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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
INDUSTRI WAWASAN 5-3 PIHAK KETIGA INOVASITradeteam adalah perusahaan patungan logistik Exel, bersama dengan perusahaan induknya NFC Plc., dan Bass Brewers menyediakan layanan jaringan distribusi nasional ke industri minuman U.K..Tradeteam dikembangkan dalam menanggapi perubahan tekanan dan pergeseran kondisi pasar dalam industri. Pasar bir di Inggris telah merosot jangka panjang, dengan pub konsumsi menyusut di sekitar 1 persen per tahun. Secara keseluruhan, industri telah menderita kelebihan kapasitas dan margin yang lebih rendah. Di atas ini, pemerintah memiliki bir yang diperlukan untuk melepaskan diri dari kepentingan mereka di pub, arahan dengan implikasi besar pasar. Antara 1992 dan 1999, misalnya, pub kepemilikan oleh brewers regional dan nasional menurun dari 74 persen untuk 33 persen. Hasil akhirnya adalah khas dari rendah-pertumbuhan industri: Brewers mengkonsolidasikan dan reposisi dan itu memerlukan pendekatan yang segar untuk market¬ing dan distribusi.As the United Kingdom's largest provider of brewery distribution services, Exel Logistics had a significant interest in protecting a business that was under pressure from individual brew¬ers and emerging pub ownership groups. Exel's idea was to take over one major brewer's exist¬ing distribution infrastructure to achieve the critical mass associated with that company's market share. Leveraging that infrastructure, it would then offer cost-effective logistics services to other beverage suppliers. This concept led to the formation of the Tradeteam joint venture between Exel Logistics and Bass, which already was the industry's lowcost producer.Tradeteam is now the U.K.'s leading independent logistics provider to the beverage industry. It has annual revenues of $200 million and delivers approximately 280 million gallons of beer and other beverages to more than 27,000 retail customers on behalf of a number of beverage suppliers. Uniquely situated as a multiuser distributor between the consumer and the supplier, Tradeteam has revolutionized the beverage industry supply chain.Results to date have been encouraging. Tradeteam has enabled the brewers and beverage suppliers to reduce their operating costs, increase revenues through market expansion, and provide superior service levels to their customers. Market share for this innovative joint venture has reached the 40 to 50 percent range. In fact, this represents the largest outsourcing initiative yet undertaken in the United Kingdom.
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