I am out of con­trol to trem­ble, clenches teeth to retro­cede hur­rie terjemahan - I am out of con­trol to trem­ble, clenches teeth to retro­cede hur­rie Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I am out of con­trol to trem­ble, c

I am out of con­trol to trem­ble, clenches teeth to retro­cede hur­riedly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously fills the next blood bot­tle, Mu Yushu + life cures the tech­nique to fall to­gether , to con­tinue to retro­cede, sin­gle-handed, ties up the beastly lock to start suc­cess­fully, a fine ag­ilisaurus will di­vert in same place, si­mul­ta­ne­ously comes time Black Tor­toise Chi Luo again in same place, de­lays the trav­el­ing speed of an­other two fine ag­ilisauruses, raised the town month sword to throw, fixed fine ag­ilisaurus fly­ing high smash, the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin con­tin­u­ously pen­e­trated Long Shen, the next quar­ter, came an ice pole skill again, the ice cone ran­domly sud­denly, formed to three fine ag­ilisauruses. De­cel­er­a­tion and in­jury.
Re­treats fight­ing, three fine ag­ilisauruses do not give a thought to my var­i­ous ob­struc­tions, fierce fol­low­ing, un­ceas­ing en­ter­tains my this un­ex­pected vis­i­tor by the sharp claws and Long Xilai, but I dash about wildly to the ter­mi­nus of heart of dragon nest, only hopes that there can have an exit, mak­ing me leave this every­where is the rock places, so long as there is a lawn, mak­ing me have the op­por­tu­nity to enter the thick patch of grass tech­nique stealth ef­fect to be saved.
How­ever dis­ap­points me some­what, after dash­ing about wildly for nearly 10 min­utes, every­where is the map of being in­fer­tile, NND, my HP has also stayed in 40% high and low, but close com­bat + long-dis­tance + under the at­tack of small tiger, HP of fine ag­ilisaurus was also rum­bled by me only re­main­ing 10%, by I five rev­o­lu­tions of 107 lev­els of strong strengths, Shan Sha Saint sun­light step BOSS is ac­tu­ally the quite re­laxed mat­ter.
Made into the fine ag­ilisaurus fierce hit of rem­nant blood, I retro­cede with horse, the small tiger yelling, the sharp claws whip on the fore­head of fine ag­ilisaurus, I also a se­ries of com­pa­nies incur + dou­ble hit to out­put, in ad­di­tion dou­ble sword class limit sev­enth com­pany cut, after strongest out­put, an­other two fine ag­ilisauruses have also pro­jected on 23% my HP, turns around to run hur­riedly once more, did not run must kneel here.
Turns around to look that is away from the main hall of heart of dragon nest also only then about hun­dred me­ters, dis­tant looked at the past, per­haps ac­tu­ally there was not a main hall, but was rows of stone columns stands erect around a stone earthen mound, on the stone earthen mound lived com­pletely the weed, as if also the ap­pear­ances of some rare and pre­cious herbal med­i­cines . More­over, on these stone columns reap­peared the totem to carve the ar­ti­cle, magic strengths were dense, formed one greatly to tie, im­me­di­ately one was shaken by my mind, um, here was not the con­ceal trea­sure trove, but was ac­tu­ally more like a seal, these totem. Seal some strength?
„Jie Jie”
Three fine ag­ilisauruses roared are chas­ing down to come, I not slightly hes­i­tant, 32 steps have fired into this slightly fine stone earthen mound, turned around sud­denly, takes ad­van­tage of here con­de­scend­ing map to spell with three fine ag­ilisauruses, may draw back in any case road­less!
But, when I stand firm, three fine ag­ilisauruses ac­tu­ally „hum” was call­ing, the whole body thorn blade edge raised up in abun­dance, vis­its me an­grily, ac­tu­ally as if some­what dreaded, un­ex­pect­edly did not dare on to come, the place that as if I stood had any thing to make them fright­ened.
Saw that this sit­u­a­tion I was happy, fast has been es­tab­lish­ing two black dragon Lian Nu same place, the fine ag­ilisaurus heavy bomb­ing of fixed that rem­nant blood, then raises the town month sword to start the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin, the main hand Longchi sword also same wields, the Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan + great an­tiq­uity long-dis­tance bang kills on rem­nant blood BOSS, after a se­ries of fiercely at­tack­ing, that fine ag­ilisaurus mis­er­able
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I am out of con­trol to trem­ble, clenches teeth to retro­cede hur­riedly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously fills the next blood bot­tle, Mu Yushu + life cures the tech­nique to fall to­gether , to con­tinue to retro­cede, sin­gle-handed, ties up the beastly lock to start suc­cess­fully, a fine ag­ilisaurus will di­vert in same place, si­mul­ta­ne­ously comes time Black Tor­toise Chi Luo again in same place, de­lays the trav­el­ing speed of an­other two fine ag­ilisauruses, raised the town month sword to throw, fixed fine ag­ilisaurus fly­ing high smash, the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin con­tin­u­ously pen­e­trated Long Shen, the next quar­ter, came an ice pole skill again, the ice cone ran­domly sud­denly, formed to three fine ag­ilisauruses. De­cel­er­a­tion and in­jury.Re­treats fight­ing, three fine ag­ilisauruses do not give a thought to my var­i­ous ob­struc­tions, fierce fol­low­ing, un­ceas­ing en­ter­tains my this un­ex­pected vis­i­tor by the sharp claws and Long Xilai, but I dash about wildly to the ter­mi­nus of heart of dragon nest, only hopes that there can have an exit, mak­ing me leave this every­where is the rock places, so long as there is a lawn, mak­ing me have the op­por­tu­nity to enter the thick patch of grass tech­nique stealth ef­fect to be saved.How­ever dis­ap­points me some­what, after dash­ing about wildly for nearly 10 min­utes, every­where is the map of being in­fer­tile, NND, my HP has also stayed in 40% high and low, but close com­bat + long-dis­tance + under the at­tack of small tiger, HP of fine ag­ilisaurus was also rum­bled by me only re­main­ing 10%, by I five rev­o­lu­tions of 107 lev­els of strong strengths, Shan Sha Saint sun­light step BOSS is ac­tu­ally the quite re­laxed mat­ter.„Bang!”Made into the fine ag­ilisaurus fierce hit of rem­nant blood, I retro­cede with horse, the small tiger yelling, the sharp claws whip on the fore­head of fine ag­ilisaurus, I also a se­ries of com­pa­nies incur + dou­ble hit to out­put, in ad­di­tion dou­ble sword class limit sev­enth com­pany cut, after strongest out­put, an­other two fine ag­ilisauruses have also pro­jected on 23% my HP, turns around to run hur­riedly once more, did not run must kneel here.Turns around to look that is away from the main hall of heart of dragon nest also only then about hun­dred me­ters, dis­tant looked at the past, per­haps ac­tu­ally there was not a main hall, but was rows of stone columns stands erect around a stone earthen mound, on the stone earthen mound lived com­pletely the weed, as if also the ap­pear­ances of some rare and pre­cious herbal med­i­cines . More­over, on these stone columns reap­peared the totem to carve the ar­ti­cle, magic strengths were dense, formed one greatly to tie, im­me­di­ately one was shaken by my mind, um, here was not the con­ceal trea­sure trove, but was ac­tu­ally more like a seal, these totem. Seal some strength?„Jie Jie”Three fine ag­ilisauruses roared are chas­ing down to come, I not slightly hes­i­tant, 32 steps have fired into this slightly fine stone earthen mound, turned around sud­denly, takes ad­van­tage of here con­de­scend­ing map to spell with three fine ag­ilisauruses, may draw back in any case road­less!But, when I stand firm, three fine ag­ilisauruses ac­tu­ally „hum” was call­ing, the whole body thorn blade edge raised up in abun­dance, vis­its me an­grily, ac­tu­ally as if some­what dreaded, un­ex­pect­edly did not dare on to come, the place that as if I stood had any thing to make them fright­ened.Saw that this sit­u­a­tion I was happy, fast has been es­tab­lish­ing two black dragon Lian Nu same place, the fine ag­ilisaurus heavy bomb­ing of fixed that rem­nant blood, then raises the town month sword to start the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin, the main hand Longchi sword also same wields, the Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan + great an­tiq­uity long-dis­tance bang kills on rem­nant blood BOSS, after a se­ries of fiercely at­tack­ing, that fine ag­ilisaurus mis­er­able
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya keluar dari kontrol gemetar, mengepalkan gigi untuk retrocede buru-buru, secara bersamaan mengisi botol darah berikutnya, Mu Yushu + kehidupan menyembuhkan teknik jatuh bersama-sama, untuk terus retrocede, satu tangan, mengikat kunci jijik untuk memulai berhasil, a agilisaurus baik akan mengalihkan di tempat yang sama, secara bersamaan datang waktu Hitam Kura-kura Chi Luo lagi di tempat yang sama, penundaan kecepatan perjalanan dari dua agilisauruses baik, mengangkat bulan pedang kota untuk melempar, tetap agilisaurus baik terbang menghancurkan tinggi, pisau tajam spasial spin terus merambah panjang Shen, kuartal berikutnya, datang keterampilan es kutub lagi, kerucut es secara acak tiba-tiba, dibentuk untuk tiga agilisauruses baik. Perlambatan dan cedera.
Retreats berjuang, tiga agilisauruses baik tidak memberikan pemikiran untuk berbagai penghalang saya, berikut sengit, tak henti-hentinya menghibur saya pengunjung yang tak terduga ini dengan cakar yang tajam dan panjang Xilai, tapi aku lari tentang liar ke ujung hati sarang naga , hanya berharap bahwa ada dapat memiliki keluar, membuat saya meninggalkan ini di mana-mana adalah tempat rock, asalkan ada rumput, membuat saya memiliki kesempatan untuk masuk patch tebal efek siluman teknik rumput untuk diselamatkan.
Namun mengecewakan saya agak, setelah gagah sekitar liar selama hampir 10 menit, di mana-mana adalah peta yang subur, NND, HP saya juga tinggal di 40% tinggi dan rendah, tetapi pertempuran jarak dekat + jarak jauh + di bawah serangan harimau kecil, HP dari agilisaurus baik juga bergemuruh oleh saya hanya tersisa 10%, oleh I lima putaran dari 107 tingkat kekuatan yang kuat, Shan Sha Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS sebenarnya masalah cukup santai.
Terbuat ke agilisaurus baik hit sengit darah sisa , saya retrocede dengan kuda, harimau kecil berteriak-teriak, cakar tajam cambuk di dahi agilisaurus baik, saya juga serangkaian perusahaan dikenakan + hit ganda untuk output, selain pedang ganda batas perusahaan kelas tujuh potong, output setelah terkuat, yang lain dua agilisauruses baik juga diproyeksikan pada 23% HP saya, berbalik untuk menjalankan buru-buru sekali lagi, tidak lari harus berlutut di sini.
ternyata di sekitar untuk melihat yang jauh dari ruang utama jantung naga sarang juga hanya kemudian sekitar seratus meter, jauh menatap masa lalu, mungkin sebenarnya tidak ada ruang utama, tapi deretan kolom batu berdiri tegak di sekitar batu gundukan tanah, di batu gundukan tanah hidup sepenuhnya gulma, seolah-olah juga penampilan dari beberapa herbal langka dan berharga obat-obatan. Selain itu, pada kolom batu ini muncul kembali totem untuk mengukir artikel, kekuatan sihir yang padat, membentuk satu sangat mengikat, segera satu terguncang oleh pikiran saya, um, di sini adalah tidak menyembunyikan harta karun, tapi benar-benar lebih seperti segel , totem ini. Seal beberapa kekuatan?
"Jie Jie"
Tiga agilisauruses baik menderu yang memburu datang, saya tidak sedikit ragu-ragu, 32 langkah telah ditembakkan ke batu gundukan tanah ini sedikit saja, berbalik tiba-tiba, mengambil keuntungan dari peta di sini merendahkan mengeja dengan tiga baik-baik saja agilisauruses, mungkin menarik kembali dalam hal apapun roadless!
Tapi, ketika saya berdiri teguh, tiga agilisauruses baik benar-benar "hum" menelepon, tepi pisau tubuh duri seluruh dibangkitkan dalam kelimpahan, mengunjungi saya marah, benar-benar seperti jika agak takut, tiba-tiba melakukan tidak berani untuk datang, tempat yang seolah-olah aku berdiri harus sesuatu untuk membuat mereka ketakutan.
Melihat situasi ini saya senang, cepat telah mendirikan dua naga hitam Lian Nu tempat yang sama, agilisaurus baik pemboman berat sisa tetap yang darah, maka menimbulkan pedang kota bulan untuk memulai pisau pisau berputar spasial tajam, sisi pedang Longchi utama juga sama wields, Big Dipper rusak Yue Zhan + besar kuno jarak jauh Bang membunuh pada BOSS darah sisa, setelah serangkaian keras menyerang, yang baik-baik saja agilisaurus sengsara
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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