The sword blade edge shakes, bring­ing one crowd of iron edges to ride terjemahan - The sword blade edge shakes, bring­ing one crowd of iron edges to ride Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The sword blade edge shakes, bring­

The sword blade edge shakes, bring­ing one crowd of iron edges to ride to over­run, but the player in this crowd of Japan­ese war zones quick was in­stan­ta­neously in­sane, rides the war much is the player starts runs, could not at­tend to in­clud­ing own com­pan­ion, fi­nally was rid­den a rush by the iron blade edge, like a whirl­wind that sweeps away scat­tered clouds killed com­pletely this group of peo­ple, rode to fight the de­part­ment not to run, the speed that the iron blade edge rode was too fast, they could not es­cape.
Yue Qing Qian raises the dag­ger to ap­pear in the for­ma­tion edge, pair of bright eyes look to me, said: „Ram­ble elder brother, we be­gins, they def­i­nitely will be warned, the main force of cre­cent moon trade union the di­rec­tion about 1000 yards south­east us, about 8000 peo­ple of teams, what to do we, im­me­di­ately over­runs, did the wait­ing long-dis­tance to move again to­gether?”
I asked: „Does con­fir­ma­tion have 8000 peo­ple?”
Yue Qing Qian nods: „Um, other 14000 + peo­ple about 5000 yards away chase down the peo­ple of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily from our river­side, a short time is not to come back!”
I raise the Longchi sword im­me­di­ately, shouted to clear the way in a low voice: „Iron blade edge rides, charges with me to­gether, grinds these 8000 Japan­ese war zone en­e­mies!”
The peo­ple draw out the sword, [Zhan Long] on­line about 9000 + iron edges ride al­most launch the of­fen­sive to­gether, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Lin Xi­aowu, Song Han and oth­ers non- heavy Ar­mour were the player also to­gether en­tered the war, one group of high Level as­sas­sins were open­ing the un­yield­ing war soul ef­fect, just liked war-god rode with the iron blade edge dashes to­gether for­ward.
The op­pres­sion of the peo­ple have tram­pled flat the thorn shrub­bery, when 9000 + iron edges ride to ap­pear in the hori­zon, the dis­tant place jun­gle edge 8000 + Japan war zone play­ers waited for in the com­po­si­tion for­ma­tion, the at­tack of Mage, archer and hack­bu­teer is ready, was re­ally wait­ing for us.
My sword blade edge wields, the loud order said: „Month spirit iron blade edge rides to com­pose the first team, other fol­low­ing, today are lunar New Year's Day, wish every­body Happy New Year, tri­umphs at one fell swoop!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The sword blade edge shakes, bring­ing one crowd of iron edges to ride to over­run, but the player in this crowd of Japan­ese war zones quick was in­stan­ta­neously in­sane, rides the war much is the player starts runs, could not at­tend to in­clud­ing own com­pan­ion, fi­nally was rid­den a rush by the iron blade edge, like a whirl­wind that sweeps away scat­tered clouds killed com­pletely this group of peo­ple, rode to fight the de­part­ment not to run, the speed that the iron blade edge rode was too fast, they could not es­cape.Yue Qing Qian raises the dag­ger to ap­pear in the for­ma­tion edge, pair of bright eyes look to me, said: „Ram­ble elder brother, we be­gins, they def­i­nitely will be warned, the main force of cre­cent moon trade union the di­rec­tion about 1000 yards south­east us, about 8000 peo­ple of teams, what to do we, im­me­di­ately over­runs, did the wait­ing long-dis­tance to move again to­gether?”I asked: „Does con­fir­ma­tion have 8000 peo­ple?”Yue Qing Qian nods: „Um, other 14000 + peo­ple about 5000 yards away chase down the peo­ple of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily from our river­side, a short time is not to come back!”I raise the Longchi sword im­me­di­ately, shouted to clear the way in a low voice: „Iron blade edge rides, charges with me to­gether, grinds these 8000 Japan­ese war zone en­e­mies!”The peo­ple draw out the sword, [Zhan Long] on­line about 9000 + iron edges ride al­most launch the of­fen­sive to­gether, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Lin Xi­aowu, Song Han and oth­ers non- heavy Ar­mour were the player also to­gether en­tered the war, one group of high Level as­sas­sins were open­ing the un­yield­ing war soul ef­fect, just liked war-god rode with the iron blade edge dashes to­gether for­ward.The op­pres­sion of the peo­ple have tram­pled flat the thorn shrub­bery, when 9000 + iron edges ride to ap­pear in the hori­zon, the dis­tant place jun­gle edge 8000 + Japan war zone play­ers waited for in the com­po­si­tion for­ma­tion, the at­tack of Mage, archer and hack­bu­teer is ready, was re­ally wait­ing for us.My sword blade edge wields, the loud order said: „Month spirit iron blade edge rides to com­pose the first team, other fol­low­ing, today are lunar New Year's Day, wish every­body Happy New Year, tri­umphs at one fell swoop!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tepi pedang pisau getar, membawa salah satu kerumunan tepi besi untuk naik ke dibanjiri, tapi pemain dalam kerumunan ini zona perang Jepang cepat adalah seketika gila, naik perang banyak yang pemain mulai berjalan, tidak bisa hadir ke termasuk pendamping sendiri, akhirnya ditunggangi terburu-buru oleh tepi pisau besi, seperti angin puyuh yang menyapu awan pergi tersebar tewas benar-benar kelompok orang, naik untuk melawan departemen tidak menjalankan, kecepatan bahwa pisau besi tepi berkuda terlalu cepat, mereka tidak bisa . melarikan diri
Yue Qing Qian menimbulkan belati muncul di tepi formasi, sepasang mata cerah melihat ke saya, mengatakan: "mengoceh kakak, kita mulai, mereka pasti akan diperingatkan, kekuatan utama dari crecent bulan serikat buruh arah tentang ? 1000 yard tenggara kami, sekitar 8000 orang dari tim, apa yang harus dilakukan kita, segera overruns, tidak menunggu jarak jauh bergerak lagi bersama-sama "
aku bertanya:"? konfirmasi Apakah memiliki 8000 orang "
Yue Qing Qian mengangguk:" Um, lainnya 14000 + orang sekitar 5000 kilometer jauhnya memburu orang-orang dari keluarga aristokrat keluarga terkenal dari sungai kita, waktu yang singkat tidak akan datang kembali "!
aku mengangkat pedang Longchi segera, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan dengan suara rendah:" Iron pisau tepi naik, biaya dengan saya bersama-sama, grinds 8000 musuh zona perang Jepang ini! "
orang-orang menarik keluar pedang, [Zhan panjang] online tentang 9000 + tepi besi naik hampir meluncurkan ofensif bersama-sama, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian dan Lin Xiaowu, Lagu Han dan lain-lain non Armour berat yang pemain juga bersama-sama memasuki perang, satu kelompok pembunuh Tingkat tinggi yang membuka efek perang jiwa pantang menyerah, hanya menyukai perang-dewa naik dengan tepi pisau besi berlari bersama-sama ke depan.
The penindasan rakyat telah menginjak-injak datar semak-semak duri, ketika 9000 + tepi besi naik untuk muncul di cakrawala, tempat yang jauh tepi hutan 8000 + Jepang pemain zona perang menunggu dalam pembentukan komposisi, serangan Mage, pemanah dan hackbuteer adalah . siap, benar-benar menunggu kami
My tepi pedang pisau wields, urutan keras mengatakan: "tepi Bulan semangat besi blade naik untuk menyusun tim pertama, berikut lainnya, saat ini adalah bulan hari Tahun Baru, berharap semua orang Happy New Year, kemenangan di satu gerakan! "
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