The IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM) is the  terjemahan - The IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM) is the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The IEEE Transactions on Instrument

The IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM) is the technical journal of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, and is published monthly. The Transactions serves as the forum for publishing original scholarly papers, that are primarily in the fields of instrumentation and measurement. The published papers are available to all members via the IEEE Xplore. Manuscripts submitted to this Transactions ( should describe original work in instrumentation and measurement (click to see Scope of Transactions). The manuscript must be exclusively submitted to this journal, must not have been published before, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. For further information, see Instructions for Authors at for Manuscript Preparation, Submission, and Tracking. (If you are not registed, you will need to do so in order to see the Author Instructions.)

Transactions Upcoming Issue Table-of-Contents - The table-of-contents for the upcoming TIM issue can be viewed here:

September, 2014 October, 2014

Rapid Posting - TIM papers that have been accepted for publication and after their authors have approved their proofs are Rapid Posted on the IEEE Xplore, while waiting for their specific publications issue. These paper can be accessed on the Instrumentation and Measurement Transactions web page on the IEEE Xplore (, under Early Access articles at the top of the page.

Special Issues/Sections - Transactions offer extended technical papers from the society-sponsored conferences and workshops. Submission of a special-issue manuscript requires specific and additional disclosures and acknowledgements. Additional submission requirements are available in the Special Issue Section.

IEEE Copyright Form - It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions that it publishes. To comply with this policy under the U.S. Copyright Law, an electronic Copyright Form must be submitted at the time of manuscript submission. In addition, before a manuscript can be published an original signed copy of this form must be mailed or faxed to the Transactions administrator. The Copyright Form may be found here. The form also outlines the rights of the authors to the intellectual property, material reuse and other related matters.

Guide to Estimating Number of Printed Pages - Approximately three double-spaced (l2-point font, 26 lines per page) typewritten pages will make one printed page. Approximately six single-column figures having a 1:1 aspect ratio will fit on one printed page. Please see more information here.

Transactions Metrics - Transactions metrics are updated monthly and can be viewed at:

July 2014 Metrics August 2014 Metrics

Short Papers - TIM is now publishing Short Papers. For more information click on Short Papers. For information on overlength charges for Short Papers, click here.

Andy Chi Best Paper Award - This award is given each year to the author, or authors, of the outstanding paper published in the Transactions of the I&M Society during the previous year. Its purposes are; 1) to emphasize the importance of good authorship and timeliness of subject matter and 2) to stimulate interest in the Transactions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
IEEE transaksi di instrumentasi dan pengukuran (TIM) adalah jurnal teknis IEEE instrumentasi dan pengukuran masyarakat, dan diterbitkan bulanan. Transaksi berfungsi sebagai forum untuk penerbitan jurnal ilmiah, yang terutama dalam bidang instrumentasi dan pengukuran. Karya-karya diterbitkan tersedia untuk semua anggota melalui IEEE Xplore. Naskah-naskah yang diserahkan kepada transaksi ini ( harus menggambarkan karya asli instrumentasi dan pengukuran (klik untuk melihat lingkup transaksi). Naskah harus eksklusif diserahkan kepada jurnal ini, harus tidak dipublikasikan sebelumnya, dan tidak boleh di bawah pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan di tempat lain. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Lihat petunjuk untuk penulis di penyusunan naskah, penyerahan dan pelacakan. (Jika Anda tidak registed, Anda akan perlu untuk melakukannya untuk melihat petunjuk penulis.)

Transaksi edisi mendatang--isi ---isi untuk edisi TIM mendatang dapat dilihat di sini:

September 2014 Oktober 2014

Posting cepat - TIM makalah yang telah diterima untuk diterbitkan dan setelah mereka penulis telah disetujui bukti mereka yang cepat diposting pada IEEE Xplore, sambil menunggu untuk masalah spesifik publikasi mereka. Kertas ini dapat diakses pada halaman web instrumentasi dan pengukuran transaksi pada IEEE Xplore (, under artikel akses dini di bagian atas halaman.

masalah/bagian khusus - transaksi menawarkan makalah teknis diperpanjang dari masyarakat yang disponsori konferensi dan lokakarya. Penyerahan naskah khusus-isu mensyaratkan pengungkapan spesifik dan tambahan dan penghargaan. Persyaratan pengajuan tambahan tersedia di bagian masalah khusus.

Formulir hak cipta IEEE - itu adalah kebijakan IEEE untuk memiliki hak cipta untuk kontribusi teknis yang menerbitkan. Untuk mematuhi kebijakan ini di bawah undang-undang hak cipta AS, hak cipta bentuk elektronik harus diserahkan pada saat penyerahan naskah. Sebagai tambahan sebelum sebuah naskah dapat dipublikasikan asli telah ditandatangani formulir ini harus dikirim atau fax ke administrator transaksi. Formulir hak cipta dapat ditemukan di sini. Bentuk juga menguraikan hak-hak penulis intelektual, penggunaan kembali bahan dan lain terkait hal.

panduan untuk memperkirakan jumlah dicetak halaman - kira-kira tiga spasi ganda (l2-titik huruf, 26 baris per halaman) halaman diketik akan membuat satu halaman yang dicetak. Kira-kira enam tunggal-kolom angka memiliki aspek rasio 1:1 akan muat pada satu halaman yang dicetak. Lihat lebih banyak informasi di sini.

metrik transaksi - transaksi metrik diperbarui bulanan dan dapat dilihat di:

Juli Agustus metrik 2014 2014 metrik

pendek Papers - TIM sekarang adalah penerbitan Surat-surat pendek. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut klik pada surat-surat pendek. Untuk informasi mengenai biaya overlength untuk surat-surat pendek, klik sini.

Andy Chi terbaik kertas penghargaan - penghargaan ini diberikan setiap tahun kepada penulis, atau penulis, kertas biasa yang diterbitkan dalam transaksi I&M masyarakat selama tahun sebelumnya. Tujuannya adalah; 1) untuk menekankan pentingnya kepengarangan baik dan ketepatan waktu subjek dan 2) untuk merangsang minat pada transaksi.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM) is the technical journal of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, and is published monthly. The Transactions serves as the forum for publishing original scholarly papers, that are primarily in the fields of instrumentation and measurement. The published papers are available to all members via the IEEE Xplore. Manuscripts submitted to this Transactions ( should describe original work in instrumentation and measurement (click to see Scope of Transactions). The manuscript must be exclusively submitted to this journal, must not have been published before, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. For further information, see Instructions for Authors at for Manuscript Preparation, Submission, and Tracking. (If you are not registed, you will need to do so in order to see the Author Instructions.)

Transactions Upcoming Issue Table-of-Contents - The table-of-contents for the upcoming TIM issue can be viewed here:

September, 2014 October, 2014

Rapid Posting - TIM papers that have been accepted for publication and after their authors have approved their proofs are Rapid Posted on the IEEE Xplore, while waiting for their specific publications issue. These paper can be accessed on the Instrumentation and Measurement Transactions web page on the IEEE Xplore (, under Early Access articles at the top of the page.

Special Issues/Sections - Transactions offer extended technical papers from the society-sponsored conferences and workshops. Submission of a special-issue manuscript requires specific and additional disclosures and acknowledgements. Additional submission requirements are available in the Special Issue Section.

IEEE Copyright Form - It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions that it publishes. To comply with this policy under the U.S. Copyright Law, an electronic Copyright Form must be submitted at the time of manuscript submission. In addition, before a manuscript can be published an original signed copy of this form must be mailed or faxed to the Transactions administrator. The Copyright Form may be found here. The form also outlines the rights of the authors to the intellectual property, material reuse and other related matters.

Guide to Estimating Number of Printed Pages - Approximately three double-spaced (l2-point font, 26 lines per page) typewritten pages will make one printed page. Approximately six single-column figures having a 1:1 aspect ratio will fit on one printed page. Please see more information here.

Transactions Metrics - Transactions metrics are updated monthly and can be viewed at:

July 2014 Metrics August 2014 Metrics

Short Papers - TIM is now publishing Short Papers. For more information click on Short Papers. For information on overlength charges for Short Papers, click here.

Andy Chi Best Paper Award - This award is given each year to the author, or authors, of the outstanding paper published in the Transactions of the I&M Society during the previous year. Its purposes are; 1) to emphasize the importance of good authorship and timeliness of subject matter and 2) to stimulate interest in the Transactions.
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