Jessica roll and roll on the king size bed,she spread her legs and arm terjemahan - Jessica roll and roll on the king size bed,she spread her legs and arm Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jessica roll and roll on the king s

Jessica roll and roll on the king size bed,she spread her legs and arms and stare blankly at the ceiling,she was thinking about what is going on with her this morning.She was totally craving for something and it not a food or drink it Yuri,she is craving for her husband and which is his body,she craving for Yuri’s body and she don’t know why either and she think it was wired but she miss the man already and if Yuri was here right now she just want to hug him the whole day if she can.

Now she hugging the pillow that used to be Yuri head pillow,she hug the pillow closer to her face trying to take Yuri scent from the pillow the scent was so amazing and so manly,Jessica rub her face on the pillow hope the scent can stick on her face.She throw the pillow away as it was useless,she really need the real Yuri not his scent.

“URGH!!!!YAH!!!Jessica Jung what is wrong with You today!!!!”Jessica sit up and frustrated pulled her hair.

“okey breath…breath……He will home soon okey relax just patiently wait……..”

-birds singing-

1 minute of silent.

“NO NO I CANT I need Yuri nowwww!!!”Jessica jump from the bed and went to bathroom to clean herself.



Jessica roll herself so she can face her husband,she rest her head on his shoulder while his arm warp around her neck,she feeling so comfortable rather then the pillow.She move more closer and rest her head on Yuri chest while her hand caress the man bare chest to his abs.She smile upon the hard packs that she feeling right now,Yuri was being working out since Jessica always tease him being fat.Jessica then warp her hands around his waist and hug him tightly.

“urgh~”Yuri groan in his sleep,jessica make Yuri wake from his sleep.

“aigoo sica what are you doing”Yuri said tiredly.

“huh?oh nothing”Jessica continue hugging him.Yuri let a small smile and kiss her forehead before go back to sleep again.Jessica found that Yuri smell was addicting,she sniff his chest and smile dreamly.

“mmmm baby you smell nice~”Jessica mumble.


“I said you smell nice~”Jessica kiss his chin.

“I’m always smell nice”Yuri answer sleepily.Jessica just can get enough so she decided to pull Yuri shirt up and put her head inside the shirt.

“aaa~ so nice~”Jessica rubbing her cheek on Yuri’s chest,feeling something tickle Yuri open his eyes and saw Jessica head was under his shirt.

“what the- Sica what are you doing?”Yuri move Jessica ahead from under his shirt.

“baby I love your smell~”

“sica are you alright?are you sick or something?”Yuri feeling his wife head incase she fever.

“aish I’m fine okey”Jessica put his hand away but then she took his middle and suck the finger as if she give some blowjob.Yuri jaw was drop and he eyes wide looking at his wife who is suddenly turn weirdly .

“err s-sica”

“mmm Yul~~”Jessica lick the middle finger from the bottom to it tip,Yuri cant help but to feel aroused by Jessica action.

“s-sica you can stop now”Yuri try to pull his finger but Jessica bit it instead.


Jessica sit up and sit on Yuri stomach while showing her seductive smile to him.

“it been awhile baby”Jessica kiss his nose.

“sica baby i-I need to get up now”



“well no need to go juts for today”Jessica purr.

“i-I have a important meeting today”


“I swear”Yuri show his swear sign.Jessica pout at him and move beside him again.

“do you have to~~~”

“yes baby I have to attend that meeting”

Jessica show her puppy face at him while poking his chest.

“oh baby I’m sorry I have to leave you but I promise I will come home early today so I can cuddle with you”Yuri hug his wife while giving her a lot of kisses on face.

“kekekeke promise?”

“yes I promise”




Yuri just finish his meeting and now he is resting on his comfort chair while reading some files.Then he heard the door was being open but he just keep his eyes on the files until…..


He heard a familiar whining voice.



“what you doing here”Yuri get up from his chair.

“I miss you!!”Jessica jump on him.

“but we just meet this morning”

“i just miss you that all”Jessica hide her face on his neck.

“sica we promise each other to meet at home beside you pregnant don’t move to much.”

“aish relax seobang it just 3 month old it fine.”

“no it not,you always clumsy anything can happen”

“I know what I’m doing”Jessica bite his earlobe gently.

“okey go seat there,I have some work to do I will company you later when it done”


“sica please”

“will it take long?”

“no I promise I will settle it faster”Yuri kiss her pouting lips.

“fine”Jessica unwarp her legs and walk to the couch and seat there watching Yuri doing his work.After a minute past Jessica keep on staring at her husband.3 minute past Jessica already can control her feeling she was really craving for something.Something that is on that man.

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jessica roll and roll on the king size bed,she spread her legs and arms and stare blankly at the ceiling,she was thinking about what is going on with her this morning.She was totally craving for something and it not a food or drink it Yuri,she is craving for her husband and which is his body,she craving for Yuri’s body and she don’t know why either and she think it was wired but she miss the man already and if Yuri was here right now she just want to hug him the whole day if she can.

Now she hugging the pillow that used to be Yuri head pillow,she hug the pillow closer to her face trying to take Yuri scent from the pillow the scent was so amazing and so manly,Jessica rub her face on the pillow hope the scent can stick on her face.She throw the pillow away as it was useless,she really need the real Yuri not his scent.

“URGH!!!!YAH!!!Jessica Jung what is wrong with You today!!!!”Jessica sit up and frustrated pulled her hair.

“okey breath…breath……He will home soon okey relax just patiently wait……..”

-birds singing-

1 minute of silent.

“NO NO I CANT I need Yuri nowwww!!!”Jessica jump from the bed and went to bathroom to clean herself.



Jessica roll herself so she can face her husband,she rest her head on his shoulder while his arm warp around her neck,she feeling so comfortable rather then the pillow.She move more closer and rest her head on Yuri chest while her hand caress the man bare chest to his abs.She smile upon the hard packs that she feeling right now,Yuri was being working out since Jessica always tease him being fat.Jessica then warp her hands around his waist and hug him tightly.

“urgh~”Yuri groan in his sleep,jessica make Yuri wake from his sleep.

“aigoo sica what are you doing”Yuri said tiredly.

“huh?oh nothing”Jessica continue hugging him.Yuri let a small smile and kiss her forehead before go back to sleep again.Jessica found that Yuri smell was addicting,she sniff his chest and smile dreamly.

“mmmm baby you smell nice~”Jessica mumble.


“I said you smell nice~”Jessica kiss his chin.

“I’m always smell nice”Yuri answer sleepily.Jessica just can get enough so she decided to pull Yuri shirt up and put her head inside the shirt.

“aaa~ so nice~”Jessica rubbing her cheek on Yuri’s chest,feeling something tickle Yuri open his eyes and saw Jessica head was under his shirt.

“what the- Sica what are you doing?”Yuri move Jessica ahead from under his shirt.

“baby I love your smell~”

“sica are you alright?are you sick or something?”Yuri feeling his wife head incase she fever.

“aish I’m fine okey”Jessica put his hand away but then she took his middle and suck the finger as if she give some blowjob.Yuri jaw was drop and he eyes wide looking at his wife who is suddenly turn weirdly .

“err s-sica”

“mmm Yul~~”Jessica lick the middle finger from the bottom to it tip,Yuri cant help but to feel aroused by Jessica action.

“s-sica you can stop now”Yuri try to pull his finger but Jessica bit it instead.


Jessica sit up and sit on Yuri stomach while showing her seductive smile to him.

“it been awhile baby”Jessica kiss his nose.

“sica baby i-I need to get up now”



“well no need to go juts for today”Jessica purr.

“i-I have a important meeting today”


“I swear”Yuri show his swear sign.Jessica pout at him and move beside him again.

“do you have to~~~”

“yes baby I have to attend that meeting”

Jessica show her puppy face at him while poking his chest.

“oh baby I’m sorry I have to leave you but I promise I will come home early today so I can cuddle with you”Yuri hug his wife while giving her a lot of kisses on face.

“kekekeke promise?”

“yes I promise”




Yuri just finish his meeting and now he is resting on his comfort chair while reading some files.Then he heard the door was being open but he just keep his eyes on the files until…..


He heard a familiar whining voice.



“what you doing here”Yuri get up from his chair.

“I miss you!!”Jessica jump on him.

“but we just meet this morning”

“i just miss you that all”Jessica hide her face on his neck.

“sica we promise each other to meet at home beside you pregnant don’t move to much.”

“aish relax seobang it just 3 month old it fine.”

“no it not,you always clumsy anything can happen”

“I know what I’m doing”Jessica bite his earlobe gently.

“okey go seat there,I have some work to do I will company you later when it done”


“sica please”

“will it take long?”

“no I promise I will settle it faster”Yuri kiss her pouting lips.

“fine”Jessica unwarp her legs and walk to the couch and seat there watching Yuri doing his work.After a minute past Jessica keep on staring at her husband.3 minute past Jessica already can control her feeling she was really craving for something.Something that is on that man.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jessica roll dan gulungan di tempat tidur ukuran king, dia melebarkan kaki dan lengannya dan menatap kosong ke langit-langit, ia memikirkan apa yang terjadi dengan dia pagi.Dia ini benar-benar keinginan untuk sesuatu dan itu bukan makanan atau minum yuri, dia keinginan untuk suaminya dan yang tubuhnya, ia keinginan untuk tubuh Yuri dan dia tidak tahu mengapa baik dan dia pikir itu kabel tapi dia sudah kehilangan pria itu dan jika Yuri ada di sini sekarang dia hanya ingin memeluknya sepanjang hari jika dia bisa. Sekarang dia memeluk bantal yang digunakan untuk menjadi Yuri kepala bantal, dia memeluk bantal lebih dekat ke wajahnya mencoba untuk mengambil Yuri aroma dari bantal aroma itu begitu menakjubkan dan begitu jantan, Jessica menggosok nya wajah di atas bantal berharap aroma dapat menempel pada face.She nya membuang bantal pergi seperti itu tidak berguna, dia benar-benar membutuhkan nyata Yuri tidak aroma tubuhnya. "Urgh !!!! YAH !!! Jessica Jung apa yang salah dengan Anda hari ini !!!! "Jessica duduk dan frustrasi menarik rambutnya. "napas oke ... napas ...... Dia akan segera pulang oke relax hanya sabar menunggu ...... .." -birds singing- 1 menit diam. "NO NO I CANT Aku butuh Yuri nowwww !!! "Jessica melompat dari tempat tidur dan pergi ke kamar mandi untuk membersihkan dirinya. KILAS SEBELUMNYA PAGI INI. Jessica menggulung dirinya sehingga ia dapat menghadapi suaminya, dia beristirahat kepalanya di bahunya, sementara lengannya warp di lehernya , dia merasa begitu nyaman ketimbang pillow.She bergerak lebih dekat dan beristirahat kepalanya di dada Yuri sementara belaian tangannya pria bertelanjang dada untuk abs.She nya tersenyum pada paket keras bahwa ia rasakan saat ini, Yuri sedang bekerja sejak Jessica selalu menggodanya menjadi fat.Jessica kemudian warp tangannya di pinggang dan memeluknya erat-erat. "urgh ~" Yuri mengerang dalam tidurnya, jessica membuat Yuri bangun dari tidurnya. "aigoo SICA apa yang kamu lakukan" Yuri mengatakan lelah . "ya? oh tidak" Jessica terus memeluk him.Yuri biarkan senyum kecil dan mencium keningnya sebelum kembali tidur again.Jessica menemukan bahwa Yuri bau itu adiktif, dia mengendus dadanya dan tersenyum dreamly. "mmmm bayi Anda berbau harum ~ "Jessica menggumam. "hmm"? "Aku bilang kau berbau harum ~" Jessica mencium dagunya. "Aku selalu berbau harum" Yuri menjawab sleepily.Jessica bisa mendapatkan cukup sehingga ia memutuskan untuk menarik Yuri shirt dan menempatkan dia kepala di dalam baju. "aaa ~ begitu baik ~" kepala Jessica menggosok pipinya di dada Yuri, merasa sesuatu menggelitik Yuri membuka matanya dan melihat Jessica berada di bawah kemejanya. "apa the-Sica apa yang kamu lakukan?" Yuri bergerak Jessica depan dari balik kemejanya. "Aku suka bau bayi Anda ~" "SICA kamu baik-baik saja? kau sakit atau sesuatu?" Yuri merasa kepala istrinya membungkus dia demam. "aish aku oke fine" Jessica meletakkan tangannya tapi kemudian dia mengambil tengahnya dan menghisap jari seolah-olah dia memberikan beberapa rahang blowjob.Yuri adalah drop dan dia mata lebar melihat istrinya yang tiba-tiba berubah ganjil. "err s-SICA" "mmm Yul ~~" Jessica menjilat tengah jari dari bawah itu ujung, Yuri tidak bisa membantu tetapi merasa terangsang oleh aksi Jessica. "s-SICA Anda bisa berhenti sekarang" Yuri mencoba menarik jarinya namun Jessica sedikit itu sebagai gantinya. "ow" Jessica duduk dan duduk di Yuri perut sambil menunjukkan senyum menggoda padanya. "itu menjadi bayi sementara" Jessica mencium hidungnya. "SICA bayi iI harus bangun sekarang" "kenapa ~" "kantor" "baik tidak perlu pergi menjorok untuk hari ini" Jessica mendengkur. "iI memiliki pertemuan penting hari ini" "benar-benar" "Aku bersumpah" Yuri menunjukkan nya bersumpah sign.Jessica cemberut padanya dan bergerak di sampingnya lagi. "kau harus ~~~" "ya bayi saya harus menghadiri pertemuan itu" Jessica menunjukkan wajah anjing ke arahnya sambil menusuk dadanya. "oh baby Maaf saya harus meninggalkan Anda, tapi aku berjanji aku akan pulang lebih awal hari ini sehingga saya bisa berpelukan dengan Anda" Yuri memeluk istrinya sambil memberinya banyak ciuman di wajah. "kekekeke janji?" "ya aku janji" "yay !!!" END KILAS NUTOX THT. Yuri hanya selesai pertemuan dan sekarang dia sedang beristirahat di kursi nyaman sambil membaca beberapa files.Then ia mendengar pintu itu bersikap terbuka tapi dia hanya terus matanya pada file sampai ... .. "BABY ~~~~~~~" Dia mendengar suara merengek familiar. "s-SICA?" "ya ~" "apa yang Anda lakukan di sini" Yuri mendapatkan dari kursinya. "Aku merindukanmu !!" Jessica melompat pada dirinya. "tetapi kami hanya bertemu pagi ini" "saya hanya merindukanmu bahwa semua" Jessica menyembunyikan wajahnya di lehernya. "SICA kami berjanji satu sama lain untuk bertemu di rumah di samping Anda hamil tidak bergerak banyak. " "aish relax seobang hanya 3 bulan tua itu baik-baik saja." "tidak ada itu tidak, Anda selalu canggung apa pun bisa terjadi" "Aku tahu apa yang saya lakukan" Jessica menggigit daun telinga nya lembut. "oke pergi duduk di sana, saya memiliki beberapa pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan saya akan perusahaan nanti ketika dilakukan" "no ~" "SICA tolong" "itu akan butuh waktu lama?" "tidak, saya berjanji akan menyelesaikan lebih cepat" Yuri ciuman bibirnya cemberut. "baik" Jessica unwarp kakinya dan berjalan ke sofa dan kursi di sana menonton Yuri melakukan work.After nya menit terakhir Jessica terus menatapnya husband.3 menit terakhir Jessica sudah bisa mengendalikan perasaan dia benar-benar mendambakan untuk something.Something yang ada di orang itu.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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