Here are some of the business firms you will find described in the cases and Interactive Sessions of this book:
Chapter 1: Information Systems in Global Business Today
The New Yankee Stadium Looks to the Future
MIS in Your Pocket
UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology
What’s the Buzz on Smart Grids?
Chapter 2: Global E-Business and Collaboration
America’s Cup 2010: USA Wins with Information Technology
Domino’s Sizzles with Pizza Tracker
Virtual Meetings: Smart Management
Collaboration and Innovation at Procter & Gamble
Chapter 3: Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy
Verizon or AT&T—Which Company Has the Best Digital Strategy?
How Much Do Credit Card Companies Know About You?
Is the iPad a Disruptive Technology?
Will TV Succumb to the Internet?
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
Behavioral Targeting And Your Privacy: You’re the Target
The Perils of Texting
Too Much Technology
When Radiation Therapy Kills
Chapter 5: IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies
BART Speeds Up with a New IT Infrastructure
New to the Touch
Is Green Computing Good for Business? Cloud Services Go Mainstream
Chapter 6: Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management
RR Donnelley Tries to Master Its Data
What Can Businesses Learn from Text Mining?
Credit Bureau Errors—Big People Problems
The Terror Watch List Database’s Troubles Continue
Chapter 7: Telecommunications, the Internet and Wireless Technology
Hyundai Heavy Industries Creates a Wireless Shipyard
The Battle Over Net Neutrality
Monitoring Employees on Networks: Unethical or Good Business?
Google, Apple, and Microsoft Struggle for Your Internet Experience
Chapter 8: Securing Information Systems
You’re On Facebook? Watch Out!
When Antivirus Software Cripples Your Computers
How Secure Is the Cloud?
Are We Ready for Cyberwarfare?
Chapter 9: Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications
Cannondale Learns to Manage a Global Supply Chain
Southwest Airlines Takes Off with Better Supply Chain Management
Enterprise Applications Move to the Cloud
Border States Industries Fuels Rapid Growth with ERP
Chapter 10: E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods
4Food: Burgers Go Social
Twitter Searches for a Business Model
Facebook: Managing Your Privacy for Their Profit
Amazon vs. Walmart: Which Giant Will Dominate E-commerce?
Chapter 11: Managing Knowledge
Canadian Tire Keeps the Wheels Rolling With Knowledge Management Systems
Augmented Reality: Reality Gets Better
The Flash Crash: Machines Gone Wild?
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Preserves Expertise with Better Knowledge Management
Chapter 12: Enhancing Decision Making
What to Sell? What Price to Charge? Ask the Data
Data-Driven Schools
Piloting Valero with Real-time Management
Does CompStat Reduce Crime?
Chapter 13: Building Information Systems
CIMB Group Redesigns Its Account Opening Process
Can Business Process Management Make a Difference?
Zimbra Zooms Ahead with OneView
Are Electronic Medical Records a Cure for Health Care?
Chapter 14: Managing Projects
Coca-Cola: “Opening Happiness” with a New Project Management System
DTS Systems Scores with Scrum and Application Lifecycle Management
Motorola Turns to Project Portfolio Management
JetBlue and WestJet: A Tale of Two IS Projects
Chapter 15: Managing Global Systems
3M: Sticky Film and Scratchy Things That Sell Around the World
Fonterra: Managing the World’s Milk Trade
How Cell Phones Support Economic Development
WR Grace Consolidates Its General Ledger System
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We wrote this book for business school students who want an in-depth look at
how today's business firms use information technologies and systems to
achieve corporate objectives. Information systems are one of the major tools
available to business managers for achieving operational excellence, developing
new products and services, improving decision making, and achieving competitive
advantage. Students will find here the most up-to-date and comprehensive
overview of information systems used by business firms today.
When interviewing potential employees, business firms often look for new
hires who know how to use information systems and technologies for achieving
bottom-line business results. Regardless of whether a student is an accounting,
finance, management, operations management, marketing, or information systems
major, the knowledge and information found in this book will be valuable
throughout a business career.
The 12th edition features all new opening, closing, and Interactive Session
cases. The text, figures, tables, and cases have been updated through November
2010 with the latest sources from industry and MIS research.
• Thirty video case studies (2 per chapter) and 15 instructional videos are
available online.
• Additional discussion questions are provided in each chapter.
• Management checklists are found throughout the book; they are designed to
help future managers make better decisions.
• Expanded coverage of business intelligence and business analytics
• Collaboration systems and tools
• Cloud computing
• Cloud-based software services and tools
• Windows 7 and mobile operating systems
• Emerging mobile digital platform
• Office 2010 and Google Apps
• Green computing
• 4G networks
• Network neutrality
• Identity management
xxii Preface
Plenty. A continuing stream of information technology innovations is transforming
the traditional business world. What makes the MIS field the most
exciting area of study in schools of business is this continuous change in technology,
management, and business processes. (Chapter 1 describes these
changes in more detail.)
Examples of transforming technologies include the emergence of cloud computing,
the growth of a mobile digital business platform based on smartphones,
netbook computers, and, not least, the use of social networks by managers to
achieve business objectives. Most of these changes have occurred in the last
few years. These innovations enable entrepreneurs and innovative traditional
firms to create new products and services, develop new business models, and
transform the day-to-day conduct of business. In the process, some old businesses,
even entire industries, are being destroyed while new businesses are
springing up.
For instance, the emergence of online music stores—driven by millions of
consumers who prefer iPods and MP3 players—has forever changed the older
business model of distributing music on physical devices, such as records and
CDs, and then selling them in retail stores. Say goodbye to your local music
store! Streaming Hollywood movies from Netflix is transforming the old model
of distributing films through theaters and then through DVD rentals at physical
stores. Say goodbye to Blockbuster! The growth of cloud computing, and huge
data centers, along with high-speed broadband connections to the home support
these business model changes.
E-commerce is back, generating over $255 billion in revenue in 2010 and estimated
to grow to over $354 billion by 2014. Amazon's revenue grew 39 percent
in the 12-month period ending June 30, 2010, despite the recession, while
offline retail grew by 5 percent. E-commerce is changing how firms design, produce,
and deliver their products and services. E-commerce has reinvented itself
again, disrupting the traditional marketing and advertising industry and putting
major media and content firms in jeopardy. Facebook and other social networking
sites such as YouTube, Twitter, and Second Life exemplify the new face
of e-commerce in the twenty-first century. They sell services. When we think of
e-commerce, we tend to think of selling physical products. While this iconic
vision of e-commerce is still very powerful and the fastest growing form of
retail in the U.S., cropping up alongside is a whole new value stream based on
selling services, not goods. Information systems and technologies are the foundation
of this new services-based e-commerce.
Likewise, the management of business firms has changed: With new mobile
smartphones, high-speed Wi-Fi networks, and wireless laptop computers,
• Augmented reality
• Search engine optimization (SEO)
• Freemium pricing models in e-commerce
• Crowdsourcing and the wisdom of crowds
• E-commerce revenue models
• Building an e-commerce Web site
• Business process management
• Security issues for cloud and mobile platforms
Preface xxiii
remote salespeople on the road are only seconds away from their managers'
questions and oversight. Managers on the move are in direct, continuous contact
with their employees. The growth of enterprise-wide information systems
with extraordinarily rich data means that managers no longer operate in a fog of
confusion, but instead have online, nearly instant access to the important information
they need for accurate and timely decisions. In addition to their public
uses on the Web, wikis and blogs are becoming important corporate tools for
communication, collaboration, and information sharing.
Since its inception, this text has helped to define the MIS course around the
globe. This edition continues to be authoritative, but is also more customizable,
flexible, and geared to meeting the needs of different colleges, universities, and
individual instructors. This book is now part of a complete learning package
that includes the core text and an extensive offering of supplemental materials
on the Web.
The core text consists of 15 chapters with hands-on projects covering essential
topics in MIS. An important part of the core text is the Video Case Study and
Instructional Video package: 30 video case studies (2 video cases per chapter)
plus 15 instructional videos that illustrate b
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
KASUS BISNIS DAN SESI INTERAKTIFBerikut adalah beberapa perusahaan bisnis Anda akan menemukan dijelaskan dalam kasus-kasus dan sesi interaktif kitab ini:Bab 1: Informasi sistem bisnis Global hari iniStadion Yankee baru terlihat untuk masa depanMIS di saku AndaUPS bersaing secara global dengan teknologi informasiApakah itu Buzz pada Smart Grid?Bab 2: E-Bisnis Global dan kolaborasiAmerica's Cup 2010: USA menang dengan teknologi informasiDomino Sizzles dengan Pizza TrackerPertemuan Virtual: Smart manajemenKerjasama dan inovasi di Procter & GambleBab 3: Sistem informasi, organisasi dan strategiVerizon atau AT & T-perusahaan yang memiliki strategi Digital terbaik?Berapa banyak perusahaan kartu kredit Do tahu tentang Anda?IPad adalah teknologi mengganggu?Akan menyerah TV Internet?Bab 4: Isu-isu sosial dan etis dalam sistem informasiPerilaku penargetan dan privasi Anda: Anda TargetBahaya TextingTerlalu banyak teknologiKapan terapi radiasi membunuhBab 5: Infrastruktur TI dan Emerging TechnologiesBART mempercepat dengan infrastruktur TI baruBaru untuk menyentuhGreen komputasi baik untuk bisnis? Awan layanan pergi MainstreamBab 6: Dasar-dasar intelijen bisnis: database dan manajemen informasiRR Donnelley mencoba untuk menguasai DataApa yang dapat Pelajari bisnis dari penambangan teks?Biro Kredit kesalahan-masalah orang-orang besarTeror Watch daftar Database masalah terusBab 7: Telekomunikasi, Internet dan teknologi nirkabelHyundai Heavy Industries menciptakan Shipyard nirkabelPertempuran lebih bersih netralitasPemantauan karyawan pada jaringan: bisnis yang tidak etis atau baik?Google, Apple dan Microsoft perjuangan untuk pengalaman Internet AndaBab 8: Mengamankan sistem informasiAnda berada di Facebook? Awas!Ketika perangkat lunak Antivirus melumpuhkan komputer AndaSeberapa amankah awan?Apakah kita siap untuk menghadapi peperangan Maya?Bab 9: Mencapai keunggulan operasional dan keintiman pelanggan: aplikasi perusahaanCannondale belajar untuk mengelola rantai pasokan GlobalSouthwest Airlines lepas landas dengan manajemen rantai suplai yang lebih baikAplikasi perusahaan pindah ke awanPerbatasan negara industri bahan bakar pertumbuhan cepat dengan ERPBab 10: E-Commerce: pasar Digital, Digital barang4Food: burger pergi sosialKericau pencarian untuk sebuah Model BisnisFacebook: Mengelola privasi Anda keuntungan merekaAmazon vs Walmart: raksasa yang akan mendominasi E-commerce?Bab 11: Mengelola pengetahuanBan Kanada terus roda bergulir dengan sistem manajemen pengetahuanDitambah realitas: Realitas membaikKilat kecelakaan: Mesin Gone Wild?San Francisco utilitas publik Komisi mempertahankan keahlian dengan manajemen pengetahuan yang lebih baikBab 12: Meningkatkan pengambilan keputusanApa yang harus menjual? Apa harga untuk biaya? Meminta DataSekolah Data-DrivenValero menguji coba dengan Real-time manajemenCompStat mengurangi kejahatan?Bab 13: Membangun sistem informasiCIMB Group pendesainan ulang proses pembukaan rekeningDapat manajemen proses bisnis membuat perbedaan?Zimbra zoom ke depan dengan OneViewCatatan medis elektronik adalah obat untuk perawatan kesehatan?Bab 14: Mengelola proyekCoca-Cola: "membuka kebahagiaan" dengan sistem manajemen proyek baruDTS sistem nilai dengan Scrum dan aplikasi manajemen siklus hidupMotorola berubah menjadi proyek manajemen portofolioJetBlue dan WestJet: sebuah kisah dua adalah proyekBab 15: Mengelola sistem Global3M: Film lengket dan hal-hal yang gatal yang menjual di seluruh duniaFonterra: Mengelola perdagangan susu di duniaBagaimana ponsel mendukung pembangunan ekonomiWR rahmat mengkonsolidasikan General Ledger sistemHalaman ini sengaja dibiarkan kosongKata pengantarKami menulis buku ini bagi siswa sekolah bisnis yang ingin mendalam melihatBerapa hari adalah bisnis perusahaan menggunakan informasi teknologi dan sistem untukmencapai tujuan perusahaan. Informasi sistem adalah salah satu alat utamatersedia untuk manajer bisnis untuk mencapai keunggulan operasional, pengembanganproduk dan layanan, meningkatkan baru keputusan membuat, dan mencapai kompetitifkeuntungan. Siswa akan menemukan di sini yang paling up-to-date dan komprehensifgambaran sistem informasi yang digunakan oleh perusahaan bisnis hari ini.Ketika wawancara calon karyawan, perusahaan bisnis sering mencari barukaryawan yang tahu bagaimana menggunakan sistem informasi dan teknologi untuk mencapaiBottom-line hasil bisnis. Terlepas dari apakah mahasiswa adalah akuntansi,keuangan, manajemen, operasi manajemen, pemasaran, atau sistem informasiMayor, pengetahuan dan informasi yang ditemukan dalam buku ini akan menjadi berhargasepanjang karier bisnis.XXIAPA BARU DALAM EDISI INIMATA UANGEdisi 12 fitur semua baru pembukaan, penutupan dan sesi interaktifkasus. Teks, Gambar, tabel, dan kasus telah diperbarui melalui November2010 dengan sumber terbaru dari industri dan penelitian MIS.FITUR BARU• Tiga video studi kasus (2 per Pasal) dan 15 video instruksionaltersedia online.• Pertanyaan-pertanyaan diskusi tambahan disediakan di setiap bab.Daftar-pembanding manajemen • dapat ditemukan di seluruh buku; mereka dirancang untukmembantu manajer masa depan yang membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.TOPIK BARU• Memperluas cakupan bisnis intelijen dan analytics bisnis• Sistem kolaborasi dan alat• Komputasi awan• Layanan berbasis perangkat lunak dan alat• Windows 7 dan mobile sistem operasi• Muncul digital platform mobile• Kantor 2010 dan Google Apps• Green komputasi• 4G Jaringan• Jaringan netralitas• Manajemen identitasXXII PendahuluanAPA BARU DI MISBanyak. Aliran melanjutkan inovasi teknologi informasi adalah transformasidunia bisnis tradisional. Apa yang membuat MIS bidang yang palingmenarik bidang studi di sekolah bisnis adalah perubahan ini terus-menerus dalam teknologi,management, and business processes. (Chapter 1 describes thesechanges in more detail.)Examples of transforming technologies include the emergence of cloud computing,the growth of a mobile digital business platform based on smartphones,netbook computers, and, not least, the use of social networks by managers toachieve business objectives. Most of these changes have occurred in the lastfew years. These innovations enable entrepreneurs and innovative traditionalfirms to create new products and services, develop new business models, andtransform the day-to-day conduct of business. In the process, some old businesses,even entire industries, are being destroyed while new businesses arespringing up.For instance, the emergence of online music stores—driven by millions ofconsumers who prefer iPods and MP3 players—has forever changed the olderbusiness model of distributing music on physical devices, such as records andCDs, and then selling them in retail stores. Say goodbye to your local musicstore! Streaming Hollywood movies from Netflix is transforming the old modelof distributing films through theaters and then through DVD rentals at physicalstores. Say goodbye to Blockbuster! The growth of cloud computing, and hugedata centers, along with high-speed broadband connections to the home supportthese business model changes.E-commerce is back, generating over $255 billion in revenue in 2010 and estimatedto grow to over $354 billion by 2014. Amazon's revenue grew 39 percentin the 12-month period ending June 30, 2010, despite the recession, whileoffline retail grew by 5 percent. E-commerce is changing how firms design, produce,and deliver their products and services. E-commerce has reinvented itselfagain, disrupting the traditional marketing and advertising industry and puttingmajor media and content firms in jeopardy. Facebook and other social networkingsites such as YouTube, Twitter, and Second Life exemplify the new faceof e-commerce in the twenty-first century. They sell services. When we think ofe-commerce, we tend to think of selling physical products. While this iconicvision of e-commerce is still very powerful and the fastest growing form ofretail in the U.S., cropping up alongside is a whole new value stream based onselling services, not goods. Information systems and technologies are the foundationof this new services-based e-commerce.Likewise, the management of business firms has changed: With new mobilesmartphones, high-speed Wi-Fi networks, and wireless laptop computers,• Augmented reality• Search engine optimization (SEO)• Freemium pricing models in e-commerce• Crowdsourcing and the wisdom of crowds• E-commerce revenue models• Building an e-commerce Web site• Business process management• Security issues for cloud and mobile platformsPreface xxiiiremote salespeople on the road are only seconds away from their managers'pertanyaan dan pengawasan. Manajer bergerak adalah dalam kontak langsung, terus-menerusdengan karyawan mereka. Pertumbuhan sistem informasi perusahaan-lebardengan data yang kaya luar biasa berarti bahwa manajer tidak lagi beroperasi dalam kabutkebingungan, tetapi sebaliknya memiliki secara online, hampir instan akses ke informasi pentingmereka perlu untuk keputusan yang akurat dan tepat waktu. Selain publik merekamenggunakan Web, wiki dan blog menjadi alat perusahaan yang penting untukkomunikasi, kolaborasi, dan berbagi informasi.EDISI 12: SOLUSI KOMPREHENSIFUNTUK MIS KURIKULUMSejak berdirinya, teks ini membantu untuk menentukan program MIS di sekitarGlobe. Edisi ini terus menjadi otoritatif, tetapi juga lebih disesuaikan,fleksibel, dan disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, Universitas, danperorangan instruktur. Buku ini sekarang merupakan bagian dari sebuah paket lengkap belajaritu termasuk teks inti dan persembahan yang luas dari bahan tambahandi Web.Teks inti terdiri dari 15 bab dengan proyek-proyek hands-on meliputi pentingtopik di MIS. Bagian penting dari teks inti adalah studi kasus Video danPaket Video Instruksional: 30 video studi kasus (2 kasus video per Pasal)ditambah video instruksional 15 yang menggambarkan b
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