understanding science concepts and an appreciation of inquiry and the  terjemahan - understanding science concepts and an appreciation of inquiry and the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

understanding science concepts and

understanding science concepts and an appreciation of inquiry and the nature of
In this discussion, explanations are used in a distinct way. Before clarifying this
particular use of the term, supposedly, when one asks for an explanation, one might
have several different things in mind. If a student is late for science class, the teacher
might ask him to explain why he is late. Here, explanation is used as a justification.
Take another situation: a student might ask for an explanation of the mathematics
involved in a scientific investigation. Here, explanation is used as a procedure or
how to do something. In contemporary society, many people say they have an
explanation for something when, in fact, they express a personal opinion. A
variation on the latter occurs when individuals indicate they have a theory about
something. For most instances, the individual does not have a theory (or
explanation) in the scientific use of the term. Rather, the individual has a personal
Use of the term explanation here is more distinct. Consider a situation where you
are told that the number of alcohol-related deaths decreased in a certain part of the
state in which you live. You might reasonably consider why this change occurred
and ask for an explanation. You are asking for an account of why something
happens. This is the meaning of explanation proposed in the following discussion.
To be specific, explanation is an account of why something happens or continues to
happen. Further, the explanatory account uses data and is a reasoned proposition
based on data.
Explanations are central to knowing about the natural world. This assumption
applies to science and to students learning science. Explanations are ways to learn
about what is unfamiliar by relating it to what is already familiar. Although this
statement presents a paradox, resolution of the paradox lies in our continuing quest
to understand how people learn (Bransford et al., 1999).
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memahami konsep-konsep ilmu pengetahuan dan penghargaan penyelidikan dan sifatilmu.BELAJAR: BAGAIMANA MAHASISWA MEMBENTUK PENJELASAN ILMIAHDalam diskusi ini, penjelasan yang digunakan dalam cara yang berbeda. Sebelum menjelaskan hal initertentu penggunaan istilah, seharusnya, ketika satu meminta penjelasan, salah satu mungkinmemiliki beberapa hal yang berbeda dalam pikiran. Jika mahasiswa tidak terlambat untuk sains kelas, gurumungkin meminta dia untuk menjelaskan mengapa ia terlambat. Di sini, penjelasan digunakan sebagai pembenaran.Mengambil situasi lain: seorang mahasiswa mungkin meminta penjelasan tentang matematikaterlibat dalam penyelidikan ilmiah. Di sini, penjelasan digunakan sebagai prosedur atauBagaimana untuk melakukan sesuatu. Dalam masyarakat kontemporer, banyak orang mengatakan mereka memilikipenjelasan untuk sesuatu ketika, pada kenyataannya, mereka mengungkapkan pendapat pribadi. Avariasi yang kedua terjadi ketika individu menunjukkan mereka memiliki sebuah teori tentangsesuatu. Untuk kebanyakan kasus, individu tidak memiliki sebuah teori (ataupenjelasan) dalam penggunaan istilah ilmiah. Sebaliknya, individu memiliki pribadipenjelasan.Penggunaan istilah penjelasan di sini lebih berbeda. Pertimbangkan situasi dimana Andadiberitahu bahwa jumlah kematian terkait alkohol menurun di bagian tertentu darinegara di mana Anda tinggal. Anda mungkin cukup mempertimbangkan mengapa perubahan ini terjadidan meminta penjelasan. Anda meminta account mengapa sesuatuterjadi. Ini adalah makna penjelasan diusulkan dalam pembahasan berikut.To be specific, explanation is an account of why something happens or continues tohappen. Further, the explanatory account uses data and is a reasoned propositionbased on data.Explanations are central to knowing about the natural world. This assumptionapplies to science and to students learning science. Explanations are ways to learnabout what is unfamiliar by relating it to what is already familiar. Although thisstatement presents a paradox, resolution of the paradox lies in our continuing questto understand how people learn (Bransford et al., 1999).
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