„Sir, how?” Al­though he is triv­ial one what is long, not nec­es­sar­ terjemahan - „Sir, how?” Al­though he is triv­ial one what is long, not nec­es­sar­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Sir, how?” Al­though he is triv­ia

„Sir, how?” Al­though he is triv­ial one what is long, not nec­es­sar­ily has me to be high in the Tian Ling Em­pire mil­i­tary rank, but I have po­litely called an Sir.
Ro­ma­nia four said ex­cit­edly: „Young ven­turer, you can come too to be good, I have a mat­ter to ask you to help!”
„, What mat­ter?” Lin Wan Er asked.
Ro­man­ian four: „The north­west di­rec­tion about 5 miles away of des­tiny bateau-bridge, does not turn over to the soul val­ley, there ex­pe­ri­enced a fierce bat­tle, the mil­i­tary god has gone by land 4000 peo­ple of armies that the day or­ders the gen­eral's sub­or­di­nates to ob­struct from the north­ern bar­bar­ian army there, strug­gles hard for three days three nights, fi­nally these 4000 peo­ple died in bat­tle com­pletely, the skele­tons of these heroic ser­vice­men also con­tin­u­ously in does not turn over to the soul val­ley un­able to rest, the skele­ton is my an­ces­tor, there­fore I want to re­quest that you go to one not to turn over to the soul val­ley, found my grand­fa­ther's skele­ton, of­fers one glass of liquor to hold a memo­r­ial ser­vice for my this un­fil­ial de­scen­dants his. The hero soul, hopes that he soon the sam­sara, no longer will re­ceive the pain of pur­ga­tory.”
Say­ing, on the Luo four faces full is des­o­late: „I should go, but does not turn over to the soul val­ley to be oc­cu­pied by one crowd of fear­ful dyb­buks, one year ago, I lead 10 peo­ple to go, ac­tu­ally died in bat­tle 3 peo­ple, in­clud­ing does not turn over to the soul val­ley un­able to go, my my shame to these broth­ers, but”
Ro­ma­nia four dis­tant have been kneel­ing to the north­west di­rec­tion sud­denly, the tears said: „But the brave war­rior pro­tec­tion coun­try, is ac­tu­ally not able to bind the corpse , is this fair to them? The Tian Ling Em­pire aris­to­crat se­nior states­men know to mis­trust each other, ac­tu­ally no­body watches the lives of our these sol­diers, we have the dig­nity, 200 years, they have gone on a puni­tive ex­pe­di­tion against the sur­round­ing wild tribe un­ceas­ingly, re­ally will ac­tu­ally be in­ca­pable of not turn­ing over to the demon pur­suit in soul val­ley, to put body in cof­fin the skele­tons of these he­roes? No, they do not think, my Luo four, al­though is only one small is as­sorted long, but I fully re­al­ized that the of­fi­cers are the human, is the flesh and blood, the dead should be re­spected!”
Ro­ma­nia four some­what ex­cited, his be­hind sol­dier said hur­riedly in a low voice: „Luo four un­cles, you low voice, if were heard by valiant cav­alry school Sir Wei, is not only you, our these 9 peo­ple also to­gether will be be­headed with you!”
I stood up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue hur­riedly, have helped up Luo four, said: „Good, I promise you, what to do wants me?”
The Ro­man­ian 41 faces were ex­cited, have wiped tears, said: „This road will be dan­ger­ous, are you will­ing to block the life for these brave war­rior ghost wars re­ally?”
I nod: „Um, I think that this is also my glo­ri­ous mis­sion!”
Ro­ma­nia four ex­cited, said: „Is good your you to enter does not turn over to the soul val­ley time is cer­tainly care­ful, there demon is fierce, even if meets head-on them that the Tian Ling Em­pire sky knight is also not nec­es­sar­ily able to de­feat a nu­mer­i­cally su­pe­rior enemy, you must re­mem­ber, en­ters does not turn over to the soul val­ley, cuts to mas­sacre demon in moun­tain val­ley all, then burns down these canyons the skele­tons of human sol­dier by the kerosene, so long as skele­ton falls, after heavy rain, will make their soul turn over to the earth, true being re­born in par­adise!”
I nod: „Um!”
Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You re­ceived the SSS level duty 【Does not turn over to soul val­ley】!
Task de­f­i­n­i­tion: En­ters does not turn over to the soul val­ley, kills all evil spir­its, and does not turn over to the soul val­ley by kerosene burn­ing down the skele­ton of hero souls, mak­ing their soul turn
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Sir, how?” Al­though he is triv­ial one what is long, not nec­es­sar­ily has me to be high in the Tian Ling Em­pire mil­i­tary rank, but I have po­litely called an Sir.Ro­ma­nia four said ex­cit­edly: „Young ven­turer, you can come too to be good, I have a mat­ter to ask you to help!”„, What mat­ter?” Lin Wan Er asked.Ro­man­ian four: „The north­west di­rec­tion about 5 miles away of des­tiny bateau-bridge, does not turn over to the soul val­ley, there ex­pe­ri­enced a fierce bat­tle, the mil­i­tary god has gone by land 4000 peo­ple of armies that the day or­ders the gen­eral's sub­or­di­nates to ob­struct from the north­ern bar­bar­ian army there, strug­gles hard for three days three nights, fi­nally these 4000 peo­ple died in bat­tle com­pletely, the skele­tons of these heroic ser­vice­men also con­tin­u­ously in does not turn over to the soul val­ley un­able to rest, the skele­ton is my an­ces­tor, there­fore I want to re­quest that you go to one not to turn over to the soul val­ley, found my grand­fa­ther's skele­ton, of­fers one glass of liquor to hold a memo­r­ial ser­vice for my this un­fil­ial de­scen­dants his. The hero soul, hopes that he soon the sam­sara, no longer will re­ceive the pain of pur­ga­tory.”Say­ing, on the Luo four faces full is des­o­late: „I should go, but does not turn over to the soul val­ley to be oc­cu­pied by one crowd of fear­ful dyb­buks, one year ago, I lead 10 peo­ple to go, ac­tu­ally died in bat­tle 3 peo­ple, in­clud­ing does not turn over to the soul val­ley un­able to go, my my shame to these broth­ers, but”Ro­ma­nia four dis­tant have been kneel­ing to the north­west di­rec­tion sud­denly, the tears said: „But the brave war­rior pro­tec­tion coun­try, is ac­tu­ally not able to bind the corpse , is this fair to them? The Tian Ling Em­pire aris­to­crat se­nior states­men know to mis­trust each other, ac­tu­ally no­body watches the lives of our these sol­diers, we have the dig­nity, 200 years, they have gone on a puni­tive ex­pe­di­tion against the sur­round­ing wild tribe un­ceas­ingly, re­ally will ac­tu­ally be in­ca­pable of not turn­ing over to the demon pur­suit in soul val­ley, to put body in cof­fin the skele­tons of these he­roes? No, they do not think, my Luo four, al­though is only one small is as­sorted long, but I fully re­al­ized that the of­fi­cers are the human, is the flesh and blood, the dead should be re­spected!”Ro­ma­nia four some­what ex­cited, his be­hind sol­dier said hur­riedly in a low voice: „Luo four un­cles, you low voice, if were heard by valiant cav­alry school Sir Wei, is not only you, our these 9 peo­ple also to­gether will be be­headed with you!”I stood up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue hur­riedly, have helped up Luo four, said: „Good, I promise you, what to do wants me?”The Ro­man­ian 41 faces were ex­cited, have wiped tears, said: „This road will be dan­ger­ous, are you will­ing to block the life for these brave war­rior ghost wars re­ally?”I nod: „Um, I think that this is also my glo­ri­ous mis­sion!”Ro­ma­nia four ex­cited, said: „Is good your you to enter does not turn over to the soul val­ley time is cer­tainly care­ful, there demon is fierce, even if meets head-on them that the Tian Ling Em­pire sky knight is also not nec­es­sar­ily able to de­feat a nu­mer­i­cally su­pe­rior enemy, you must re­mem­ber, en­ters does not turn over to the soul val­ley, cuts to mas­sacre demon in moun­tain val­ley all, then burns down these canyons the skele­tons of human sol­dier by the kerosene, so long as skele­ton falls, after heavy rain, will make their soul turn over to the earth, true being re­born in par­adise!”I nod: „Um!”„Bites!”Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: You re­ceived the SSS level duty 【Does not turn over to soul val­ley】!Task de­f­i­n­i­tion: En­ters does not turn over to the soul val­ley, kills all evil spir­its, and does not turn over to the soul val­ley by kerosene burn­ing down the skele­ton of hero souls, mak­ing their soul turn
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"? Pak, bagaimana" Meskipun ia adalah sepele salah apa yang panjang, belum tentu memiliki saya untuk menjadi tinggi di peringkat militer Tian Ling Empire, tapi saya sopan disebut Sir.
Rumania empat kata penuh semangat: "Young venture, Anda bisa datang ! terlalu menjadi baik, saya memiliki masalah untuk meminta Anda untuk membantu "
"?, apa peduli "tanya Lin Wan Er.
Rumania empat:" The laut ke arah sekitar 5 mil jauhnya dari takdir bateau-jembatan, tidak menyerahkan ke jiwa lembah, ada mengalami pertempuran sengit, dewa militer telah berlalu tanah 4000 orang tentara yang hari memerintahkan bawahan jenderal untuk menghalangi dari tentara barbar utara sana, berjuang keras selama tiga hari tiga malam, akhirnya 4000 orang-orang ini meninggal di pertempuran benar, kerangka ini prajurit heroik juga terus di tidak menyerahkan ke lembah jiwa tidak dapat beristirahat, kerangka adalah nenek moyang saya, karena itu saya ingin meminta Anda pergi ke salah satu tidak untuk menyerahkan ke lembah jiwa, ditemukan kerangka kakek saya, menawarkan satu gelas minuman keras untuk mengadakan upacara peringatan untuk keturunan ini tidak berbakti saya nya. Pahlawan jiwa, berharap ia segera samsara, tidak lagi akan menerima rasa sakit api penyucian ".
Mengatakan, pada Luo empat wajah penuh adalah terpencil:" Aku harus pergi, tetapi tidak menyerahkan ke lembah jiwa untuk ditempati oleh salah satu kerumunan dybbuks takut, satu tahun yang lalu, saya memimpin 10 orang untuk pergi, benar-benar tewas dalam pertempuran 3 orang, termasuk tidak menyerahkan ke lembah jiwa dapat pergi, malu saya saya untuk saudara-saudara, tetapi "
Rumania empat jauh memiliki berlutut ke arah laut tiba-tiba, air mata mengatakan: "Tapi negara perlindungan yang gagah, sebenarnya tidak mampu mengikat mayat, adil ini kepada mereka? Negarawan senior yang Tian Ling Empire bangsawan tahu untuk tidak mempercayai satu sama lain, sebenarnya tidak ada jam tangan nyawa tentara kita ini, kita telah martabat, 200 tahun, mereka telah pergi pada ekspedisi untuk menghukum suku liar di sekitarnya tanpa henti, benar-benar akan benar-benar tidak mampu tidak membalik untuk mengejar setan di lembah jiwa, menempatkan tubuh dalam peti mati kerangka pahlawan ini? Tidak, mereka tidak berpikir, saya Luo empat, meskipun hanya satu kecil berbagai macam panjang, tapi saya sepenuhnya menyadari bahwa petugas adalah manusia, adalah daging dan darah, orang mati harus dihormati! "
Rumania empat agak bersemangat, nya belakang tentara mengatakan buru-buru dengan suara rendah: "Luo empat paman, Anda suara rendah, jika terdengar oleh sekolah kavaleri gagah berani Sir Wei, tidak hanya Anda, kami 9 orang-orang ini juga bersama-sama akan dipenggal dengan Anda!"
aku berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan buru-buru, telah membantu hingga Luo empat, mengatakan: "Baik, aku berjanji, apa yang harus dilakukan ingin aku?"
The Rumania 41 wajah bersemangat, memiliki air mata dihapus, mengatakan: "jalan ini akan berbahaya, apakah Anda bersedia untuk memblokir hidup ini perang prajurit hantu berani benar-benar "?
saya mengangguk:"! Um, saya berpikir bahwa ini adalah juga misi saya yang mulia "
Rumania empat bersemangat, mengatakan:" Apakah Anda baik Anda untuk memasukkan tidak menyerahkan jiwa waktu lembah tentu hati, ada setan yang sengit, bahkan jika bertemu kepala-pada mereka bahwa Tian Ling Empire langit knight juga belum tentu mampu mengalahkan musuh angka unggul, Anda harus ingat, memasuki tidak menyerahkan ke lembah jiwa , pemotongan pembantaian setan di lembah gunung semua, kemudian terbakar ngarai ini kerangka tentara manusia dengan minyak tanah, asalkan kerangka jatuh, setelah hujan lebat, akan membuat jiwa mereka menyerahkan ke bumi, benar terlahir kembali di surga! "
saya mengangguk:" Um "!
" Bites! "
sistem sistem pemberitahuan: Anda menerima SSS tugas tingkat 【tidak berbalik ke lembah jiwa】!
definisi tugas: Memasuki tidak menyerahkan ke lembah jiwa, membunuh semua roh-roh jahat, dan tidak menyerahkan ke lembah jiwa dengan minyak tanah membakar kerangka jiwa pahlawan, membuat mereka turn jiwa
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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