Overall, therefore, we found a type of tourism on the slopes of Mt Ken terjemahan - Overall, therefore, we found a type of tourism on the slopes of Mt Ken Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Overall, therefore, we found a type

Overall, therefore, we found a type of tourism on the slopes of Mt Kenya that is evident neither spatially nor in numbers. There are even months in the rainy seasons when hardly any visitors are encountered on the individual routes. But even in July/August and December/January, when most tourist entries are recorded, only some huts along the routes notice an increase in tourist
Trickle-down effects from tourism on other economic sectors are moderate. While some visitors purchase small amounts of locally grown staple foods, the 2 large hotels import most of the goods from Nairobi. Nevertheless, a small number of locally based companies in the fields of
transportation, maintenance, and construction do benefit from tourist activity. In spite of these moderate benefits, the tourism industry cannot kick-start regional development in Naro Moru based on its intensity alone.
Moreover, there is no evidence that visitor numbers will increase in the near future. In terms of poverty, Naro Moru is not particularly advantaged, as a comparison with other locations around Mt Kenya and even within Kieni East Division shows (Table 1).
The GPSC as a community-based tourism organization
The development of the Mt Kenya Guides and Porters Safari Club (GPSC) can be traced back to the period of decolonization. Already in the 1960s, climbers as well as hikers in the Mt Kenya area used guiding and portage services by the local population. Guides and porters were subsequently under the management of the Naro Moru River Lodge. In 1970, however, the idea emerged to bring
these service providers together in a registered and community-based organization. Approximately a dozen similar cooperatives developed around the Mt Kenya massif. Each of these guides’ and porters’ organizations encompasses 50 to 150 members. In 1995, the GPSC decided to purchase its own plot in the Sublocation, and from 2005 onward, with financial support from the Austrian Embassy, it built its own office, a dining hall and kitchen, a hostel, and a water tank.
The GPSC offers tours along various routes on Mt Kenya and of varying duration. Depending on the size and needs of tourist groups, the organization assembles teams of guides, porters, and cooks who are paid by days and service (in US$, exchange rate February 2011: guides 7.60, cooks 7.00, porters 5.50). A team is composed of 1 or 2 porters per tourist, as well as 1 guide and 1 cook per 5 tourists (Figure 4). As a rule, these are members of the GPSC, who are called up according to a rotation system. In order to continually improve services, new applicants must go through a 2-year probationary period before they are permanently admitted. In addition, the association
strives to train its members in higher-standard services, mountain-climbing skills, and various tourism businesses. The demand for tours is influenced above all by the seasonality of alpine tourism. The months from April to June and from October to December usually see fewer than half the number of orders registered during the high-season months from July to September and from
January to March. The GPSC receives the vast majority of orders from the surrounding lodges and tourism agencies, who prefer booking with the GPSC due to the reliability of its members (Figure 5).
The GPSC’s dependence on these business clients represents a major risk: From 2001 to 2010, over 80% of orders came from only 3 major tour operators, while less than 15% were individual bookings. The latter, however, earn the GPSC much higher revenues, as no commissions need to be paid to any intermediaries. For this reason, in recent years the GPSC has worked to increase the share of individual bookings by expanding and diversifying its services (tours in other national parks, lodging and provisions on its own plot); this goal was achieved in the season of 2009–2010. However, while tourism in Kenya currently shows an overall positive development, the
GPSC’s added value is on a downward trend. Overall, tourism in Kenya is extremely fragile due, among other things, to political instability. Reports on tribal instability and insecurity in the international mass media triggered a regressive phase prior to the riots in 2007/2008.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Secara keseluruhan, oleh karena itu, kami menemukan jenis pariwisata di lereng Gunung Kenya yang jelas spasial maupun dalam jumlah. Ada bahkan berbulan-bulan di musim hujan ketika hampir tidak ada pengunjung yang dijumpai pada rute individu. Tetapi bahkan di Juli/Agustus dan Desember/Januari, ketika kebanyakan turis entri yang direkam, hanya beberapa gubug sepanjang rute melihat peningkatan Wisatakegiatan.Trickle-down efek dari pariwisata pada sektor ekonomi lainnya moderat. Sementara beberapa pengunjung membeli jumlah kecil makanan pokok lokal berkembang, 2 besar hotel impor sebagian besar barang-barang dari Nairobi. Namun demikian, sejumlah kecil perusahaan-perusahaan lokal di bidangtransportasi, pemeliharaan, dan konstruksi manfaat dari kegiatan wisata. Meskipun manfaat moderat, industri pariwisata tidak bisa memulai pembangunan daerah di Naro Moru berdasarkan intensitas sendirian.Selain itu, ada tidak ada bukti bahwa jumlah pengunjung akan meningkat di masa depan. Dalam hal kemiskinan, Naro Moru adalah tidak terutama keuntungan, sebagai perbandingan dengan lokasi lainnya di sekitar Mt Kenya dan bahkan di dalam divisi Timur Kieni menunjukkan (Tabel 1).GPSC sebagai organisasi pariwisata berbasis masyarakatPengembangan Mt Kenya panduan dan Porter Safari Club (GPSC) dapat ditelusuri kembali ke periode dekolonisasi. Sudah pada tahun 1960, pendaki serta pejalan kaki di daerah Mt Kenya digunakan membimbing dan portage Layanan oleh penduduk setempat. Panduan dan Porter yang kemudian di bawah pengelolaan Naro Moru River Lodge. Pada tahun 1970, namun, ide muncul untuk membawapenyedia layanan ini bersama-sama dalam sebuah organisasi yang terdaftar dan berbasis masyarakat. Koperasi serupa sekitar selusin dikembangkan di sekitar massif Mt Kenya. Masing-masing organisasi kuli dan panduan ini mencakup 50-150 anggota. Pada tahun 1995, GPSC memutuskan untuk membeli plot sendiri di Sublocation, dan dari tahun 2005 hingga seterusnya dengan dukungan keuangan dari Kedutaan besar Austria, itu dibangun kantor sendiri, ruang makan dan dapur, sebuah hostel dan tangki air.GPSC menawarkan wisata sepanjang berbagai rute di Mt Kenya dan durasi yang berbeda-beda. Tergantung pada ukuran dan kebutuhan rombongan wisatawan, organisasi merakit tim panduan, Porter, dan koki yang dibayar oleh hari dan layanan (dalam US$, nilai tukar Februari 2011: panduan 7,60, memasak 7,00, Porter 5,50). Tim ini terdiri dari 1 atau 2 Porter per turis, serta 1 panduan dan masak 1 per 5 wisatawan (gambar 4). Sebagai aturan, ini adalah anggota GPSC, yang dipanggil menurut sistem rotasi. Untuk terus meningkatkan pelayanan, pendaftar baru harus pergi melalui periode percobaan 2 tahun sebelum mereka secara permanen mengakui. Selain itu, Asosiasiberusaha untuk melatih anggota-anggotanya dalam standar yang lebih tinggi layanan keterampilan mendaki gunung, dan berbagai bisnis pariwisata. Permintaan untuk wisata di atas semua dipengaruhi oleh seasonality alpine pariwisata. Bulan April-Juni dan Oktober-Desember biasanya melihat kurang dari setengah jumlah pesanan yang terdaftar selama bulan musim tinggi dari bulan Juli sampai September dan dariJanuari hingga Maret. GPSC menerima sebagian besar perintah dari pondok-pondok sekitarnya dan agen-agen pariwisata, yang lebih suka Pemesanan dengan GPSC karena keandalan dari para anggotanya (gambar 5).GPSC ketergantungan pada klien bisnis ini mewakili risiko utama: dari 2001 hingga 2010, lebih dari 80% dari pesanan datang dari operator tur utama hanya 3, sementara kurang dari 15% Pemesanan individu. Yang terakhir, namun, mendapatkan GPSC banyak pendapatan yang lebih tinggi, karena tidak ada komisi perlu dibayarkan kepada perantara. Untuk alasan ini, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir GPSC telah bekerja untuk meningkatkan pangsa Pemesanan individu dengan memperluas dan diversifikasi layanannya (wisata di Taman Nasional lainnya, penginapan dan ketentuan plot sendiri); tujuan ini dicapai di musim 2009-2010. Namun, sementara pariwisata di Kenya saat ini menunjukkan perkembangan positif secara keseluruhan,Nilai tambah GPSC's adalah pada tren menurun. Secara keseluruhan, pariwisata di Kenya sangat rapuh karena, antara lain, ketidakstabilan politik. Laporan tentang suku ketidakstabilan dan ketidakamanan di media massa internasional memicu sebuah tahap Pasal sebelum kerusuhan di 2007/2008.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Overall, therefore, we found a type of tourism on the slopes of Mt Kenya that is evident neither spatially nor in numbers. There are even months in the rainy seasons when hardly any visitors are encountered on the individual routes. But even in July/August and December/January, when most tourist entries are recorded, only some huts along the routes notice an increase in tourist
Trickle-down effects from tourism on other economic sectors are moderate. While some visitors purchase small amounts of locally grown staple foods, the 2 large hotels import most of the goods from Nairobi. Nevertheless, a small number of locally based companies in the fields of
transportation, maintenance, and construction do benefit from tourist activity. In spite of these moderate benefits, the tourism industry cannot kick-start regional development in Naro Moru based on its intensity alone.
Moreover, there is no evidence that visitor numbers will increase in the near future. In terms of poverty, Naro Moru is not particularly advantaged, as a comparison with other locations around Mt Kenya and even within Kieni East Division shows (Table 1).
The GPSC as a community-based tourism organization
The development of the Mt Kenya Guides and Porters Safari Club (GPSC) can be traced back to the period of decolonization. Already in the 1960s, climbers as well as hikers in the Mt Kenya area used guiding and portage services by the local population. Guides and porters were subsequently under the management of the Naro Moru River Lodge. In 1970, however, the idea emerged to bring
these service providers together in a registered and community-based organization. Approximately a dozen similar cooperatives developed around the Mt Kenya massif. Each of these guides’ and porters’ organizations encompasses 50 to 150 members. In 1995, the GPSC decided to purchase its own plot in the Sublocation, and from 2005 onward, with financial support from the Austrian Embassy, it built its own office, a dining hall and kitchen, a hostel, and a water tank.
The GPSC offers tours along various routes on Mt Kenya and of varying duration. Depending on the size and needs of tourist groups, the organization assembles teams of guides, porters, and cooks who are paid by days and service (in US$, exchange rate February 2011: guides 7.60, cooks 7.00, porters 5.50). A team is composed of 1 or 2 porters per tourist, as well as 1 guide and 1 cook per 5 tourists (Figure 4). As a rule, these are members of the GPSC, who are called up according to a rotation system. In order to continually improve services, new applicants must go through a 2-year probationary period before they are permanently admitted. In addition, the association
strives to train its members in higher-standard services, mountain-climbing skills, and various tourism businesses. The demand for tours is influenced above all by the seasonality of alpine tourism. The months from April to June and from October to December usually see fewer than half the number of orders registered during the high-season months from July to September and from
January to March. The GPSC receives the vast majority of orders from the surrounding lodges and tourism agencies, who prefer booking with the GPSC due to the reliability of its members (Figure 5).
The GPSC’s dependence on these business clients represents a major risk: From 2001 to 2010, over 80% of orders came from only 3 major tour operators, while less than 15% were individual bookings. The latter, however, earn the GPSC much higher revenues, as no commissions need to be paid to any intermediaries. For this reason, in recent years the GPSC has worked to increase the share of individual bookings by expanding and diversifying its services (tours in other national parks, lodging and provisions on its own plot); this goal was achieved in the season of 2009–2010. However, while tourism in Kenya currently shows an overall positive development, the
GPSC’s added value is on a downward trend. Overall, tourism in Kenya is extremely fragile due, among other things, to political instability. Reports on tribal instability and insecurity in the international mass media triggered a regressive phase prior to the riots in 2007/2008.
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