To next morn­ing, has com­pleted in the Dragon’s den north­ern pitch­i terjemahan - To next morn­ing, has com­pleted in the Dragon’s den north­ern pitch­i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

To next morn­ing, has com­pleted in

To next morn­ing, has com­pleted in the Dragon’s den north­ern pitch­ing camp duty the palace guard fi­nally, a Lit­tle Rock has con­structed to com­plete half, the city wall is not multi- tall Duo­jian to be thick, but re­sists the at­tack of com­mon dif­fer­ent demon, and has writ­ten a hand-writ­ten let­ter, re­duces heat the Shen­shan ar­ter­ies to dis­patch 5000 dark month spirit young girls to act as the archer to de­fend the im­pe­r­ial bat­tal­ion, such came to be ab­solutely safe.
Very early in the morn­ing, yawns the prepa­ra­tion wind­ing, at this time old K has sent in a news: „Li Xi­aozi, the small wolf the birth­day, the din­ner eats today to­gether, help­ing him cel­e­brate this birth­day, this boy per­son has fought those years in Hangzhou, the girl­friend does not have, re­main­ing our elder brother sev­eral.”
I reply im­me­di­ately: „Um, does the small wolf have the thing that any­thing wants, I have not known that gives any gift is good.”
Old K said: „Ac­tu­ally lacks a girl­friend, but it is es­ti­mated that you do not han­dle, buys a gift ca­su­ally and that's the end.”
The wind­ing, takes a bath, then goes out eats a thing, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month ac­tu­ally sleep suf­fi­cient ap­pear­ance, has had the break­fast to­gether, I in­quired de­liv­ers the mat­ter of gift, Lin Wan Er sug­gests to buy one set of high-end men's cloth­ing, the Dong Cheng month , then the sug­ges­tion buys an up­scale leather belt, fi­nally I de­cided buys a super dag­ger to give the small wolf.
There­fore has not slept di­rectly , to con­tinue to get on­line, trans­mits Tian Ling Em­pire, chose in the auc­tion room for a long time, had found fi­nally fi­nally the dag­ger that one was new, 163 lev­els of Di­vine Tier, the strik­ing power was good, the bro­ken against ef­fect was also very good, places in the guild ware­house, as­signed the ex­trac­tion per­son is the small wolf, at­tached the spo­ken lan­guage is: „Small wolf happy birth­day, longer is more grace­ful, soon will find the girl­friend!”
Han­dled all these later fi­nally the wind­ing to sleep.
A dream wakes up it is get­ting dark, had a look on the cell phone, the news of fox came: „Ram­ble, a bit faster comes, in the work room op­po­site restau­rant 3 build­ings, we soon passed.”
The 10 min­utes ago in­for­ma­tion, I stand up from fail­ure im­me­di­ately, gets out of bed to clean the teeth to wash the face is also 10 min­utes com­pletes, goes out to go, today Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month duty trade union man­ages, there­fore their two on­line main­tain the [Zhan Long] man­age­ment sit­u­a­tion, has not gone to at­tend the birth­day party of small wolf, but has not re­lated, in any case is not very ripe very ripe that.
Goes out, opens my A4 to di­rectly soar that restau­rant, be­cause today is not in the week­end, there­fore din­ner Cooldown time down­stairs have the berth un­ex­pect­edly, mag­nif­i­cent after stop­ping, goes up­stairs.
When I open the the­ater box door, the heat wave comes in waves, the veg­etable on the table, the one side has also been putting a giant cake, since this has been the [Zhan Long] work room for a long time an­other meet­ing, al­to­gether also on 4 peo­ple, as be­fore is our ini­tial 4 peo­ple, I and small wolf and old K have the fox, four good broth­ers to gather to­gether once more.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
To next morn­ing, has com­pleted in the Dragon’s den north­ern pitch­ing camp duty the palace guard fi­nally, a Lit­tle Rock has con­structed to com­plete half, the city wall is not multi- tall Duo­jian to be thick, but re­sists the at­tack of com­mon dif­fer­ent demon, and has writ­ten a hand-writ­ten let­ter, re­duces heat the Shen­shan ar­ter­ies to dis­patch 5000 dark month spirit young girls to act as the archer to de­fend the im­pe­r­ial bat­tal­ion, such came to be ab­solutely safe.Very early in the morn­ing, yawns the prepa­ra­tion wind­ing, at this time old K has sent in a news: „Li Xi­aozi, the small wolf the birth­day, the din­ner eats today to­gether, help­ing him cel­e­brate this birth­day, this boy per­son has fought those years in Hangzhou, the girl­friend does not have, re­main­ing our elder brother sev­eral.”I reply im­me­di­ately: „Um, does the small wolf have the thing that any­thing wants, I have not known that gives any gift is good.”Old K said: „Ac­tu­ally lacks a girl­friend, but it is es­ti­mated that you do not han­dle, buys a gift ca­su­ally and that's the end.”„Good!”The wind­ing, takes a bath, then goes out eats a thing, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month ac­tu­ally sleep suf­fi­cient ap­pear­ance, has had the break­fast to­gether, I in­quired de­liv­ers the mat­ter of gift, Lin Wan Er sug­gests to buy one set of high-end men's cloth­ing, the Dong Cheng month , then the sug­ges­tion buys an up­scale leather belt, fi­nally I de­cided buys a super dag­ger to give the small wolf.There­fore has not slept di­rectly , to con­tinue to get on­line, trans­mits Tian Ling Em­pire, chose in the auc­tion room for a long time, had found fi­nally fi­nally the dag­ger that one was new, 163 lev­els of Di­vine Tier, the strik­ing power was good, the bro­ken against ef­fect was also very good, places in the guild ware­house, as­signed the ex­trac­tion per­son is the small wolf, at­tached the spo­ken lan­guage is: „Small wolf happy birth­day, longer is more grace­ful, soon will find the girl­friend!”Han­dled all these later fi­nally the wind­ing to sleep.A dream wakes up it is get­ting dark, had a look on the cell phone, the news of fox came: „Ram­ble, a bit faster comes, in the work room op­po­site restau­rant 3 build­ings, we soon passed.”The 10 min­utes ago in­for­ma­tion, I stand up from fail­ure im­me­di­ately, gets out of bed to clean the teeth to wash the face is also 10 min­utes com­pletes, goes out to go, today Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month duty trade union man­ages, there­fore their two on­line main­tain the [Zhan Long] man­age­ment sit­u­a­tion, has not gone to at­tend the birth­day party of small wolf, but has not re­lated, in any case is not very ripe very ripe that.Goes out, opens my A4 to di­rectly soar that restau­rant, be­cause today is not in the week­end, there­fore din­ner Cooldown time down­stairs have the berth un­ex­pect­edly, mag­nif­i­cent after stop­ping, goes up­stairs.
When I open the the­ater box door, the heat wave comes in waves, the veg­etable on the table, the one side has also been putting a giant cake, since this has been the [Zhan Long] work room for a long time an­other meet­ing, al­to­gether also on 4 peo­ple, as be­fore is our ini­tial 4 peo­ple, I and small wolf and old K have the fox, four good broth­ers to gather to­gether once more.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Untuk keesokan harinya, telah selesai pada den utara tugas kamp pitching Dragon pengawal istana akhirnya, Little Rock telah dibangun untuk menyelesaikan setengah, tembok kota tidak multi- Duojian tinggi untuk menjadi tebal, namun menolak serangan umum setan yang berbeda, dan telah menulis surat yang ditulis tangan, mengurangi panas arteri Shenshan untuk mengirimkan 5000 gelap semangat bulan gadis-gadis muda untuk bertindak sebagai pemanah untuk membela batalion kekaisaran, seperti datang untuk menjadi benar-benar aman.
Sangat pagi, menguap persiapan berliku , saat ini K tua telah dikirim dalam berita: "Li Xiaozi, serigala kecil ulang tahun, makan malam makan hari ini bersama-sama, membantu dia merayakan ulang tahun ini, anak orang ini telah berjuang bertahun-tahun di Hangzhou, pacar tidak memiliki, sisa kakak kami beberapa ".
saya langsung menjawab:" Um, apakah serigala kecil memiliki hal bahwa apa pun yang ingin, saya belum tahu yang memberi hadiah baik ".
Old K mengatakan:" Sebenarnya tidak memiliki pacar, tetapi diperkirakan bahwa Anda tidak menangani, membeli hadiah santai dan itulah akhirnya. "
" Baik! "
The berliku, mengambil mandi, kemudian pergi keluar makan sesuatu hal, Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan benar-benar tidur penampilan yang cukup, telah memiliki sarapan bersama, saya bertanya memberikan soal hadiah, Lin Wan Er menyarankan untuk membeli satu set pakaian high-end pria, Dong Cheng bulan, maka saran membeli sebuah sabuk kulit kelas atas, akhirnya saya memutuskan membeli keris super untuk memberikan serigala kecil.
Oleh karena itu belum tidur langsung, untuk terus mendapatkan online, mentransmisikan Tian Ling Empire, memilih di ruang lelang untuk waktu yang lama, telah menemukan akhirnya akhirnya belati yang satu itu baru, 163 tingkat Tier Ilahi, kekuatan mencolok baik, rusak melawan efek juga sangat baik, tempat di gudang serikat, ditugaskan orang ekstraksi adalah serigala kecil, melekat bahasa lisan adalah: "serigala kecil selamat ulang tahun, lebih lama yaitu lebih anggun, segera akan menemukan pacar! "
. Ditangani semua ini nanti akhirnya berliku tidur
mimpi bangun itu semakin gelap, memiliki tampilan pada ponsel, berita fox datang:" mengoceh, sedikit lebih cepat datang, di ruang kerja berlawanan restoran 3 bangunan , kami segera berlalu. "
10 menit yang lalu informasi, saya berdiri dari kegagalan segera, keluar dari tempat tidur untuk membersihkan gigi untuk mencuci wajah juga 10 menit selesai, keluar untuk pergi, hari ini Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan serikat tugas perdagangan mengelola, oleh karena itu mereka dua secara online mempertahankan [Zhan panjang] situasi manajemen, tidak pergi untuk menghadiri pesta ulang tahun serigala kecil, tapi tidak terkait, dalam hal apapun sangat tidak matang sangat matang itu.
Goes keluar, membuka A4 saya langsung melambung restoran itu, karena hari ini tidak di akhir pekan, karena itu waktu makan malam Cooldown bawah memiliki tempat tidur tiba-tiba, megah setelah berhenti, pergi ke lantai atas.
Ketika saya membuka pintu teater kotak, gelombang panas datang dalam gelombang, sayuran di atas meja, satu sisi juga telah menempatkan kue raksasa, karena ini telah menjadi [Zhan panjang] ruang kerja untuk waktu yang lama pertemuan lain, sama sekali juga pada 4 orang, seperti sebelumnya adalah kami awal 4 orang, saya dan kecil serigala dan K tua memiliki rubah, empat saudara yang baik untuk berkumpul bersama lagi.
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