Meet and Welcome Visitors - Dealing with Problems and Purpose of Commu terjemahan - Meet and Welcome Visitors - Dealing with Problems and Purpose of Commu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Meet and Welcome Visitors - Dealing

Meet and Welcome Visitors - Dealing with Problems and Purpose of Communication
Updated on March 29, 2015

Various problems occur in business environments where there are frequent visits from visitors. Visitors could be from various backgrounds and they could be there for various reasons, which means they could be in different frames of mind depending on the issue that they have come there for. In order to handle clients from various backgrounds and with different issues, one should be capable of handling those initial queries, or the least sign post them to the right department. Communication plays a very important role hence one should be able to communicate with clients from any background.

This is the second part to the Unit "Meet and Welcome visitors." This is a level 2 unit with a total credit of 3.

For the first part to this unit, please follow the link below.

Meet and Welcome Visitors - Procedures, Purpose and Responsibilities

1.5 Describe different types of problems that may occur with visitors including, conflict and aggression

In a business environment, one can expect visitors from diverse backgrounds, with different behaviours and with different needs and expectations.

Some of the types of problems that may occur with visitors are:

Depending on the reason for visit and based on various behaviours and characteristics you may come across different problems related to the visitors’ behaviour or reaction to a particular issue.
Even before the visitor entered the building, they could have had problems with parking and this can make the visitor frustrated or angry.
Some visitors may get frustrated if they had difficulty in finding the location and this could have been due to many reasons, one of which could be miscommunication.

Problems due to lack of facilities like seating, toileting and rest room, drinking water, canteen, queues at reception, long waiting times, no staff to signpost or advice at reception and so on. This can make the visitor frustrated and sometimes aggressive.
Problems can occur because the purpose of visit was hindered due to unavailability of the concerned staff or delay in processes making the visitor upset or angry.
Conflicts may sometimes arise as a result of arguments and the visitor/s may become aggressive and abusive
Due to any of the above reasons, the visitor/s may become aggressive and shout, swear, threaten and sometimes even get involved in violence.

1.6 Describe ways of dealing with different problems and when to refer them to an appropriate colleague

Problems that occur with visitors in a business environment can at some instances be avoided with some precautionary measures put in place and by closely following the organisations’ policies and procedures. However, there are times when problems occur despite all the preventive measures and these have to be dealt with in a very sensitive and constructive way so that no parties are affected.

A few preventive measures that can be taken are:

It is always very important to create some sort of barrier between you and visitors to keep yourself safe; for example a glass barrier or something similar to that
Have a panic alarm or security personnel in case of emergency or a phone/mobile to call for help.
Be ready to respond to aggressive customers keeping the calm and also some knowledge of self-defence

Aggressive and angry visitors are more common in business places that deal with health care, local authority and governmental services, schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions, police, etc.

Some of the different ways in which problems with visitors can be dealt with are:

When there is a problematic situation, first of all apologise to the visitor, whatever the problem is; whether it is reasonable or not, whether the visitor is right or wrong.
It is best to stay calm and try to resolve the problem. Thank them for letting you know about the problem.
Respond very calmly, maintain eye contact and have patience in listening and understanding the visitors’ problem (avoid anger and frustration by all means). Tell the visitor that you understand that they are upset and if needed ask what you can do to solve the problems. Empathise with them and offer a cup of tea or coffee if that is possible to calm them down. Do not take it personal.
Take responsibility for the problem and deal with it immediately.

Certain problems can be dealt with by mentioning the rules and regulations, policies and procedures, service criteria and eligibility, etc. along with leaflets if any available, so that the visitor knows what exactly is the right thing.
Be very assertive, show no signs of fear and be very polite.
Give them the best service possible and make them feel good and this will make them want to come back again for business.
Always put yourself in their shoes and think of how you wish to be treated in this situation; treat the visitor the same way you wish yourself to be treated.

"A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

Greet a Visitor

When to refer them to an appropriate colleague?

When you have tried every means to work out a solution to the visitors’ problem and if you feel that there is something that has to be done beyond your capabilities / capacities / administrative rights, then it is best to refer them to a manager or another colleague who has better knowledge and experience of the problem.
Some incidents can affect you emotionally and if that is the case, it is best to handover the situation to another colleague who will be able to deal with the situation or get help from the manager.

There may be situations where a visitor’s request may not comply with organisations’ terms and conditions or policies and procedures and these have to be taken to another appropriate colleague mostly higher management.
There may sometimes be serious problems that will need involvement of security personnel or the police and in that case, triggering the panic alarm or calling the police is the best option to avoid any risks. Always have a phone or mobile handy as you never know when a difficult situation will arise.

1.7 Explain the purpose of communicating with visitors

Communication is a process where ideas, opinions, facts and emotions are exchanged between two or more people. Visitors who visit a business environment will have their first point of contact at the greeting area which is usually the reception. So being at reception one has to have good communication skills and has to communicate with the customers in appropriate ways.
How To Have Better Communication Skills

The purpose of communicating with visitors are:

You represent the organisation and any impression that you create with the client will have a lasting effect on the organisation as a whole. So presenting yourself professionally and communicating professionally with the client is very important.
Communication helps you to better understand the needs and purpose of visit of the visitor and for the visitor to gain information that they require. It also helps with mutual understanding.
Good communication attracts more visitors and retains the existing candidates also and this helps your business grow.
Communication leaves the visitor with a satisfaction and trust that the organisation truly cares

1.8 Describe organisation structures and communication channels within the organisation

All organisations have their own structures and this is based on the businesses or services they provide. In order for an organisation or business to perform its tasks, meet its aims, objectives and to achieve its goals, it has to be structured according to either the way it functions or according to the services they provide, products they deliver or according to the regional location of the business.

Organisation structure according to its functions - In this case the organisation may have several areas of functionalities like health and housing, health services, adult services, children services, finance departments, customer services, Human resources, Information Assets, Training department, Legal services, Welfare rights services, business support units, transport services, tax department and so on. This type of organisation will be structured based on the different functions they perform. Each department will have an organisation chart or structure, some of which may be interlinked and all these structures will finally link together to form the organisational structure.

Organisation structure according to the services / products they deliver – Some organisations for example retail companies will have different departments for each product or service that they deliver. For example, a DIY warehouse will have various departments like Building, hardware, showroom, gardening, electrical, decoration departments and so on. Overseeing all these departments will be the back office services like, telephony department, ordering and deliveries team, human resources team etc. Each department will have a small team and all these teams will be structured and linked to the operations and service managers who will then be linked to the General Manager.

Organisation structure according to the regional / location function – Some organisations or businesses are structured in a way that a particular service or product that they deliver is provided in a particular region or division. For example consultants, solicitors, real estate agencies, property agents, oil companies etc. may have a local office or a national office or an international office. The business may be structured in a way that the head office is located in a particular place in the country or internationally and the regional offices in a few major cities and then the sub divisions scattered
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Bertemu dan menyambut pengunjung - berurusan dengan masalah dan tujuan komunikasiDiperbarui pada 29 Maret 2015Sumber: stthomasrichmond.orgBerbagai masalah terjadi dalam lingkungan bisnis mana ada sering kunjungan dari pengunjung. Pengunjung bisa dari berbagai latar belakang dan mereka bisa berada di sana karena berbagai alasan, yang berarti mereka bisa berada di pikiran bingkai berbeda tergantung pada isu yang mereka telah datang ke sana untuk. Untuk menangani klien dari berbagai latar belakang dan dengan isu-isu yang berbeda, salah satu harus mampu menangani pertanyaan awal, atau tanda yang sedikitnya posting mereka ke kanan departemen. Komunikasi memainkan peran yang sangat penting karena itu salah satu harus dapat berkomunikasi dengan klien dari berbagai latar belakang.Ini adalah bagian kedua Unit "bertemu dan menyambut pengunjung." Ini adalah tingkat 2 unit dengan kredit total 3.Untuk bagian pertama untuk unit ini, silakan ikuti link di bawah ini.Bertemu dan menyambut pengunjung - prosedur, tujuan dan tanggung jawab1.5 menggambarkan berbagai jenis masalah yang mungkin terjadi dengan pengunjung yang termasuk, konflik dan agresiDalam lingkungan bisnis, seseorang dapat mengharapkan pengunjung dari latar belakang, dengan perilaku yang berbeda dan kebutuhan yang berbeda dan harapan.Beberapa jenis masalah yang mungkin terjadi dengan pengunjung adalah: Tergantung pada alasan untuk kunjungan dan berdasarkan berbagai perilaku dan karakteristik yang mungkin Anda temui di berbagai masalah yang berkaitan dengan perilaku pengunjung atau reaksi terhadap isu tertentu. Even before the visitor entered the building, they could have had problems with parking and this can make the visitor frustrated or angry. Some visitors may get frustrated if they had difficulty in finding the location and this could have been due to many reasons, one of which could be miscommunication. Problems due to lack of facilities like seating, toileting and rest room, drinking water, canteen, queues at reception, long waiting times, no staff to signpost or advice at reception and so on. This can make the visitor frustrated and sometimes aggressive. Problems can occur because the purpose of visit was hindered due to unavailability of the concerned staff or delay in processes making the visitor upset or angry. Conflicts may sometimes arise as a result of arguments and the visitor/s may become aggressive and abusive Due to any of the above reasons, the visitor/s may become aggressive and shout, swear, threaten and sometimes even get involved in violence.1.6 Describe ways of dealing with different problems and when to refer them to an appropriate colleagueProblems that occur with visitors in a business environment can at some instances be avoided with some precautionary measures put in place and by closely following the organisations’ policies and procedures. However, there are times when problems occur despite all the preventive measures and these have to be dealt with in a very sensitive and constructive way so that no parties are affected.Source: permanentlifechanges.comA few preventive measures that can be taken are: It is always very important to create some sort of barrier between you and visitors to keep yourself safe; for example a glass barrier or something similar to that Have a panic alarm or security personnel in case of emergency or a phone/mobile to call for help. Be ready to respond to aggressive customers keeping the calm and also some knowledge of self-defenceAggressive and angry visitors are more common in business places that deal with health care, local authority and governmental services, schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions, police, etc.Some of the different ways in which problems with visitors can be dealt with are: When there is a problematic situation, first of all apologise to the visitor, whatever the problem is; whether it is reasonable or not, whether the visitor is right or wrong. It is best to stay calm and try to resolve the problem. Thank them for letting you know about the problem. Respond very calmly, maintain eye contact and have patience in listening and understanding the visitors’ problem (avoid anger and frustration by all means). Tell the visitor that you understand that they are upset and if needed ask what you can do to solve the problems. Empathise with them and offer a cup of tea or coffee if that is possible to calm them down. Do not take it personal. Take responsibility for the problem and deal with it immediately. Certain problems can be dealt with by mentioning the rules and regulations, policies and procedures, service criteria and eligibility, etc. along with leaflets if any available, so that the visitor knows what exactly is the right thing. Be very assertive, show no signs of fear and be very polite. Give them the best service possible and make them feel good and this will make them want to come back again for business. Always put yourself in their shoes and think of how you wish to be treated in this situation; treat the visitor the same way you wish yourself to be treated. "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."Greet a VisitorWhen to refer them to an appropriate colleague? When you have tried every means to work out a solution to the visitors’ problem and if you feel that there is something that has to be done beyond your capabilities / capacities / administrative rights, then it is best to refer them to a manager or another colleague who has better knowledge and experience of the problem. Some incidents can affect you emotionally and if that is the case, it is best to handover the situation to another colleague who will be able to deal with the situation or get help from the manager. There may be situations where a visitor’s request may not comply with organisations’ terms and conditions or policies and procedures and these have to be taken to another appropriate colleague mostly higher management. There may sometimes be serious problems that will need involvement of security personnel or the police and in that case, triggering the panic alarm or calling the police is the best option to avoid any risks. Always have a phone or mobile handy as you never know when a difficult situation will arise.1.7 Explain the purpose of communicating with visitorsCommunication is a process where ideas, opinions, facts and emotions are exchanged between two or more people. Visitors who visit a business environment will have their first point of contact at the greeting area which is usually the reception. So being at reception one has to have good communication skills and has to communicate with the customers in appropriate ways.How To Have Better Communication SkillsThe purpose of communicating with visitors are: You represent the organisation and any impression that you create with the client will have a lasting effect on the organisation as a whole. So presenting yourself professionally and communicating professionally with the client is very important. Communication helps you to better understand the needs and purpose of visit of the visitor and for the visitor to gain information that they require. It also helps with mutual understanding. Good communication attracts more visitors and retains the existing candidates also and this helps your business grow. Communication leaves the visitor with a satisfaction and trust that the organisation truly cares1.8 Describe organisation structures and communication channels within the organisationAll organisations have their own structures and this is based on the businesses or services they provide. In order for an organisation or business to perform its tasks, meet its aims, objectives and to achieve its goals, it has to be structured according to either the way it functions or according to the services they provide, products they deliver or according to the regional location of the business.Source: web-books.comOrganisation structure according to its functions - In this case the organisation may have several areas of functionalities like health and housing, health services, adult services, children services, finance departments, customer services, Human resources, Information Assets, Training department, Legal services, Welfare rights services, business support units, transport services, tax department and so on. This type of organisation will be structured based on the different functions they perform. Each department will have an organisation chart or structure, some of which may be interlinked and all these structures will finally link together to form the organisational structure.Organisation structure according to the services / products they deliver – Some organisations for example retail companies will have different departments for each product or service that they deliver. For example, a DIY warehouse will have various departments like Building, hardware, showroom, gardening, electrical, decoration departments and so on. Overseeing all these departments will be the back office services like, telephony department, ordering and deliveries team, human resources team etc. Each department will have a small team and all these teams will be structured and linked to the operations and service managers who will then be linked to the General Manager.Organisation structure according to the regional / location function – Some organisations or businesses are structured in a way that a particular service or product that they deliver is provided in a particular region or division. For example consultants, solicitors, real estate agencies, property agents, oil companies etc. may have a local office or a national office or an international office. The business may be structured in a way that the head office is located in a particular place in the country or internationally and the regional offices in a few major cities and then the sub divisions scattered
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bertemu dan Pengunjung Selamat Datang - Berurusan dengan Masalah dan Tujuan Komunikasi
Diperbaharui pada 29 Maret 2015
Sumber: Berbagai masalah terjadi di lingkungan bisnis di mana ada sering kunjungan dari pengunjung. Pengunjung bisa dari berbagai latar belakang dan mereka bisa berada di sana karena berbagai alasan, yang berarti mereka bisa berada di frame yang berbeda pikiran tergantung pada isu yang mereka telah datang ke sana untuk. Untuk menangani klien dari berbagai latar belakang dan isu-isu yang berbeda, salah satu harus mampu menangani mereka pertanyaan awal, atau tanda paling posting mereka ke departemen yang tepat. Komunikasi memainkan peran yang sangat penting maka salah satu harus dapat berkomunikasi dengan klien dari latar belakang apapun. Ini adalah bagian kedua ke Unit "Meet and Welcome pengunjung." Ini adalah unit tingkat 2 dengan kredit total 3. Untuk bagian pertama yang unit ini, silakan ikuti link di bawah ini. Bertemu dan Selamat Pengunjung - Prosedur, Tujuan dan Tanggung Jawab 1.5 Jelaskan berbagai jenis masalah yang mungkin terjadi dengan pengunjung termasuk, konflik dan agresi Dalam lingkungan bisnis, seseorang dapat mengharapkan pengunjung dari berbagai latar belakang, dengan perilaku yang berbeda dan dengan kebutuhan yang berbeda dan harapan. Beberapa jenis masalah yang mungkin terjadi dengan pengunjung adalah: Tergantung pada alasan kunjungan dan berdasarkan berbagai perilaku dan karakteristik Anda bisa menemukan masalah yang berbeda berkaitan dengan perilaku pengunjung atau reaksi terhadap isu tertentu. Bahkan sebelum pengunjung memasuki gedung, mereka bisa memiliki masalah dengan parkir dan ini dapat membuat pengunjung frustasi atau marah. Beberapa pengunjung mungkin mendapatkan frustrasi jika mereka memiliki kesulitan dalam menemukan lokasi dan ini bisa saja karena berbagai alasan, salah satunya bisa miskomunikasi. Masalah karena kurangnya fasilitas seperti tempat duduk, toileting dan kamar kecil, air minum, kantin, antrian di meja resepsionis, panjang waktu tunggu, tidak ada staf untuk plang atau saran pada penerimaan dan sebagainya. Hal ini dapat membuat pengunjung frustasi dan kadang-kadang agresif. Masalah dapat terjadi karena tujuan dari kunjungan itu terhalang karena tidak tersedianya staf yang bersangkutan atau keterlambatan dalam proses membuat pengunjung kesal atau marah. Konflik kadang-kadang timbul sebagai akibat dari argumen dan pengunjung / s mungkin menjadi agresif dan kasar Karena salah satu alasan di atas, pengunjung / s mungkin menjadi agresif dan berteriak, bersumpah, mengancam dan bahkan kadang-kadang terlibat dalam kekerasan. 1.6 Jelaskan cara-cara menghadapi masalah yang berbeda dan kapan harus merujuk mereka ke kolega yang tepat Masalah yang terjadi dengan pengunjung dalam lingkungan bisnis dapat di beberapa kasus dihindari dengan beberapa tindakan pencegahan dimasukkan ke dalam tempat dan dengan erat mengikuti kebijakan dan prosedur organisasi. Namun, ada kalanya terjadi masalah meskipun semua tindakan pencegahan dan ini harus ditangani dengan cara yang sangat sensitif dan konstruktif sehingga tidak ada pihak yang terpengaruh. Sumber: Sebuah tindakan pencegahan beberapa yang dapat diambil adalah: Ini selalu sangat penting untuk membuat semacam penghalang antara Anda dan pengunjung untuk menjaga diri Anda aman; misalnya penghalang kaca atau sesuatu yang mirip dengan yang Memiliki alarm panik atau petugas keamanan dalam keadaan darurat atau telepon / ponsel untuk meminta bantuan. Bersiaplah untuk menanggapi pelanggan agresif tetap tenang dan juga beberapa pengetahuan tentang pertahanan diri Agresif dan pengunjung marah lebih sering terjadi di tempat-tempat bisnis yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, otoritas lokal dan layanan pemerintah, sekolah-sekolah, perguruan tinggi, universitas dan lembaga pendidikan lainnya, polisi, dll Beberapa cara yang berbeda di mana masalah dengan pengunjung dapat ditangani adalah : Ketika ada situasi bermasalah, pertama-tama meminta maaf kepada pengunjung, apa pun masalahnya adalah; apakah itu wajar atau tidak, apakah pengunjung yang benar atau salah. Yang terbaik adalah tetap tenang dan mencoba untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Terima kasih atas membiarkan Anda tahu tentang masalah ini. Menanggapi sangat tenang, mempertahankan kontak mata dan memiliki kesabaran dalam mendengarkan dan memahami masalah pengunjung (menghindari kemarahan dan frustrasi dengan segala cara). Memberitahu pengunjung bahwa Anda memahami bahwa mereka marah dan jika diperlukan bertanya apa yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk memecahkan masalah. Empathise dengan mereka dan menawarkan secangkir teh atau kopi jika itu mungkin untuk menenangkan mereka. Jangan mengambil pribadi. Bertanggung jawab untuk masalah dan berurusan dengan segera. Masalah tertentu dapat ditangani dengan menyebutkan aturan dan peraturan, kebijakan dan prosedur, kriteria pelayanan dan kelayakan, dll bersama dengan selebaran jika ada yang tersedia, sehingga pengunjung tahu apa sebenarnya adalah hal yang benar. Jadilah sangat tegas, tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda ketakutan dan sangat sopan. Beri mereka layanan terbaik dan membuat mereka merasa baik dan ini akan membuat mereka ingin kembali lagi untuk bisnis. Selalu menempatkan diri Anda pada posisi mereka dan memikirkan bagaimana Anda ingin diperlakukan dalam situasi ini; memperlakukan pengunjung dengan cara yang sama yang Anda ingin diri Anda untuk diperlakukan. "Jawaban yang lemah lembut meredakan kegeraman, tetapi kata-kata kasar membangkitkan amarah." Menyapa seorang pengunjung Kapan merujuk mereka ke kolega yang tepat? Ketika Anda telah mencoba segala cara untuk bekerja sebuah solusi untuk masalah ini pengunjung dan jika Anda merasa bahwa ada sesuatu yang harus dilakukan di luar kemampuan / kapasitas / hak administratif Anda, maka yang terbaik adalah untuk merujuk mereka ke seorang manajer atau rekan lain yang memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang lebih baik masalah. Beberapa insiden dapat mempengaruhi Anda secara emosional dan jika itu terjadi, yang terbaik adalah untuk penyerahan situasi untuk rekan lain yang akan mampu menghadapi situasi atau mendapatkan bantuan dari manajer. Mungkin ada situasi di mana permintaan pengunjung mungkin tidak mematuhi persyaratan organisasi dan kondisi atau kebijakan dan prosedur dan ini harus dibawa ke lain rekan yang tepat manajemen sebagian besar lebih tinggi. Mungkin kadang-kadang menjadi masalah serius yang perlu keterlibatan personil keamanan atau polisi dan dalam kasus itu, memicu panik alarm atau menelepon polisi adalah pilihan terbaik untuk menghindari risiko. Selalu memiliki ponsel atau mobile berguna karena Anda tidak pernah tahu kapan situasi yang sulit akan muncul. 1.7 Jelaskan tujuan berkomunikasi dengan pengunjung Komunikasi adalah proses di mana ide-ide, pendapat, fakta dan emosi dipertukarkan antara dua orang atau lebih. Pengunjung yang mengunjungi lingkungan bisnis akan memiliki poin pertama mereka dari kontak di daerah ucapan yang biasanya penerimaan. . Jadi berada di resepsi orang harus memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan harus berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan dalam cara yang tepat Cara Memiliki Keterampilan Komunikasi yang Lebih Baik Tujuan berkomunikasi dengan pengunjung adalah: Anda mewakili organisasi dan kesan apapun yang Anda buat dengan klien akan memiliki efek yang berlangsung pada organisasi secara keseluruhan. Jadi menampilkan diri secara profesional dan berkomunikasi secara profesional dengan klien sangat penting. Komunikasi membantu Anda untuk lebih memahami kebutuhan dan tujuan kunjungan dari pengunjung dan bagi pengunjung untuk mendapatkan informasi yang mereka butuhkan. Hal ini juga membantu dengan saling pengertian. Komunikasi yang baik menarik lebih banyak pengunjung dan mempertahankan calon yang ada juga dan ini membantu bisnis Anda tumbuh. Komunikasi meninggalkan pengunjung dengan kepuasan dan percaya bahwa organisasi yang benar-benar peduli 1.8 Jelaskan struktur organisasi dan saluran komunikasi dalam organisasi Semua organisasi memiliki struktur mereka sendiri dan ini didasarkan pada bisnis atau layanan yang mereka berikan. Agar suatu organisasi atau bisnis untuk melakukan tugasnya, memenuhi tujuan-tujuannya, tujuan dan untuk mencapai tujuan, itu harus disusun sesuai dengan baik cara berfungsi atau sesuai dengan layanan yang mereka berikan, produk mereka memberikan atau sesuai dengan lokasi daerah bisnis. Sumber: struktur Organisasi sesuai dengan fungsinya - Dalam hal ini organisasi mungkin memiliki beberapa bidang fungsi seperti layanan pelanggan layanan dewasa kesehatan dan perumahan, pelayanan kesehatan,, pelayanan anak, departemen keuangan, , sumber daya manusia, Informasi Aset, departemen Pelatihan, jasa hukum, jasa hak Kesejahteraan, unit dukungan bisnis, layanan transportasi, departemen pajak dan sebagainya. Jenis organisasi akan terstruktur berdasarkan fungsi yang berbeda yang mereka lakukan. Setiap departemen akan memiliki bagan organisasi atau struktur, beberapa di antaranya dapat saling terkait dan semua struktur ini akhirnya akan menghubungkan bersama untuk membentuk struktur organisasi. Struktur Organisasi sesuai dengan layanan / produk yang mereka memberikan - Beberapa organisasi misalnya perusahaan ritel akan memiliki yang berbeda departemen untuk setiap produk atau jasa yang mereka berikan. Sebagai contoh, sebuah gudang DIY akan memiliki berbagai departemen seperti Building, hardware, showroom, berkebun, listrik, departemen dekorasi dan sebagainya. Mengawasi semua departemen ini akan menjadi layanan back office seperti, departemen telepon, pemesanan dan pengiriman tim, tim sumber daya manusia dll Setiap departemen akan memiliki tim kecil dan semua tim-tim ini akan terstruktur dan terkait dengan operasi dan manajer layanan yang kemudian akan dihubungkan dengan General Manager. Struktur Organisasi sesuai dengan / fungsi lokasi daerah - Beberapa organisasi atau bisnis yang terstruktur dengan cara yang layanan tertentu atau produk yang mereka berikan disediakan di daerah tertentu atau divisi. Misalnya konsultan, pengacara, agen real estate, agen properti, perusahaan minyak dll mungkin memiliki kantor lokal atau kantor nasional atau kantor internasional. Bisnis dapat terstruktur dengan cara yang kantor pusat terletak di tempat tertentu di negara atau internasional dan kantor regional di beberapa kota besar dan kemudian sub divisi yang tersebar

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