He drew her more closely and whisper in her ears

He drew her more closely and whispe

He drew her more closely and whisper in her ears "I want you" then sensually kissed her on soft pink rosy lips very gently. She closed her eyes and responded back to his kiss. Jalal stopped and looked at her with intense seductive look then put her hair behind her ears, ran his finger on her face and stopped at lips...then cupped her face and kissed her again but this time with passion...He squeezed her cheeks and kissed on her lips with soft smooch, then he nibble her lips, his desire increase passionately... he wildly started to kiss her all over her face...grab her hair wildly move her face up to kiss on her neck...

Jalal's wild passionate touch gave her pleasure. She whispers softly "Ohhh Jalal...ahhh... please controls yourself; I am losing my control...please let me go..."

"Jodha, Don't control... you are only mine, I will not let you go today..." and he tugged his hands in her wet hair and kissed her wildly on her earlobes ...

"Jalal, Don't seduce me...don't touch me... please let me go..." she said in whiper

Jalal with sensually with deep desire replied "I won't...Jodha"

Jodha responded back with anger and wildly bite on his lips that made Jalal angry...he madly started to kiss with smooch on her soft lips and bite her on ears lobs then on her neck...his hands started to play around all over her figure...They were so close...there was no breathing space between them...Jodha's desire was increasing by every second... and losing her control... and her open wet hair and fragrance of jasmine flowers made fanatical... Their craving and thirst was growing, Jalal took off her dupatta from her shoulder and pull down her blouse a little and smooched on her shoulder softly but sensually. Her low cut deep neck blouse was showing her cleavage beautifully... Jalal eyes drooled over it... which created extreme yearning... He moved little more down and kissed her with bite on collarbone and with this intense touch, Jodha hissed in pain ahhh... she blushed and felt shy, she tried running away from him but Jalal was holding her dupatta ...it stretched and came out of the final grip of her dress... She turned her back and covered herself with her shoulder... Jalal walked towards her and hugged her from back and locked her entire body with his broad arms strongly and kissed her on her cheeks with love then moved her long soft hair towards front and he had never seen this beautiful curvy shape, spot less, soft and smooth skin... he started to kiss her softly slowly on her back...his wet kiss on her back gave deep shiver in her entire body, his touch and sensual kisses send millions of sparks in her body... it was impossible for her to stay apart from him...she turned towards Jalal and hugged him tight... he hugged back with same passion then caressed her on her cheeks...with deep intense smooch kissed on her neck then slowly moved down a little and sensually smooched her on teasing pick points...

Jalal in whispering tone asked "Do you like my touch...?"

Jodha was at that point...she wanted more... she wanted everything...her desire was at the mountain...Jodha in response hugged him tight and started to kissing him wildly... her passion was so strong, her every kiss was living marks on his neck, cheeks and lips ... without wasting time, quickly Jalal took off his top kurta ...for Jodha, it was like a magnet...his muscular tough body...his warm touch of his skin.. She forgot all her shyness...their body collides with passion...she wanted to enjoy every second of their passionate hug...

Jalal was still had his control but with strong craving... Jalal was surprised with her wild passion and enjoying longing for him...

He murmur in her ears "Jodha do you love me? Are you ready to go further...?" Jalal knew with his experience, there is no way she will stop at this point... he didn't wanted to go further unless she admit her love for him... he knew that was important for her but she had no interest in listening to him...She kissed him on his open chest and hugging him so madly...his muscular strong broad shoulder made her crazy... she wanted to melt in his arms forever... She lost in magical warmth of his body...first touch of his sensual skin send flash on her entire body, Jalal could sense her eagerness and curiosity to explore further... he carried her to the bed and she immediately lay down and pulled him towards him, Jalal was on top of her...gazing at her beautiful passionate seductive eyes... J

alal could sense her desire for wanting more... he asked her again "Jodha, Do you love me? Are you ready to go further..".this time he didn't whisper...he was loud and clear that he wanted this answer? But he was very sure she will not deny... he saw her desire was at extreme pick...

With strong voice of Jalal, wake up Jodha from her most beautiful dream and realized she completely lost in his arms, Jalal was on top of her...he kissed her again on her cheeks softly with love and asked her "Jodha, do you love me?"

She knew that they went too far again and if she stops him now, it is going to be disappointing for Jalal. Jalal could tell her stormy eyes were widen in shock, her expression completely change...he could read her denial thoughts before she replied. He really seduced her to extreme... but she was out of this spell.

Jodha finally respond sadly "Is it really important to answer these questions? You are my husband and you have a right on me."

Jalal asked her again with resentment "Jodha, please tell me you love me and you want to go further." Deep silence...only sound on panting... he knew something was there, which was stopping her.

Jalal disappointedly got up from the bed and bitterly said "Jodha begum, Sorry, I will make sure I don't cross my limit now on...until you are ready. I will not touch you till you accept me completely..."

Jodha could feel his controlled anger towards her. They both got up and dressed quickly. Jalal walked by window and thinking hurtfully, why does Jodha always stops herself...? I see in her eyes lots of love for me but I can't understand her.

Knock on the door. Jodha opens door...

Sukanya walks in to the room and cheerfully said good morning to both of them and said in upsetting tone "Oh Jiji you not ready yet... everyone is waiting for you...then innocently asked "What happen to your flower jewelry... it's all broken... Jodha and Jalal looked at each other with mixed expression of shy and angry... Sukanya realized she asked wrong question... swiftly changing topic she said "Jiji; Masa is waiting for you and seems like you forgot we have to go to temple.

Jodha sarcastically requested to Sukanay "Can you give a company to your Jijasa...day and night he is only thinking about Agra... so I can get ready quickly..." Sukanya with smirk; my pleasure...

Jalal gave furious angry glare and went out with Sukanya.

Sukanya teasingly asked "Jiju, how was your night... And chopat game..."

Jalal mockingly replied "I wish played chopat with my Sali instead your Jiji"

Suku felt little shy "Jiju apki aur Jodha Jiji ki Jodi bilkul sahi hai...aap dono se bato me hum him jit nahi sakte."

They both reach to main hall where everyone is waiting for Jodha... Raja Bharmal with informative tone said "Jamaisa, on every holi we all go to the Kali mata temple in the morning.

Mainavati asked suku; "where is Jodha?"

"Masa Jiji is not ready yet... it will take little time."

Mainavati worrily said "Raja sahib, we need to leave now otherwise good time for pooja will be missed." Sukanya you come with Jodha later... Sukanaya with said face said but Masa...

Jalal said "I will bring Jodha to temple... You all continue..." Raja Bharmal with smile replied "Thanks you Jamaisa" then they all left for temple.

Jodha got ready and came out to main hall with pooja thal and saw Jalal only; she asked him "Where everyone is?"

"Jodha begum, they all went to the temple...

Jodha sadly said "Ohh.. what about me? How I will go?"

"Don't worry Jodha begum; I will take you to the temple."

"No ! I don't want you to come to temple"

Jalal with confuse expression asked "Why not?"

Jodha stubbornly replied "I don't want to discuss about it... but you are not coming to Kali mata temple." With his sharp memory Jalal recalled conversation, how his soldier ruined Kali temple in Amer and took jewelry from their and Jodha fight with those soldiers. And that was the first time he heard about Jodha.

Jalal with guilty tone said "I know why you are saying no but what happened in the past was very sad, I understand now, I was wrong, I have disrespected your religion but that time, I never thought I was hurting hindu people's feelings. I hated Rajvanshi and to take revenge my soldiers did this crime."
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ia menariknya lebih dekat dan berbisik di telinganya "saya ingin Anda" kemudian sensual menciumnya di bibir rosy pink lembut sangat lembut. Dia memejamkan mata dan menjawab kembali ke ciuman nya. Jalal berhenti dan memandang dirinya dengan intens menggoda melihat kemudian menempatkan rambut di belakang telinganya, berlari jarinya di wajahnya dan berhenti di bibir... kemudian menangkupkan wajahnya dan menciumnya lagi tapi kali ini dengan semangat...Ia diperas pipinya dan mencium pada bibir dengan lembut berciuman, maka dia menggigit bibir, meningkatkan keinginan Nya bersemangat... dia liar mulai mencium seluruh wajahnya... Ambil rambutnya liar naik wajahnya mencium pada lehernya...Jalal's liar sentuh bersemangat memberi kesenangan. Ia berbisik lembut "oh Jalal... ahhh... silahkan kontrol diri; Aku kehilangan kendali saya... tolong beritahu saya pergi... ""Jodha, tidak mengontrol... Anda hanya saya, saya tidak akan membiarkan Anda pergi hari ini..." dan dia menarik tangannya di rambut basah dan menciumnya liar di telinga nya..."Jalal, jangan merayu me... tidak menyentuh saya... tolong beritahu saya pergi..." katanya di whiperJalal dengan sensual dengan hasrat dalam menjawab "Aku tidak akan...Jodha"Jodha responded back with anger and wildly bite on his lips that made Jalal angry...he madly started to kiss with smooch on her soft lips and bite her on ears lobs then on her neck...his hands started to play around all over her figure...They were so close...there was no breathing space between them...Jodha's desire was increasing by every second... and losing her control... and her open wet hair and fragrance of jasmine flowers made fanatical... Their craving and thirst was growing, Jalal took off her dupatta from her shoulder and pull down her blouse a little and smooched on her shoulder softly but sensually. Her low cut deep neck blouse was showing her cleavage beautifully... Jalal eyes drooled over it... which created extreme yearning... He moved little more down and kissed her with bite on collarbone and with this intense touch, Jodha hissed in pain ahhh... she blushed and felt shy, she tried running away from him but Jalal was holding her dupatta ...it stretched and came out of the final grip of her dress... She turned her back and covered herself with her shoulder... Jalal walked towards her and hugged her from back and locked her entire body with his broad arms strongly and kissed her on her cheeks with love then moved her long soft hair towards front and he had never seen this beautiful curvy shape, spot less, soft and smooth skin... he started to kiss her softly slowly on her back...his wet kiss on her back gave deep shiver in her entire body, his touch and sensual kisses send millions of sparks in her body... it was impossible for her to stay apart from him...she turned towards Jalal and hugged him tight... he hugged back with same passion then caressed her on her cheeks...with deep intense smooch kissed on her neck then slowly moved down a little and sensually smooched her on teasing pick points...Jalal di berbisik nada bertanya "Apakah Anda suka sentuh...?"Jodha adalah pada titik... dia ingin lebih... dia ingin segalanya... keinginannya pada gunung...Jodha menyikapi memeluknya ketat dan mulai mencium dia liar... gairah begitu kuat, dia setiap ciuman tinggal menandai pada leher, pipi dan bibir... tanpa membuang-buang waktu, cepat Jalal mengambil off nya kurta atas... medok Jodha, itu seperti magnet... sulit nya otot tubuh... nya sentuhan hangat kulitnya. Dia lupa semua malunya... tubuh mereka bertabrakan dengan semangat... dia ingin menikmati setiap detiknya pelukan penuh gairah mereka...Jalal masih memiliki kekuasaannya tetapi dengan kuat keinginan... Jalal adalah terkejut dengan gairah liar dan menikmati kerinduan untuk dia...Dia bergumam di telinganya "Jodha Apakah engkau mengasihiku? Apakah Anda siap untuk pergi jauh...?" Jalal tahu dengan pengalamannya, ada cara dia akan berhenti pada titik ini... dia tidak ingin pergi lebih lanjut kecuali dia mengakui cintanya... dia tahu itu penting bagi dia tetapi ia tidak tertarik mendengarkan dia...Dia menciumnya di dadanya yang terbuka dan memeluk dia begitu tergila-gila... kuat otot bahu luas membuat nya gila... dia ingin meleleh di lengannya selamanya... Dia hilang dalam kehangatan magis tubuhnya... Hotel-sentuhan pertama kulitnya sensual mengirim flash pada seluruh tubuhnya, Jalal bisa rasa Nya semangat dan rasa ingin tahu untuk menjelajahi lebih lanjut... ia membawanya ke tempat tidur dan dia segera berbaring dan menariknya ke arahnya, Jalal adalah di atas her... menatap matanya menggoda bergairah indah... Jalal bisa merasakan keinginan untuk ingin lebih... dia memintanya lagi "Jodha, apakah engkau mengasihi aku? Apakah Anda siap untuk pergi lebih jauh... ".kali ini dia tidak berbisik... dia adalah keras dan jelas bahwa ia ingin jawaban ini? Tapi dia sangat yakin ia tidak akan menolak... ia melihat keinginannya pada memilih ekstrim...Dengan suara kuat Jalal, bangun Jodha dari mimpinya yang paling indah dan menyadari dia benar-benar hilang dalam pelukannya, Jalal adalah di atas her...he menciumnya lagi di pipinya lembut dengan cinta dan memintanya "Jodha, apakah engkau mengasihi aku?"Dia tahu bahwa mereka pergi terlalu jauh lagi dan jika ia berhenti dia sekarang, itu akan menjadi mengecewakan untuk Jalal. Jalal bisa katakan padanya Badai mata yang memperluas shock, ekspresinya benar-benar berubah... dia bisa membaca pikirannya penyangkalan sebelum dia menjawab. Dia benar-benar tergoda dia ekstrim... tapi dia dari mantra ini.Jodha akhirnya menanggapi sayangnya "itu benar-benar penting untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini? Anda adalah suami saya dan Anda memiliki hak saya."Jalal bertanya lagi dengan kebencian "Jodha, tolong katakan padaku kau mencintaiku dan Anda ingin pergi lebih jauh." Dalam keheningan... hanya suara pada terengah-engah... dia tahu sesuatu yang ada di sana, yang menghentikan dirinya.Jalal disappointedly bangun dari tempat tidur dan pahit berkata "Jodha begum, Maaf, saya akan memastikan aku tidak melintasi batas saya sekarang... sampai Anda siap. Saya tidak akan menyentuh Anda sampai Anda menerima saya benar-benar... "Jodha bisa merasakan kemarahan dikontrol terhadap dirinya. Mereka berdua bangun dan berpakaian dengan cepat. Jalal lewat jendela dan berpikir hurtfully, mengapa Jodha selalu berhenti sendiri...? Saya lihat di banyak mata Nya cinta bagi saya tapi saya tidak dapat memahami dirinya.Ketukan di pintu. Jodha membuka pintu...Sukanya berjalan di dalam kamar dan riang berkata good morning untuk keduanya dan berkata dalam menjengkelkan nada "Oh Jiji Anda tidak siap belum... semua orang yang menunggu untuk Anda... kemudian polos bertanya"apa yang terjadi pada perhiasan bunga Anda... itu semua rusak... Jodha dan Jalal saling memandang dengan campuran ekspresi malu dan marah... Sukanya menyadari dia bertanya pertanyaan yang salah... cepat mengubah topik katanya "Jiji; Masa yang menunggu untuk Anda dan sepertinya Anda lupa kita harus pergi ke Kuil.Jodha sinis diminta untuk Sukanay "Anda dapat memberikan sebuah perusahaan untuk Jijasa Anda... siang dan malam ia adalah hanya berpikir tentang Agra... jadi saya bisa mendapatkan siap cepat..." Sukanya dengan seringai; Dengan senang hati...Jalal memberikan silau marah marah dan pergi dengan Sukanya.Sukanya bercanda bertanya "dariblack, bagaimana malam Anda... Dan permainan chopat..."Jalal Wek menjawab "Saya berharap chopat dimainkan dengan Sali saya sebaliknya Jiji Anda"Suku merasa sedikit pemalu "dariblack apki aur Jodha Jiji ki Jodi bilkul sahi hai... aap dono se bato saya hum dia jit nahi sakte."Mereka berdua mencapai ruang utama yang mana semua orang menunggu Jodha... Raja Bharmal dengan nada informatif berkata "Jamaisa, pada setiap holi kita semua pergi ke Bait mata Kali di pagi hari.Mainavati bertanya suku; "mana yang Jodha?""Masa Jiji belumlah siap... itu akan mengambil sedikit waktu."Mainavati worrily mengatakan "Raja sahib, kita perlu untuk meninggalkan sekarang jika tidak waktu yang baik untuk pooja akan tertinggal." Sukanya Anda datang dengan Jodha kemudian... Sukanaya dengan wajah kata kata tapi Masa...Jalal mengatakan "Aku akan membawa Jodha candi... Anda semua melanjutkan..." Raja Bharmal dengan senyum menjawab "Terima kasih Anda Jamaisa" kemudian mereka semua pergi untuk Bait.Jodha bersiap-siap dan keluar ke ruang utama dengan pooja thal dan melihat Jalal saja; Dia bertanya "Dimana semua orang itu?""Jodha begum, mereka semua pergi ke Bait Allah...Jodha sedih berkata "oh... Bagaimana denganku? Bagaimana aku akan pergi?""Jangan khawatir Jodha begum; Aku akan membawa Anda ke Pura.""Tidak! Aku tidak ingin kau datang ke Bait"Jalal dengan membingungkan ekspresi bertanya "Kenapa tidak?"Jodha keras kepala menjawab "Aku tidak ingin membicarakan tentang hal itu... tetapi tidak datang ke Candi mata Kali." Dengan memori tajam Jalal ingat percakapan, bagaimana tentara nya hancur Kali Bait di kota Amer dan mengambil perhiasan dari mereka dan Jodha bertempur dengan tentara orang-orang. Dan itu adalah pertama kalinya ia mendengar tentang Jodha.Jalal dengan nada bersalah mengatakan "saya tahu mengapa Anda katakan tidak ada tapi apa yang terjadi di masa lalu adalah sangat sedih, saya mengerti sekarang, aku sudah salah, saya tidak dihargai agama Anda tetapi waktu itu, saya tidak pernah berpikir saya adalah umat hindu menyakiti perasaan. Aku benci Rajvanshi dan untuk membalas dendam prajurit saya melakukan kejahatan ini."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
He drew her more closely and whisper in her ears "I want you" then sensually kissed her on soft pink rosy lips very gently. She closed her eyes and responded back to his kiss. Jalal stopped and looked at her with intense seductive look then put her hair behind her ears, ran his finger on her face and stopped at lips...then cupped her face and kissed her again but this time with passion...He squeezed her cheeks and kissed on her lips with soft smooch, then he nibble her lips, his desire increase passionately... he wildly started to kiss her all over her face...grab her hair wildly move her face up to kiss on her neck...

Jalal's wild passionate touch gave her pleasure. She whispers softly "Ohhh Jalal...ahhh... please controls yourself; I am losing my control...please let me go..."

"Jodha, Don't control... you are only mine, I will not let you go today..." and he tugged his hands in her wet hair and kissed her wildly on her earlobes ...

"Jalal, Don't seduce me...don't touch me... please let me go..." she said in whiper

Jalal with sensually with deep desire replied "I won't...Jodha"

Jodha responded back with anger and wildly bite on his lips that made Jalal angry...he madly started to kiss with smooch on her soft lips and bite her on ears lobs then on her neck...his hands started to play around all over her figure...They were so close...there was no breathing space between them...Jodha's desire was increasing by every second... and losing her control... and her open wet hair and fragrance of jasmine flowers made fanatical... Their craving and thirst was growing, Jalal took off her dupatta from her shoulder and pull down her blouse a little and smooched on her shoulder softly but sensually. Her low cut deep neck blouse was showing her cleavage beautifully... Jalal eyes drooled over it... which created extreme yearning... He moved little more down and kissed her with bite on collarbone and with this intense touch, Jodha hissed in pain ahhh... she blushed and felt shy, she tried running away from him but Jalal was holding her dupatta ...it stretched and came out of the final grip of her dress... She turned her back and covered herself with her shoulder... Jalal walked towards her and hugged her from back and locked her entire body with his broad arms strongly and kissed her on her cheeks with love then moved her long soft hair towards front and he had never seen this beautiful curvy shape, spot less, soft and smooth skin... he started to kiss her softly slowly on her back...his wet kiss on her back gave deep shiver in her entire body, his touch and sensual kisses send millions of sparks in her body... it was impossible for her to stay apart from him...she turned towards Jalal and hugged him tight... he hugged back with same passion then caressed her on her cheeks...with deep intense smooch kissed on her neck then slowly moved down a little and sensually smooched her on teasing pick points...

Jalal in whispering tone asked "Do you like my touch...?"

Jodha was at that point...she wanted more... she wanted everything...her desire was at the mountain...Jodha in response hugged him tight and started to kissing him wildly... her passion was so strong, her every kiss was living marks on his neck, cheeks and lips ... without wasting time, quickly Jalal took off his top kurta ...for Jodha, it was like a magnet...his muscular tough body...his warm touch of his skin.. She forgot all her shyness...their body collides with passion...she wanted to enjoy every second of their passionate hug...

Jalal was still had his control but with strong craving... Jalal was surprised with her wild passion and enjoying longing for him...

He murmur in her ears "Jodha do you love me? Are you ready to go further...?" Jalal knew with his experience, there is no way she will stop at this point... he didn't wanted to go further unless she admit her love for him... he knew that was important for her but she had no interest in listening to him...She kissed him on his open chest and hugging him so madly...his muscular strong broad shoulder made her crazy... she wanted to melt in his arms forever... She lost in magical warmth of his body...first touch of his sensual skin send flash on her entire body, Jalal could sense her eagerness and curiosity to explore further... he carried her to the bed and she immediately lay down and pulled him towards him, Jalal was on top of her...gazing at her beautiful passionate seductive eyes... J

alal could sense her desire for wanting more... he asked her again "Jodha, Do you love me? Are you ready to go further..".this time he didn't whisper...he was loud and clear that he wanted this answer? But he was very sure she will not deny... he saw her desire was at extreme pick...

With strong voice of Jalal, wake up Jodha from her most beautiful dream and realized she completely lost in his arms, Jalal was on top of her...he kissed her again on her cheeks softly with love and asked her "Jodha, do you love me?"

She knew that they went too far again and if she stops him now, it is going to be disappointing for Jalal. Jalal could tell her stormy eyes were widen in shock, her expression completely change...he could read her denial thoughts before she replied. He really seduced her to extreme... but she was out of this spell.

Jodha finally respond sadly "Is it really important to answer these questions? You are my husband and you have a right on me."

Jalal asked her again with resentment "Jodha, please tell me you love me and you want to go further." Deep silence...only sound on panting... he knew something was there, which was stopping her.

Jalal disappointedly got up from the bed and bitterly said "Jodha begum, Sorry, I will make sure I don't cross my limit now on...until you are ready. I will not touch you till you accept me completely..."

Jodha could feel his controlled anger towards her. They both got up and dressed quickly. Jalal walked by window and thinking hurtfully, why does Jodha always stops herself...? I see in her eyes lots of love for me but I can't understand her.

Knock on the door. Jodha opens door...

Sukanya walks in to the room and cheerfully said good morning to both of them and said in upsetting tone "Oh Jiji you not ready yet... everyone is waiting for you...then innocently asked "What happen to your flower jewelry... it's all broken... Jodha and Jalal looked at each other with mixed expression of shy and angry... Sukanya realized she asked wrong question... swiftly changing topic she said "Jiji; Masa is waiting for you and seems like you forgot we have to go to temple.

Jodha sarcastically requested to Sukanay "Can you give a company to your Jijasa...day and night he is only thinking about Agra... so I can get ready quickly..." Sukanya with smirk; my pleasure...

Jalal gave furious angry glare and went out with Sukanya.

Sukanya teasingly asked "Jiju, how was your night... And chopat game..."

Jalal mockingly replied "I wish played chopat with my Sali instead your Jiji"

Suku felt little shy "Jiju apki aur Jodha Jiji ki Jodi bilkul sahi hai...aap dono se bato me hum him jit nahi sakte."

They both reach to main hall where everyone is waiting for Jodha... Raja Bharmal with informative tone said "Jamaisa, on every holi we all go to the Kali mata temple in the morning.

Mainavati asked suku; "where is Jodha?"

"Masa Jiji is not ready yet... it will take little time."

Mainavati worrily said "Raja sahib, we need to leave now otherwise good time for pooja will be missed." Sukanya you come with Jodha later... Sukanaya with said face said but Masa...

Jalal said "I will bring Jodha to temple... You all continue..." Raja Bharmal with smile replied "Thanks you Jamaisa" then they all left for temple.

Jodha got ready and came out to main hall with pooja thal and saw Jalal only; she asked him "Where everyone is?"

"Jodha begum, they all went to the temple...

Jodha sadly said "Ohh.. what about me? How I will go?"

"Don't worry Jodha begum; I will take you to the temple."

"No ! I don't want you to come to temple"

Jalal with confuse expression asked "Why not?"

Jodha stubbornly replied "I don't want to discuss about it... but you are not coming to Kali mata temple." With his sharp memory Jalal recalled conversation, how his soldier ruined Kali temple in Amer and took jewelry from their and Jodha fight with those soldiers. And that was the first time he heard about Jodha.

Jalal with guilty tone said "I know why you are saying no but what happened in the past was very sad, I understand now, I was wrong, I have disrespected your religion but that time, I never thought I was hurting hindu people's feelings. I hated Rajvanshi and to take revenge my soldiers did this crime."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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