display a positive, nonjudgmental, accepting attitude toward their cli terjemahan - display a positive, nonjudgmental, accepting attitude toward their cli Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

display a positive, nonjudgmental,

display a positive, nonjudgmental, accepting attitude toward their clients, therapeutic
change is more likely (Rogers, 1986b). Positive regard involves communicating
a caring that is without conditions and that is not contaminated by evaluation
or judgment of the client’s feelings and thoughts. By valuing and accepting
members’ experiences without placing stipulations and expectations on this
acceptance, group leaders reduce client defensiveness and enable clients to be
more open to all their experiences and more involved in their therapy. Acceptance
is not to be confused with approval, however; facilitators can accept and
value their group members as separate persons, with a right to their separateness,
without necessarily approving of some of their behavior. As clients perceive
that they are seen, accepted, and valued for who they are, they tend to move in
more positive directions and become more self-accepting (Cain, 2010). The members’
perceptions of the leader’s positive regard have the strongest association
with positive outcomes (Norcross, 2010).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Menampilkan positif, tidak menghakimi, menerima sikap terhadap klien mereka, terapiperubahan ini lebih mungkin (Rogers, 1986b). Hal positif melibatkan berkomunikasisebuah kepedulian yang tanpa syarat dan yang tidak terkontaminasi oleh evaluasiatau penilaian dari klien perasaan dan pikiran. Dengan menilai dan menerimapengalaman anggota tanpa menempatkan ketentuan dan harapan inipenerimaan, pemimpin kelompok mengurangi klien defensif dan memungkinkan klien untuk menjadilebih terbuka untuk semua pengalaman mereka dan lebih terlibat dalam terapi mereka. Penerimaanini tidak menjadi bingung dengan persetujuan, namun; fasilitator dapat menerima dannilai anggota kelompok mereka sebagai orang-orang yang terpisah, dengan hak untuk keterpisahan mereka,tanpa harus menyetujui beberapa perilaku mereka. Sebagai klien memahamibahwa mereka melihat, diterima, dan bernilai untuk siapa mereka, mereka cenderung untuk bergerak diarah yang lebih positif dan menjadi lebih menerima diri (kain, 2010). Para anggotapersepsi hal positif pemimpin memiliki Asosiasi terkuatdengan hasil positif (Norcross, 2010).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
display a positive, nonjudgmental, accepting attitude toward their clients, therapeutic
change is more likely (Rogers, 1986b). Positive regard involves communicating
a caring that is without conditions and that is not contaminated by evaluation
or judgment of the client’s feelings and thoughts. By valuing and accepting
members’ experiences without placing stipulations and expectations on this
acceptance, group leaders reduce client defensiveness and enable clients to be
more open to all their experiences and more involved in their therapy. Acceptance
is not to be confused with approval, however; facilitators can accept and
value their group members as separate persons, with a right to their separateness,
without necessarily approving of some of their behavior. As clients perceive
that they are seen, accepted, and valued for who they are, they tend to move in
more positive directions and become more self-accepting (Cain, 2010). The members’
perceptions of the leader’s positive regard have the strongest association
with positive outcomes (Norcross, 2010).
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