Financial ratiosFinancial ratios provide a quick and relatively simple terjemahan - Financial ratiosFinancial ratios provide a quick and relatively simple Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Financial ratiosFinancial ratios pr

Financial ratios

Financial ratios provide a quick and relatively simple means of assessing the financial health of a business. A ratio simply relates one figure appearing in the financial state- ments to some other figure appearing there (for example, net profit in relation to capital employed) or, perhaps, to some resource of the business (for example, net profit per employee, sales revenue per square metre of counter space and so on).
Ratios can be very helpful when comparing the financial health of different busi- nesses. Differences may exist between businesses in the scale of operations, and so a direct comparison of, say, the profits generated by each business may be misleading. By expressing profit in relation to some other measure (for example, capital (or funds) employed), the problem of scale is eliminated. A business with a profit of, say, £10,000 and capital employed of £100,000 can be compared with a much larger business with a profit of, say, £80,000 and sales revenue of £1,000,000 by the use of a simple ratio. The net profit to capital employed ratio for the smaller business is 10 per cent ([10,000/100,000] × 100%) and the same ratio for the larger business is 8 per cent ([80,000/1,000,000] × 100%). These ratios can be directly compared whereas com- parison of the absolute profit figures would be less meaningful. The need to eliminate differences in scale through the use of ratios can also apply when comparing the performance of the same business over time.
By calculating a relatively small number of ratios, it is often possible to build up a good picture of the position and performance of a business. Thus, it is not surprising that ratios are widely used by those who have an interest in businesses and business performance. Though ratios are not difficult to calculate, they can be difficult to inter- pret and so it is important to appreciate that they are really only the starting point for further analysis.
Ratios help to highlight the financial strengths and weaknesses of a business, but they cannot, by themselves, explain why certain strengths or weaknesses exist, or why certain changes have occurred. Only a detailed investigation will reveal these under- lying reasons.
Ratios can be expressed in various forms, for example as a percentage or as a pro- portion. The way that a particular ratio is presented will depend on the needs of those who will use the information. Although it is possible to calculate a large number of ratios, only a relatively few based on key relationships tend to be helpful to a par- ticular user. Many ratios that could be calculated from the financial statements (for example, rent payable in relation to current assets) may not be considered because there is no clear or meaningful relationship between the two items.
There is no generally accepted list of ratios that can be applied to the financial state- ments, nor is there a standard method of calculating many ratios. Variations in both the choice of ratios and their calculation will be found in practice. However, it is important to be consistent in the way in which ratios are calculated for comparison purposes. The ratios that we shall now go on to discuss are those that are widely used.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Financial ratiosFinancial ratios provide a quick and relatively simple means of assessing the financial health of a business. A ratio simply relates one figure appearing in the financial state- ments to some other figure appearing there (for example, net profit in relation to capital employed) or, perhaps, to some resource of the business (for example, net profit per employee, sales revenue per square metre of counter space and so on).Ratios can be very helpful when comparing the financial health of different busi- nesses. Differences may exist between businesses in the scale of operations, and so a direct comparison of, say, the profits generated by each business may be misleading. By expressing profit in relation to some other measure (for example, capital (or funds) employed), the problem of scale is eliminated. A business with a profit of, say, £10,000 and capital employed of £100,000 can be compared with a much larger business with a profit of, say, £80,000 and sales revenue of £1,000,000 by the use of a simple ratio. The net profit to capital employed ratio for the smaller business is 10 per cent ([10,000/100,000] × 100%) and the same ratio for the larger business is 8 per cent ([80,000/1,000,000] × 100%). These ratios can be directly compared whereas com- parison of the absolute profit figures would be less meaningful. The need to eliminate differences in scale through the use of ratios can also apply when comparing the performance of the same business over time.By calculating a relatively small number of ratios, it is often possible to build up a good picture of the position and performance of a business. Thus, it is not surprising that ratios are widely used by those who have an interest in businesses and business performance. Though ratios are not difficult to calculate, they can be difficult to inter- pret and so it is important to appreciate that they are really only the starting point for further analysis.Ratios help to highlight the financial strengths and weaknesses of a business, but they cannot, by themselves, explain why certain strengths or weaknesses exist, or why certain changes have occurred. Only a detailed investigation will reveal these under- lying reasons.Ratios can be expressed in various forms, for example as a percentage or as a pro- portion. The way that a particular ratio is presented will depend on the needs of those who will use the information. Although it is possible to calculate a large number of ratios, only a relatively few based on key relationships tend to be helpful to a par- ticular user. Many ratios that could be calculated from the financial statements (for example, rent payable in relation to current assets) may not be considered because there is no clear or meaningful relationship between the two items.There is no generally accepted list of ratios that can be applied to the financial state- ments, nor is there a standard method of calculating many ratios. Variations in both the choice of ratios and their calculation will be found in practice. However, it is important to be consistent in the way in which ratios are calculated for comparison purposes. The ratios that we shall now go on to discuss are those that are widely used.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Rasio keuangan rasio keuangan menyediakan sarana yang cepat dan relatif sederhana untuk menilai kesehatan keuangan bisnis. Rasio A hanya berhubungan satu tokoh yang muncul dalam dokumen-negara bagian keuangan untuk beberapa tokoh lainnya yang muncul di sana (misalnya, laba bersih dalam kaitannya dengan modal yang digunakan) atau, mungkin, untuk beberapa sumber daya bisnis (misalnya, laba bersih per karyawan, pendapatan penjualan per meter persegi ruang counter dan sebagainya). Rasio bisa sangat membantu ketika membandingkan kesehatan keuangan bisnis-bisnis yang berbeda. Perbedaan mungkin ada di antara bisnis dalam skala operasi, dan perbandingan langsung dari, mengatakan, keuntungan yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing bisnis dapat menyesatkan. Dengan mengungkapkan laba dalam hubungannya dengan beberapa ukuran lain (misalnya, modal (atau dana) yang digunakan), masalah skala dihilangkan. Sebuah bisnis dengan keuntungan, katakanlah, £ 10.000 dan modal yang digunakan dari £ 100.000 dapat dibandingkan dengan bisnis yang jauh lebih besar dengan keuntungan, katakanlah, £ 80.000 dan pendapatan penjualan dari £ 1.000.000 dengan menggunakan rasio sederhana. Laba bersih terhadap modal yang digunakan untuk bisnis kecil adalah 10 persen ([10.000 / 100.000] × 100%) dan rasio yang sama untuk bisnis yang lebih besar adalah 8 persen ([80.000 / 1000000] × 100%). Rasio ini dapat langsung dibandingkan sedangkan perbandingan com- tokoh keuntungan mutlak akan kurang bermakna. Kebutuhan untuk menghilangkan perbedaan dalam skala melalui penggunaan rasio juga dapat menerapkan ketika membandingkan kinerja bisnis yang sama dari waktu ke waktu. Dengan menghitung jumlah yang relatif kecil dari rasio, sering mungkin untuk membangun sebuah gambaran yang baik dari posisi dan kinerja bisnis. Jadi, tidak mengherankan bahwa rasio banyak digunakan oleh orang-orang yang memiliki kepentingan dalam bisnis dan kinerja bisnis. Meskipun rasio tidak sulit untuk menghitung, mereka bisa sulit untuk antar- pret dan sehingga sangat penting untuk menghargai bahwa mereka benar-benar hanya titik awal untuk analisis lebih lanjut. Rasio membantu untuk menyoroti kekuatan keuangan dan kelemahan bisnis, tetapi mereka bisa tidak, dengan sendirinya, menjelaskan mengapa kekuatan atau kelemahan tertentu ada, atau mengapa perubahan tertentu telah terjadi. Hanya penyelidikan rinci akan mengungkapkan alasan-alasan berbohong memahami. Rasio dapat dinyatakan dalam berbagai bentuk, misalnya sebagai persentase atau sebagai proporsi. Cara rasio tertentu disajikan akan tergantung pada kebutuhan mereka yang akan menggunakan informasi tersebut. Meskipun dimungkinkan untuk menghitung sejumlah besar rasio, hanya relatif sedikit berdasarkan hubungan kunci cenderung membantu pengguna yang khusus. Banyak rasio yang dapat dihitung dari laporan keuangan (misalnya, sewa hutang yang berkaitan dengan aktiva lancar) tidak dapat dianggap karena tidak ada hubungan yang jelas atau bermakna antara dua item. Tidak ada daftar yang berlaku umum rasio yang dapat diterapkan pada KASIH negara bagian keuangan, juga tidak ada metode standar penghitungan banyak rasio. Variasi kedua pilihan rasio dan perhitungan mereka akan ditemukan dalam praktek. Namun, penting untuk konsisten dalam cara di mana rasio dihitung untuk tujuan perbandingan. Rasio yang sekarang kita akan pergi untuk membahas adalah mereka yang secara luas digunakan.

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