Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any signs or sympt terjemahan - Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any signs or sympt Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Cancer is a group of diseases that

Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any signs or symptoms.The signs and symptoms will depend on where the cancer is how big it is and how much it affects the organs or tissues.If a cancer spread (metastasized) signs or symptomsmay appear in different parts of the body.
As a cancer grows, it can begin to push on nearby organs, blood vesselsand nerves.This pressure cause some of the sign ans simptom of cancer. If the cancer is in a critical area. Such as certain parts of the brain, even the smallest tumor can cause symptoms.But sometimes cancer start in places where it will not cause any signs or symptoms until it has grown quite large. Cancer of the pancreas, for example usually don't cause symptoms until they grow large enough to press no nearby nerves ororgans (this causes back or belly pain).Others may grow large around the bile duct and black the flow of bile.This cause the eyes and skin to look yellow (jaundice).By the time a pancreactic cancer causes signs or symptoms like these,it is usually in an advanced stage. This means it has grown and spread beyondthe lace it started the pancreas.
A cancer may also cause sympyomslike fever, extreme tiredness 9fatigue) or weight loss. This may be because cancer cells use up much of the ody's energy supply or the may release substances that change the way the body makes energy from food. Or the cancer may cause the imune system to ract in ways that produse these signs and symptoms.Someimes caner cells release substance into the bloodstream that cause symptoms which are not usually linked to cancer.For example, some cancer of the pancreas can release substance that raise blood clots in veins of the legs.Some lung cancers make hormonc-like substances taht raise blood calcium levels.This effeects nerves and mucsles,making the person deel weak and dizzy.
Treatment works best when cancer is found early while it is still small and is less likely to have spread to other parts of the body.This often means a better chance for a ure.Especially if the cancer an be removed with surgery.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kanker adalah sekelompok penyakit yang dapat menyebabkan hampir semua tanda-tanda atau gejala.Tanda dan gejala akan tergantung pada di mana kanker adalah seberapa besar itu dan berapa banyak mempengaruhi organ atau jaringan.Jika kanker menyebar (menyebar) tanda-tanda atau symptomsmay yang muncul di berbagai bagian tubuh. Sebagai tumbuh kanker, dapat mulai untuk mendorong pada organ terdekat, darah vesselsand saraf.Tekanan ini menyebabkan beberapa tanda dan simptom kanker. Jika kanker di area kritis. Seperti bagian-bagian tertentu otak, bahkan terkecil tumor dapat menyebabkan gejala.Tapi kadang-kadang kanker mulai di tempat-tempat yang mana tidak akan menyebabkan tanda-tanda atau gejala sampai itu telah tumbuh cukup besar. Kanker pankreas, misalnya biasanya tidak menimbulkan gejala sampai mereka tumbuh cukup besar untuk tekan tidak ororgans saraf terdekat (hal ini menyebabkan sakit punggung atau perut).Orang lain mungkin tumbuh besar di sekitar saluran empedu dan hitam aliran empedu.Hal ini menyebabkan kulit terlihat kuning dan mata (kuning).Pada saat kanker pancreactic menyebabkan tanda-tanda atau gejala seperti ini, ianya biasanya dalam stadium lanjut. Ini berarti itu tumbuh dan menyebarkan beyondthe renda mulai pankreas. Kanker juga dapat menyebabkan demam sympyomslike, kelelahan ekstrim 9fatigue) atau penurunan berat badan. Ini mungkin karena sel-sel kanker yang menggunakan banyak ody pasokan energi atau Mei rilis zat yang mengubah cara tubuh membuat energi dari makanan. Atau kanker dapat menyebabkan sistem imune untuk ract dalam cara itu produse tanda-tanda dan gejala-gejala ini.Someimes caner sel melepaskan zat ke aliran darah yang menyebabkan gejala yang tidak biasanya dikaitkan dengan kanker.Sebagai contoh, beberapa kanker pankreas dapat melepaskan zat yang meningkatkan bekuan darah di vena dari kaki.Beberapa jenis kanker paru-paru membuat zat hormonc-seperti yang meningkatkan tingkat kalsium darah.Ini saraf effeects dan mucsles, membuat deel orang lemah dan pusing. Pengobatan bekerja paling baik bila kanker ditemukan lebih awal sementara itu masih kecil dan kurang mungkin telah menyebar ke bagian lain dari tubuh.Ini sering berarti kesempatan yang lebih baik untuk ure.Terutama jika kanker dihilangkan dengan operasi.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any signs or symptoms.The signs and symptoms will depend on where the cancer is how big it is and how much it affects the organs or tissues.If a cancer spread (metastasized) signs or symptomsmay appear in different parts of the body.
As a cancer grows, it can begin to push on nearby organs, blood vesselsand nerves.This pressure cause some of the sign ans simptom of cancer. If the cancer is in a critical area. Such as certain parts of the brain, even the smallest tumor can cause symptoms.But sometimes cancer start in places where it will not cause any signs or symptoms until it has grown quite large. Cancer of the pancreas, for example usually don't cause symptoms until they grow large enough to press no nearby nerves ororgans (this causes back or belly pain).Others may grow large around the bile duct and black the flow of bile.This cause the eyes and skin to look yellow (jaundice).By the time a pancreactic cancer causes signs or symptoms like these,it is usually in an advanced stage. This means it has grown and spread beyondthe lace it started the pancreas.
A cancer may also cause sympyomslike fever, extreme tiredness 9fatigue) or weight loss. This may be because cancer cells use up much of the ody's energy supply or the may release substances that change the way the body makes energy from food. Or the cancer may cause the imune system to ract in ways that produse these signs and symptoms.Someimes caner cells release substance into the bloodstream that cause symptoms which are not usually linked to cancer.For example, some cancer of the pancreas can release substance that raise blood clots in veins of the legs.Some lung cancers make hormonc-like substances taht raise blood calcium levels.This effeects nerves and mucsles,making the person deel weak and dizzy.
Treatment works best when cancer is found early while it is still small and is less likely to have spread to other parts of the body.This often means a better chance for a ure.Especially if the cancer an be removed with surgery.

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