„Puff!”The cut­ting edge of but­ter­fly sword pricked in within the bo terjemahan - „Puff!”The cut­ting edge of but­ter­fly sword pricked in within the bo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Puff!”The cut­ting edge of but­ter

The cut­ting edge of but­ter­fly sword pricked in within the body of lava sol­dier di­rectly, I said loudly: „Child Shu, you helps Frost, this gives me, I solve it im­me­di­ately to come!”
Child Shu roared, soar­ing turned around, changes into the human form to raise the long sword on the bang to the back of dark blue bil­lows, but as if rum­bled the guard shield of air­tight dark blue bil­lows, but has left be­hind a crack above, roared one phono­chem­i­cal for is the dragon, the sharp claws and big mouth kills to­gether above, but Frost the meet­ing again strength, the hand has grasped to cut Hua Jian being built on air­borne, big mouth puffs, the blood flowed fol­low­ing the arm, fol­low­ing cut­ting Hua Jiandi splashed in the ground.
„Ka ka”
The but­ter­fly, does the un­dif­fer­en­ti­ated chaotic bang, I was only de­pend upon the Drain ef­fect to be able with this lava sol­dier Shan Tiao, more­over after I mas­sa­cred Dahlen, Kate strength, drank the fire , the re­birth to rise 251 lev­els, the king level BOSS Level crush su­pe­ri­or­ity van­ished, even, be­sides the dark blue bil­lows, I had the con­fi­dence to se­lect any king level BOSS only, per­haps was fe­male war-god Sif comes with grasp, after all the god­ship of su­pe­rior god I se­lected me also to prob­a­bly only win, in ad­di­tion 225% en­tire at­tribute ad­di­tion and body top equip­ment . More­over the hand grasped the world coun­try. As strong did not have what to be ac­ci­den­tal as this de­gree.
More­over I want to kill this lava sol­dier also to have the self­ish­ness only, his em­pir­i­cal value is not def­i­nitely low, mas­sacres him also to be able for me to reply some Level again, is help­ful to bat­tle dark blue bil­lows.
Fi­nally, this lava sol­dier nu­mer­ous drop­ping down of under the flame of sword fierce storm, the mis­er­able howl­ing acoustic shock pen­e­trat­ing moun­tain val­ley, hence, 10 pur­ga­tory dev­ils that the dark blue bil­lows sum­moned al­ready only re­main­ing 7.
The golden light flows swiftly to fall, I rose 253 lev­els.
When I soon jumps to at­tack the dark blue bil­lows, sud­denly Frost in the flame looks to me, said loudly: „Ram­ble, do not come here, the dark blue bil­lows con­sumed his life strength to sum­mon 10 lava dev­ils, his own strength was weak­ened about 50%, this was the good op­por­tu­nity of our Tianci, you mas­sacre all lava dev­ils now, every time killed a head, the strength of dark blue bil­lows will weaken, so long as killed off these 10 lava dev­ils, dark blue bil­lows in­suf­fi­cient to fear!”
So that's how it is!
I can­not help but dark crisply, do we have the op­por­tu­nity to mas­sacre the dark blue bil­lows today re­ally here? If is re­ally this, the Chi­nese area was equal to being re­as­sured, after all the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink and sky rose to plan was the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory of head keeps in bal­ance the Chi­nese area with the dark blue bil­lows, but we can mas­sacre the dark blue bil­lows un­ex­pect­edly, this was to their deal­ing a head-on blow, to the Spain the morale of bound­ary and in north­ern bound­ary was also a fatal blow, what was most im­por­tant was strikes to kill the dark blue bil­lows the sys­tem ting to de­liver to their there!
First helps Seurre, she is strongest long-dis­tance.
Jumps, the ab­domen of lava sol­dier the long sword pen­e­trated one soar, erupts to ride to work as thou­sand th Lian Zhao, he roars to bran­dish the tom­a­hawk to di­vide lowly to cut, was ac­tu­ally blocked by the shield of my stars, dur­ing the body ma­neu­vers erupts a time dou­ble hit, shifts the ha­tred value of an­other lava sol­dier, si­mul­ta­ne­ously said loudly: „Seurre, I di­vert them, you use the arrow!”
Seurre turned around to de­part joy­fully, has pulled open about hun­dred me­ters, opened draws the arrow, vi­o­lent arrow ar­rows pricked the body of lava sol­dier, that blood strip also brushed to fall on the na­ture, the at­tack in­j
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Puff!"Tepi pemotongan pedang kupu-kupu ditusuk di dalam tubuh tentara lava langsung, saya berkata keras: "anak Shu, Anda membantu Frost, ini memberi saya, saya menyelesaikannya segera untuk datang!""Baik!"Raung anak Shu, melonjak berbalik di sekitar, perubahan ke dalam bentuk manusia untuk mengangkat pedang panjang pada bang ke belakang melingkupi biru gelap, tetapi sebagai jika bergemuruh penjaga perisai biru gelap kedap udara melingkupi, tetapi telah meninggalkan celah di atas, raung satu phonochemical untuk adalah naga, cakar tajam dan membunuh mulut besar bersama-sama di atas , tetapi Frost pertemuan lagi kekuatan, tangan telah menangkap untuk memotong Hua Jian sedang dibangun di udara, besar mulut Puff, darah mengalir mengikuti lengan, berikut pemotongan Hua Jiandi memercik di dalam tanah."Ka ka"The but­ter­fly, does the un­dif­fer­en­ti­ated chaotic bang, I was only de­pend upon the Drain ef­fect to be able with this lava sol­dier Shan Tiao, more­over after I mas­sa­cred Dahlen, Kate strength, drank the fire , the re­birth to rise 251 lev­els, the king level BOSS Level crush su­pe­ri­or­ity van­ished, even, be­sides the dark blue bil­lows, I had the con­fi­dence to se­lect any king level BOSS only, per­haps was fe­male war-god Sif comes with grasp, after all the god­ship of su­pe­rior god I se­lected me also to prob­a­bly only win, in ad­di­tion 225% en­tire at­tribute ad­di­tion and body top equip­ment . More­over the hand grasped the world coun­try. As strong did not have what to be ac­ci­den­tal as this de­gree.More­over I want to kill this lava sol­dier also to have the self­ish­ness only, his em­pir­i­cal value is not def­i­nitely low, mas­sacres him also to be able for me to reply some Level again, is help­ful to bat­tle dark blue bil­lows.Fi­nally, this lava sol­dier nu­mer­ous drop­ping down of under the flame of sword fierce storm, the mis­er­able howl­ing acoustic shock pen­e­trat­ing moun­tain val­ley, hence, 10 pur­ga­tory dev­ils that the dark blue bil­lows sum­moned al­ready only re­main­ing 7.„Brushes!”The golden light flows swiftly to fall, I rose 253 lev­els.When I soon jumps to at­tack the dark blue bil­lows, sud­denly Frost in the flame looks to me, said loudly: „Ram­ble, do not come here, the dark blue bil­lows con­sumed his life strength to sum­mon 10 lava dev­ils, his own strength was weak­ened about 50%, this was the good op­por­tu­nity of our Tianci, you mas­sacre all lava dev­ils now, every time killed a head, the strength of dark blue bil­lows will weaken, so long as killed off these 10 lava dev­ils, dark blue bil­lows in­suf­fi­cient to fear!”So that's how it is!I can­not help but dark crisply, do we have the op­por­tu­nity to mas­sacre the dark blue bil­lows today re­ally here? If is re­ally this, the Chi­nese area was equal to being re­as­sured, after all the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink and sky rose to plan was the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory of head keeps in bal­ance the Chi­nese area with the dark blue bil­lows, but we can mas­sacre the dark blue bil­lows un­ex­pect­edly, this was to their deal­ing a head-on blow, to the Spain the morale of bound­ary and in north­ern bound­ary was also a fatal blow, what was most im­por­tant was strikes to kill the dark blue bil­lows the sys­tem ting to de­liver to their there!First helps Seurre, she is strongest long-dis­tance.Jumps, the ab­domen of lava sol­dier the long sword pen­e­trated one soar, erupts to ride to work as thou­sand th Lian Zhao, he roars to bran­dish the tom­a­hawk to di­vide lowly to cut, was ac­tu­ally blocked by the shield of my stars, dur­ing the body ma­neu­vers erupts a time dou­ble hit, shifts the ha­tred value of an­other lava sol­dier, si­mul­ta­ne­ously said loudly: „Seurre, I di­vert them, you use the arrow!”„Um!”Seurre turned around to de­part joy­fully, has pulled open about hun­dred me­ters, opened draws the arrow, vi­o­lent arrow ar­rows pricked the body of lava sol­dier, that blood strip also brushed to fall on the na­ture, the at­tack in­j
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"! Puff"
Pemotongan pedang kupu terharu dalam tubuh tentara lava langsung, saya berkata keras: "Anak Shu, Anda membantu Frost, ini memberi saya, saya menyelesaikannya segera datang!"
Shu Anak raung, menjulang berbalik, perubahan ke dalam bentuk manusia untuk mengangkat pedang panjang di bang ke belakang pemecah biru gelap, tapi seakan bergemuruh penjaga perisai dari pemecah biru gelap kedap udara, tetapi telah meninggalkan celah di atas, meraung satu phonochemical adalah naga, cakar tajam dan mulut besar membunuh bersama-sama di atas, tetapi Frost pertemuan lagi kekuatan, tangan telah menangkap untuk memotong Hua Jian sedang dibangun di udara, puff mulut besar, darah mengalir berikut lengan, berikut pemotongan Hua Jiandi memercik di tanah.
"Ka ka"
kupu-kupu, apakah kacau Bang dibeda-bedakan, saya hanya bergantung pada efek Tiriskan dapat dengan lava ini tentara Shan Tiao, apalagi setelah saya dibantai Dahlen, Kate kekuatan, minum api, kelahiran kembali naik 251 tingkat, tingkat raja BOSS tingkat naksir keunggulan lenyap, bahkan, selain ombak biru tua, saya memiliki kepercayaan diri untuk memilih BOSS tingkat raja saja, mungkin adalah perempuan perang-dewa Sif dilengkapi dengan pemahaman, setelah semua godship dewa superior saya memilih saya juga mungkin hanya menang, selain 225% Selain seluruh atribut dan peralatan atas tubuh. Selain itu tangan digenggam negara dunia. Sekuat tidak memiliki apa secara tidak sengaja sebagai gelar ini.
Apalagi saya ingin membunuh tentara lava ini juga memiliki keegoisan satu-satunya, nilai empirisnya tidak pasti rendah, membantai dia juga bisa bagi saya untuk menjawab beberapa Tingkat lagi, membantu untuk pertempuran pemecah biru gelap.
Akhirnya, tentara ini lava banyak jatuh ke bawah dari bawah nyala badai ganas pedang, lembah gunung sengsara melolong kejutan akustik menembus, maka, 10 setan api penyucian bahwa pemecah biru tua dipanggil sudah hanya tersisa 7.
"! brushes"
cahaya keemasan mengalir cepat jatuh, saya naik 253 tingkat.
Ketika saya segera melompat untuk menyerang ombak biru gelap, tiba-tiba Frost dalam api terlihat dengan saya, berkata keras: "mengoceh, tidak datang ke sini, gelap pemecah biru dikonsumsi kekuatan hidupnya untuk memanggil 10 setan lava, kekuatannya sendiri telah melemah sekitar 50%, ini adalah kesempatan yang baik dari Tianci kami, Anda pembantaian semua setan lava sekarang, setiap kali membunuh kepala, kekuatan pemecah biru tua akan melemah, asalkan membunuh 10 setan lava tersebut, ombak biru tua cukup untuk takut! "
jadi itulah bagaimana hal itu!
aku tidak bisa membantu tetapi gelap kerupuk, kita memiliki kesempatan untuk pembantaian pemecah biru tua saat ini benar-benar di sini? Jika benar-benar ini, daerah Cina adalah sama dengan yang meyakinkan, setelah semua murid yang jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam dan langit naik ke rencana adalah wilayah iblis yang berbeda dari kepala terus dalam keseimbangan daerah Cina dengan ombak biru gelap, tapi kita bisa pembantaian dengan pemecah biru tua tiba-tiba, ini adalah untuk mereka berurusan kepala-on pukulan, ke Spanyol moral batas dan di batas utara juga pukulan fatal, apa yang paling penting adalah serangan untuk membunuh pemecah biru tua sistem ting untuk menyampaikan ke mereka di sana!
Pertama membantu Seurre, dia terkuat jarak jauh.
Jumps, perut lava tentara pedang panjang menembus satu melambung, meletus naik untuk bekerja sebagai ribu th Lian Zhao, dia mengaum untuk mengayunkan tomahawk untuk membagi rendah untuk memotong, sebenarnya diblokir oleh perisai dari bintang saya, selama manuver tubuh meletus waktu hit ganda, menggeser nilai kebencian prajurit lava lain, secara bersamaan berkata keras: "! Seurre, aku mengalihkan mereka, Anda menggunakan panah"
" Um! "
Seurre berbalik untuk pergi dengan sukacita, telah menarik terbuka sekitar seratus meter, dibuka menarik panah, panah panah kekerasan ditusuk tubuh tentara lava, strip darah juga disikat jatuh pada alam, serangan inj
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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