Although the therapist’s receptive attitude is still viewed as being o terjemahan - Although the therapist’s receptive attitude is still viewed as being o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Although the therapist’s receptive

Although the therapist’s receptive attitude is still viewed as being of central
importance, this does not exclude the therapist from taking the initiative at
times to stimulate a client’s experiential process. Lietaer (1984) mentions that
even “homework” and other auxiliary techniques may be used in a personcentered
manner if the experience of the client remains the touchstone. Bohart
(2003) claims that person-centered therapists are not banned from using
techniques. What is important is how they suggest techniques. Bohart points
out that some person-centered therapists incorporate dream work, Gestalt
techniques, and behavioral techniques. With the emphasis on genuineness,
person-centered therapists can practice in a more fl exible and creative way
suited to their personality. They can also tailor their relationship style to suit
different clients (Bohart, 2003).
Today relatively few practitioners adhere to the classic client-centered model
(Cain, 2010). Practitioners have adapted the approach to their personal convictions
and personal style, integrating their own life experiences and ideas into
their work with groups. Integrative personal-centered therapists subscribe to
a fundamental philosophy but may blend concepts and methods from existential,
Gestalt, and experiential approaches in facilitating their groups.
Although Rogers affi rmed the value of diverse styles of facilitation, he disliked
leaders who manipulated the group toward some unspoken agenda or
who seemed to thrive on dramatics (MacMillan & Lago, 1999). Rogers (1970)
took a dim view of the use of techniques or exercises to get a group moving. He
also suggested that facilitators avoid making interpretive comments because
such comments are apt to make the group self-conscious and slow the process
down. Group process observations should come from members, a view that is
consistent with Rogers’s philosophy of placing the responsibility for the direction
of the group on the members.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Meskipun terapis di reseptif sikap masih dipandang sebagai Centralpenting, ini tidak mengecualikan terapis dari mengambil inisiatif dikali untuk merangsang proses pengalaman klien. Lietaer (1984) menyebutkan bahwa:bahkan "PR" dan teknik lain bantu dapat digunakan dalam personcenteredcara jika pengalaman klien tetap merupakan batu ujian. Bohart(2003) klaim bahwa terapis berpusat pada orang tidak dilarang untuk menggunakanteknik. Apa yang penting adalah bagaimana mereka menyarankan teknik. Poin Bohartbahwa beberapa orang yang berpusat pada terapis menggabungkan pekerjaan impian, Gestaltteknik, dan teknik perilaku. Dengan penekanan pada keaslian,orang-berpusat terapis dapat berlatih di exible fl lain dan cara kreatifcocok dengan kepribadian mereka. Mereka juga dapat menyesuaikan gaya hubungan mereka sesuai denganklien yang berbeda (Bohart, 2003).Hari ini relatif sedikit praktisi mematuhi klien model classic(Kain, 2010). Praktisi telah disesuaikan pendekatan keyakinan pribadi merekadan gaya pribadi, mengintegrasikan pengalaman hidup mereka sendiri dan ide-ide ke dalammereka bekerja dengan kelompok. Integratif pribadi yang berpusat pada terapis berlanggananfilosofi dasar tetapi dapat berbaur dengan konsep-konsep dan metode dari eksistensial,Gestalt, dan pengalaman pendekatan dalam memfasilitasi kelompok mereka.Meskipun Rogers affi rmed nilai dari beragam gaya fasilitasi, dia tidak menyukaipemimpin yang dimanipulasi kelompok terhadap beberapa agenda terucapkan atauyang tampaknya berkembang pada drama (MacMillan & Lago, 1999). Rogers (1970)mengambil pandangan redup penggunaan teknik atau latihan untuk mendapatkan kelompok bergerak. Diajuga menyarankan bahwa fasilitator menghindari membuat komentar interpretatif karenaKomentar seperti itu cenderung membuat kelompok sadar diri dan memperlambat prosesturun. Kelompok proses pengamatan harus datang dari anggota, pandangan yangkonsisten dengan falsafah Rogers menempatkan tanggung jawab untuk arahkelompok pada anggota.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Although the therapist’s receptive attitude is still viewed as being of central
importance, this does not exclude the therapist from taking the initiative at
times to stimulate a client’s experiential process. Lietaer (1984) mentions that
even “homework” and other auxiliary techniques may be used in a personcentered
manner if the experience of the client remains the touchstone. Bohart
(2003) claims that person-centered therapists are not banned from using
techniques. What is important is how they suggest techniques. Bohart points
out that some person-centered therapists incorporate dream work, Gestalt
techniques, and behavioral techniques. With the emphasis on genuineness,
person-centered therapists can practice in a more fl exible and creative way
suited to their personality. They can also tailor their relationship style to suit
different clients (Bohart, 2003).
Today relatively few practitioners adhere to the classic client-centered model
(Cain, 2010). Practitioners have adapted the approach to their personal convictions
and personal style, integrating their own life experiences and ideas into
their work with groups. Integrative personal-centered therapists subscribe to
a fundamental philosophy but may blend concepts and methods from existential,
Gestalt, and experiential approaches in facilitating their groups.
Although Rogers affi rmed the value of diverse styles of facilitation, he disliked
leaders who manipulated the group toward some unspoken agenda or
who seemed to thrive on dramatics (MacMillan & Lago, 1999). Rogers (1970)
took a dim view of the use of techniques or exercises to get a group moving. He
also suggested that facilitators avoid making interpretive comments because
such comments are apt to make the group self-conscious and slow the process
down. Group process observations should come from members, a view that is
consistent with Rogers’s philosophy of placing the responsibility for the direction
of the group on the members.
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