The interesting thing about this task is that the light was not actual terjemahan - The interesting thing about this task is that the light was not actual Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The interesting thing about this ta

The interesting thing about this task is that the light was not actually moving at all. It looked as if it was moving because of a visual illusion called the autokinetic effect: if you stare at a bright light in a uniformly dark environment (e.g., star on a dark light), the light will appear to waver back and forth. This occurs because you have no stable reference point with which to anchor the position of the light. The distance that the light appears to move varies from person to person but becomes consistent for each person over time. In sherif’s experiment, the subjects all arrived at their own stable estimate during the first phase of the study, but these differed from person to person. Some people thought the light was moving only an inch or so; others thought it was moving as much as 10 inches.
Sheriff chose the autokinetic effect because he wanted a situation that would be ambiguous – where the correct definition of the situation would be unclear to his participants. In the second phase of the experiment, a few days later, the participants were paired with two other people, each of whom had had the same prior experience alone with the light. Now the situation became a truly social one, as all three made their judgments out loud. Remember, the autokinetic effect is experienced differently by different people; some see a lot of movement and some see not much at all. After hearing their partners give judgments that were different from their own, what did people do?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The interesting thing about this task is that the light was not actually moving at all. It looked as if it was moving because of a visual illusion called the autokinetic effect: if you stare at a bright light in a uniformly dark environment (e.g., star on a dark light), the light will appear to waver back and forth. This occurs because you have no stable reference point with which to anchor the position of the light. The distance that the light appears to move varies from person to person but becomes consistent for each person over time. In sherif’s experiment, the subjects all arrived at their own stable estimate during the first phase of the study, but these differed from person to person. Some people thought the light was moving only an inch or so; others thought it was moving as much as 10 inches.Sheriff chose the autokinetic effect because he wanted a situation that would be ambiguous – where the correct definition of the situation would be unclear to his participants. In the second phase of the experiment, a few days later, the participants were paired with two other people, each of whom had had the same prior experience alone with the light. Now the situation became a truly social one, as all three made their judgments out loud. Remember, the autokinetic effect is experienced differently by different people; some see a lot of movement and some see not much at all. After hearing their partners give judgments that were different from their own, what did people do?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hal yang menarik dari tugas ini adalah bahwa cahaya itu tidak benar-benar bergerak sama sekali. Itu tampak seolah-olah itu bergerak karena ilusi visual yang disebut efek autokinetic: jika Anda menatap cahaya terang di lingkungan seragam gelap (misalnya, bintang pada cahaya gelap), lampu akan tampak goyah bolak-balik. Hal ini terjadi karena Anda tidak memiliki titik acuan yang stabil yang dapat digunakan untuk jangkar posisi cahaya. Jarak yang cahaya tampak bergerak bervariasi dari orang ke orang, tetapi menjadi konsisten untuk setiap orang dari waktu ke waktu. Dalam percobaan sherif itu, mata pelajaran semua tiba di perkiraan stabil mereka sendiri selama fase pertama penelitian, tetapi ini berbeda dari orang ke orang. Beberapa orang mengira cahaya itu bergerak hanya satu inci atau lebih; lain pikir itu bergerak sebanyak 10 inci.
Sheriff memilih efek autokinetic karena ia ingin situasi yang akan ambigu - di mana definisi yang benar dari situasi akan jelas bagi peserta nya. Pada tahap kedua percobaan, beberapa hari kemudian, para peserta dipasangkan dengan dua orang lain, yang masing-masing telah memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya sama saja dengan cahaya. Sekarang situasi menjadi satu yang benar-benar sosial, karena ketiga membuat penilaian mereka dengan suara keras. Ingat, efek autokinetic dialami secara berbeda oleh orang yang berbeda; beberapa melihat banyak gerakan dan beberapa tidak melihat sama sekali. Setelah mendengar pasangannya memberi penilaian yang berbeda dari mereka sendiri, apa yang orang lakukan?
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