> 00: 02: 14.401 - Perdana Menteri: Terima Anda. - MAN:. Ya 12 00: 02: 14.960 -> 00: 02: 15.961 Terima kasih. 13 00: 02: 18.760 -> 00: 02: 22.526 Saya berharap ini adalah yang pertama dari banyak proyek kami dapat membangun . 14 00: 02: 22,600 -> 00: 02: 25.490 Kami katakan naga keberuntungan memiliki ekor panjang. 15 00: 02: 28.840 -> 00: 02: 30.683 - Untuk Cardiff. - Untuk pengairan baru Anda. 16 00: 02: 35.320 -> 00: 02: 37.891 - Ini adalah kehormatan besar kami. - Dan kita. 17 00: 02: 37.960 -> 00: 02: 39.291 [RINGS BELL] 18 00: 02: 40,400 - -> 00: 02: 44.291 Semua dari kita di Cardiff sangat beruntung untuk melakukan bisnis dengan Anda. 19 00: 02: 44.360 -> 00: 02: 45.964 Ya. Terima kasih. 20 00: 02: 47.280 -> 00: 02: 48.691 [BERBICARA BAHASA ASING] 21 00: 02: 48.760 -> 00: 02: 51.161 Mr. Perdana Menteri, terima kasih. 22 00: 03: 09.520 -> 00: 03: 11.602 - [tembakan] - [ORANG Screaming] 23 00: 03: 11.680 -> 00: 03: 12.806 [tembakan] 24 00:03 : 23440 -> 00: 03: 26.410 [ORANG BERTERIAK] 25 00: 04: 35.640 -> 00: 04: 36.721 [Berbisik] Anda tidur? 26 00: 04: 39,000 -> 00: 04: 40.206 Sweetie, apa yang terjadi? 27 00: 04: 40.280 -> 00: 04: 41.645. Beeze 28 00: 04: 41.720 -> 00: 04: 43.961 [Tertawa] Apakah Anda melihat ini? 29 00: 04: 45.240 - -> 00: 04: 46.571 Maksud saya ... 30 00: 04: 46.680 -> 00: 04: 50.127 mana energi berasal dari tiba-tiba? 31 00: 04: 50.200 -> 00: 04: 51.850 Silakan. Oh, Tuhan. 32 00: 04: 54.960 -> 00: 04: 56.291 Apakah kita sudah sampai? 33 00: 04: 57.840 -> 00: 05: 02.880 Menurut ini, kami hanya memiliki sebelas lebih jiwa-menghancurkan . jam 34 00: 05: 02.960 -> 00: 05: 04.291 Oh, sialan. 35 00: 05: 04.360 -> 00: 05: 06.249 Anda tahu Anda harus meletakkan. dolar dalam bersumpah pot 36 00: 05: 06.320 -> 00: 05: 10.689 Uh-oh, guys. Aku meninggalkan bersumpah pot kembali Texas. 37 00: 05: 10.760 -> 00: 05: 13.081 - Sial! Bagaimana aku bisa begitu bodoh. - Ayah. ! Ayah 38 00: 05: 13.160 -> 00: 05: 14.082 Jack. 39 00: 05: 16.360 -> 00: 05: 18.806 - Di mana Bob? - Hey, apa yang Anda cari? 40 00:05: 19.520 -> 00: 05: 21.727 - saya tidak dapat menemukan Bob. - Apakah Anda melihat di bawah? 41 00: 05: 21.840 -> 00: 05: 24.684 Anda tidak seharusnya mengatakan. kata SHIT 42 00 : 05: 24.800 -> 00: 05: 26.165 apa? 43 00: 05: 26.240 -> 00: 05: 28.083 - Apakah Anda hanya mantra itu? - Ya. 44 00: 05: 28.160 -> 00: 05: 29.650 Tidak, Anda tidak seharusnya mengatakan itu. 45 00: 05: 29.720 -> 00: 05: 32.644 Saya diizinkan untuk mengatakan itu di bawah keadaan darurat khusus. 46 00: 05: 32.720 -> 00 : 05: 34.609 - Well, sebenarnya ... - Menurut aturan ... 47 00: 05: 34.680 -> 00: 05: 38.127. - Dan itu bukan keadaan darurat - ... yang saya membuat saat aku pergi bersama. 48 00: 05: 38.200 -> 00: 05: 41.170 - Kemana dia pergi? - Sweetie, jangan repot-repot wanita itu. 49 00: 05: 42.160 -> 00: 05: 44.128 - Aku masih tidak melihat dia. - Oke. 50 00: 05: 47.000 -> 00: 05: 48.445 [Terkekeh] Uh-oh. 51 00: 05: 50,000 -> 00: 05: 52.367 - sana Anda pergi . - Halo, Bob. Terima kasih. 52 00: 05: 53.600 -> 00: 05: 54.681 - Bagaimana kabarmu? - Baik. 53 00: 05: 55.520 -> 00: 05: 57.363? - Apa yang terjadi dengan tangan Anda. - Mmm 54 00: 05: 58.760 -> 00: 06: 00.205 Got dalam perkelahian dengan harimau. 55 00: 06: 01.680 -> 00: 06: 03.330 - Benarkah? - Benar-benar. 56 00: 06: 03.400 -> 00: 06: 04.447 Jangan khawatir, meskipun. 57 00: 06: 05.600 -> 00: 06: 07.364 Dia mendapat lebih buruk daripada aku. 58 00: 06: 07.440 -> 00: 06: 09.090 Apa yang terjadi untuk kepala Anda? 59 00: 06: 10.320 -> 00: 06: 13.642 Oh ... jatuh sebuah ight fl tangga di Hong Kong. 60 00: 06: 13.720 -> 00: 06: 16.929 Oke, madu, ayolah, duduk. Jangan mengganggunya. Oke? 61 00: 06: 18,000 -> 00: 06: 20.128 - Maaf. Terima kasih. - Kesenangan. 62 00: 06: 21.440 -> 00: 06: 23.010 Bagaimana jika kita tidak suka di sini? 63 00: 06: 23.080 -> 00: 06: 25.765 Di mana kita akan pergi? Saya pikir kita akan. 64 00: 06: 25.840 -> 00: 06: 28.650 Bagaimana jika perusahaan ini berjalan perut-up juga? 65 00: 06: 31.520 -> 00: 06: 32.521 Itu tidak akan terjadi, 66 00 : 06: 32.600 -> 00: 06: 36.764 karena perusahaan ini jauh lebih besar daripada perusahaan Daddy adalah. 67 00: 06: 36.840 -> 00: 06: 38.729 Dan itu lebih baik, ya? 68 00: 06: 38.800 -> 00: 06: 39.801 Mm-hmm. 69 00: 06: 45.200 -> 00: 06: 48.488 [tumpang tindih CHATTER] 70 00: 06: 48.560 -> 00: 06: 50.608 Mereka berjanji kita mobil, ? kanan, sayang 71 00: 06: 50.720 -> 00: 06: 52.961 Ya, mereka lakukan. Tapi aku tidak melakukan ... 72 00: 06: 53.040 -> 00: 06: 55.008 Jadi dapat Anda menelepon seseorang? 73 00: 06: 55.080 -> 00: 06: 58.289 Nah, ponsel ini seharusnya bekerja secara internasional , tapi itu tidak. 74 00: 06: 58.360 -> 00: 07: 01.762 Saya tidak melihat apa-apa. Saya pikir kita benar-benar mulai kuat di sini. 75 00: 07: 03.720 -> 00: 07: 05.688 - Mari kita ambil salah satu dari orang-orang ini. - Ya, ya. 76 00: 07: 05.760 -> 00:07 : 07330 Oke, terima kasih. Yap. 77 00: 07: 07.400 -> 00: 07: 09.801 Tunggu. Sebuah kata bijak di sini. 78 00: 07: 09.880 -> 00: 07: 12.008 Orang-orang ini adalah sekelompok seniman penipuan. 79 00: 07: 12.080 -> 00: 07: 14.447 Mereka hanya memakai seragam untuk melihat resmi, 80 00: 07: 14.520 -> 00: 07: 16.522 tapi mereka semua merampok Anda buta, aku berjanji. 81 00: 07: 16.600 -> 00: 07: 18.250 Ada garis taksi resmi di luar. 82 00: 07: 18.320 -> 00: 07: 19.810 Saya akan menunjukkan Anda di mana jika Anda suka. Ayo. 83 00: 07: 19.880 -> 00: 07: 21.848 - Great. Terima kasih. - Atau Anda akan mendapatkan merobek. 84 00: 07: 21.960 -> 00: 07: 25.248 Jangan khawatir, anak besar. Jangan khawatir. Kemarilah. Aku akan menunjukkan. 85 00: 07: 26.920 -> 00: 07: 27.921 Di sini Anda pergi. 86 00: 07: 28,000 -> 00: 07: 31.083 - Anda lupa tas Anda. - Tidak, ini adalah itu , Nak. 87 00: 07: 31.160 -> 00: 07: 33.322 Saya suka bepergian cahaya. Kau tahu apa yang saya maksud? 88 00: 07: 33,400 -> 00: 07: 34.890. Nah, itu nyaman 89 00 : 07: 34.960 -> 00: 07: 38.089 - Anda berasal dari mana? - Austin, Texas. 90 00: 07: 38.160 -> 00: 07: 41.130 - ekspatriat? Siapa yang Anda bekerja untuk? - Cardiff. 91 00: 07: 41.200 -> 00: 07: 44.807 Saya salah satu insinyur mereka membawa dalam untuk merubah tata air. 92 00: 07: 44.880 -> 00:07 : 47121 Anda Cardiff anak laki-laki, Anda pergi di mana-mana, bukan? 93 00: 07: 47.840 -> 00: 07: 49.604 Di mana Anda tinggal? The Imperial Lotus? 94 00: 07: 49.680 -> 00:07 : 52365 - Ya, bagaimana kau tahu? - Nah, orang tidak. Saya di sana. 95 00: 07: 52.440 -> 00: 07: 54.602 Saya akan memberikan tumpangan, jika Anda ingin. Aku bertemu seseorang. 96 00: 07: 54.680 -> 00: 07: 56.364? - Apakah Anda seperti itu - Yeah, itu akan menjadi besar. 97 00: 07: 56.440 -> 00: 07: 58.204 Jadilah kesenangan saya. Menjadi kesenangan saya. 98 00: 07: 58.280 -> 00: 07: 59.520 - Hammond nama. - Jack. 99 00: 07: 59.600 -> 00: 08: 01.011 - Senang bertemu Anda, Jack. - Nice untuk melihat Anda. 100 00: 08: 01.080 -> 00: 08: 03.401 - Hi, aku Annie. Bagaimana kabarmu? - Halo, Annie, bagaimana kabarmu? 101 00: 08: 03.480 -> 00: 08: 04.925 Ini adalah Lucy, Briegel. 102 00: 08: 05.000 -> 00: 08: 07.287 - Tapi Anda dapat menghubungi Beeze nya. - Halo, Beeze. 103 00: 08: 07.360 -> 00: 08: 09.931 - Apakah Anda suka di sini? - Saya menyukainya. 104 00: 08: 10,000 -> 00: 08: 11.809 Aku sudah di sini 15 kali. 105 00: 08: 11.880 -> 00: 08: 14.167 - Wow! - Itu banyak kali. 106 00: 08: 14.240 -> 00: 08: 16.402 Ya, itu adalah . banyak kali Yah, aku hanya menyukainya. 107 00: 08: 16.480 -> 00: 08: 17.720 Saya suka wanita. 108 00: 08: 17.800 -> 00: 08: 19.928 Mereka selalu begitu bersemangat untuk menyenangkan, Anda tahu apa yang saya maksud? 109 00: 08: 20,000 -> 00: 08: 21.809 Oke. Ini menarik, 110 00: 08: 21.880 -> 00: 08: 24.645 Saya sedang melihat tas kami dan aku berpikir bahwa kita terlalu banyak ... 111 00: 08: 24.720 -> 00:08 : 26440 - Tidak kau bercanda? - ... potong bagasi. 112 00: 08: 26.480 -> 00: 08: 28.289 Saya berpikir bahwa kita bisa mungkin hanya mendapatkan taksi ... 113 00: 08: 28.400 - -> 00: 08: 31.165 Tidak, jangan khawatir tentang orang-orang. Mereka dapat menyesuaikan segala sesuatu di moped. 114 00: 08: 31.840 -> 00: 08: 32.887. Ini akan menjadi besar 115 00:08: 32.960 -> 00: 08: 34.803 [HORN membunyikan klakson] 116 00: 08: 34.880 -> 00: 08: 36.848 Oke, semua orang, inilah perjalanan Anda, di sini. 117 00: 08: 38.040 -> 00:08 : 39166 ini adalah manusia! 118 00: 08: 39.240 -> 00: 08: 40.446 [KEDUA TERTAWA] 119 00: 08: 40.520 -> 00: 08: 42.807. - Ayo - Anda berada di tangan yang aman . disini 120 00: 08: 42.880 -> 00: 08: 44.530 - Aku merindukanmu. - Lihatlah Anda! 121 ​​00: 08: 44.600 -> 00: 08: 45.681 [LAUGHS] 122 00: 08: 45.760 - -> 00: 08: 47.361 Di sana Anda pergi. Pikiran kaki. Pikiran kaki. 123 00: 08: 48.120 -> 00: 08: 50.964 Baik untuk melihat Anda. Ini orang baik di sini, mereka membutuhkan tumpangan. 124 00: 08: 51.040 -> 00: 08: 53.168 mereka naik didn 't muncul. 125 00: 08: 53.240 -> 00: 08: 54.366 - Ya, baik-baik saja. - Terima kasih. 126 00: 08: 54.440 -> 00: 08: 56.841 Tapi saya perlu mengajukan pertanyaan yang sangat penting . 127 00: 08: 56.920 -> 00: 08: 58.160 Oke. 128 00: 08: 58.240 -> 00: 09: 01.449 - Apakah Anda menyukai Kenny Roger? - Kenny Rogers? 129 00: 09: 04.400 - > 00: 09: 05.765 - Ya, tentu saja. - Ya. 130 00: 09: 05.840 -> 00: 09: 07.888 - Ya? - Ya. Ya. 131 00: 09: 07.960 -> 00: 09: 10.247 Karena ini adalah Kenny Roger taksi. 132 00: 09: 11.480 -> 00: 09: 14.086 Oh, Tuhan! Aku tidak tahu. 133 00: 09: 14.160 -> 00: 09: 18.290 Nama saya Samnang Pichairongkramgiskerong. 134 00: 09: 18.360 -> 00: 09: 19.850 - Jack. - Wow! Saya suka nama Anda. 135 00: 09: 19.920 -> 00: 09: 23.322 Ya? Tapi semua teman-teman saya memanggil saya ... Kenny Roger. 136 00: 09: 23,400 -> 00: 09: 25.050 - Oh, Kenny. - Itu sedikit lebih mudah. ​​137 00: 09: 25.120 -> 00:09: 27.009 Karena kami mirip. 138 00: 09: 27.080 -> 00: 09: 28.206 Anda lakukan? 139 00: 09: 31.320 -> 00: 09: 33.846 - luar biasa. - Whoa! Dipisahkan sejak lahir! 140 00: 09: 33.920 -> 00: 09: 35.331 - Mari kita pergi. - Di sini kita pergi. 141 00: 09: 36.320 -> 00: 09: 37.446 - Mari kita pergi. Ayo. - Di sini kita pergi. 142 00: 09: 37.520 -> 00: 09: 38.362 Saya baru g 45.760 -> 00: 08: 47.361 Di sana Anda pergi. Pikiran kaki. Pikiran kaki. 123 00: 08: 48.120 -> 00: 08: 50.964 Baik untuk melihat Anda. Ini orang baik di sini, mereka membutuhkan tumpangan. 124 00: 08: 51.040 -> 00: 08: 53.168 mereka naik didn 't muncul. 125 00: 08: 53.240 -> 00: 08: 54.366 - Ya, baik-baik saja. - Terima kasih. 126 00: 08: 54.440 -> 00: 08: 56.841 Tapi saya perlu mengajukan pertanyaan yang sangat penting . 127 00: 08: 56.920 -> 00: 08: 58.160 Oke. 128 00: 08: 58.240 -> 00: 09: 01.449 - Apakah Anda menyukai Kenny Roger? - Kenny Rogers? 129 00: 09: 04.400 - > 00: 09: 05.765 - Ya, tentu saja. - Ya. 130 00: 09: 05.840 -> 00: 09: 07.888 - Ya? - Ya. Ya. 131 00: 09: 07.960 -> 00: 09: 10.247 Karena ini adalah Kenny Roger taksi. 132 00: 09: 11.480 -> 00: 09: 14.086 Oh, Tuhan! Aku tidak tahu. 133 00: 09: 14.160 -> 00: 09: 18.290 Nama saya Samnang Pichairongkramgiskerong. 134 00: 09: 18.360 -> 00: 09: 19.850 - Jack. - Wow! Saya suka nama Anda. 135 00: 09: 19.920 -> 00: 09: 23.322 Ya? Tapi semua teman-teman saya memanggil saya ... Kenny Roger. 136 00: 09: 23,400 -> 00: 09: 25.050 - Oh, Kenny. - Itu sedikit lebih mudah. ​​137 00: 09: 25.120 -> 00:09: 27.009 Karena kami mirip. 138 00: 09: 27.080 -> 00: 09: 28.206 Anda lakukan? 139 00: 09: 31.320 -> 00: 09: 33.846 - luar biasa. - Whoa! Dipisahkan sejak lahir! 140 00: 09: 33.920 -> 00: 09: 35.331 - Mari kita pergi. - Di sini kita pergi. 141 00: 09: 36.320 -> 00: 09: 37.446 - Mari kita pergi. Ayo. - Di sini kita pergi. 142 00: 09: 37.520 -> 00: 09: 38.362 Saya baru g 45.760 -> 00: 08: 47.361 Di sana Anda pergi. Pikiran kaki. Pikiran kaki. 123 00: 08: 48.120 -> 00: 08: 50.964 Baik untuk melihat Anda. Ini orang baik di sini, mereka membutuhkan tumpangan. 124 00: 08: 51.040 -> 00: 08: 53.168 mereka naik didn 't muncul. 125 00: 08: 53.240 -> 00: 08: 54.366 - Ya, baik-baik saja. - Terima kasih. 126 00: 08: 54.440 -> 00: 08: 56.841 Tapi saya perlu mengajukan pertanyaan yang sangat penting . 127 00: 08: 56.920 -> 00: 08: 58.160 Oke. 128 00: 08: 58.240 -> 00: 09: 01.449 - Apakah Anda menyukai Kenny Roger? - Kenny Rogers? 129 00: 09: 04.400 - > 00: 09: 05.765 - Ya, tentu saja. - Ya. 130 00: 09: 05.840 -> 00: 09: 07.888 - Ya? - Ya. Ya. 131 00: 09: 07.960 -> 00: 09: 10.247 Karena ini adalah Kenny Roger taksi. 132 00: 09: 11.480 -> 00: 09: 14.086 Oh, Tuhan! Aku tidak tahu. 133 00: 09: 14.160 -> 00: 09: 18.290 Nama saya Samnang Pichairongkramgiskerong. 134 00: 09: 18.360 -> 00: 09: 19.850 - Jack. - Wow! Saya suka nama Anda. 135 00: 09: 19.920 -> 00: 09: 23.322 Ya? Tapi semua teman-teman saya memanggil saya ... Kenny Roger. 136 00: 09: 23,400 -> 00: 09: 25.050 - Oh, Kenny. - Itu sedikit lebih mudah. ​​137 00: 09: 25.120 -> 00:09: 27.009 Karena kami mirip. 138 00: 09: 27.080 -> 00: 09: 28.206 Anda lakukan? 139 00: 09: 31.320 -> 00: 09: 33.846 - luar biasa. - Whoa! Dipisahkan sejak lahir! 140 00: 09: 33.920 -> 00: 09: 35.331 - Mari kita pergi. - Di sini kita pergi. 141 00: 09: 36.320 -> 00: 09: 37.446 - Mari kita pergi. Ayo. - Di sini kita pergi. 142 00: 09: 37.520 -> 00: 09: 38.362 Saya baru g

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