INTRODUCTION:Economist and policymakers have observed that demographic terjemahan - INTRODUCTION:Economist and policymakers have observed that demographic Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

INTRODUCTION:Economist and policyma

Economist and policymakers have observed that demographic factors both intrinsic as well as extrinsic like age, gender, marital status, qualifications, occupation, annual income , geographic location etc have an impact on the level of risk that investors take further based on their behavioral and decision making aspect.
Assessing one’s risk tolerance, however, can be tricky. One must consider not only how much risk he can afford to take but also how much risk he can stand to take. An investor’s ability to handle risks may be related to individual characteristics such as age, time horizon, liquidity needs, portfolio size, income, investment knowledge etc.
This study critically examines the impact of a single vital and social statistics of human population i.e., risk preferences on the investment decision of investors in Rajasthan . A brief review of the literature was done in order to develop the idea and the necessary concept of the study.
Richard B. Freeman (1979) in his analysis showed that from the late 1960s through the mid 1970s when the number of young workers increased .rapidly, the earnings of young male workers fell relative to the earnings of older male workers, altering male age-earnings profiles, particularly for college graduates. His study suggested that the increased number of young male workers was the major causal force underlying the increased earnings of older men relative to the earnings of younger men.
Bajtelsmit, V. L. & Bernasek, A. (1996) in their research study explained for gender differences in investment and risk-taking in an effort to help guide data collection and identification of relevant variables for empirical research.
Hinz, R. P., McCarthy, D. D., & Turner, J. A. (1997) studied that financial wealth had a significant and positive impact on the average level of risk chosen in a portfolio. As it was an additional measure of financial sophistication, they again confirmed the conclusion that more sophisticated investors entertain a higher average level of portfolio risk. They showed that dummy variable for having no financial wealth had no significant effect, statistically, on risk-taking.
Wang, H. And S. Hanna, (1997) concluded that relative risk aversion decreased as people aged (i.e., the proportion of net wealth invested in risky assets increases as people age) when other variables are held constant. They concluded that risk tolerance increased with age and therefore rejected the constant life-cycle risk aversion hypothesis.
Barber, B. M., & Odean, T. (1999) in their research article, identified that rational investors traded only if the expected gains exceeded transactions costs. Overconfident investors overestimate the precision of their information and thereby the expected gains of trading. They even traded when the true expected net gains were negative. Models of investor overconfidence predicted that, since men were more overconfident than women, men traded more and perform worse than women.
Grable, J. E., & Lytton, R. H. (1999) concluded that the classes of risk tolerance (i.e., above and below-average) differed most widely on a respondent’s educational level and personal finance knowledge. These two variables contributed significantly to explaining differences between levels of risk tolerance.
Ronay., Richard & Kim Do-Yeong. (2006) suggested that measuring individual variations in risk-taking propensity within laboratory contexts alone could be misleading. At least in the case of males, it appeared that individuals’ attitudes towards risky decisions could significantly deviate from their explicitly expressed attitudes when placed in a group context. This finding not only had a bearing on the issue of physical accidents resulting from risk-taking, but could also be taken as an argument for the benefits of gender balance within decision making bodies. Increasing gender diversity within predominantly male business and government decision making bodies could help disrupt drifts towards bad decisions arising out of high levels of group cohesion (Janis, 1982).
Herrmann, Andrew. F. (2007) provided the estimation results and discussed that supported the initial hypotheses regarding the roles of race/gender in investment preferences. Using multiple specifications and leveraging multiple risk/return measures, the evidence pointed to significant effects with respect to both race and gender.
Croson, R., & Gneezy, U. (2009) discussed a number of studies that demonstrated how strongly (and in what direction) social preferences manifest themselves in men and in women. They included evidence on altruism and inequality aversion from ultimatum and dictator game studies. They also included evidence on reciprocity from studies using trust and related games. Finally, they briefly mentioned a large number of older studies using the Prisoners’ Dilemma game and discussed in more detail various studies using social dilemmas and/or public goods provision games.
From the above study the following objectives were framed for the study in the State of Rajasthan-
• To study the impact of demographic factors on investors’ investment decisions in Rajasthan
• To study the relationship between demographic factors and the level of risk taking ability of investors in Rajasthan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Economist and policymakers have observed that demographic factors both intrinsic as well as extrinsic like age, gender, marital status, qualifications, occupation, annual income , geographic location etc have an impact on the level of risk that investors take further based on their behavioral and decision making aspect.
Assessing one’s risk tolerance, however, can be tricky. One must consider not only how much risk he can afford to take but also how much risk he can stand to take. An investor’s ability to handle risks may be related to individual characteristics such as age, time horizon, liquidity needs, portfolio size, income, investment knowledge etc.
This study critically examines the impact of a single vital and social statistics of human population i.e., risk preferences on the investment decision of investors in Rajasthan . A brief review of the literature was done in order to develop the idea and the necessary concept of the study.
Richard B. Freeman (1979) in his analysis showed that from the late 1960s through the mid 1970s when the number of young workers increased .rapidly, the earnings of young male workers fell relative to the earnings of older male workers, altering male age-earnings profiles, particularly for college graduates. His study suggested that the increased number of young male workers was the major causal force underlying the increased earnings of older men relative to the earnings of younger men.
Bajtelsmit, V. L. & Bernasek, A. (1996) in their research study explained for gender differences in investment and risk-taking in an effort to help guide data collection and identification of relevant variables for empirical research.
Hinz, R. P., McCarthy, D. D., & Turner, J. A. (1997) studied that financial wealth had a significant and positive impact on the average level of risk chosen in a portfolio. As it was an additional measure of financial sophistication, they again confirmed the conclusion that more sophisticated investors entertain a higher average level of portfolio risk. They showed that dummy variable for having no financial wealth had no significant effect, statistically, on risk-taking.
Wang, H. And S. Hanna, (1997) concluded that relative risk aversion decreased as people aged (i.e., the proportion of net wealth invested in risky assets increases as people age) when other variables are held constant. They concluded that risk tolerance increased with age and therefore rejected the constant life-cycle risk aversion hypothesis.
Barber, B. M., & Odean, T. (1999) in their research article, identified that rational investors traded only if the expected gains exceeded transactions costs. Overconfident investors overestimate the precision of their information and thereby the expected gains of trading. They even traded when the true expected net gains were negative. Models of investor overconfidence predicted that, since men were more overconfident than women, men traded more and perform worse than women.
Grable, J. E., & Lytton, R. H. (1999) concluded that the classes of risk tolerance (i.e., above and below-average) differed most widely on a respondent’s educational level and personal finance knowledge. These two variables contributed significantly to explaining differences between levels of risk tolerance.
Ronay., Richard & Kim Do-Yeong. (2006) suggested that measuring individual variations in risk-taking propensity within laboratory contexts alone could be misleading. At least in the case of males, it appeared that individuals’ attitudes towards risky decisions could significantly deviate from their explicitly expressed attitudes when placed in a group context. This finding not only had a bearing on the issue of physical accidents resulting from risk-taking, but could also be taken as an argument for the benefits of gender balance within decision making bodies. Increasing gender diversity within predominantly male business and government decision making bodies could help disrupt drifts towards bad decisions arising out of high levels of group cohesion (Janis, 1982).
Herrmann, Andrew. F. (2007) provided the estimation results and discussed that supported the initial hypotheses regarding the roles of race/gender in investment preferences. Using multiple specifications and leveraging multiple risk/return measures, the evidence pointed to significant effects with respect to both race and gender.
Croson, R., & Gneezy, U. (2009) discussed a number of studies that demonstrated how strongly (and in what direction) social preferences manifest themselves in men and in women. They included evidence on altruism and inequality aversion from ultimatum and dictator game studies. They also included evidence on reciprocity from studies using trust and related games. Finally, they briefly mentioned a large number of older studies using the Prisoners’ Dilemma game and discussed in more detail various studies using social dilemmas and/or public goods provision games.
From the above study the following objectives were framed for the study in the State of Rajasthan-
• To study the impact of demographic factors on investors’ investment decisions in Rajasthan
• To study the relationship between demographic factors and the level of risk taking ability of investors in Rajasthan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ekonom dan pembuat kebijakan telah mengamati bahwa faktor demografi kedua intrinsik serta ekstrinsik seperti usia, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, kualifikasi, pekerjaan, pendapatan tahunan, lokasi geografis dll telah berdampak pada tingkat risiko bahwa investor mengambil lebih lanjut berdasarkan perilaku mereka dan pengambilan keputusan aspek.
Menilai toleransi risiko seseorang, bagaimanapun, bisa rumit. Satu harus mempertimbangkan tidak hanya berapa banyak risiko dia mampu untuk mengambil tetapi juga seberapa besar risiko yang bisa berdiri untuk mengambil. Kemampuan investor untuk menangani risiko mungkin terkait dengan karakteristik individu seperti umur, horizon waktu, kebutuhan likuiditas, ukuran portofolio, pendapatan, pengetahuan investasi dll
Penelitian ini secara kritis mengkaji dampak dari statistik vital dan sosial tunggal populasi manusia yaitu, risiko preferensi terhadap keputusan investasi investor di Rajasthan. Sebuah tinjauan singkat literatur dilakukan dalam rangka mengembangkan ide dan konsep yang diperlukan studi.
Richard B. Freeman (1979) dalam analisisnya menunjukkan bahwa dari akhir 1960-an sampai pertengahan 1970-an ketika jumlah pekerja muda meningkat .rapidly, pendapatan pekerja laki-laki muda jatuh relatif terhadap pendapatan pekerja laki-laki yang lebih tua, mengubah profil usia laba jantan, terutama bagi lulusan perguruan tinggi. Studinya menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan jumlah pekerja laki-laki muda adalah kekuatan kausal utama yang mendasari peningkatan pendapatan dari laki-laki yang lebih tua relatif terhadap pendapatan laki-laki yang lebih muda.
Bajtelsmit, VL & Bernasek, A. (1996) dalam penelitian mereka menjelaskan untuk perbedaan gender investasi dan pengambilan risiko dalam upaya untuk membantu panduan pendataan dan identifikasi variabel yang relevan untuk penelitian empiris.
Hinz, RP, McCarthy, DD, & Turner, JA (1997) mempelajari bahwa kekayaan keuangan memiliki dampak yang signifikan dan positif pada rata-rata tingkat risiko yang dipilih dalam portofolio. Seperti itu tindakan tambahan kecanggihan keuangan, mereka kembali menegaskan kesimpulan bahwa investor lebih canggih menghibur tingkat rata-rata lebih tinggi dari risiko portofolio. Mereka menunjukkan bahwa variabel dummy karena tidak memiliki kekayaan finansial tidak berpengaruh signifikan, statistik, pada pengambilan risiko.
Wang, H. Dan S. Hanna, (1997) menyimpulkan bahwa keengganan risiko relatif menurun sebagai orang berusia (misalnya, proporsi bersih kekayaan diinvestasikan dalam aset berisiko meningkat sebagai usia orang) ketika variabel lain tetap konstan. Mereka menyimpulkan bahwa toleransi risiko meningkat dengan usia dan karena itu menolak konstan siklus hidup risk aversion hipotesis.
Barber, BM, & Odean, T. (1999) dalam artikel penelitian mereka, diketahui bahwa investor yang rasional diperdagangkan hanya jika keuntungan yang diharapkan melebihi biaya transaksi . Investor terlalu percaya melebih-lebihkan ketepatan informasi mereka dan dengan demikian keuntungan yang diharapkan dari perdagangan. Mereka bahkan diperdagangkan apabila akumulasi bersih benar diharapkan adalah negatif. Model terlalu percaya investor memperkirakan bahwa, karena pria lebih percaya diri dibandingkan wanita, pria lebih diperdagangkan dan melakukan lebih buruk daripada wanita.
Grable, JE, & Lytton, RH (1999) menyimpulkan bahwa kelas toleransi risiko (yaitu, di atas dan di bawah rata-rata ) berbeda paling banyak pada tingkat pendidikan responden dan pengetahuan keuangan pribadi. Kedua variabel memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap menjelaskan perbedaan antara tingkat toleransi risiko.
Ronay., Richard & Kim Do-Yeong. (2006) menyatakan bahwa mengukur variasi individu dalam mengambil risiko kecenderungan dalam konteks laboratorium saja bisa menyesatkan. Setidaknya dalam kasus laki-laki, tampak bahwa sikap individu terhadap keputusan berisiko secara signifikan dapat menyimpang dari sikap mereka secara eksplisit menyatakan bila ditempatkan dalam konteks kelompok. Temuan ini tidak hanya memiliki pengaruh pada masalah kecelakaan fisik akibat pengambilan risiko, tetapi juga dapat diambil sebagai argumen untuk kepentingan keseimbangan gender dalam tubuh pengambilan keputusan. Peningkatan keragaman gender dalam badan usaha dan pengambilan keputusan pemerintah yang didominasi laki-laki bisa membantu mengganggu drift terhadap keputusan yang buruk yang timbul dari tingkat tinggi kohesi kelompok (Janis, 1982).
Herrmann, Andrew. F. (2007) memberikan hasil estimasi dan dibahas yang mendukung hipotesis awal tentang peran ras / gender dalam preferensi investasi. Menggunakan beberapa spesifikasi dan memanfaatkan berbagai ukuran risiko / pengembalian, bukti menunjukkan efek yang signifikan terhadap kedua ras dan jenis kelamin.
Croson, R., & Gneezy, U. (2009) membahas sejumlah studi yang menunjukkan seberapa kuat (dan dalam apa arah) preferensi sosial menampakkan diri pada pria dan pada wanita. Mereka termasuk bukti altruisme dan ketidaksetaraan keengganan dari ultimatum dan diktator permainan studi. Mereka juga termasuk bukti timbal balik dari penelitian menggunakan kepercayaan dan permainan yang terkait. Akhirnya, mereka menyebutkan secara singkat sejumlah besar penelitian yang lebih tua menggunakan Tahanan 'Dilema game dan dibahas secara lebih rinci berbagai penelitian menggunakan dilema sosial dan / atau barang publik permainan ketentuan.
Dari studi di atas tujuan berikut dibingkai untuk studi di Negara Bagian Rajasthan-
• Untuk mempelajari dampak dari faktor demografi pada keputusan investasi investor di Rajasthan
• Untuk mempelajari hubungan antara faktor-faktor demografi dan tingkat risiko mengambil kemampuan investor di Rajasthan.
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