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The resources workers relied upon t

The resources workers relied upon to draw these symbolic boundaries
reveal a collective trajectory through China’s recent era of economic reforms
and rapid social change. While worker counter-strategies were conscious in
the sense that they involved the explicit goal of getting customers to make
purchases, these practices also drew upon cultural orientations – the realm
– that were steeped in an implicit state socialist cultural knowl-
edge. Sales clerks’ counter-strategies found traction with customers precisely
because many shoppers at Harbin No. X shared these class-inflected
cultural orientations. By relying on an increasingly devalued cultural
knowledge, sales clerk strategies reflected their own (and many of their
customers’) descending class position.
Store workers directed two specific strategies at their distrustful clientele.
The first was an explicit evocation of Harbin No. X’s status as a state-
owned entity and represented a stubborn effort to shore up the long-
standing division between state and private businesses and to revive the
positive status that China’s state sector once enjoyed. At the same time,
workers recognized that Harbin No. X’s state enterprise status, once the
store’s greatest symbolic and material resource, could also be a liability in
the new marketized environment. The second trust-producing strategy
involved the far more subtle creation of a distinctive shopping culture and
set of service interactions at Harbin No. X. This shopping culture revolved
around the notion of ‘
’ (‘warm feeling’) and relied upon elements of
urban working-class culture that resonated both with Harbin No. X
workers and their customers. In fact, expressions of
by sales clerks
took on an almost nostalgic hue in a context of downward mobility for
large portions of the city’s aging, industrial working class. These strategies
– explicit claims and implied cultural understandings – produced both trust
and distinction by means of cultural expressions that were highly intelligi-
ble to the more traditional segments of Harbin’s working class.
State sector symbolic capital
Lacking one of the easiest methods used elsewhere to diminish customer
reluctance to buy – the granting of discounts – sales clerks instead sought
to gain customers’ trust in order to makes sales. Harbin No. X sales clerks
did so by mobilizing what remained of the store’s diminishing symbolic
capital and by emphasizing the positive associations with its state-owned
status – in particular, a reputation for fair prices and trustworthiness in an
increasingly chaotic and profit-driven marketplace.
An interaction between Big Sister Lin and a male customer was exem-
plary of this strategy. The man selected a navy blue coat and asked, ‘Any

Sales floor trajectories
461-492 073147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Page 475
© 2006 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.
by HARWAN ANDI KUNNA on November 3, 2007
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cheaper?’ Big Sister Lin replied, ‘We can’t bargain here, we can’t have one
price for you and sell it to him (here Lin indicated the man’s friend) for
another. It’s not like with private merchants (
)’. The man was persist-
ent. ‘Cheaper?’ Lin was steadfast. ‘We can’t bargain, we’re a state-owned
[store] (
Lin suggested that Harbin No. X operated on principles of fairness,
treating all customers equally. Separately, my co-worker Little Xiao
suggested to me that vulnerable customers who were likely to be over-
charged – foreigners, like me, but also the elderly and out-of-towners –
shopped in places like Harbin No. X because all customers paid the same
price, and they would not feel ripped off.
Believing that the label ‘state-owned’ still denoted honesty, reliability, and
fairness, sales clerks sought to tap into this state-socialist symbolic capital
to convince customers that they would
be cheated at Harbin No. X.
The connection between the two was so strong that Big Sister Zhao mistak-
enly characterized Bingya, Ice Day’s parent company, as ‘state-run’
) even though this well-known company was in fact a private
enterprise. (I do not believe Zhao’s comment was meant to mislead, but
rather reflects the common practice in northeastern China of conflating
large, reputable companies with state ownership.) On another occasion,
Zhao told a customer concerned about our prices, ‘We are state-run, we
don’t have any inflated prices (
huang jia
) here, it’s not like with privately-
run places.’
These distinctions targeted both suspect
merchants and lofty high-
end retailers, and Harbin No. X sales clerks frequently reminded customers
that only at Harbin No. X could they find good quality
good value.
For example, on one occasion Little Xiao related a story to a group, clerks
and customers alike, about a man who had come the other day to Harbin
No. X to purchase a child’s coat. Originally this man had been prepared to
buy a coat at a new, high-end department store, where he was friendly with
a manager and so could expect a generous discount. Little Xiao explained
that this man had even decided upon a coat already and was prepared to
pay more than 300 yuan for it. But when he saw our coats – the prices and
the quality – he immediately bought one. Xiao’s story seemed to have the
desired effect, and one of the young women purchased a coat from our
These counter-strategies reflected sales clerks’ attempts to mobilize
Harbin No. X’s symbolic capital in order to garner customer trust and
differentiate Harbin No. X from the other retailers whom the store’s
customers also patronized. But this symbolic capital was in decline – the
store’s history as a state-owned enterprise was, for some shoppers, an indi-
cation of its out-datedness and inefficiency – and these selling practices were
thus more effective with some customers (like the elderly) than others.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The resources workers relied upon to draw these symbolic boundariesreveal a collective trajectory through China’s recent era of economic reformsand rapid social change. While worker counter-strategies were conscious inthe sense that they involved the explicit goal of getting customers to makepurchases, these practices also drew upon cultural orientations – the realmof habitus– that were steeped in an implicit state socialist cultural knowl-edge. Sales clerks’ counter-strategies found traction with customers preciselybecause many shoppers at Harbin No. X shared these class-inflectedcultural orientations. By relying on an increasingly devalued culturalknowledge, sales clerk strategies reflected their own (and many of theircustomers’) descending class position.Store workers directed two specific strategies at their distrustful clientele.The first was an explicit evocation of Harbin No. X’s status as a state-owned entity and represented a stubborn effort to shore up the long-standing division between state and private businesses and to revive thepositive status that China’s state sector once enjoyed. At the same time,workers recognized that Harbin No. X’s state enterprise status, once thestore’s greatest symbolic and material resource, could also be a liability inthe new marketized environment. The second trust-producing strategyinvolved the far more subtle creation of a distinctive shopping culture andset of service interactions at Harbin No. X. This shopping culture revolvedaround the notion of ‘reqing’ (‘warm feeling’) and relied upon elements ofurban working-class culture that resonated both with Harbin No. Xworkers and their customers. In fact, expressions of reqingby sales clerkstook on an almost nostalgic hue in a context of downward mobility forlarge portions of the city’s aging, industrial working class. These strategies– explicit claims and implied cultural understandings – produced both trustand distinction by means of cultural expressions that were highly intelligi-ble to the more traditional segments of Harbin’s working class.State sector symbolic capitalLacking one of the easiest methods used elsewhere to diminish customerreluctance to buy – the granting of discounts – sales clerks instead soughtto gain customers’ trust in order to makes sales. Harbin No. X sales clerksdid so by mobilizing what remained of the store’s diminishing symboliccapital and by emphasizing the positive associations with its state-ownedstatus – in particular, a reputation for fair prices and trustworthiness in anincreasingly chaotic and profit-driven marketplace.An interaction between Big Sister Lin and a male customer was exem-plary of this strategy. The man selected a navy blue coat and asked, ‘AnyHanser■Sales floor trajectories475461-492 073147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Page 475© 2006 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized HARWAN ANDI KUNNA on November 3, 2007 http://eth.sagepub.comDownloaded from cheaper?’ Big Sister Lin replied, ‘We can’t bargain here, we can’t have oneprice for you and sell it to him (here Lin indicated the man’s friend) foranother. It’s not like with private merchants (siren)’. The man was persist-ent. ‘Cheaper?’ Lin was steadfast. ‘We can’t bargain, we’re a state-owned[store] (gongjia)!’Lin suggested that Harbin No. X operated on principles of fairness,treating all customers equally. Separately, my co-worker Little Xiaosuggested to me that vulnerable customers who were likely to be over-charged – foreigners, like me, but also the elderly and out-of-towners –shopped in places like Harbin No. X because all customers paid the sameprice, and they would not feel ripped off.5Believing that the label ‘state-owned’ still denoted honesty, reliability, andfairness, sales clerks sought to tap into this state-socialist symbolic capitalto convince customers that they would notbe cheated at Harbin No. X.The connection between the two was so strong that Big Sister Zhao mistak-enly characterized Bingya, Ice Day’s parent company, as ‘state-run’(guoying) even though this well-known company was in fact a privateenterprise. (I do not believe Zhao’s comment was meant to mislead, butrather reflects the common practice in northeastern China of conflatinglarge, reputable companies with state ownership.) On another occasion,Zhao told a customer concerned about our prices, ‘We are state-run, wedon’t have any inflated prices (huang jia) here, it’s not like with privately-run places.’6These distinctions targeted both suspect geti merchants and lofty high-end retailers, and Harbin No. X sales clerks frequently reminded customersthat only at Harbin No. X could they find good quality and good value.For example, on one occasion Little Xiao related a story to a group, clerksand customers alike, about a man who had come the other day to HarbinNo. X to purchase a child’s coat. Originally this man had been prepared tobuy a coat at a new, high-end department store, where he was friendly witha manager and so could expect a generous discount. Little Xiao explainedthat this man had even decided upon a coat already and was prepared topay more than 300 yuan for it. But when he saw our coats – the prices andthe quality – he immediately bought one. Xiao’s story seemed to have thedesired effect, and one of the young women purchased a coat from ourcounter.These counter-strategies reflected sales clerks’ attempts to mobilizeHarbin No. X’s symbolic capital in order to garner customer trust anddifferentiate Harbin No. X from the other retailers whom the store’scustomers also patronized. But this symbolic capital was in decline – thestore’s history as a state-owned enterprise was, for some shoppers, an indi-cation of its out-datedness and inefficiency – and these selling practices werethus more effective with some customers (like the elderly) than others.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Para pekerja sumber diandalkan untuk menarik ini batas simbolik
mengungkapkan lintasan kolektif melalui era China baru-baru ini reformasi ekonomi
dan perubahan sosial yang cepat. Sementara pekerja kontra-strategi yang sadar dalam
arti bahwa mereka yang terlibat tujuan eksplisit mendapatkan pelanggan untuk membuat
pembelian, praktek ini juga menarik pada orientasi budaya - ranah
- yang mendalami sebuah negara sosialis pengetahuan budaya implisit
tepi. Penjualan panitera 'kontra-strategi menemukan traksi dengan pelanggan justru
karena banyak pembeli di Harbin No. X bersama kelas-infleksi ini
orientasi budaya. Dengan mengandalkan sebuah budaya yang semakin mendevaluasi
pengetahuan, strategi petugas penjualan tercermin mereka sendiri (dan banyak dari mereka
pelanggan) turun posisi kelas.
pekerja Toko diarahkan dua strategi khusus di klien tidak percaya mereka.
Yang pertama adalah kebangkitan eksplisit status Harbin No. X sebagai negara bagian
yang dimiliki entitas dan mewakili upaya keras kepala untuk menopang panjang
divisi berdiri antara perusahaan negara dan swasta dan untuk menghidupkan kembali
status positif bahwa sektor negara China setelah menikmati. Pada saat yang sama,
pekerja diakui bahwa status perusahaan negara Harbin No. X, setelah
terbesar simbolik dan material sumber daya toko, bisa juga menjadi kewajiban dalam
lingkungan marketized baru. Kedua strategi kepercayaan memproduksi
terlibat penciptaan jauh lebih halus dari budaya belanja khas dan
mengatur interaksi layanan di Harbin No. X. budaya belanja ini berputar
di sekitar gagasan '
'(' perasaan hangat ') dan diandalkan unsur
budaya kerja kelas urban yang bergaung baik dengan Harbin No. X
pekerja dan pelanggan mereka. Bahkan, ekspresi
oleh panitera penjualan
mengambil rona hampir nostalgia dalam konteks mobilitas ke bawah untuk
sebagian besar dari penuaan kota, kelas pekerja industri. Strategi ini
- klaim eksplisit dan pemahaman budaya tersirat - diproduksi baik kepercayaan
dan perbedaan dengan cara ekspresi budaya yang sangat intelligi-
ble ke segmen yang lebih tradisional dari kerja Harbin kelas.
Sektor Negara modal simbolik
Kekurangan salah satu metode yang paling mudah digunakan di tempat lain untuk mengurangi pelanggan
keengganan untuk membeli - pemberian diskon - panitera penjualan bukannya berusaha
untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan pelanggan untuk membuat penjualan. Harbin No. X panitera penjualan
melakukannya dengan memobilisasi apa yang tersisa semakin berkurang simbolik toko
modal dan dengan menekankan asosiasi positif dengan BUMN yang
statusnya - khususnya, reputasi untuk harga yang adil dan kepercayaan dalam
pasar yang semakin kacau dan laba-driven .
Sebuah interaksi antara kakak Lin dan pelanggan laki-laki meneladankan
plary dari strategi ini. Orang yang dipilih mantel biru tua dan bertanya, 'Apa

lantai Penjualan lintasan
461-492 073.147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Halaman 475
© 2006 SAGE Publications. Seluruh hak cipta. Tidak untuk penggunaan komersial atau distribusi yang tidak sah.
oleh Harwan ANDI KUNNA pada November 3, 2007
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lebih murah? " Kakak Lin menjawab, "Kami tidak bisa tawar-menawar di sini, kita tidak bisa memiliki satu
harga untuk Anda dan menjualnya kepadanya (di sini Lin ditunjukkan teman pria) untuk
yang lain. Ini tidak seperti dengan pedagang swasta (
) '. Pria itu persist-
ent. 'Murah?' Lin adalah teguh. "Kita tidak bisa tawar-menawar, kami tidak milik negara
[toko] (
)! '
Lin menyarankan bahwa Harbin Nomor X dioperasikan pada prinsip-prinsip keadilan,
memperlakukan semua pelanggan sama. Secara terpisah, rekan kerja saya kecil Xiao
menyarankan kepada saya bahwa pelanggan rentan yang mungkin berlebihan
dikenakan - orang asing, seperti saya, tetapi juga orang tua dan out-of-towners -
berbelanja di tempat-tempat seperti Harbin Nomor X karena semua pelanggan dibayar sama
harga, dan mereka tidak akan merasa ditipu.
Percaya bahwa label 'milik negara' masih dilambangkan kejujuran, keandalan, dan
keadilan, panitera penjualan berusaha untuk memasuki modal simbolik negara-sosialis ini
untuk meyakinkan pelanggan bahwa mereka akan
tertipu di Harbin No. X.
Hubungan antara dua itu begitu kuat sehingga Kakak Zhao mistak-
Surgawi ditandai Bingya, perusahaan induk Ice Day, sebagai 'negara-run'
) meskipun perusahaan ini terkenal adalah di Bahkan pribadi
perusahaan. (Saya tidak percaya komentar Zhao dimaksudkan untuk menyesatkan, tetapi
lebih mencerminkan praktik umum di timur laut Cina conflating
besar, perusahaan terkemuka dengan kepemilikan negara.) Pada kesempatan lain,
Zhao mengatakan pelanggan yang bersangkutan tentang harga kami, 'Kami adalah negara- menjalankan, kita
tidak memiliki harga meningkat (
huang jia
) di sini, tidak seperti dengan milik swasta
tempat run. "
Perbedaan ini ditargetkan kedua tersangka
pedagang dan tinggi tinggi
pengecer akhir, dan Harbin No. X panitera penjualan sering mengingatkan pelanggan
yang hanya di Harbin No. X bisa mereka menemukan kualitas yang baik
nilai yang baik.
Misalnya, pada satu kesempatan kecil Xiao terkait cerita ke grup, pegawai
dan pelanggan sama, tentang seorang laki-laki yang datang hari lain ke Harbin
No. X untuk membeli mantel anak. Awalnya pria ini telah siap untuk
membeli mantel pada baru, high-end department store, di mana ia ramah dengan
manajer dan jadi bisa mengharapkan diskon murah hati. Sedikit Xiao menjelaskan
bahwa orang ini bahkan telah diputuskan mantel sudah dan siap untuk
membayar lebih dari 300 yuan untuk itu. Tapi ketika ia melihat mantel kami - harga dan
kualitas - ia segera membeli satu. Cerita Xiao tampaknya memiliki
efek yang diinginkan, dan salah satu wanita muda yang dibeli mantel dari kami
ini kontra-strategi tercermin upaya panitera penjualan 'untuk memobilisasi
modal simbolik Harbin Nomor X untuk mengumpulkan kepercayaan pelanggan dan
membedakan Harbin No. X dari pengecer lain yang toko
pelanggan juga dilindungi. Tapi modal simbolik ini menurun - yang
sejarah toko sebagai perusahaan milik negara itu, untuk beberapa pembeli, sebuah-individu
kasi keluar-datedness dan inefisiensi - dan praktek-praktek penjualan yang
demikian lebih efektif dengan beberapa pelanggan (seperti orang tua ) dari yang lain.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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