In Figure 4, shows the process of logical functions generated by the u terjemahan - In Figure 4, shows the process of logical functions generated by the u Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In Figure 4, shows the process of l

In Figure 4, shows the process of logical functions generated by the use of the spreadsheet; this could encourage
planning for designing the session with the application of ICT. That is, it is the most important action between the teacher,
who teaches in the traditional class session and migration toward the use of the spreadsheet in the teaching of
Finally we can include the history of mathematics in the classroom, like say Fauvel (1991), Clinard (1993), Bidwell (1993),
Murugan (1995), Barbin (1997), Furinghetti (1997), Ernest (1998) and Jonasse (1998), García and Edel (2008) and
García-Santillán et al (2014) as a methodological tool that could be help to learning.
3. Programming in a Spreadsheet
The usefulness of ICT, and the benefit that may be obtained from this, are given starting from the development of a plan
for the session that will be held on a specific topic of financial mathematics, i.e., starting from the development plan
sessions of the course, as well, the didactic strategies to be used in the mathematics course.
The application of ICT in the teaching process is based on the programming that is carry out in spreadsheets, as
an option the program Excel of Microsoft Office. With the use of this tool, beyond making easy explanation of the math
topic within the learning sessions, also will design a simulator, which helps as a calculation tool for students to develop
their skills, both technological and numerical (as evidence of the product in the session).
This fact aims to demonstrate that the mathematics be one of the sciences that are more susceptible to rejection
by students in the teaching-learning process, the use of ICT could be an influential element in the liking and acceptance
of mathematics by the students who are training in the classroom. But, how is a session in a traditional session class? At
fallowing, we develop one of the issues in mathematics course.
4. The Topic “Equivalent Equations to Debt Restructuring”
One of the topics addressed in the course of financial mathematics is the equivalent equations. This topic aims to that
starting from a set of equations; we may carry out the calculation for renegotiating debt. Firstly we need to apply a
formula that allows us to determine the amount of each payment (depending on the number of agreed payments) and
also re-evaluate the original debt and certainly may be establish the new payment dates within the new payment scheme.
To do this must be considered the next steps in the renegotiation (Pastor, 1999; García-Santillán et al 2014)
1. Identify a date with which we can compare the operations to perform, which we will call focal date.
2. Calculate the value of the debt at the focal date with the formula VOD (Value of the Original Debt).
3. Calculate on the basis of the focal date, the provider payment options.
4. Finally, determine how much is the amount of each payment renegotiated through the formula VNS (Value of
the New Scheme).
In summary, the proposed equivalent equation model is useful to examine the three moments of the restructuring:
valuing of the original debt, determining the new payment scheme, and computing new payments. Therefore, in
equivalent equations are used the next formulas:
Hence, to valuation of debt VOD:
With compound interest, which include capitalizations: Considering that most of the promissory note are expired,
other is in the focal date and other document which are not yet expired
Following the mathematical model, now it’s necessary to design a timeline for establishing the three moments (see
figure 5): before the focal date (bfd), in the focal date (fd), and after focal date (afd).
The elements for determination the value of the new scheme: VNS are: the interest rates or discount in the renegotiation
among debtor and creditor is: i1… in the time t1……tn, the obligation before the focal date S1bfd (from 1 to n), in the focal
date Sfd and the obligations after the focal date S1afd (from 1 to n).
The formula of model of the New Debt, with compounded interests’ rate accurate, is as follows:

7. Conclusion
A significant trend in the field of teaching of mathematics is given through the use of the ICT.
That is, computing platforms have opened new avenues in the education, with the specific case in the teaching of
mathematics. Some studies provide evidence that allows us to say that people, nowadays obtains better results every
time, in both comprehension and developing the skills of mathematical functions, with the use of the spreadsheet and the
technologies, all this in comparison to students who conducted the process of education and learning in the traditional
There are several applications which ICT have given to humanity in different areas in which are utilized. For the
case of this studio, we have focused on the teaching of financial mathematics and how, starting from ICT, may be
developed tools that allow the manipulation of variables, either in mathematical information or data used for the
development mathematical formula or model. With the graphical representation, the financial modeling and other
attributes of this application, is what offered by ICT to the field of education for the development exercises.
As has been mentioned, we know that some mathematical exercises are very complexes to solve manually, using
only paper and pencil. In the same way, it is necessary to break paradigms and old customs in the education learning
process, and a particular way, in the mathematics teaching-learning process.
Frequently has been recommended that the teacher design his session plan supported by the computing
technologies, being the specific case, the introduction of the spreadsheet. In the base of the proposed model (Figure 1
and 2) the variables are: the teaching-learning process, the tool (the use of the ICT, specifically the spreadsheet) and the
product (the significant learning).
In both cases the student is the subject, and in the model b (figure 2) is integrated an important variable, being this,
the professor or teacher. Being this last one, the change agent through which, the migration generated from the
traditional education system of the mathematics, towards the education learning system based in the ICT application,
being the specific case the use of the spreadsheet (in excel for example).
Finally we can say according to what they refer García-Santillán; Escalera; Camarena and García (2012), that
even if the mathematics has been a recurring theme that is difficult for the student, it is also true that when technology is
present in the process of teaching and learning the environment change. In type workshop classroom where is conducted
the teaching of mathematics, the place becomes a pleasant space for the student, when there is a reciprocal relationship
with a computer.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In Figure 4, shows the process of logical functions generated by the use of the spreadsheet; this could encourageplanning for designing the session with the application of ICT. That is, it is the most important action between the teacher,who teaches in the traditional class session and migration toward the use of the spreadsheet in the teaching ofmathematics.Finally we can include the history of mathematics in the classroom, like say Fauvel (1991), Clinard (1993), Bidwell (1993),Murugan (1995), Barbin (1997), Furinghetti (1997), Ernest (1998) and Jonasse (1998), García and Edel (2008) andGarcía-Santillán et al (2014) as a methodological tool that could be help to learning.3. Programming in a SpreadsheetThe usefulness of ICT, and the benefit that may be obtained from this, are given starting from the development of a planfor the session that will be held on a specific topic of financial mathematics, i.e., starting from the development plansessions of the course, as well, the didactic strategies to be used in the mathematics course.The application of ICT in the teaching process is based on the programming that is carry out in spreadsheets, asan option the program Excel of Microsoft Office. With the use of this tool, beyond making easy explanation of the mathtopic within the learning sessions, also will design a simulator, which helps as a calculation tool for students to developmereka keterampilan, teknologi dan numerik (sebagai bukti dari produk dalam sesi).Fakta ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa matematika menjadi salah satu ilmu yang lebih rentan terhadap penolakanoleh siswa dalam proses belajar-mengajar, penggunaan ICT bisa menjadi unsur berpengaruh dalam keinginan dan penerimaanmatematika oleh siswa yang pelatihan di kelas. Tapi, bagaimana sebuah sesi di kelas tradisional sesi? Difallowing, kami mengembangkan salah satu masalah dalam matematika.4. topik "Setara dengan persamaan untuk restrukturisasi hutang"Salah satu topik yang dibahas dalam matematika keuangan adalah setara dengan persamaan. Topik ini bertujuan untuk yangmulai dari serangkaian persamaan; kita dapat melakukan perhitungan untuk melakukan negosiasi ulang utang. Pertama kita perlu menerapkanFormula yang memungkinkan kita untuk menentukan jumlah setiap pembayaran (tergantung pada jumlah pembayaran yang telah disepakati) danjuga mengevaluasi kembali utang asli dan tentu saja mungkin menetapkan tanggal pembayaran baru dalam skema pembayaran baru.Untuk melakukan hal ini harus dianggap sebagai langkah berikutnya dalam renegosiasi (pendeta, 1999; García-Santillán et al 2014)1. mengidentifikasi tanggal yang kita dapat membandingkan operasi untuk melakukan, yang kami akan menghubungi tanggal fokus.2. menghitung nilai utang pada tanggal fokus dengan formula VOD (nilai hutang asli).3. menghitung berdasarkan tanggal fokus, penyedia pembayaran.4. akhirnya, menentukan berapa banyak adalah jumlah dari setiap pembayaran yang renegotiated melalui formula VNS (nilaiSkema baru).Dalam ringkasan, model persamaan setara diusulkan berguna untuk meneliti saat-saat tiga restrukturisasi:menilai dari hutang asli, menentukan skema pembayaran baru, dan komputasi pembayaran baru. Oleh karena itu, dalamsetara dengan persamaan yang digunakan rumus berikutnya:Oleh karena itu, untuk penilaian utang VOD:Dengan bunga majemuk, yang meliputi kapitalisasi: mengingat bahwa sebagian besar Promes berakhir,lainnya adalah di tanggal fokus dan dokumen lainnya yang belum kedaluwarsaMengikuti model matematika, sekarang hal ini diperlukan untuk merancang sebuah timeline untuk membangun saat tiga (LihatGambar 5): sebelum tanggal fokus (bfd), tanggal fokus (fd), dan setelah fokus tanggal (afd).Unsur-unsur untuk penentuan nilai skema baru: VNS adalah: bunga atau diskon di renegosiasidi antara debitor dan kreditor adalah: i1... dalam waktu t1... tn, kewajiban sebelum tanggal fokus S1bfd (dari 1 sampai n), dalam fokustanggal Sfd dan kewajiban setelah tanggal fokus S1afd (dari 1 sampai n).Rumus model utang baru, dengan tingkat persenyawaan kepentingan akurat, adalah sebagai berikut:7. kesimpulanSignifikan tren di bidang pengajaran matematika diberikan melalui penggunaan ICT.Itu adalah, platform komputasi telah membuka jalan baru di bidang pendidikan, dengan kasus tertentu dalam ajaranmathematics. Some studies provide evidence that allows us to say that people, nowadays obtains better results everytime, in both comprehension and developing the skills of mathematical functions, with the use of the spreadsheet and thetechnologies, all this in comparison to students who conducted the process of education and learning in the traditionalsystem.1There are several applications which ICT have given to humanity in different areas in which are utilized. For thecase of this studio, we have focused on the teaching of financial mathematics and how, starting from ICT, may bedeveloped tools that allow the manipulation of variables, either in mathematical information or data used for thedevelopment mathematical formula or model. With the graphical representation, the financial modeling and otherattributes of this application, is what offered by ICT to the field of education for the development exercises.As has been mentioned, we know that some mathematical exercises are very complexes to solve manually, usingonly paper and pencil. In the same way, it is necessary to break paradigms and old customs in the education learningprocess, and a particular way, in the mathematics teaching-learning process.Frequently has been recommended that the teacher design his session plan supported by the computingtechnologies, being the specific case, the introduction of the spreadsheet. In the base of the proposed model (Figure 1and 2) the variables are: the teaching-learning process, the tool (the use of the ICT, specifically the spreadsheet) and theproduct (the significant learning).In both cases the student is the subject, and in the model b (figure 2) is integrated an important variable, being this,the professor or teacher. Being this last one, the change agent through which, the migration generated from thetraditional education system of the mathematics, towards the education learning system based in the ICT application,being the specific case the use of the spreadsheet (in excel for example).Finally we can say according to what they refer García-Santillán; Escalera; Camarena and García (2012), thateven if the mathematics has been a recurring theme that is difficult for the student, it is also true that when technology ispresent in the process of teaching and learning the environment change. In type workshop classroom where is conductedthe teaching of mathematics, the place becomes a pleasant space for the student, when there is a reciprocal relationshipwith a computer.
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