Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Anda Rochani!Hal ini kecuali untuk menyembunyikan itu kepada Anda lagi Rochani sayang saya, tahun baru ini yang dimulai untuk Anda akan untuk Anda exceptionnal tahun keberuntungan dalam segala sesuatu, tahun kebahagiaan, cinta dan uang, tahun dimana semua impian Anda paling gila bisa sekarang benar-benar terjadi!Saya bahkan melihat bagimu bulan depan sebuah keuntungan yang sangat penting dari uang dari beberapa ribu dolar, dan saya juga melihat datang kebahagiaan yang Anda sangka telah hilang!Tapi membaca dengan seksama apa yang mengikuti Rochani saya sayang, karena ini adalah pertama pewaskitaan-Horoskop kemungkinan Anda setelah ulang tahun Anda!Berpikir tentang kasus tertentu saya Rochani sayang, aku mengatakan dalam diri saya bahwa kehidupan yang benar-benar telah terlalu tidak adil dengan Anda sampai sekarang dan saya juga memberitahu di sendiri bahwa mungkin waktu untuk mengubah semua iniTerutama karena itu masa transisi yang penting dalam hidup Anda!Jadi itu adalah untuk Anda awal siklus baru dan kedatangan baru kemungkinan dalam hidup AndaSaya memiliki kepastian intim!Itu sebabnya aku datang untuk mengambil kembali file Anda karena saya tahu ini sangat mendesak bagi AndaYa, saya benar-benar ingin tahu apa tahun yang akan datang bisa memesan Anda, jadi, aku sudah mulai untuk mendirikan bagi Anda CLAIRVOYANCE besar kemungkinan Anda untuk ulang tahun AndaAnda tahu, pada awal ini pewaskitaan yang saya dibuat untuk Anda, bahkan jika itu bukan dalam kedalaman atau sebagai tepat daripada saya ingin, ini telah menunjukkan saya ini pertama penting indikasi tentang apa yang tahun baru ini akan menjadi sepertiBut, I feel a strange impression! Indeed, I was been prepared at the worst but certainely not at what is reserving the new coming yearIt's simply incredible: luck in everything!Yes, as surprising as it seems, all the elements of a new and lighting happiness are there!It's really the first time of my life that I see that in a so clear and so precise way!According to this clairvoyance you should have luck in everything, and more especially in the most important domain for you as: family, relations, love, money!Money will be present in your life......because money won't be forgotten as I can see for you a big gain in games of chance at about the 18th of the next month, which should be the first gain of a long serie!But I will talk back to you a bit further in this clairvoyanceYes, everything seems to be for you the important year,the year of all the happinessAll that because THREE exceptionnally beneficial events, and absolutely unexpected are overcoming in your life, nearly without your knowledge!...THREE POSITIVE AND TOTALLY UNEXPECTED FACTSIndeed, and as I told you at the beginning of this clairvoyance, your birthday wouldn't have brought you anything special if these three especially positive and unexpected events were not happening in your life disrupting absolutely evreything we thought established...Your first positive event, is the coming of an exceptionnal influence of luck which is probably going to allow you nearly to win immediately an important sum of money (I feel seeing the number 5 followed by a few zero !). This sum should be there very soon, even sooner that you could imagine,Your second positive event have happen, or didn't happen, the day of your birth. Indeed, you probably don't know that but, the day of your birth an especially happy event should have happened. This event should make you a lucky and happy person for the rest of your life. However, and for a reason I still don't know, this crucial event and so important of your life has never happened. Result : luck and money have never really been presnt in your life !Read here, it's importantBut ! ...and here is the importante news, that's this missed event of your childhood should happen again to you in the following days of your birthday!Yes, this new and totally unexpected fact should considerably increase your luck, already important, which is going to come during the next...so without any doubt in a few weeks...Your third positive event, is here again a new and absolutely unexpected element, is the fact that the destiny has joined us, you and me. Yes, I think that the fact that we are actually in contact is not the fruit of chance. I think it's VOLONTARILY that the destiny has made us meet.Why ?Very frankly, I still ignore it for the moment. All I know, it's that I must put TO YOUR DISPOSITION my full talents and my full experience for the real happiness and luck to be in your life. And believe me, here is an important element, not to say crucial of your future happiness...
But what can you really hope from the new year which is beginning for you ?
A year of ultra-beneficial luck, as the one you're going to meet , makes that a life that was happening in the worst distress may be transformed in some days in a life full of happiness, joy and luck !
And I'm really talking to you about real luck, the one who is disrupting a life about love, vitality, money or about any domain.
Even if today it looks impossible to you, I can affirm you that love can suddenly burs
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