First published as a brochure by the Communications and Marketing Depa terjemahan - First published as a brochure by the Communications and Marketing Depa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

First published as a brochure by th

First published as a brochure by the Communications and Marketing Department of Campbelltown City Council

On the Evening of June 17, 1826, a man by the name of Frederick Fisher, left his home in Campbelltown and was not seen again.
On a night almost four months later, a wealthy and respectable Campbelltown farmer, John Farley, stumbled into a local hotel in a state of shock, and claimed he had seen the ghost of Frederick Fisher.
The ghost according to John Farley, had been sitting on the rail of a bridge and had pointed to a paddock down the creek, then faded away.
The body of Fred Fisher was later discovered by police in the paddock where the ghost had pointed...

Many local residents believe the ghost of Fred Fisher haunts the Campbelltown Town Hall.

The legend of Fred Fisher has captured the imagination of generations. The sequence of events leading up to the subsequent trial - the murder of Frederick Fisher, the appearance of his ghost, the arrest of five men and the eventual hanging of one.

Frederick George James Fisher was born on August 28th, 1792. By his early twenties he was a shopkeeper, unmarried, but thought to be the father of two children. Either innocently or deliberately, Fred Fisher obtained forged bank notes through his business for which he was arrested and tried at the Surrey Gaol Delivery on July 26, 1815 and sentenced to fourteen years transportation to Australia.

By 1822 Fred Fisher has served half his sentence and applied for a ticket-of-leave and permission to purchase property. Among other properties, Fred Fisher secured a farm at Campbelltown. His neighbour was a man named William George Worrall, known to be an honest and industrious man.

In 1825 Fred Fisher and a local carpenter, William Brooker, had an argument over money, whereby Fisher pulled a knife. William Brooker was not badly hurt, however Fred Fisher received a light prison sentence. Worried about his property, Fred Fisher gave George Worrell Power of Attorney during his imprisonment. Fisher served his sentence and returned to town a short time later.

On the evening of June 17, 1826, Fred Fisher disappeared and George Worrell announced he had sailed for England because he was concerned about a forgery charge recently made against him. Three weeks later after Fred Fisher's disappearance, George Worrall sold Fisher's horse and personal belongings, claiming Fred Fisher had sold them to him before he set sail.
Several local townspeople became suspicious and on September 17, 1826, George Worrall was arrested on suspicion of Fred Fisher's murder.

Worrall claimed he had not murdered Fred Fisher, but that four other men had in fact committed the crime. All four men were then arrested.
One month later, October 25, 1826, two young boys were returning home across Fisher's farm and noticed bloodstains on a fence. On closer investigation, a lock of hair and a tooth were also found.

A local constable searched the area to no avail and decided to call in an Aboriginal tracker from Liverpool. On testing the water from puddles in the area, the tracker announced 'white fellow's fat here!' Fred Fisher's remains were found laying in a shallow grave on George Worrall's land.
George Worrall sat for trial in a criminal court on February 2, 1827. He was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging on February 5, 1827.

On the scaffold, Worrall confessed he had murdered Fred Fisher by mistake, thinking him a horse in the wheat crop, however, this confession was never believed by the locals. It is thought George Worrall had assumed when he had been appointed Fred Fisher's agent, all Fisher's property belonged to him. On Fisher's release from prison, George Worrall murdered him to fully obtain his property.

What then of John Farley's Ghost story? Why was it not used at the trial? Apparently any tales of the supernatural were not permitted in a Court of Law and could not be used as evidence against the accused.
Fred Fisher was buried in St Peters graveyard by his brother, Henry, however, no headstone was ever erected.

Bibliography Colonial days in Campbelltown : the legend of Fisher's ghost / by Verlie Fowler. (Campbelltown, N.S.W. : Campbelltown & Airds Historical Society, 1991). Copies of this book are available in the local studies collection, Campbelltown City Library. Click on the library catalogue link above to find out how to locate copies of this book.

'The Harrow: the Fisher's Ghost Pub' / by David Patick. Grist Mills, Volume 11 No 3, November 1998. Copies of this article are available in the local studies collection, Campbelltown City Library.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pertama kali diterbitkan sebagai brosur oleh komunikasi dan Departemen Pemasaran Campbelltown City Council

pada malam dari tanggal 17 Juni 1826, seorang pria bernama Frederick Fisher, meninggalkan rumahnya di Campbelltown dan tidak terlihat lagi.
pada malam hampir empat bulan kemudian, seorang kaya dan terhormat Campbelltown petani, John Farley, tersandung ke sebuah hotel lokal dalam keadaan shock, dan menyatakan ia telah melihat hantu dari Frederick Fisher.
hantu menurut John Farley, telah duduk pada rel jembatan dan telah menunjuk ke padang menyusuri sungai, lalu memudar.
tubuh Fred Fisher kemudian ditemukan oleh polisi di paddock mana Roh telah menunjuk...

banyak penduduk setempat percaya hantu Fred Fisher menghantui Campbelltown Town Hall.

Legenda Fred Fisher telah menangkap imajinasi dari generasi. Urutan peristiwa yang membawa kepada sidang berikutnya - pembunuhan Frederick Fisher, Penampakan hantu nya, penangkapan lima pria dan menggantung akhirnya salah.

Frederick George James Fisher Lahir pada 28 Agustus 1792. Oleh awal dua puluhan, ia adalah penjaga toko, belum menikah, Tapi berpikir untuk menjadi ayah dari dua anak. Baik polos atau sengaja, Fred Fisher diperoleh palsu catatan bank melalui usahanya yang dia ditangkap dan diadili di Surrey Gaol pengiriman pada tanggal 26 Juli 1815 dan dijatuhi hukuman empat belas tahun transportasi Australia.

Pada 1822 Fred Fisher telah disajikan setengah kalimatnya dan diterapkan untuk tiket dari meninggalkan dan izin untuk membeli properti. Di antara sifat-sifat lainnya, Fred Fisher mengamankan sebuah peternakan di Campbelltown. Temannya adalah seorang pria bernama William George Worrall, dikenal sebagai jujur dan rajin man.

pada tahun 1825 Fred Fisher dan tukang kayu lokal, William Brooker, memiliki sebuah argumen tentang uang, dimana Fisher ditarik pisau. William Brooker itu tidak terluka parah, namun Fred Fisher menerima hukuman penjara cahaya. Khawatir tentang hartanya, Fred Fisher memberikan George Worrell kuasa selama penahanannya. Fisher melayani kalimatnya dan kembali ke kota waktu singkat kemudian.

pada malam tanggal 17 Juni 1826, Fred Fisher menghilang dan George Worrell mengumumkan dia telah berlayar untuk Inggris karena dia peduli tentang tuduhan pemalsuan yang baru saja dilakukan terhadap dirinya. Tiga minggu kemudian setelah hilangnya Fred Fisher, George Worrall dijual Fisher kuda dan barang-barang pribadi, mengklaim Fred Fisher telah menjual mereka kepadanya sebelum ia menetapkan berlayar.
beberapa warga kota setempat menjadi curiga dan pada September 17, 1826, George Worrall ditangkap karena dicurigai Fred Fisher pembunuhan.

Worrall mengklaim ia tidak membunuh Fred Fisher, tetapi bahwa empat orang lain bahkan telah melakukan kejahatan. Semua empat laki-laki kemudian ditangkap.
Satu bulan kemudian, tanggal 25 Oktober 1826, dua anak laki-laki pulang ke rumah di Fisher's farm dan melihat noda pada pagar. Pada pemeriksaan lebih dekat, kunci rambut dan gigi juga ditemukan.

Constable lokal mencari daerah sia dan memutuskan untuk memanggil di tracker Aborigin dari Liverpool. Pada pengujian air dari genangan air di daerah, tracker mengumumkan 'putih fellow's lemak di sini!' Fred Fisher tetap ditemukan berbaring di kuburan dangkal pada tanah George Worrall.
George Worrall duduk untuk diadili di pengadilan pidana pada 2 Februari 1827. Dia ditemukan bersalah dan dijatuhi hukuman mati oleh tergantung pada 5 Februari 1827.

perancah, Worrall mengaku ia telah membunuh Fred Fisher oleh kesalahan, berpikir dia kuda dalam tanaman gandum, namun, pengakuan ini pernah dipercaya oleh penduduk setempat. Diperkirakan George Worrall telah diasumsikan ketika dia pernah ditunjuk sebagai agen Fred Fisher, Fisher semua properti yang dimilikinya. Fisher's rilis dari penjara, George Worrall membunuh dia sepenuhnya mendapatkan properti.

kemudian apa kisah hantu John Farley? Mengapa itu tidak digunakan pada persidangan? Rupanya setiap kisah supranatural tidak diizinkan di pengadilan dan tidak boleh digunakan sebagai bukti terhadap terdakwa.
Fred Fisher dimakamkan di kuburan St Peters oleh saudaranya, Henry, namun, Nisan tidak pernah didirikan.

bibliografi kolonial hari di Campbelltown: legenda hantu Fisher / oleh Verlie Fowler. (Campbelltown, N.S.W.: Campbelltown & Airds Historical Society, 1991). Salinan buku ini tersedia dalam penelitian lokal koleksi, Campbelltown City Perpustakaan. Klik pada Katalog Perpustakaan link di atas untuk mencari tahu bagaimana untuk menemukan salinan buku ini.

'The Harrow: Pub hantu Fisher's ' / oleh David Patick. Menggiling Mills, Volume 11 No 3, November 1998. Salinan artikel ini tersedia dalam penelitian lokal koleksi, Perpustakaan kota Campbelltown.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
First published as a brochure by the Communications and Marketing Department of Campbelltown City Council

On the Evening of June 17, 1826, a man by the name of Frederick Fisher, left his home in Campbelltown and was not seen again.
On a night almost four months later, a wealthy and respectable Campbelltown farmer, John Farley, stumbled into a local hotel in a state of shock, and claimed he had seen the ghost of Frederick Fisher.
The ghost according to John Farley, had been sitting on the rail of a bridge and had pointed to a paddock down the creek, then faded away.
The body of Fred Fisher was later discovered by police in the paddock where the ghost had pointed...

Many local residents believe the ghost of Fred Fisher haunts the Campbelltown Town Hall.

The legend of Fred Fisher has captured the imagination of generations. The sequence of events leading up to the subsequent trial - the murder of Frederick Fisher, the appearance of his ghost, the arrest of five men and the eventual hanging of one.

Frederick George James Fisher was born on August 28th, 1792. By his early twenties he was a shopkeeper, unmarried, but thought to be the father of two children. Either innocently or deliberately, Fred Fisher obtained forged bank notes through his business for which he was arrested and tried at the Surrey Gaol Delivery on July 26, 1815 and sentenced to fourteen years transportation to Australia.

By 1822 Fred Fisher has served half his sentence and applied for a ticket-of-leave and permission to purchase property. Among other properties, Fred Fisher secured a farm at Campbelltown. His neighbour was a man named William George Worrall, known to be an honest and industrious man.

In 1825 Fred Fisher and a local carpenter, William Brooker, had an argument over money, whereby Fisher pulled a knife. William Brooker was not badly hurt, however Fred Fisher received a light prison sentence. Worried about his property, Fred Fisher gave George Worrell Power of Attorney during his imprisonment. Fisher served his sentence and returned to town a short time later.

On the evening of June 17, 1826, Fred Fisher disappeared and George Worrell announced he had sailed for England because he was concerned about a forgery charge recently made against him. Three weeks later after Fred Fisher's disappearance, George Worrall sold Fisher's horse and personal belongings, claiming Fred Fisher had sold them to him before he set sail.
Several local townspeople became suspicious and on September 17, 1826, George Worrall was arrested on suspicion of Fred Fisher's murder.

Worrall claimed he had not murdered Fred Fisher, but that four other men had in fact committed the crime. All four men were then arrested.
One month later, October 25, 1826, two young boys were returning home across Fisher's farm and noticed bloodstains on a fence. On closer investigation, a lock of hair and a tooth were also found.

A local constable searched the area to no avail and decided to call in an Aboriginal tracker from Liverpool. On testing the water from puddles in the area, the tracker announced 'white fellow's fat here!' Fred Fisher's remains were found laying in a shallow grave on George Worrall's land.
George Worrall sat for trial in a criminal court on February 2, 1827. He was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging on February 5, 1827.

On the scaffold, Worrall confessed he had murdered Fred Fisher by mistake, thinking him a horse in the wheat crop, however, this confession was never believed by the locals. It is thought George Worrall had assumed when he had been appointed Fred Fisher's agent, all Fisher's property belonged to him. On Fisher's release from prison, George Worrall murdered him to fully obtain his property.

What then of John Farley's Ghost story? Why was it not used at the trial? Apparently any tales of the supernatural were not permitted in a Court of Law and could not be used as evidence against the accused.
Fred Fisher was buried in St Peters graveyard by his brother, Henry, however, no headstone was ever erected.

Bibliography Colonial days in Campbelltown : the legend of Fisher's ghost / by Verlie Fowler. (Campbelltown, N.S.W. : Campbelltown & Airds Historical Society, 1991). Copies of this book are available in the local studies collection, Campbelltown City Library. Click on the library catalogue link above to find out how to locate copies of this book.

'The Harrow: the Fisher's Ghost Pub' / by David Patick. Grist Mills, Volume 11 No 3, November 1998. Copies of this article are available in the local studies collection, Campbelltown City Library.

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