Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
I Coal-Fired Steam Power Plant Project 'Quantity and Price Schedule shall be in conformance and fixed without anyadjustment. If there are any discrepancies between the BOQ and the Price Schedule,the Price Schedule will take precedence.The Unit Prices shall be deemed to include all costs of the Sub-Contractor’sequipment, temporary and/or permanent materials, consumable materials, all therelevant tests, documentation and survey works required for the completion of theWorks, insurance (during inland and marine transportation), taxes, duties,transportation, profit, liabilities. The Unit Prices shall further include all incidental andcontingent work which although not specifically mentioned in this Sub-ContractAgreement, are necessary for the completion and remedying of defects of such worksin sound and workmanlike manner.13. PERFORMANCE SECURITY (as applicable)The Sub-Contractor shall furnish at his own cost Performance Security to theContractor before the advance payment to be paid in the amount equal to ten (10)percent of the Sub-Contract Price (including VAT 10%). The Performance Securityshall insure the due and proper performance of this Sub-Contract and the payment ofany obligation, damages, liquidated damages, expense for which the Sub-Contractormay become liable to the Contractor.The Performance Security shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee for performanceacceptable to the Contractor. The Performance Security shall be payable inSub-Contract currency. The Performance Security shall remain valid and in full effectfor a period of 1 months starting from the Completion of the Sub-Contract.Should significant increases in the Final Contract Price take place during theSub-Contract, the amount of the Performance Security shall be adjusted accordingly.The validity of the Performance Security shall be automatically extended under thesame conditions for any and all modifications, alterations, variations and extensions oftime of the Sub-Contract as they may occur during and in accordance with theSub-Contract and without the Contractor having to supply notification of or obtainconsent to such modifications, alterations, variations of extensions of time to theSub-Contract.14. ADVANCE! DOWN PAYMENT SECURITY (as applicable)Prior to the application of advance /down payment, the Sub-Contractor shall provideAdvance /Down Payment Security in the amount equal to 10% of the Sub-ContractPrice (including VAT 1O%).The bank and conditions for down payment security shallbe subject to the Contractor's acceptance.15. PROGRAM TO BE FURNISHEDWithin 7 days after signing, the Sub-Contractor shall submit to the Contractor for hisapproval a work schedule in a bar chart form covering each section of the works.During the Sub-Contract period, the Sub-Contractor shall submit necessary
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